Jul 04, 2006 16:56
THESE ARE NOT MY CATS!!!!!!! I just saw this post on the DFWpetplacement list and it sounds urgent so PLEASE HELP if you can!!!!!!!
I posted before about my 3 cats who need a new home, but I could not
find anyone to take them. We are going through foreclosure and are now
staying with relatives with severe cat allergies. These cats are still
in the empty house, all alone with only food, water, and a litter box.
The mortgage company takes possession of the house at the end of the
week, so they must go by then. If no one takes them, they will have to
go to the local kill shelter. If anyone can take even just ONE of
these sweet kitties, please call me. Do not email. We do not have
internet access at home. 469-789-6844.