(no subject)

Jul 18, 2006 19:01

A girl enters, quietly and gracefully, not doing anything to draw attention to herself, but somehow manages to do just that anyway.

She is dressed simply, a black tank top and a wrap-around skirt. Nothing flashy (though the skirt has a bright and colorful pattern) yet it somehow only manages to enhance her beauty.

Because she is, indeed, beautiful. Stunningly so. Which is fitting, when one realizes that her mother is, literally, the most beautiful woman in the world. And her father... well... he looks like Carey Elwes.

Her gaze sweeps over the room, not missing a single detail, taking everything in. Her look is serious, but her eyes are laughing, as they often are.

Finally, she speaks. Her voice is quiet, melodious, and soothing.

"Hello. I'm Marigold."

And she says nothing more, until someone approaches.

Typist: Introducing Marigold, the daughter of Buttercup and Westley. She's shy. Until you get to know her.

jacob hook, introductions, marigold

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