I'll keep the wind from your barrel
and fix the roof of your house...
I just erased pretty much the entirety of this post, due to the fact that I remembered the rules I set for myself. So let me get the boring shit out of the way.
Work shit is afoot, given that I'll be leaving Xbox LIVE shortly. Aiming for Midway (The Suffering team), Bungie (because I'm aiming high, and why the fuck not), and Big Fish (because Scott works there and said he'd try and give me a hand).
Question: Why the hell does Cheap Trick suck so hard, but rock when someone else covers them and injects some irony? I realize that small shot of irony makes me the most abominable of hipster stereotypes, but come on. Can anyone argue that Big Black's version of "He's a Whore" isn't immensely superior to the original?
And yet, the idea of combining Debbie Harry and Cheap Trick is both disturbing and...perversely attractive? I think maybe only
indigoskynet will get that one. Maybe.
If you're to bring back something for us, I have bullets for sale.
I want you to think about something for me. Think something you have done or created that was a work of genius, in the literal and traditional sense. That is to say, an endeavour that seemed to be forced upon you by a spirit of inspiration (say, a djinni). One that was a triumph of your own ability and creativity.
Tell me about it.
That's all for now.