[the wedding we've all been waiting for]

Mar 21, 2008 00:15

It isn't a perfect day, but it is a beautiful one -- the sky is mostly blue and it's warm enough for comfort if one is dressed well. Joash Hawke took it upon himself to make this as good as possible; he's picked some small, grassy hill, dotted with wildflowers, and he's done his best to decorate it well without overdoing it. There are rows of chairs arranged on the flattest part of their location, placed so their occupants can all face in the same direction: toward the arch, made of what looks like intertwined vines (yes, yes), likewise dotted with carefully-placed flowers that's been set up in the front. There's a miniature bouquet of bluebells attached to the back of each chair, as well, because he's a little single-minded. Beyond that, there isn't much fuss -- there's a small table of refreshments, mostly sampler cups of red wine along with some cheese and crackers, and the grass is clipped down a little between two sections of the chairs to make something suitably like an aisle. A few hundred feet or so away, there's one of those temporary white tents for the groom and the other groom to prepare.

Oh, right. If you weren't aware, this is the day that Joash Hawke and Phlegethon (the angel) get married. The following people will have, a while back, received "save the date" cards and then formal invitations:

Gabriel (Phlegethon's father), Raphael (Phlegethon's other father), Gabriel (who's actually the one to marry the two of them), Raphael, Mephistopheles, Michael, Bael, Joffy Hawke, Ursula Hawke, Miles Hawke, Joffy Next, Anton Hawke-Next, Spike Hawke-Next, Anton Next, Phlegethon Hades, Alitheia Hades, Seraphina Hades, Xathanael Hades, Diomedes Hades, Erebus Hades, Meg Hades, Matthias Hades, Vincenzo Pendergast, Kaetelynne, and Milton. The invitations will also have asked them to bring any friends, significant others, or family they wished along.

Which means that they're not only wanted there, they're expected, really, and for the sake of this post, we'll assume that they arrived and that they brought others with them. At present, Joash and Phlegethon are hiding in that tent, waiting for the right time to walk down the aisle together.

Gabriel (the one commonly known as "angelwhore", to be exact) is standing at the front of the arch, watching the assembled crowd with a faint smile on his face. Once he's seen everyone arrive and calm down enough for him to speak, he'll begin, simply enough. "While I am a messenger of God, I can hardly claim to know His will even a small amount of time, let alone all of it. Still, I believe that I can say with complete certainty that He is willing to bless every marriage made in understanding, happiness, and love, and I can also say with complete certainty that I believe this to be one of them. I'm delighted and honoured to be the one to make it happen and I believe it isn't presumptuous at all to say that I may also convey His blessings, as well as all of yours, onto this marriage."

He doesn't want to bother with the standard speech or to say much more than what he feels necessary; therefore, this is the cue for the two grooms to come down the aisle for their vows.

It's quiet as said grooms emerge, one in a black tuxedo and the other in white (you can guess which is which with accuracy, we're sure), because they couldn't have possibly decided on music fitting enough to properly encompass this moment. Even now, though, they can't entirely bow to formality, and their hands are clasped as they arrange themselves side by side and turn to start making their way down the aisle.

It doesn't take too long before they reach that arch; Joash's smile will probably be just barely shaky and nervous as he directs it at Gabriel, but it's genuine. He turns back to Phlegethon, then, reaching to hold the angel's other hand too, and his smile fades only because he needs to focus on just -- taking a deep breath before he opens his mouth to speak.

"I don't," he starts a little shakily, and then he has to try again, shaking his head to clear it. "I tried for a long time to think of what to say and nothing really worked. I'm not eloquent enough for this. So I'm just going to -- try to tell you what you mean to me and maybe it'll be enough.

"Phlegethon -- " He has to take a deep breath now. "You were probably the first person I really wanted to be with after -- everything that happened. And I don't know, maybe there's a higher power watching over me, because I can't imagine finding anyone better for me. You've been there through everything -- you've always given me everything I could have ever needed or wanted."

Here, have a brief, crooked smile, one that's still a bit uncertain but also genuinely loving to the point of ridiculousness. "As far as I'm concerned, you're perfect. I know I'll never get tired of being around you. I think we've proven that we get along. And -- GSD. I don't know. I want to pick out china patterns and decorate nurseries and fight over salad ingredients with you. I want to do everything from now on with you, because -- because -- " For a second, he's on the verge of tears, and there's another moment for his just breathing. "Because anything I do without you just isn't quite good enough.

"I love you, Phlegethon, more than anything else. I just want to be with you forever; I hope that's good enough."

There's a brief silence after he finishes, in which Phlegethon is obviously trying to swallow back some sign of just how strong the emotion is right now, blinking briefly just to force back tears -- he has to stay mostly in control of said emotion for a minute now, at least, and after a moment he starts to speak, quietly but clearly, obviously meaning it.

"I don't know if I can even say -- that much, but you should know -- I've told you all that you need to hear before and I'll keep telling you for as long as we're together -- and I know how long that'll be. I never imagined that -- being in love could feel quite like this, and I know it wouldn't be this way with anyone else. It's just -- " He pauses for a moment to squeeze both of Joash's hands, lightly but firmly. "It's just because it's you.

"It's been -- amazing, all of it. Everything you've given me, and I have no reason to believe it'll stop anytime soon. Everything there is to experience with falling in love -- all that I've done so far has been only with you, and I know you're the only one I'll want all of the rest with. Nothing could ever be as incredible as being with you and I don't intend to try to test the claim anytime soon."

He pauses for another moment, to take a deep, slightly shaky breath, then manages a smile that's only faint by virtue of his using up most of his focus to stop himself from crying just yet. "I love you too. I can't imagine ever stopping. And that's -- more than enough for me. It's all I need."

Despite his best efforts, there are almost definitely tears in Joash's eyes right now, because while he's wanted this for a long time, there were a couple of years during which he wasn't so sure he would ever get it.

"Good," is all he can say, voice still unsteady. "That's -- that's perfect."

It's entirely possible that by now, Gabriel has tears in his eyes as well (Phlegethon, for his own part, can't fight them anymore). "Let's not waste any more time, then," he manages, beaming at both of them. "I now pronounce you -- well, married. And -- " He gestures vaguely, stepping back a little with a smile. "You know what to do."

Joash grins, helplessly, at Gabriel for a moment, obviously grateful -- and then he'll just be reaching to tip up Phlegethon's chin a little with one hand so that he can kiss him. It's gentle, really, and mostly just pressing his lips to his because he figures he can save the rest for when they're alone, but even in that he manages to convey just how much he loves him and how happy he is right now. Without quite pulling away, he pulls the ring he has out of his pocket in order to slide it onto Phlegethon's ring finger even as Phlegethon is doing the same with his own ring.

The rest should be self-explanatory enough. Joash will glance up with another grin and gesture at the crowd with the hand that isn't holding Phlegethon's again. "I guess now we can have a party."

Whatever wing of the mansion that's nearest has been reserved for this purpose -- there are long tables of refreshments and Joash has emptied out a good portion of last year's savings into hiring a string quartet to play for them. Everyone invited is more than welcome to dance, listen, eat, and converse. For their part, Joash and Phlegethon will be alternately taking advantage of that music to dance and conversing quietly in a corner where they're easily accessible for said conversation.

bael, joash hawke, wedding, joffy hawke, rhadamanthos hades, phlegethon

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