the new york public library has posted a series of short videos called 'treasures'. they are fascinating. i only wish they were longer and showed more. the new york public library is one of my favorite places in the world. so much to see. so much beauty. so much history. it makes me wonder if i will have to get that mlis after all...
after watching the videos about kerouac and katherine hepburn's 'papers' i can't help but wonder how our generation, even more so the generations that come next, will be remembered. it is a shame that the art of writing and recording of the past has been completely anihilated by computers and electronic media. personal, face-to-face communication is less necessary every day. writing a letter? are you kidding? i barely have time to call/text/email friends much less take an HOUR of stillness to write a letter. if i did, would that person even take the time to sit and read it? am i a victim or a co-conspiritor? death of personal relationships for progress. i wonder what our relationships will look like in 100 years.
anyway, enough of the deep thoughts. go check out the vids...good stuff..
NYPL's treasures video series