(no subject)

Jul 10, 2007 19:56

Perhaps the most immediately noticeable thing is how tall he is -- at least six foot three, and thin (a little too thin for comfort, to most eyes) with angular features to match; it might be less striking (by a little, anyway) if not for the almost unnaturally bright red hair he's shaking out of his face; it's managing to look slightly unkempt despite the gel that's combed into it. While he's putting some amount of effort into looking as nonchalant and apathetic as possible, he's clearly not stupid -- his dark grey eyes are sharp and clear, and he's glancing around the room the moment he saunters in, taking in as much information as he can. If one is paying attention, that slight, unmistakable aura of what can only be called "trouble" might be detectable around him, though he's toning it down for the purposes of investigating this new place in which he's found himself.

He's dressed casually, in slightly ragged jeans, a plain white T-shirt that looks as if it's seen better days, and nondescript black sneakers, and he leans himself against the doorframe with as much grace as a boy whose limbs are a little too long for him can muster. Before he says anything, he reaches into his pocket, producing a well-worn pack of bubble gum, unwraps a stick, and pops it into his mouth -- it's such a fluid, practiced motion that it's all too obvious he's more rarely seen without gum in his mouth than with. It's also a gesture calculated to annoy, and he's doing absolutely nothing to hide that.

"Hi." He grins, slow and almost challenging. "I'm probably late."

Typist: TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH. XD The oldest of the Famine/Hasturspawn triplets, Evander, who probably won't seriously hurt you. Probably.

wormwood, portia, apphia, samuel crowley, rain pendergast-satan, trouble, jeff, cellophane, introductions, mabel hades, cooper, konstantin sabouroff, evander, bianca, raphael

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