Return after a long absence...

May 31, 2008 12:42

It's been a long time. Over six months, in fact, since William Prewett was last here. In those few months, he has aged profoundly. Both his hair and a beard have been "allowed" to grow longer than he usually keeps them. While he has always had an athletic build, his muscles have hardened significantly. His face is thinner, as though he's lost the last of his "baby fat." There's a new scar -- faint, but definitely there -- just to the side of his left eye. If you look carefully, there's a small bruise on the left side of his face as well.

Will's once boyish and jokester nature is more subdued than it was before. He's still Will; his typical goodnaturedness is certainly still there, waiting to be called upon. However, an air of newfound maturity and seriousness surrounds it and for the last several months has served to keep his usual silliness at bay.

He looks conflicted as he lets go of the trunk he had been pulling and drops his duffel bag to the ground with a gentle thud. He glances around the room, feeling a strong sense of deja vu, before murmuring to himself, "Guess I'm home."

Typist: Will's back, and so am I! ^__^ The whole brood of McKinnon-Prewett spawn used to be here before, but were dropped after some typist personal issues. I'm back now, and am picking up with Will where we left off. Basically, he's been off doing intensive Auror training for the last several months and is home for a break now before he begins real work at the Ministry of Magic Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

cassandra malfoy, will prewett, betty stoker, nick malfoy

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