The 2024 D/G Fic Fest Begins!

May 06, 2024 16:46

Hey all, I don't know if ANYBODY is still reading this and isn't on discord, but just in case.... the 2024 D/G Fic Fest is ON!!!

**WHEN:** The fest dates are as follows:

The prompt form is here and open until May 16th, so please submit some prompts:

The dates are:

Submit prompts May 1st-May 16th

Prompt claiming and writing May 17th-July 17th

Submissions due July 23rd

Posting and reading start July 29th

Voting starts August 4th and goes through August 11th, maybe later

Awards/Reveals: TBD, likely mid to end of August

This year, we’re also doing fan art! Please join us, whether as an author, prompt submitter, reviewer, or general supporter. YOU have made this fandom what it is, and together, we can make it even better. 😊

**WHERE:** The #draco-ginny-fic-fest channel on the Draco x Ginny discord will serve as the hub for fest rules and announcements. Stories will be posted on AO3.

So if by chance anybody actually is reading this, just msg me for a discord invite. :)



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