Hiatus-ish-ness, past and present

Dec 20, 2010 15:28

Oh yeah, so I've been on somewhat of a hiatus for the past 1-2 weeks? Guess I should have said something sooner... lol

I had finals last week, like a lot of people. So I was trying to stay away from the internet, but still failing and that meant some spotty participation - like lurking but not doing much commenting. (And let's face it, I've always been bad at commenting and participating regularly.)

Now I'm home with the parentals and my visiting sister. (I turned on the laptop for first time since Thursday morning.) I'll be going back to college on the 31st in time for New Year's Eve and might have plans that weekend before classes start on the 3rd.

So I'll be around, but not necessarily fully around. And I'll be trying to write and post the fic I was tricked into by promised threemeows by Christmas... or at least the 12th day of Christmas? lol

Oh, and once classes do start on the 3rd, this quarter I'll be taking 18 credites (the usual here is 15), so URRGH. Yay for classes that are only offered one quarter a year. No idea how much busier this will make me once the quarter kicks into full gear :/

announcement, real life

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