(no subject)

Sep 26, 2005 18:42

Meta: OMGNEM. You're a cat again!
Nem: Yes!
Meta, Nem, and people: *Talk about Heaven and Hell*
Nem: *Yawn, tired*
Meta: *OMGBIGBROTHERNESS* Go to sleep.
Nem: No.
Meta: Yes.
Nem: No.
Meta: YES!

* Metatron has joined #desperatefans
Metatron: *flamey. flame. yeah. isn't that exciting? oh yes. so exciting. AND BY "EXCITING," we mean "NOT."*
Metatron: *blinks at Nemkitty* ...again?
Nemkitty: *...I made Easter mad.*
Metatron: Oh dear. *sighs* Do you want me to change you back...?
Nemkitty: Do you want to change me back?
Metatron: Er... is there some reason I oughtn't? *blink*
Nemkitty: *Ummmm....I don't know?*
Metatron: Well, I can't give a piggyback ride to a cat.
Nemkitty: *No, you can't...this gives me a lot to think about*
Metatron: So? Do you want me to or not?
Nemkitty: *It's still up to you*
Metatron: *sighs* In a bit, then. *flops onto a couch*
Esther:*pulls up a chair and sits down as well* *points to Meta* ...That man is on fire. Who is he?
Metatron: What -- *blinks*
Nemkitty: *Jumps up and such and meows*
Metatron: *is on fire, yes, and is looking around frantically to try and figure out who's talking about him*
Nerdanel:*looks at Meta* I am not sure...he is around a lot, and is not human, at least, I believe.
Esther:...Well, he wouldn't look quite so calm being on fire if he were human, I think.
Nerdanel:... *typist missed the on fire part* True.
Metatron: *...blinks at Esther and Ner*
Nerdanel:...he's done if before.
Esther:...Been on fire? That can't be much fun. *waves Meta to come over*
Nerdanel:Whenever he shows up, he is accompanied by flame. I think it is a natural thing. *shrug*
Metatron: *picks up Nemkitty, stands up, and approaches Esther and Ner* ...Er. Yes?
Metatron: [OF -- OF... of patheticness.]
Nemkitty: *Eeek, picked up. Neat.*
Esther:Hello. I'm Admiral Esther McQueen. I was just a little curious about who you are...?
Metatron: Oh, er... it's nice to meet you, then. *holds out a hand to shake* I'm the Metatron. The Voice of God.
Nerdanel:Voice of God? *tilts head* Which one?
Esther:...I see. Interesting. *shakes hand* What does He have to say?
Metatron: ...just... God. There's only one. *pauses and shrugs* It depends. I'm... er, something like a spokesperson.
Nemkitty: *Meows*
Esther:Ah. That seems a surprisingly... impersonal way of going about it. I was just discussing religion with Lady Nerdanel and her husband.
Nerdanel:*smiles up at Fea* Thank you, love. *helps by pouring tea when he sets the tray down*
Feanaro:*ok, doesn't pouts the tea then as Ner's already doing it* *looks at Meta interestedy instead*
Esther:*takes tea and nods greatfully*
Metatron: *scratches behind Nemkitty's ears absently* It's, er... I'm not usually called upon to do that duty, honestly. Most of my time is taken with paperwork.
Nerdanel:Would you like some, Lord Metatron...?
Metatron: Oh. *smiles at Ner* Yes, please.
Nemkitty: *Ooooh, purrage*
Esther:..Heaven is a beaurocracy? *makes a face*
Nerdanel:*pours tea for him and Fea and finally herself*
Metatron: A lot of people want to talk to Him. *shrugs* It's easier for Him if I sort through things first. *takes the tea* Thank you.
Esther:I guess that makes sense. I'd just assumed supreme beings wouldn't have to deal with something as annoying as paperwork.
Esther:*sips tea, which is ironically what the typist is doing as well*
Feanaro:*hopes everyone likes green tea with lemongrass, as that was the only tea that was left in the kitchen*
Nerdanel:I suppose not. *gets amused by the thought of Eru doing paperwork*
Metatron: *sips tea, which isn't what the typist is doing, unfortunately* It gives Him more time to play the Game with Lucifer properly.
Feanaro:*raises an eyebrow* Game?
Esther:....What game is this? *noticably leaves out magical capitalization*
Metatron: *omg, but the magical capitalization is so much -fun-...!* The war. Heaven against Hell. *sighs and tries not to look too annoyed about it*
Nemkitty: *Meows at Meta*
Metatron: *glances at Nem out of the corner of his eye* ...hm?
Feanaro:*slightly disgusted by the thought* War is a game for your god?
Esther:*associates capitalization with Cordy, so it's not* ...ah, wars. I don't see how those are game.. or a Game, for that matter.
Nerdanel:*frowns, looking at Meta over her tea cup*
Esther:*a game
Metatron: I don't understand the war myself. *frowns and is biased. and wrote about this in his letter to Nem!*
Nerdanel:...there is not a point, even, to it?
Esther:...But to what purpose is the war?
Metatron: Heaven against Hell -- to secure souls for Him, and... to ensure that Good wins in the end.
Esther:*frowns* I've learned from more personal experience than I'd like that 'Good' is a subjective designation.
Feanaro:But... if your god is good, then why have a war about it? Can he not simply make it so?
Metatron: Well... no. In giving humans free will, He also allowed them to engage in evil.
Feanaro:Well, all right... but... that is a game?!
Nerdanel:...it seems a very insensitive way to treat one's creations.
Esther:....Yeah, I have to say, that's what gets me. Sometimes you just want to blow the other side to hell in war... but it's never a game, in the end.
Metatron: In that we -- the angels and demons -- are merely pawns, yes.
Metatron: *doesn't look bitter. doesn't look bitter.*
Nemkitty: *Bites Meta* *Oh, shut up*
Nerdanel:...this is a point of contention between you and your God?
Feanaro:*frowns more* That sounds rather... unpleasant.
Metatron: *glares at Nem* Nemesis. Please don't bite me. *turns back to the others* ...It is. Er. *bites his lip*
Esther:...Then why do you put up with it? Surely there's something you could do. If you have paperwork, I see no reason for you not to have coups d'etat as well.
Nemkitty: *Meow*
Metatron: There's nowhere for me to go. I don't think I'd be much use at being a demon.
Nerdanel:Why would you have to become one? Can you not leave his service freely, and just stay...what you are?
Feanaro:... most gods don't take kindly to being rebelled against, Admiral McQueen. Been there, done that.
Esther:...neither do most humans. It's a matter of doing it the right way.
Metatron: It's... either Fall, or... *looks slightly confused with the entire matter*
Feanaro:Aye, but there's only so far mortals can go in revenge. But gods...
Esther:Being the Voice of God is hardly being mortal. Those placed closest to rulers are the ones most able to overcome them.
Metatron: I don't think I could...
Esther:...why not?
Feanaro:*short laugh, just a tiny bit bitter* I was the greatest of my kind once - still am, I suppose - but my rebellion against the gods did not go overly well.
Nerdanel:Is it a matter of wanting to over come, or simply live your life as you see fit?
Feanaro:Not that it was not, technically, succesful... but they got back to me.
Metatron: I'm -- I don't know how to fight anymore. It's been thousands of years since I held a sword, and... *shrugs helplessly*
Esther:...I sympathize with /that/.
Nerdanel:...... *does not comment*
Feanaro:*eh, sorry, Ner. Bad topic.*
Esther:Then tell your god you cannot fight. He isn't going to shoot you for it, is he?
Metatron: That's not it -- Michael has already made sure that I won't have to. It's that the -rest- of them will be and...
Nemkitty: *Metatron and Beezie, sitting in a tree....*
Nerdanel:The rest? The others like you?
Metatron: *...basically*
Metatron: Yes, the rest of the angels and the demons.
Esther:...I'm sure you can explain your view to him...? Or would he not approve of that? *..amused at Nem*
Nerdanel:Why would they care?
Nemkitty: *K-i-s-s-i-n-g......*
Metatron: ... Nemesis. Stop that.
Metatron: The war isn't going to stop just because of me.
Nemkitty: *...Okaaaay.*
Esther:You can certainly try. Perhaps others will even agree with you.
Metatron: I don't -- um, I... er. *flails slightly and loses at coherent speech*
Esther:Is something the matter?
Metatron: It's -- I... can't.
Esther:You can't possibly be the only one on either side who thinks the war is a piece of crap, right?
Nerdanel:Why? Why should you stay in a war that is pointless?
Metatron: *okay, exists.* *patpat Nemkitty*
Metatron: *so, now that he lives... will go flop on a couch with Nemkitty in his lap. or something. yeah.*
Nemkitty: *Meow, whee?*
Metatron: *pets Nemkitty* ...it can't be all that pleasant, being a cat.
Nemkitty: *It has ups and downs, really* *Ha, purrage again....yeah*
Metatron: *shrugs* Do you also eat human flesh?
Nemkitty: *........WHAT?*
Metatron: ...Balthazar said that the cats in Hell eat human flesh.
Nemkitty: *But I'm not from Hell.*
Metatron: ...True. Hmm.
Nemkitty: *And I think Human flesh would taste disgusing, anyway*
Metatron: Mrr. *scratches under Nemkitty's chin*
Nemkitty: *Mass purrage here*
Metatron: *sighs*
Nemkitty: *...why are you sighing?*
Metatron: Er. Just... everything.
Nemkitty: *Everything like what everything? Because everything is a very general statement, you know.*
Metatron: Everything like... just everything. All of it. *vague, whee*
Nemkitty: *Don't make me bite you.*
Metatron: I don't know, exactly.
Nemkitty: *...then what's the problem? Because if you don't know then you really don't have anything to sigh or be upset about unless you do know and you're HIDING something.*
Metatron: ...um. *blinks* Just... I'm worried about what's going to happen, that's all. As usual.
Nemkitty: *Ooooh.*
Metatron: Yes. *sighs*
Nemkitty: *Ummmmm.*
Metatron: ...What?
Nemkitty: *I don't know.*
Metatron: Here. *gestures slightly and turns Nem back to normal*
Nemkitty: Oh, hmmmm. I'm normal again. *Curls up in Meta's lap* I think I need a nap or something.
* Nemkitty is now known as Nemesis
Metatron: Yes, you are. *ruffles her hair* Tired?
Nemesis: Kind of. *Grins slightly*
Metatron: Then -- yes. You ought to sleep.
Nemesis: Yeah. But I don't want to. Um.
Metatron: Just because you don't want to doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Nemesis: But it means I won't. So ha.
Metatron: *glares*
Nemesis: Eeeep.
Metatron: Nemesis. If you need sleep, sleep.
Nemesis: Noooooooooooooooooo.
Metatron: Yes.
Nemesis: Nononono.
Metatron: Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Nemesis: Nonono.
Metatron: Yesyesyes.
Nemesis: Nonononoooooooo
Metatron: ...-yes-.
Nemesis: Noooooo.
Metatron: Yes! I mean it!
Nemesis: You're evil.
Metatron: No, I'm not. I'm good.
Nemesis: Fine. But you're mean.
Metatron: I am? *frowns slightly*
Nemesis: No. *But pouts anyway*
Metatron: *...blinks* You're confusing.
Nemesis: Maybe I am.
Metatron: No, you most definitely are.
Nemesis: That's what YOU think.
Metatron: Yes. It is.
Nemesis: Oh, okay.
* Metatron has left #desperatefans

esther mcqueen, nerdanel, feanor, nemesis, metatron

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