Stop Waffling Governor

Jun 29, 2012 01:23

  • Romney said he would balance the budget with greater efficiency and tough tcuts. In reality he approved an increase in fees and cut tax loopholes. True he didn’t raise taxes - but he did institute $750 million per year in fees. These fees in reality are a form of taxation. So he fibbed at the very least.
  • President Obama was recently criticized by both Tea Party members and Republicans after the Supreme court ruled what amount to fees (health insurance) are really taxes. He didn’t achieve his goals through greater efficiencies and cuts as he suggests. He didn’t tell the “whole truth”.
  • He said he would bring parties together to cut through gridlock. Sorry Mitt - the legislature overturned 700 of Romney’s 800 vetoes - that means most of the legislative session was spent overcoming Romney’s personal agendas instead of working towards bipartisanship.
  • One of the governor’s greatest single bipartisan accomplishments: healthcare reform. Ironic isn’t it?
  • Romney claims to have the best unemployment rate in the nation while he was governor - but in fact by the time he let it was either on par with or worse than any state in the Union.

romney election 2012

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