[double the intro, double the fun]

Aug 26, 2007 20:36

The carriage that rattles to a stop outside the mansion late at night is of a very old-fashioned kind, and is being drawn by a pair of matched black horses. The coachman reins them in before hopping off the carriage and disappearing into the night, presumably to find a stable to put his horses in.

The first of the carriage's two inhabitants to step out is a young man, not very far beyond being called a boy, with light brown hair that has just a tinge of red to it. His clothes, like the carriage, suggest a bygone age that seems almost ridiculously ancient here. He looks up at the mansion curiously before turning to help out of the carriagea girl slightly younger than he. Her clothes are equally old fashioned, her hair of a similar shade, her features like to his and arranged, at present, in a frown. "This does not look right," she says after a moment.
"No," the young man agrees. "But it may be an inn of some sort; shall we go up and see?"
The girl nods, and they walk up the front steps to the door, upon which the boy knocks tentatively. "Hello?"

Typist(s): Henry Lawrence Strange, 17 years old, and his sister Louisa Caroline, 15, are the children of Jonathan and Arabella Strange. And as far as they're concerned, they've grown up in 19th century England. They are actually played by two different people -- this is Henry's account, while Louisa's is keeptothelight. Hope we're doing this right~~!

louisa strange, samuel crowley, henry strange, giulietta, introductions, chester snape, jonathan sinclair, celebanthir haldirion, aria lecter

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