(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 19:13

*he's tall if not overly so, about six feet, but he's compact and he's sturdy, and there's the definite feeling that there's power and more muscle than meets the eye lurking behind the bland exterior and slender frame -- he's smartly dressed in a dark red tuxedo (nothing flashy, or, at least, it's as understated as a red tuxedo can possibly be) with a black bow tie, his hair is black and carefully brushed so it nearly shines, and his eyes, which are a clear, intelligent light brown, are rimmed with red makeup, though they're partially obscured by the pair of sunglasses he's eyeing the mansion over*

*he has the sort of face that, while attractive, radiates innocence at one angle and mischief at the other, but at the moment, he's looking nothing so much as as unassuming as he can possibly manage* *oh, and while age is not of amazing consequence with him (check that he's half-god), he's around eighteen*

*surveys the room silently for a moment, hands clasped behind his back -- he's taking in every detail, but his expression is almost distant, like he isn't quite there, or like he may be somewhere, but it's most certainly not here* *and then, so suddenly as to be jarring, he'll break into what appears, for all intents and purposes, to be a totally genuine grin* Ladies and gentlemen, Diomedes Byron Hades. At your service.

Typist: ...Phleggy/Ares spawn. What, are you surprised? He'll likely know most if not all of the Greeks. The Hadeses he'll likely know by name, but not the majority of them by sight.

diomedes b. hades, kydoimos a. hades, joanna, seraphina hades, alitheia hades, suijuris, euphengeia, phlegethon, kaetelynne, dies, steve bransby-smith, introductions, april hades, jordan, joseph, ambrosia, omnia

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