Fucking cat peed on my bed in the middle of the night

Jul 08, 2011 05:31

Nothing quite invigorates you at 4:15 in the morning (when you only went to sleep at 2:30) like a cat peeing on your bed.

She got trapped in my room. So okay, a little bit of my fault. But I have no idea where she was hiding that I didn't see her. And then instead of meowing to let me know that she was locked in and needed to get out to use her ( Read more... )

random, real life

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Comments 7

robinmarian July 8 2011, 13:37:45 UTC
Wahahahahahahaha you know I love you Kate but I can't stop laughing. <333333


dfriendly July 8 2011, 22:27:55 UTC
I didn't realize it was that funny ;p


(The comment has been removed)

dfriendly July 8 2011, 22:30:59 UTC
Somehow this house does not have white vinegar. We have red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, and balsamic vinegar, but not white.

Instead I tried another recommended method, which was making a 'paste' out of baking soda, dish soap, and hydrogen peroxide. If that doesn't work, I'll try something else, like buying white vinegar or rubbing alcohol.


starry_laa July 8 2011, 20:28:44 UTC
I'm sorry about the cat (but this story made me laugh) <333


dfriendly July 8 2011, 22:33:45 UTC
You, too? Why is this so funny?


hmsharmony July 8 2011, 20:36:29 UTC
Oh, goodness, I'm so sorry! Although I admit I'm laughing a bit as well. XD AS for why she did it, is she a kitten, or should she know better by now? Or maybe she wanted attention?


dfriendly July 8 2011, 22:43:37 UTC
She's the older cat, about 5. We got a kitten recently, which she hasn't been thrilled about. So she's been hiding out in the basement (where my room is) while the kitten's been kept upstairs. So although I get why she was in my room, I don't know why she wasn't just on my bed like she usually she is.

So far, she hasn't really acted out due to the kitten by deliberately peeing on anything (that we've noticed). I think it was pretty much that she was locked in my room without a litterbox, and too inconsiderate to try MEOWING to get herself let out.


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