[First let me say that I wrote most of this last night and then realized that BFI was the next day, so figured I’d wait in case there were more spoilers about it. Which there kind of were, but nothing that was much different from what we’d been getting wind of before then.]
So, I’ve been thinking about something recently: Morgana and Gwen’s relationship. Or more specifically,
the rumored (is it yet confirmed?) scene of Morgana slapping Gwen and the general deterioration of their relationship.
Now, I love Gwen and Morgana as best friends in fanon. But I think that their relationship in canon has never been quite as ideal as some of us (including me) wish it to be. I’m going to quote myself here (from my 2x11 reaction post) so I don’t have to rewrite it:
“I’ve always gotten the impression that as much as Morgana might sometimes care for Gwen as her friend (like in 2x04), I think the relationship is kind of one-sided. I feel like Morgana talks about her problems (sans magic) and relationships (1x01: Morgana asks Gwen what Arthur will think of her dress) while Gwen mostly doesn’t share with Morgana. I think it’s just in their natures (ETA: and also partially to do with their class difference. It might be less of a difference than usual, but it’s still there.) Gwen always thinks about other people, notices how they are, asks how they are (ETA: while she doesn’t bother people with her own problems. We don’t know of, nor can I imagine, her talking to Morgana about her crushes on Merlin and Lancelot - which unlike with Arthur there would be no reason for it to be kept secret. And when her father is in jeopardy, she doesn’t want to trouble Morgana with it.) While Morgana is more egocentric. (That sounds kind of harsh when I say it, but… it’s kind of true. ETA: I mean it in the way of “she thinks of herself before others” not “she’s selfish”.) And I think she will only become more egocentric as time goes on, with all the secrets & her going Dark Side. Morgana might notice something is off with Gwen, and she might ask her about it when it suits her (like conversation in 2x04), but she’s just not as perceptive with others and not involved in Gwen's life the way that Gwen is involved with Morgana's.”
I always figured that as Morgana joined the other side, she would become less friendly towards Gwen because Gwen is a) loyal to Arthur and Camelot and b) representative of Morgana’s old life as Uther’s obedient (well, more so) ward. And as Morgana became more wrapped up in magic and plots against Uther, Gwen would notice her pulling away from her and becoming more distant. Eventually (and ideally), I think Morgana’s breaking away would break Gwen’s heart and Morgana would be hurt that Gwen stayed on Arthur’s side.
Now as far as the slap goes… I’ve been thinking about it and have come to the conclusion that, dare I say, I’m happy that this might happen? That is, if they do it right. (Oh, please do it right!) Am I happy that their relationship will come to this? No. However, I can’t say I didn’t expect something like this to happen in the show, especially when it became clear that Morgana would be made out to be “evil”. What I am happy about is that the story might actually acknowledge the dissolving of a relationship for once. After the unexplained dissolving of Gwen/Merlin and Arthur/Morgana - from which I have been made to make my own theories about (simply put, as people grow up and crushes aren’t returned, those crushes fade) - I think it would be nice if the writers acknowledge a change in relationship instead of the frustrating “Poof! We changed our minds without giving an explanation.” Not only that, but it would give the girls some more screen time and story (besides Gwen being a love interest and Morgana being “evil”). This is of course, under the optimism that there’s a bit more to it than just a slap, such as showing how Gwen is upset with how Morgana has changed since coming back and how Morgana is a bit guilty about doing that. Or just something.
On a brighter note, I choose to imagine Katie and Angel having giggle fits while filming the slap. After the whole “who would win in a fight?”&*hugs* interview, I think they’d try to liven it up with a “my character’s tougher than yours” competition. Angel would be saying “slap me harder!” and Katie would do it and then go “Oh no, was that too hard?” Thus, hugs and giggles. Maybe that was the scene on the blooper reel?