(no subject)

Dec 20, 2004 13:27

Comment here with your email if you want a link to the album of pictures from Friday night.
(It's a snapfish album, so I can't just post links.)

And believe me, the pictures are worth it.

Brief recap:
+ Winning 5k at the fake roulette table at the holday party
- Having to give it away to leave for dinner
+ Awesome food and crazy serenades in little italy
- Only having wine to drink, and being WASTED
+ The penis light (see pictures)
- Thinking we were going home, when we were really going to a converted speakeasy
+ The tables were in underground caverns
- Jude Law couldn't make it
+ My coworkers buying my $20 LI Iced Teas
- Drinking 3 LI Teas after 5 glasses of wine and 2 beers
+ Antics (see pictures)
- Losing my winter coat, boots, christmas presents, and bag full of Dior makeup
+ Somehow (i don't remember how) making it back to Penn Station
+ Somehow getting on the right train
-Throwing promptly after getting on the train
+ Hitting on the guy next to me, who just watched me throw up (see pictures)
- Crazy old drunk men harassing me, while I'm trying to hit on Matt
- Yelling at everyone on the train, giving out copious amounts of the finger, and having weird guys moon me (see pictures)
- Harassing the family behind me, and making them show me some ID
+ Having a father tell me that compared to me, he's proud of his son
- Not knowing how I got home, and how the hell my car is parked so perfectly, if I did in fact, drive home
- Realizing that my drunk, and all four of my doors have been open all night
- Having to buy a new winter coat
- Wanting to shoot myself in the face the next morning, throwing up 2 more times
+ Logging on to myspace today, and finding a message from the guy on the train that I had been hitting on.

Really, you want to see the pictures.

The one with the tube up her nose is my boss.
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