Mar 01, 2007 12:27
to answer questions about books. Hey, I can do that.
One book that changed your life: I'll say Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson and Sussman. since it helped me decide to major in computer science.
One book you have read more than once: I've read Gravity's Rainbow, by Thomas Pynchon, four or five times now. The Cyberiad, by Stanislaw Lem, is up there too.
One book you would want on a desert island: The collected scores of the Bartok string quartets. I have this in one volume so it's okay!
One book that made you laugh: The Code of the Woosters, by P.G. Wodehouse.
One book that made you cry: A Very Long Engagement, by Sebastien Japrisot, before the movie came out. More recently I think I teared up at The Dream of Scipio, by Iain Pears.
One book you wish had been written: A treatise on musical composition by Alban Berg. A second volune of annotated chess games by Bent Larsen.
One book you wish had never been written: The Fermata, by Nicholson Baker. I loved his earlier books and then this was just embarrassing.
One book you are currently reading: Against the Day, by Thomas Pynchon. Also The Bloody Crown of Conan, by Robert E. Howard.
One book you have been meaning to read: Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides.
Now I am supposed to tag other people but I don't like doing that, so just put up your own if you feel like it.