(no subject)

Oct 03, 2005 23:55

Kylee and I anti-OTP'd Christopher Wren and Rosencrantz. Here is zee log!

Rosencrantz enters

Christopher: *kitchen!*

Rosencrantz: *is alive -- ! and quite chipper -- ! probably because being alive is really very nice -- ! and goes into the kitchen, whistling and being alive*

Christopher: *looks up and smiles* Hallo!

Rosencrantz: oh -- well, hello, there! *beams beams* how d'you do?

Christopher: Quite well thank you! *offers a hand* Christopher Wren.

Rosencrantz: *misunderstanding* christopher ...? oh, no, i'm not christopher wren, i'm ros -- guil -- *pause* -- well, i suppose ...

Christopher: Oh --! No, my name is Christopher Wren.

Rosencrantz: are you ...? *blinks* well, then, who am i?

Christopher: Er. I'm not sure. You didn't say your name.

Rosencrantz: *seriously* i suppose that is a bit of a problem, isn't it? and not very fair, considering you went to all the trouble of saying yours. wait a moment, i think i've got it ... ... guilde ... rosencrantz ....? *despite not being dead, still seems to be quite mad*

Christopher: *goes with it* Lovely to meet you, Rosencrantz!

Rosencrantz: *brightens up* is that it? well -- ! lovely to meet you, too, sir -- ! *beams and shakes his hand*

Christopher: *beams back* Oh --! *offers peanutbutter cookies ^_^*

Rosencrantz: -- oh -- ! *little squeal of eeee free food and takes one* what's this?

Christopher: Peanutbutter cookies.

Rosencrantz: *nibbles a bit, eyes wide* it's quite good -- ! well, i suppose it's a peanut butter cookie ... but it's also quite good. *beams* thank you.

Christopher: Very welcome! I adore baking. *happysmile*

Rosencrantz: well, it's a very good thing to adore, isn't it? -- i quite like it, too -- you can make so many nice things, and sometimes there are even explosions ... which aren't so nice, i suppose, but ... *pause* i quite like baking, too. ^__^
Christopher: Do you? What's your favourite thing to make?

Rosencrantz: oh, cookies, mostly -- or things like cookies. and puff pastries, and sir prometheus taught me how to make baklava ... and sir epimetheus was going to help me make apples, but that never did quite come up. it would have been very interesting, though, wouldn't it? ... i suppose it's easier just to pick them ... *still paragraphing, yes* *but at least isn't ghost!paragraphing, which would be painful for everyone*

Christopher: I've never really tried making an apple. I can make all sorts of lovely things /out/ of apples. Pastries in general are fun to make. I've not made cupcakes in a while, I should make some. Oh -- and the carrot cake for Collins!

Rosencrantz: well, apples would never explode, i expect -- unless they're from that one lady -- and -- and. wait a moment. you can make things -out- of apples? *... world is rocked, yes*

Christopher: Well -- yes! Pies and tortes and -- lovely things! :)

Rosencrantz: -- oh -- ! i've never even -thought- of that. can you, then -- really? -- can i see?

Christopher: Yes! I could bake you something!

Rosencrantz: *bouncing a bit* and i can help -- ! i quite like helping, i helped horatio make bread once ... and i didn't even set anything on fire! ... well. not anything -big-, anyway. and horatio was very good about it.

Christopher: Oh! *claps* Let's begin then, shall we? Fetch me some apples, please, dear Rosencrantz.

Rosencrantz: :D :D :D all right, then, dear christopher ... ! *scrambles off, and comes back with an armful -- has quite the hoard. is a bit like a squirrel.*

Christopher: Oh my -- ! I really only needed three or four.

Rosencrantz: oh. *crestfallen look* ... sorry ... there are three or four in here, i think?

Christopher: *takes four of the apples and kisses Ros on the cheek to cheer him up a bit*

Rosencrantz: ...! *cheers right up, thank you. and juggles a few apples.* :D

Christopher: That's quite a good trick there. *starts slicing the apples*

Rosencrantz: *is so startled that he drops them* -- oh -- !

Christopher: *stoops to pick them up* No worries!

Rosencrantz: *blushes and stoops to pick them up, too* sorry, i didn't expect -- sorry -

Christopher: Quite alright. *smiles and ruffles Ros's hair*

Rosencrantz: is it? *anxious smile, and* ... you're very nice, aren't you?

Christopher: *blushes a bit* I try. *finishes the apples* Now -- we need... butter. And eggs. ... I'll get the eggs.

Rosencrantz: *helpfully* i'll get the butter, then! ... i mean. wherever it is ...

Christopher: In the icebox, I suspect.

Rosencrantz: -- clever! that's where i'd be, if i were butter. of course, i don't suppose i'd have much of a choice, then, would i? of course it's probably for the best ... *muses as he retrieves the butter from the icebox, no doubt concluding that butter in an icebox is better than no butter at all*

Christopher: Thank you kindly! *gets the eggs and cracks them into a bowl*

Rosencrantz: :D :D told you i was helpful, didn't i? and i haven't even set anything on fire yet.

Christopher: Well we shall keep our fingers crossed then. *adds appropriate amount of butter* We need flour.

Rosencrantz: well, i suppose that -would- help with a fire, wouldn't it -- oh! *searches the cupboard, and stands tip-toe to get a bag, trying very hard not to drop it*

Christopher: Hand it to me, will you? *holds out his hand for it*

Rosencrantz: right, then -- *turns around to him, very quickly, which isn't a particularly smart thing to do on tip-toes, which means we shouldn't be surprised if it results in a mild flour-explosion ~*

Christopher: *misses the flour, resulting in it falling to the floor and exploding... mildly* Egads!

Rosencrantz: *sheepish smile* ... well, there wasn't any -fire- ...

Christopher: ... this is very true. You've got -- *attempts to dust Ros off*

Rosencrantz: *dusted off! blushes blushes* -- oh -- sorry -

Christopher: It's really fine, mostly my fault. Eh heh. *shakes the flour out of his own hair*

Rosencrantz: is it? i'd thought it was mostly mine. i mean -- it can't very well be -both- -- *reaches over and ruffles-dusts christopher's hair, sortof absently* -- can it?

Christopher: *blushing quite a bit himself* We... could share the blame, rather.

Rosencrantz: well, i suppose that could work, couldn't it? *beams* very handy. like a ... a ... what do you call it ...

Christopher: Compromise?

Rosencrantz: yes! and i don't have very many of those, i don't think. well, i do, but -- er -- *blushes, suddenly feeling a bit awkward* -- you're very nice.

Christopher: I think you're very nice too. *kisses his cheek*

Rosencrantz: ... i suppose we'll have to share that, too, then ... *little smile* i think i quite like compromise ... !

Christopher: They are quite nice aren't they? Helps you find a bit of a middle ground.

Rosencrantz: *nods* as opposed to below ground, which isn't very pleasant at all, i should think! or above ground, which is -- preferable, i suppose. but not -too- much above, or you might get a bit dizzy ...

Christopher: If you got too terribly dizzy I'd catch you. *winks*

Rosencrantz: oh? *slightly relieved smile* promise, then? -- and you wouldn't miss? ... i don't suppose i could blame you so much, if you missed, being so far above, but ...

Christopher: I promise. And I don't think I could miss. Not with such a lovely target. -- *blush*

Rosencrantz: *blinksblushes* -- what lovely target --?

Christopher: Ah -- that is -- ... you?

Rosencrantz: but i'm not -- oh! *goofysmile* -- am i?

Christopher: *runs a hand through his hair nervously* I think so.

Rosencrantz: oh -- *considers this a moment, then turns around and suddenly falls backwards*

Christopher: *dashes out and catches him* Careful!

Rosencrantz: *beams up at him, innocent* you're a very good catch! yes, i think i'll probably be all right, then -- comfortable, too ...

Christopher: Comfortable? Well I suppose that's good. I think I could stay like this a bit. *wraps his arms more firmly around Ros's waist*

Rosencrantz: *melts! happy little smile* more than a bit, i think -- you -are- very comfortable. of course, then we'd never get the baking done ... would we?

Christopher: ... this is very true. If you wait here I can finish preparing in less than five minutes. Then we'll put it in the oven and have more time to... fall and catch.

Rosencrantz: :D :D :D i like the sound of that. and i can help -- !

Christopher: You can! *finishes putting what is apparently a torte of some kind together and puts it in the oven* Where were we?

Rosencrantz: *matter-of-fact* right here, i think. except, you were a bit more like this, i think -- *slips his arms around chris, beaming* -- and i was a bit more -- wait a moment - *... forward much, ros?*

Christopher: Well, wait -- *puts his arms around Ros's waist again* I /know/ I was like this.

Rosencrantz: well, that's very pleasant, too, i suppose. i mean. *melting again~* it -is- very pleasant.

Christopher: I rather do as well. Now -- if we do this... *pulls him a bit closer*

Rosencrantz: *blushesbeams* -- that's even better -- ! do you think -- *starts to ask, then shuts up*

Christopher: Do I think what?

Rosencrantz: well, i don't suppose it would be very useful for being -caught-. i mean, i don't think i'd be able to land the right way, and if i did, it'd be very tricky, and one doesn't think so much about these things when falling, anyway, do they -- but. *leans up and kisses the corner of chris's mouth, very quickly*

Christopher: *blinks, a bit surprised* Well I suppose if one planned quite carefully -- not that one could plan while falling, truly -- but suppose -- if you planned, you could fall... a bit... like this. *kisses Ros quickly on the lips*

Rosencrantz: *blushesbeams* ... that's very pleasant, too, isn't it ... !

Christopher: Oh quite! To fall -- as such. *nervous smile*

Rosencrantz: oh yes -- falling isn't usually anywhere near as pleasant. what with the ground, and all. it's much more pleasant falling on you than on ground. less broken bones, i expect, and ...

Christopher: *silences him with another kiss*

Rosencrantz: ... *is silenced. and has no complaints, no.* :D :D

anti-otp, christopher wren, rosencrantz

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