Sep 23, 2006 00:46
*look, he's a ridiculously un-angelic-looking angel -- he has an ear piercing and an eyebrow piercing, messy dark hair that's half-dyed bright red, and clothing that's something like formal wear gone vaguely punky* *other specifics -- he's about seventeen with dark brown eyes, a little over six feet tall but carries himself so that he appears a bit shorter, and he's grinning rather energetically, almost bordering on bouncy*
Hey! I'm Justin. Here's hoping my siblings haven't leeched the capability of fun from this place -- let's get this party started!
Typist: ...sigh. Youngest and last of the Sar/Car spawn. Dysfunction is his middle (or possibly last) name. -- and most of his icons are probably vaguely wrong in some way. Bear with me, finding consistent!Joeypictures is an arduous task.
xathanael hades,