(no subject)

Jun 29, 2007 20:26

Puck is really not much in the mood for the bar proper tonight-- as, in fact, he has not been for several nights running. Therefore, he begins his shift in the nightclub earlier than usual, and plans to stay late.

He does rather like it up here. Probably the ceiling, with its tiny, glittering points of light like so many stars, has something to do with that-- though if he has to be honest, and he will condescend to be at least this once, the entire room is rather cozy: tables and booths tucked along the curving walls, plenty of shadowy corners, candles ensconced all about the place ... even the bar and lounge area are a little more, well, intimate than they are in the main bar.

Of course, there's the stage and the dance floor. Puck always does hope to catch someone making a complete fool of themselves.

It pleases him best when things fall out preposterously, you know.

[OOC: Puck may be tagged behind the bar or just wandering around, whatever you prefer. Also, feel free to begin your own subthreads with other people. *is allll about the anarchy, man*]
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