Family reunion?

Oct 06, 2005 16:04

So yeah. Heathre has not life. Hi. And for some reason I felt like this should be logged. So. The first Hades family reunion! ...minus one sibling that no one was too terribly sad to be missing.

* Aornis has joined #desperatefans
* Acheron has joined #desperatefans
* Lethe has joined #desperatefans
* Cocytus has joined #desperatefans
Aornis: *nods a greeting at Acheron and Cocytus*
Aornis: *...and Lethe, though belatedly, and with a rather forced smile*
Acheron: *smiles at beloved younger siblings*
Lethe: *raises an eyebrow and gives a slight, dry grin* Oh, look. My favourite people in the world.
Acheron: *...except for Lethe.*
* Nothing|smexx0rz is now known as Phlegethon
Cocytus: *smiles his usual charming smile at all of them* Well, then. Family reunion?
Phlegethon: *saunters in, yay*
Acheron: What are we missing?
Aornis: So it seems. *waves at Phlegethon*
Acheron: Let's not get into who.
Lethe: *just looks at Phlegethon*
Phlegethon: *raises an eyebrow at the abundance of Hadeses* Hello, all of you. *pauses as he sees Lethe, but is apparently too lazy to make some sort of disparaging remark*
Lethe: *lucky him*
Acheron: Well.
Acheron: It's been a long time since we've all been together in the same room.
Aornis: *totally not considering coincidence-izing a bookshelf or something to fall on Lethe* *really* *no, seriously*
Lethe: And believe me, I'm just as pleased about that as you are.
Cocytus: *grins and resists the urge to comment to Phlegethon because...well...he's already been smacked today* *amused* Indeed.
Aornis: .... *eyes bookshelf longingly*
Phlegethon: You could say that. *crosses his arms and generally looks irritable*
Acheron: *glances at Lethe and sighs*
Lethe: *raises an eyebrow*
Lethe: If dicussion of dastardly plots is forthcoming, I can excuse myself.
Acheron: Even if they involve you?
Lethe: Do you want me listening in, then?
Aornis: Unfortunately, dear brother, there's a shortage of dastardly plots lately.
Cocytus: *leans back against a wall somewhere*
Acheron: We could begin one now. *eyes Lethe lazily, but isn't going to start anything himself*
Lethe: Oh, -tragic-. You must be so disappointed.
Aornis: Only so much you can do with people who reduce themselves to gibbering messes without any help, really.
Acheron: *grins at Aornis* Anyone in particular?
Aornis: Well, no, I meant generally. So it may be a slight exaggeration.
Phlegethon: *scowls* The people here aren't an improvement on the rest of the world, then?
Lethe: *just watches, looking faintly amused*
Acheron: Not the majority.
Acheron: I've met a few interesting types.
Phlegethon: *glances at Acheron, vaguely interested* Care to elaborate?
Acheron: Oh, magicians, wizards, fictional murderers come to life, SpecOps operatives... interesting people to manipulate or kill all around.
Lethe: [Miles: *hi, SpecOps*]
Acheron: [Spike: *hello!*]
Phlegethon: SpecOps. *sighs in irritation*
Cocytus: [Bowden: *sigh*]
Lethe: [Miles: *waves!*]
Aornis: Hm. I've caught a few interesting memories, but not enough to work with so far. If I spot anyone I think you lot would enjoy, I'll be sure to let you know.
Phlegethon: [Joffy: *...boyfriend of the SpecOps officer :D*]
Lethe: [Miles: *yay! :D* *snogs Joffy*]
Acheron: *grins* You do that. And, of course, likewise.
Acheron: Have you been doing anything to St. Just?
Lethe: *so very amused*
Phlegethon: [Joffy: *yaaaaay :D* *snogs back, of course <3*]
Cocytus: *is apparently too busy studying his surroundings to be talkative tonight*
Aornis: *heavy sigh* No. My typist says I'm not allowed.
Phlegethon: *scowls, as per usual, at the mention of typists*
Lethe: *just...leaning against a wall somewhere close by, staying relatively out of sight but there, and...watching in amusion. this is his standard role in family reunions.*
Acheron: *sighs* Typists.
Cocytus: *finally feels like commenting* Irritating lot. Although, mine wouldn't be so bad if she'd just let me have a bit more fun.
Acheron: Wait it out. Mine's a nice girl. Malleable. She thinks my tricks don't work on her. *grin*
Acheron: [...]
Acheron: [I hate my puppet.]
Lethe: [*giggles*]
Lethe: [I love mine! *glomps Lethe*]
Lethe: [Lethe: ...]
Aornis: *eyeroll* They /claim/ they're happy to have a Hades around, but when you actually want to /do/ something . . .
Lethe: *snorts quietly*
Acheron: *laughs* That's why you have to wait.
Phlegethon: I can already see that mine is going to be a problem.
Cocytus: *laughs* Truly.
Acheron: I'm lucky enough that mine lets me do just about anything I want.
Acheron: Providing I ask her nicely and promise her a nice pair of designer pumps with the profits.
Phlegethon: Mine insists on that... -nickname-.
Cocytus: *grins and doesnotsnickeratall*
Aornis: Oh! Bribery. I don't know why I haven't tried that yet. It's an obvious solution, isn't it?
Lethe: *so very amused*
Phlegethon: *-glares- at Cocytus*
Acheron: Sometimes the simple things are overlooked.
Cocytus: *glared at? what? ahem* I'm sure I'll wear my girl down eventually. It's just a matter of pushing limits.
Acheron: *nods* It takes surprisingly little.
Phlegethon: I probably ought to devise a solution other than violence to the problem of my typist, but I can't bring myself to exert the effort when it comes to her.
Aornis: .... unfortunately, it seems mine's not going to be bribed into letting me stay any longer tonight.
Aornis: *SIGH*
Lethe: *dryly* Tragic, dearest sister. Good night, then.
Aornis: *shoots him a dark look, and again eyes the bookshelf*
Acheron: *guesses what she's thinking and approves*
Cocytus: *resists the urge to roll his eyes at Lethe's snark* Goodnight then, love. We'll have to get together again later.
Phlegethon: *irritated look at Lethe, but...* *nods to Aornis* Good night.
Acheron: Disturb her sleep well.
Aornis: *smiles* Of course. Good night.
* Aornis has quit IRC (Quit)
Phlegethon: *sits himself on the arm of a chair* ...So.
Acheron: So?
Cocytus: *back to studying the room, apparently* *will likely have it memorized by the time he leaves and this disturbs the typist*
Acheron: *you mean someone can actually memorize the DF mansion?*
Phlegethon: *looks blankly at Acheron* Is there any purpose to my remaining here?
Acheron: Here?
Acheron: There's something to be gained for everyone.
Cocytus: *if anyone can, Cocytus will likely manage it simply so that he's completely aware of his surroundings*
Acheron: The question remains, little brother: What do you want?
Phlegethon: Certainly not to continue sitting here without accomplishing anything.
Cocytus: *eventually sprawls across a chair, looking somewhat bored...which again disturbs the typist*
Acheron: Then start something up.
Acheron: We could even make it a family effort. *dazzling smile*
Phlegethon: *small smile* That might prove interesting.
Cocytus: *quirks a brow*
Lethe: *looks amused*
Acheron: That brings us again to what we want.
Phlegethon: What -do- we want?
Acheron: General chaos and mayhem isn't enough?
Phlegethon: More specifically, Acheron.
Acheron: Infamy?
Acheron: Power? Money? A good round of bloodshed and torture?
Phlegethon: Bloodshed and torture. *looks almost... wistful*
Lethe: *is robbing a bank with big brother at some point, hi*
Cocytus: *watches the ceiling and listens to the discussion*
Acheron: *well, of course! but that's hardly enough*
Lethe: *well, for him it is*
Acheron: *yes, but that's because he's The Good One, the little oddball.*
Lethe: *white sheep! baaaahhh. :D*
Lethe: *Lethe is sheepish love.*
Cocytus: *typist just imagined Lethe going "baaaahhh" and died*
Lethe: *never actually WOULD, of course. Steve's the only animal - OW.*
Acheron: *typist dies at Heathre*
Phlegethon: If we're speaking specifically, I'd rather like to take part in in bloodshed. Or torture. I'm not particular.
Lethe: *snorts quietly*
Acheron: It could easily be done. *smiles, reminiscent* You always were quite good at that, weren't you.
Cocytus: *smirks slightly, still studying the ceiling*
Acheron: *notices Cocytus' smirk* What?
Phlegethon: I was, to foresake modesty completely.
Phlegethon: *forsake
Phlegethon: [*CAN SPELL* ;___;]
Phlegethon: [*weeps* *and almost forgot the brackets on that XD*]
Acheron: (**)
Acheron: [*LOSES* *and also dies*]
Phlegethon: [*...BROKE]
Acheron: [XD]
Phlegethon: [I faaaaaail.]
Acheron: [*pets Peri*]
Cocytus: *waves a hand slightly* Oh nothing. Simply going back to the fact that we all stick to what we're good at. The bloodshed always rather was something the both of you were rather good at.
Acheron: One has to play to one's strengths.
Lethe: *faint grin*
Cocytus: *grins* Truly.
Phlegethon: I can't argue with that.
Acheron: Of course you can't. Look where it got me.
Cocytus: *still bored, what?* *swings his legs around from the arm of the chair to sit properly, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees* *a fidgetty Hades is a bit frightening*
Phlegethon: *rests his chin in his hand and generally looks Extremely Bored*
Acheron: *is the only one here simply happy to see his family, apparently*
Phlegethon: *might be happy to see them, but isn't gonna show it, no way, no how*
Lethe: *oh, is fairly pleased to see...Acheron and Cocytus, at least.*
Acheron: *WTF really?*
Cocytus: *is apparently just a twitchy rab--okay don't call the Hades any sort of fluffy animal*
Lethe: *well, yes, actually*
Acheron: *...okay, typist was not expecting THAT*
Lethe: *apparently, in some sort of weird twisted way, actually looks up to Acheron as his oldest brother. um, wtf, Lethe.*
Acheron: *well. is totally there for admiration!*
Phlegethon: *...Phleggy's feelings about Acheron? let's go with "respect"*
Acheron: *that's mutual.*
Cocytus: *yes, Acheron is the only person Cocytus would actually ever admit to admiring, methinks* *Acheron gets a lot of respect, it would seem*
Phlegethon: *Achy is special like that.*
Acheron: *Third Most Wanted, first in respect...*
Phlegethon: *he wins at evil :D*
Acheron: *wins at evil like an evil thing*
Acheron: *scares his typist, sometimes*
Acheron: If any of you want to plan anything, I'm easy to find if you know where to look.
Cocytus: *grins* Now that we're all in one place, I suppose we should all be relatively easy to get ahold of.
* Phlegethon has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
Acheron: Oh, I should hope so.
Acheron: And if our whereabouts leak out, well, nothing like a good stakeout.
Cocytus: Indeed.
Lethe: *amusion*
Acheron: Do let me know, won't you?
Acheron: *and, on that note, turns and leaves*
* Acheron has left #desperatefans
Cocytus: *and thus ends the family reunion? well, then* *leans back in his chair still bored, damnit*
Lethe: *raises an eyebrow, then shrugs*
Cocytus: *glances over and flashes Lethe a slight grin* So. How are you, darling?
Lethe: Mmm? Oh, I'm deemed worthy of address. *dry grin* I'm fairly well. well as can be expected with -four- out for my blood now.
Cocytus: Of course. Family is family, whatever differences there may be. *looks amused* That's good to hear, anyway. I suppose, with the four of us around, you'll likely find yourself redefining "well," though.
Lethe: *dryly* Thrilled to hear it. *...actually is fairly happy, but eh. is also Lethe.* True. Very true. I'm looking on the bright side, though. If I survive, my talents at self-preservation will be perfectly honed.
Cocytus: *smirks* Self-preservation. Rather handy, that. If you remain intact with Phleg around, I'll be impressed.
Lethe: *snorts* Honestly? So will I. But I've stayed in one piece this long, who knows? Perhaps I'll surprise everyone.
Cocytus: *smiles, the usual charming smile with an edge of something that might very well be fondness* Perhaps you will. *shoves himself to his feet* Well, it looks as if I'm supposed to be on my way. Take care, darling.
Lethe: *nods* I'd tell you the same, but I've never known you not to. *slight grin*
Cocytus: *laughs* Indeed. Goodnight, baby brother.
* Cocytus has left #desperatefans

acheron, cocytus hades, phlegethon hades, aornis hades, lethe hades

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