(no subject)

Oct 03, 2005 21:54

Cassie took Tobias and Tom to the zoo to get some new morphs, since neither had very many.

[17:01] * Cassie has joined #desperatefans
[17:01] * X sets mode: +o Cassie

[17:02] [Tobias] *reading, la*

[17:02] [Smaug] *sleeping, and making much of the mansion rumble with his snores*

[17:02] [Tobias] *used to the rumbling by now*

[17:03] [Cassie] *wanders in* *...guilty feelings about interupting him, but is kicked to do so, yey* *blinks at the rumbling* Tobias?

[17:03] [Tobias] *looks up* Hey, Cass. *smallsmile*

[17:05] [Cassie] *grins* I was thinking ... have you gotten a new battle morph? 'Cause the zoo should be closed ...

[17:05] * Tom-out is now known as Tom

[17:05] [Cassie] *and Tom should have heard that yesyes*

[17:06] [Tom] *wanders in and holyCRAPthat'sadragon o.O*

[17:06] [Smaug] ZZZ.

[17:07] [Tom] *wanders over to Cassie and Tobias* Hey.

[17:07] [Tobias] Hey Tom. Yeah that sounds great. *glad Cassie isn't mad at him*

[17:08] [Cassie] Hey. *grins ... is very much post-run happy, yep* *...was not mad!* ...You want to come with us, Tom?

[17:08] [Smaug] *is seemingly asleep*

[17:08] [Tom] *grins* Sure.

[17:08] [Tobias] Field trip! *laughs*

[17:09] [Cassie] Right. Shall we, then?

[17:09] [Tobias] Sure!

[17:09] [Cassie] *to #df-zoo!*

[17:09] [Tom] Alright. *gestures for her to lead the way*

[17:09] [Cassie] *oh, look! A zoo!*

[17:10] [Tobias] *at the zoo, yay*
[17:10] [Tobias] Ok, where to first?

[17:11] [Cassie] Aviary, probably.

[17:11] [Tobias] Onward?

[17:11] [Cassie] *...leads the way*

[17:11] [Tobias] *follows!*

[17:11] [Tom] *follows*

[17:12] [Tobias] (now I have the song from Peter Pan in my head)

[17:12] [Tom] {{?}}

[17:13] [Cassie] Okay. Hawks of some kind ... do you want another redtail, Tobias?

[17:13] [Tobias] (Following the leader, the leader, the leader, the leader. Following the leader wherever he may roam. Deedum! Deedee! Deedeedledumdeday!)
[17:13] [Tobias] (... I'm done)

[17:13] [Tom] {{...Oh, from the Disney. Got it.}}

[17:14] [Tobias] Yeah, it'd be good to get my old morph back.

[17:15] [Cassie] All right ... *oh! Look! A redtail! Shiny!* Tom? Any preferences?

[17:15] [Tom] *looks around and shrugs* I don't really know anything about birds. What would you suggest, you're the animal expert. *grins*

[17:17] [Tobias] *reaches through the bars to pet the redtail gently*

[17:17] [Cassie] Well ... it depends on what you're looking for, really. They're all very different. *thinks*

[17:17] [Tobias] *concentrates and aquires the bird*

[17:18] [Cassie] *to the golden eagle* Here we are.

[17:19] [Tom] *looks for the label* Golden eagle?

[17:19] [Cassie] Yeah. Incredibly powerful bird.

[17:20] [Tobias] *studies the other birds* I got an owl last night. A barn owl.

[17:20] [Tom] *grins* Ok. *carefully reaches through the cage and pets the eagle, and aquires him*

[17:22] [Tobias] *beams* I got a dragon today.

[17:22] [Cassie] Good. Good. Oh! Owl. That would be good. Right. *looks around* Great Horned Owl sound good to you, Tom? ...wait. /Dragon/?

[17:23] [Tobias] Dragon, yes. I think you saw him in the mansion?

[17:23] [Cassie] ...How'd you manage that one?

[17:23] [Tom] *impressed whistle* I'd be afraid I'd get eaten if I got that close to it.

[17:23] [Tobias] He's keeping the morphing cube safe for us.
[17:23] [Tobias] Well see, we asked first.

[17:25] [Cassie] That'll be incredibly useful.

[17:25] [Tobias] Jake aquired him too.

[17:26] [Cassie] That'll be really ... /excellent/ next time we run into Visser Three.

[17:27] [Tom] *winces a little at the mention of the Visser, but nods* I almost want to see his reacting when he's faced with a pair of dragons.

[17:27] [Tobias] Heh.

[17:29] [Tom] *aquires that owl Cassie mentioned*

[20:42] [Cassie] *look! Zoo!*

[20:42] [Tobias] *zoo!*

[20:43] [Cassie] ...You want something smaller than a dragon, Tobias?

[20:43] [Tobias] That would probably be good.

[20:44] [Cassie] Right. Do you have anything in mind?

[20:44] [Tobias] Um... wolf, perhaps?

[20:44] [Cassie] Wolf would be good to have /anyway/. For both of you. Anything else?

[20:45] [Tobias] Um... I don't know. Ideas?

[20:46] [Cassie] *runs through list* Lion, tiger, grizzly bear, lynx? Elephant?

[20:46] [Tobias] ... tiger.

[20:46] [Tom] *grins a little at that*

[20:47] [Tobias] What?

[20:47] [Tom] *shakes head* Nothing.

[20:47] [Tobias] Oh! I hadn't thought -- *blushes*

[20:47] [Cassie] *vaguely amused* [s]Male or female?[/s]

[20:48] [Tobias] [s]... no[/s]

[20:48] [Cassie] ...Soo ... I'm guessing 'no' on the tiger ...
[20:48] [Cassie] ?

[20:49] [Tobias] Er, should I? Maybe I'll go with lion instead.

[20:49] [Tom] *laughs* Go for it, Tobias.

[20:49] [Cassie] Whatever you want. You could even go with both.

[20:49] [Tobias] Sure, the more the merrier.

[20:50] [Cassie] All right. You want anything else, Tom?

[20:50] [Tobias] *murmers something about penguins*

[20:50] [Cassie] ...Penguins, Tobias? What use could we have for a penguin?

[20:50] [Tom] *surprised* Uh....I don't know, what do you think?

[20:51] [Tobias] Just for fun. *goofy grin*

[20:53] [Cassie] ...All right. A... penguin. *mental list* Hm. Well, we're getting you a wolf ... we can get you a bunch of other stuff back at the farm. There's a bunch of stuff that would probably come in handy. *so ... to the penguin enclosure!*

[20:54] [Tobias] *squee, penguin*
[20:54] [Tobias] *only doesn't squee, ahem*

[20:56] [Cassie] *right, look, Tobias, there's your penguin. Happy?*

[20:57] [Tobias] *happily aquires penguin*

[20:58] [Cassie] Oh! Dolphins! We should get dolphin morphs for you two. That's nearby ... okay. Dolphins, wolves, then to the big cats and that should do us.

[20:58] [Tobias] Yes. Ok.

[20:59] [Tom] *grins* Ok.

[20:59] [Cassie] *so ... to the dolphin tank!* *aaaand, calls one up to the water*
[21:00] [Cassie] *...up out of the water, hi*

[21:01] [Tom] *reaches over to pat the dolphin and aquire it* *is having the time of his life over here*

[21:01] [Tobias] *aquires as well*

[21:02] [Cassie] *okay, so ... wolves. Which we're pretending zoos have, yep.*

[21:03] [Tobias] *to the wolves!*

[21:03] [Tom] *follows them to the wolves*

[21:05] [Cassie] *oh, look! Female wolf! There we go!*

[21:05] [Tobias] *gently pets the wolf*

[21:06] [Tom] *scratches her ears and aquires her*

[21:09] [Cassie] *and to the big cats! Tiger and lion, Tobias?*

[21:10] [Tobias] *oh my!*

[21:10] [Cassie] *Lions and tigers and Jakes, oh my?* *...that was SO THE TYPIST, KTHXDIE*

[21:10] [Tobias] (... *dies. ded.*)
[21:12] [Tobias] *smiles and the tigers* A bit bigger than my current cat morph...

[21:14] [Cassie] *raises an eyebrow* What'd you getr?

[21:14] [Tobias] Siamese kitten.

[21:14] [Cassie] Awwwwwwwww.

[21:14] [Tobias] No. Grr. I'm a vicious kitten.

[21:14] [Tom] *laughs and ruffles Tobias's hair* I'm sure you are.

[21:14] [Cassie] ...You really fail at looking vicious, Tobias.

[21:15] [Tobias] ... I do. I really do.

[21:17] [Cassie] *grins* So, go get them.

[21:17] [Tobias] Pardon?

[21:17] [Cassie] *nods at the tigers* *oh, look! Keys! Right! Forgot about that!*

[21:18] [Tobias] Oh. What, catcalls? I'm not good at those.

[21:19] [Cassie] *eyeroll* Just be quick. They're sleeping.

[21:19] [Tobias] *sneaksneakrevolution*
[21:19] [Tobias] *quietly kneels beside one of the tigers and strokes it gently, aquiring*

[21:21] [Tom] *watches* *to Cassie* Is this how you got your morphs before? Sneaking around the zoo after hours? *grin*

[21:22] [Cassie] Pretty much, yeah. The first ones we got back at the farm or ... elsewhere. I think Jake's first was Homer, actually.

[21:24] [Tobias] *happy to have his redtail back, yay :)*

[21:24] [Tom] *laughs* I see. I wonder what it's like, being a dog.

[21:25] [Cassie] Probably a lot like being a dolphin. Incredibly ... happy. Probably a lot simpler than a dolphin, though.

[21:25] [Tobias] Being a kitten is very soothing.

[21:26] [Cassie] I'm rather found of being a horse, myself. *locks the tigers up and ... to the lion!*

[21:27] [Tom] *grins and follows* I've only ever used the two...and a jaguar or cobra is very happy or soothing.
[21:27] [Tom] *isn't
[21:27] [Tom] *or aren't, really
[21:27] [Tom] *typsit fails
[21:27] [Tom] *typist

[21:27] [Tobias] (*snugs*)

[21:27] [Cassie] ...So we'll go back to the farm and get you a horse later. And wait until you try actually flying...

[21:27] [Tobias] Flying is... amazing.

[21:29] [Tom] *grins* I can't wait to try it.

[21:33] [Cassie] ...We could do that now. Or, well, after. *unlocks the lion* *who is, coincidentally, sleeping! yey!*

[21:33] [Tobias] *strokes his mane* Good kitty.
[21:34] [Tobias] *aquires*

[21:38] [Cassie] *sooo ... Tobias comes back out, yes?*

[21:38] [Tobias] *yes, with the exiting and such*

[21:38] [Cassie] *shiny. Lion's locked back up* ...You guys want to fly back to the mansion?

[21:38] [Tobias] *grins* Yeah.

[21:39] [Tom] *grins* Sure.

[21:39] [Tobias] ... I'm not in morphing clothes.

[21:39] [Cassie] ...That would pose a problem, yes.

[21:39] [Cassie] So ... never mind. After we get back and you two change, though?

[21:40] [Tobias] ... I'm actually kinda tired tonight.

[21:40] [Cassie] *shrugs* All right. Another time?

[21:40] [Tobias] Yeah.

[21:40] [Cassie] Cool. *look! A plothole!*

[21:40] [Tobias] I'm... going to head home.

[21:41] [Tom] ...You ok, Tobias?

[21:41] [Tobias] *tired smile* Yeah. Just didn't sleep much last night.

[21:42] [Cassie] *...just ... hi. out of place feeling again. dammit. wtf, cassie.* *innerwince, hi* ...Okay. See you.

[21:42] [Tom] G'night, Tobias.

[21:42] [Tobias] Night Tom. Night Cass. Thanks for taking me tonight.

[21:43] [Cassie] Anytime.

[21:43] [Tobias] *nods and heads off*

[21:43] [Tom] Tell Jake I said Hi. *waves*

[21:44] [Tobias] K. *waves and exuent*
[21:44] * Tobias has left #df-zoo

[21:44] [Cassie] *typistlipabuse, hey, cool* I'll see you around, Tom?

[21:45] [Tom] Yeah. Goodnight, Cassie. *smiles*

[21:45] [Cassie] 'night. *leaves*
[21:45] * Cassie has left #df-zoo

cassie, tom berenson, tobias

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