"Oh my God, this is the weirdest display of post-coital affection ever."

Jun 08, 2007 20:54

Mix three hyperactive, sexually-excitable demigods (demigodlike things) together and you have a recipe for crack.

Mix three hyperactive, sexually-excitable demigods (demigodlike things) and a packet of colored Sharpies together, and you not only have crack, you have enough crack to keep every single drug squad in the entire world busy for a day.

The Sex Brigade (Rain Hannele Pendergast-Satan, Otonashi Riemann, and Kydoimos Hades, the aforementioned demigodlike things) have dressed for the occasion in white lingerie (and nothing else) and found themselves an empty, white room. The Sharpies are getting a workout-- there's ink streaked on all of them, skin, clothes and walls, and the three of them are still going at it busily.

The door's open, of course-- because what's a project like this but a party? (Plus, if they left it closed, the Sharpie fumes could eventually overpower them.) The only catch to this is, if anyone steps over the threshhold, they're in the Sex Brigade's territory. This not only means that they'll automatically be demigodmodded/demonmodded into white lingerie (or other revealing underclothing) themselves, but they're free reign to be covered with scribbles.

diomedes b. hades, rain pendergast-satan, kydoimos a. hades, raoul tankersley, jeff, eve constantine, elizabeth sinclair, richard white, otonashi riemann, crackplots

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