(no subject)

Oct 15, 2005 22:53

In which there is more there is more cute ickle!Cytty with his younger brother.

* LittleLethe has joined #desperatefans
IckleCytty: *comes tearing down the stairs with a handful of markers*
LittleLethe: *wanders in and...blink* *blinkblink* ...oh dear.
IckleCytty: *the child has markers and there is blank wall space...whee* *totally doesn't notice Lethe and starts drawing*
LittleLethe: ...*is going to figure that at least this isn't hurting anyone, so...goes to pull up a chair nearby and watch the wallart*
IckleCytty: *well...I don't -suppose- the four-year-old equivilant of internal anatomy notes are hurting anyone, no*
LittleLethe: *apparently has a book with him, so will read and watch Cytty* *is talented!*
IckleCytty: *yeah, that would take some talent, given this child* *hops up to go do something else and isn't looking so...very nearly runs into the chair* Oh! *blinkblinkgrrrrrrrin* HI!
LittleLethe: *hey, has babysat -Aornis- before. -that's- an experience.* *especially at this age, really* *laughs* Hi, Cocytus.
IckleCytty: *...I bet* *beaminghappyhyperchild,hi* How're you?
LittleLethe: *so amused by this because...has really never known Cocytus under the age of ten* I'm fine. How are you? *really not fine, but...will be even less fine when he's himself again*
IckleCytty: *no kidding* 'm good! Goodgoodgood! *pouts a little* Acheron made me go to bed last night and I didn't want to but! *holds up markers* Look what I found!
LittleLethe: *slight falter* ...Ah. *smiles at the markers, though* I see you're putting them to good use
LittleLethe: .
IckleCytty: Uh huh! *even this hyper he's apparently somewhat observant beyond the scope of most children his age, wow* *cocks his head to the side* ...you sure you're fine?
LittleLethe: *well, he IS a Hades* ...eh. *shrugs* Not looking forward to seeing Acheron.
IckleCytty: Oh. *rubs at his nose a little and closes an eye in thought* He's kinda scary sometimes.
* Ron-WORK has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
LittleLethe: *slight laugh* Not just sometimes. He doesn't like me. *curls up on chair*
IckleCytty: *pouts a little* Sometimes he doesn't like anybody. *climbs up next to Lethe...or...kind of into his lap, I guess, and...er...hugs him*
LittleLethe: *awwwwwww* *smiles because omgadorablenot!bigbrother and hugs back*
IckleCytty: *sits back after a moment and beams* I like you. You dun make me do stuff I dun wanna do and you don't hit me or anything like my big brothers do sometimes.
LittleLethe: *haha, typist is not late, what?* *wibbles inwardly because he is just too cute and he has no idea* Well, of course I wouldn't. You're my big brother even if you're little now. And I wouldn't hit a kid.
IckleCytty: *late? we know not late* *beeeeeeeeeams* Good! *insert thoughtful four year old expression* ...'m I good big brother?
LittleLethe: *slight smile* *this is some serious self-control in not totally melting at his not-really-little brother* Yeah, you are. Much better than the others. *pause* ...don't tell them I said that.
IckleCytty: *wheecute!* I won't! I dun wanna get you in trouble or anything. That'd be bad. Even if you're telling the truth. *gringringrin* *look, he already had an ego at age FOUR*
LittleLethe: *laughs* You remind me a lot of yourself. When...you're older. Only you're not as cute. *grins and hairruffles*
IckleCytty: *wrinkles his nose but is apparently going to be less pouty about hairrufflings from Lethe than from his older brothers* Well, a Hades isn't supposed to be cute when they're big anyway, right? *hops off of Lethe's lap and goes back over to draw on the wall some more*
LittleLethe: *laughs* No, it'd be bad if you were. *slight frown, then goes back to watching drawing*
IckleCytty: *would be curious about the frown if he wasn't focused on the wall and his...er...beautiful creations* What kind of stuff do you like to do? *doodledoodle*
LittleLethe: *looks amused* Mostly I read. It helps me stay out of the way of the family and there's so much to learn about.
IckleCytty: *whee, doodles of...er...I have no idea what that's supposed to be but it isn't a normal four year old drawing* I like books. I'm learning how to read.
LittleLethe: *so amused by this drawing* That's good. There are some things people can't do but reading about it is just like doing it.
IckleCytty: Well, if I don't learn how to read, then I can't learn anything, can I? And nobody wants to read -to- me anymore 'cause they say I'm getting too big. *writes his name on the wall...but the s is backwards* *frowns at it, then scratches out the s and writes it correctly*
LittleLethe: Exactly. *grins at the name-writing* You're learning.
IckleCytty: *looks proud of himself* Reading's easier than writing. *spins around and grins happily*
LittleLethe: *grins at ickle!Cytty because the cute is seriously hurting* So you've been doing all right?
IckleCytty: Mmhmm! I stole some books from the neighbors and I'm trying to read them on my own. *makes a face* It's a little hard 'cause nobody'll really help me if I don't understand a word or something.
LittleLethe: *grins, wincing mentally a little at the kid of books ickle!Cytty would be stealing* I can help if you want.
IckleCytty: Really? *looks hopefully* That'd be nice. I dun even ask anybody anymore. I just try to figure it out on my own.
LittleLethe: *smiles* You can ask me if you need. Sure I'll help.
IckleCytty: Neat! *yayhappy!* *as serious as a four year old can get* I think I like you better than my other brothers and you aren't even born yet.
LittleLethe: *aaaawwww* *smiles* Well, thanks.
IckleCytty: *beams!* You're welcome! *draws on the floor aaaaaand total mental change-over* ...'m bored.
LittleLethe: *grins* Well, I need to go.
IckleCytty: *pouts a little* Okay. Um. I'll see you later, right?
LittleLethe: *nods* Yeah. Take care, alright? *grins and stands up to hairruffle*
IckleCytty: *wrinkles his nose but grins* Okay good. Um. I think I'mma make my typist go do something, too.
LittleLethe: Have fun. *waves and heads out*
* LittleLethe has left #desperatefans
IckleCytty: *watches Lethe go, then runs off as well*
* IckleCytty is now known as Cytty-out

cocytus hades, lethe hades, crackplot!

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