(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 17:16


* Rosier has joined #desperatefans
Rosier> *looks in and only sees one person he really recognizes* *wonders where else to look*
* Romy has joined #desperatefans
Romy> *comes in and -stares-* Evan?!
Rosier> *smiles at her* Romy.
Romy> Evan! *throws her arms around him*
Rosier> *embarrassed* *hugs back, looking aorund to make sure it's not noticed*
Romy> Oh, God, you're -back-!
Rosier> I am. Where is Antonin?
Romy> He's... home, I think.
Rosier> Home? With you? *looks hopeful*
Romy> Yeah!
Rosier> he's alive then?
Romy> -Yes-!
Rosier> *hugs her again* Oh good.
Romy> He's a little banged up... He wouldn't say what happened, really.
Romy> But he's alive! *hugs tight*
Rosier> Thank you. I have to see him as soon as possible.
Romy> I can take you to him...?
* Eomer is now known as Dolohov
Dolohov> *enters, cautiously*
Rosier> *has back to door but is talking to Romy*
Romy> *sees Sly behind Ev* Antonin! Look!
Dolohov> ... *hoarsely* Ev?
Rosier> *turns and smiles* Sly...
Romy> *steps back, grinning*
Rosier> *very still* Antonin? Are you okay?
Dolohov> *totally pounces Ev*
Rosier> *hugs very tightly* I told you... I told you.
Dolohov> *cries on his shoulder* You... you came back.
Romy> *sohappyzomg*
Rosier> *just wants to hold forever* I did. For you more than anything.
Dolohov> *kisses him desperately*
Rosier> *holds and kisses back*
Dolohov> *shudders* I... I have to tell you something.
Rosier> *quietly* You do?
Romy> *looks at Antonin nervously*
Dolohov> *whispers in Ev's ear* My face. Recognize the handiwork?
Rosier> *quietly* Antonin... what am I to do with you?
Romy> *looks anxiously at the two of them*
Rosier> *holds Dolohov* Do you want me to do something to her?
Romy> *decides to give them privacy, and slips out*
* Romy is now known as Bellatrix
Bellatrix> *stalks in*
Dolohov> *whispers* I asked her to kill me.
Rosier> Then why aren't you dead, love? *whispers*
Bellatrix> *stops and stares at Ev and Sly*
Rosier> *doesn't see Bella*
Dolohov> *whispers, clinging* She wouldn't do it, the bitch.
Bellatrix> *sweetly* Rodolphus will be happy.
Rosier> *startles and holds Dolohov tighter* Bellatrix.
Dolohov> ... Bella.
Bellatix> Antonin! And Evan. Rodolphus will be happy.
Rosier> I miss him, too. *cautiously*
Dolohov> A happy Roddy is a good thing.
Bellatix> So. She found you.
Bellatix> Good. *smile*
Dolohov> She did.
Bellatix> I bet you were angry. *to Ev* Did he tell you?
Rosier> *coldly* Yes, he did. Have fun, did you?
Bellatix> Of course. I tortured his mind as well as his body.
Bellatix> He asked. *shrugs*
Rosier> Good, since you like doing what we ask... please leave then.
Bellatix> Hmmm... no.
Rosier> *rolls eyes* Sly?
Dolohov> *sighs* What do you want, Bella?
Bellatix> Well... you both are traitors.
Rosier> What of it?
Dolohov> Your point?
Bellatix> It's my duty to kill you.
Dolohov> Go home, Bella.
Bellatix> Make me.
Rosier> You missed your chance.
Dolohov> Come back another day.
Bellatix> Make me leave, Antonin.
Bellatix> You can't, can you?
Rosier> I could make you leave.
Dolohov> *grabs her wrist* Go. Away.
Bellatix> *pulls out her wand with her other hand and points it at them* Expelliarmus. *eyes cold*
Bellatix> *just looks at him* Not a good idea, Dolohov.
Dolohov> *has no wand to expel*
Rosier> *loses his* Hey, you... I just got that back. Sly, maybe we'd best leave.
Bellatix> I wouldn't do that, either, if I were you. *smirk*
Dolohov> We'd better.
Bellatix> *points her wand at Ev* Impedimenta. (1)
Dolohov> *hisses and backhands Bella* You bitch!
Rosier> *falls over?*
Bellatix> *steps away from him* Dolohov... I -will- hurt you. *cold*
Dolohov> You already have, Bella. *lunges for her throat*
Rosier> *picks himself up off the floor*
Bellatix> *jumps to the side, not betraying her panic* Rodolphus will be very displeased if you hurt me. *points her wand at Sly* Crucio!
Dolohov> *screams and hits the ground*
Rosier> *jumps at Bella while she's occupied*
Bellatix> *is too busy laughing to notice, the bitch*
Rosier> *jumps her then*
Bellatix> *shrieks, lifting the curse from Sly without meaning to*
Bellatix> *fights against Ev*
Rosier> You bitch. Leave him alone. *tries to get the wand from her*
Bellatix> *tries to hold it out of his reach* *deadly quiet* Get off me, Evan.
Dolohov> *groans* Accio wand!
Rosier> *punches Bella*
Bellatix> *hisses as she looses her wand, then cries out at Ev hits her* You -bastard-! *elbows him hard in the ribs*
Rosier> *grunts and stumbles back*
Dolohov> *points at Bella with Ev's wand* Sectumsempra!
Bellatix> *screams and starts bleeding profusely from slashes accross her chest*
Dolohov> Go home to Roddy, Bella. Or I'll kill you,
Rosier> *gets to his feet and goes to Dolohov's side*
Bellatix> You won't. *somewhat hunched over from the pain, but still cold*
Rosier> Then I will. Get out of here.
Bellatix> *snarls* Give me back my wand.
Rosier> We don't have your wand.
Dolohov> *bends down to Bella's ear* Your sister's a better lover then you EVER were. So's Roddy.
Bellatix> *gasps and stares at him* *slaps him weakly* You -bastard-!
Dolohov> Go home, Bella.
Bellatix> *hisses* I -hate- you. Both of you.
Rosier> Then it's mutual. *glares at her*
Dolohov> Get out of here. Or I will MAIL you home. In pieces.
Bellatix> *hiss* Give me my -wand-. Do that and I'll go. *bleeding profusely and weakening*
Dolohov> No. I'll owl it to you.
Bellatix> I don't trust you, Dolohov.
Rosier> Get out of here, Bellatrix.
Dolohov> Fine. *snaps her wand against his knee and tosses the pieces at her*
Dolohov> ... Snape.
Snape> Dolohov.
Rosier> *frowns* Snape...
Snape> *glances at Rosier* Yes, I believe that has been established.
Bellatix> *snatches up the pieces and disapparates*
Dolohov> Ev? Have I mentioned lately that the Blacks are either idiots or barking insane?
Rosier> And we're all thrilled. *drily* No, not lately. Even the pretty ones?
Dolohov> Especially the pretty ones.
Snape> *arches an eyebrow*
Rosier> *puts an arm around Dolohov* Did you have something to say, Snape?
Snape> Not particularly.
Rosier> Well, goodnight then. *hopefully*
Snape> Oh, are you leaving?
Dolohov> *leans against Ev*
Rosier> Well, I was hoping you were.
Snape> I would hardly come here simply to leave.
Rosier> Same here.
Dolohov> We could find a quiet corner, Ev.
Rosier> A corner. Yeah. *smiles at D*
Snape> Quite. *sits down in an empty chair*
Dolohov> *clings to Ev*
Rosier> *tugs D to a nice corner and couch*
Dolohov> *is happily tugged* I've missed you.
Rosier> *settles* I hurried as much as I could.
Snape> *shakes his head absently and picks up a book, starting to read*
Dolohov> I know. Oh Merlin, Ev.
Rosier> Tell me what happened?
Dolohov> With what?
Rosier> Everything? Didn't you believe me?
Dolohov> I... I haven't paid much attention to anything.
Dolohov> Though I did snog my ex-girlfriend and her husband before their wedding
Rosier> Both? I meant with you.
Dolohov> Both. I stayed with Romy.
Rosier> I recall asking ehr to look after you.
Dolohov> I spent a lot of time staring.
Rosier> *snuggles D* I'm sorry. It was the only way.
Dolohov> I know. *kisses him softly* I know.
Rosier> *kisses back* I missed you, too. I worried for you.
Dolohov> I think the only reason she didn't kill me was because I wanted her to.
Rosier> Then I'd've had to kill her, and I'm not sure I would have been able to.
Dolohov> Apparently she's touchy about Roddy. *smirks*
Rosier> Poor Roddy.
Dolohov> *sighs* I know.
Rosier> *hugs d again*
Snape> *continues silently reading*
Rosier> I love you, too. *whispers* Wanna go somewhere more private?
Dolohov> Yes.
Dolohov> Oh yes, love.
Rosier> *kisses him like a promise and stands* come on then...
Dolohov> *takes Ev's hand*
Rosier> *leads him out*


* Dolohov has joined #desperatefans
Dolohov> *wanders in*
Mulciber> Sly!
Dolohov> Per!
Mulcciber> *goes and HUGSLIEKWHOA
Dolohov> *clings to Per*
Mulciber> How are you? Are you all right?
Dolohov> Ev's back.
Mulciber> Oh -yes-! That's wonderful! *hugs tighter*
* Rodolphus has joined #desperatefans
Mulciber> Roddy! *waves*
Rodolphus> *strides in and looks around*
Mulciber> *totally hugging D, what?*
Dolohov> *brightens* Roddy!
Rodolphus> *freezes* ... *stares from M to D, back to M, and then D again*
Rodolphus> [[there be some shiz-nat about to go down...]]
Rodolphus> *suddenly walks over to D and punches him*
Mulciber> Shit! *jumps back* Roddy! What the -hell-?
Dolohov> OW! What the hell, Roddy?
Rodolphus> What the hell happened last night?!
Mulciber> *looks back and forth between the two of them*
Rodolphus> You used Sectumsempra on her?! What the HELL?!
Dolohov> I told her to leave, Roddy.
Rodolphus> ...
Rodolphus> ...she didn't tell me that...
Mulciber> What -happened-?
Rodolphus> Yes? What the hell happened, Antonin? All I know,\ is that my wife came home last night and passed out on the floor, bruised and bleeding and crying incoherently about you and Evan!
Dolohov> *rubs his eyes* I came in here last night. Saw Ev.
Mulciber> *just -blinks-. A lot*
Dolohov> *looks at Roddy cooly* Bella showed up. She hexed Ev. I told her to leave us alone. I didn't want to hurt her. Much.
Dolohov> But she wouldn't go.
Mulciber> *mental facepalm*
Rodolphus> But Sectumsempra?! What the hell?! You could have killed her if she hadn't been able to Apparate home in time!
Dolohov> Did she happen to mention she did the same to me about a week ago?
Mulciber> *wtf?!*
Rodolphus> ...no. She told me you wanted her to kill you. And that she hurt you...and...*frowns remembering teh kiss*
Dolohov> Well, yes, I did.
Dolohov> I may have said more then I should have to her last night. But I was angry. And I hadn't seen Ev.
Rodolphus> Couldn't you have stunned her and sent for me? You didn't have to hurt her!
Mulciber> [[ Bella: *ellipses* ]]
Rodolphus> *ignores Junkfood, as he's too busy restrained himself from beating the crap out of D*
Dolohov> She likes pain as much as the rest of us, Roddy.
Rodolphus> *glares at him* But that was uneccessary. That was taking things TOO FAR.
Mulciber> *watching unhappily*
Dolohov> *sighs wearily* Then take it out of my skin, then.
Mulciber> ...Wait... Roddy, what the hell?
Rodolphus> ... *just continues to glare at D*
Mulciber> *looks at him, something finally registering* -Crying-, bleeding, and passing out?
Rodolphus> *turns to M* What? *a little shorter with him than he intended*
Mulciber> Bella -cried-?
Rodolphus> ...
Rodolphus> *bites his lip and nods*
Rodolphus> *knows the cat's already out of the bag*
Mulciber> -Shit-.
Mulciber> What did you -say- to her, Sly?
Dolohov> ... oh gods.
Dolohov> I may have mentioned that her sister was a better lover that she was.
Mulciber> ...How do you know?
Dolohov> Not Cissa, Per.
Mulciber> No... about -Bella-.
Mulciber> *actually hadn't even thought about that*
Dolohov> How do you think, Per?
Mulciber> ... *looks at Roddy*
Rodolphus> *just stares at D for a few moments*
Rodolphus> ...what?
Dolohov> *sighs* Before the two of you were the two of you, Roddy.
Rodolphus> ... *looks deceptively calm* ....oh...really?
Dolohov> ... she never said anything?
Rodolphus> ...no.
Mulciber> *oh shit oh shit oh SHIT*
Dolohov> *stares* Bloody hell.
Mulciber> [[ Bella: *face. palm* ]]
Rodolphus> *closes his eyes and just facepalms*
Ares> [XD Great married couples think alike]
Mulciber> ... -I- never knew, either...
Mulciber> Good -God-...
Rodolphus> *quietly* Whatthef*ck...
Dolohov> Merlin, I thought you /all/ knew.
Mulciber> ...No...
Dolohov> She deflowered me, for the record.
Mulciber> *STARES*
Rodolphus> *suddenly snaps and lunges at D*
Mulciber> Roddy! *pulls out his wand*
Dolohov> *is lunged at* RODDY!
Mulciber> Roddy what the f-
Rodolphus> *punches D again*
Mulciber> *grabs Roddy and tries to pull him off*
Dolohov> *cries out but lets Roddy have it out*
Rodolphus> *struggles against M* Peril! Stop it! Get the hell off me! *swings out at D, not necessarily hitting him*
Mulciber> Roddy what are you -doing-?! *wraps his arms around Roddy's chest* Get -off-!
Dolohov> Roddy, please, I swear to SALAZAR, I thought you knew.
Rodolphus> Well I didn't! I didn't know! She never--
Rodolphus> *something inside just breaks and he stops struggling and swinging* *just slumps into a sitting position on the floor*
Mulciber> *kneels next to him*
Dolohov> *lays on the floor* Roody.
Rodolphus> *facepalms* Mon dieu...
Mulciber> *puts an arm around his shoulder*
Rodolphus> *just sits there, quietly facepalming* She never told me...
Dolohov> I'm sorry.
Mulciber> *softly* Does it really matter, Roddy?
Rodolphus> *swallows* *quietly* I guess not....but...
Mulciber> ...But she didn't tell you.
Rodolphus> *continues to look at the floor* *shakes his head* She didn't tell me... she...we were being so good at being honest with one another....*shys away from M's arm and rests his head in his hands*
Mulciber> *releases him and bites his lip, looking at Sly*
Dolohov> *looks up at Per* And I've f*cked it up for you.
Mulciber> *puts a hand on D's arm lightly, since he can't fix Roddy*
Rodolphus> *quietly* No, Sly....I would've found out eventually... she was a part of it, too...
Dolohov> *clings to M*
Dolohov> If I hadn't been a prat...
Rodolphus> *shakes his head, but says nothing* *can't even really speak at the moment*
Mulciber> ... *bites his lip more and just holds D*
Dolohov> Roddy?
Rodolphus> *slowly looks up at D*
Dolohov> I. *shakes his head*
Rodolphus> *quietly* ....what Sly?
Dolohov> Believe me - I've never - since you two.
Rodolphus> *nods* *still very quiet* I believe you...
Dolohov> You're my brother, Roddy.
Mulciber> *lets go of D and sits back slightly*
Rodolphus> *pauses and leans forward slowly to put his arms around D, a bit stiffly at first*
Dolohov> *clings to Roddy*
Rodolphus> *suddenly clings back and whispers* You've always been a brother to me. But I won't lie. It hurts...
Dolohov> *quietly* I know. I'm sorry.
Rodolphus> I missed you...and Ev...and I just wanted to see you both....and then this all happened...
Mulciber> *watches them and bites on his lip more, because that's his default reaction*
Rodolphus> 'M sorry I hit you, Sly.
Dolohov> I deserved it, Roddy.
Rodolphus> I'm just...when it comes to Bella.... Well, you know me.
Mulciber> *softly* You love her like I love Cissa.
Dolohov> *wryly* All too well.
Rodolphus> *nods* I'm...I think I need to talk to Bella...I need to go...
Dolohov> *hugs Roddy tightly* Tell her... tell her I'm sorry.
Mulciber> *nods slightly* Good luck, then, Roddy...
Rodolphus> *hugs D back* I'm glad you're back... I'm sorry it had to be like this... I wanted to greet you properly instead with fists flying.
Rodolphus> And I'll tell her.
Rodolphus> *turns and hugs M* Thanks, Per.
Dolohov> *smiles wryly* Don't think I won't make you buy me dinner for that.
Mulciber> *hugs back* Love you, Roddy.
Rodolphus> *smiles a little at D and nods*
Rodolphus> Love you, too, Per. *stands* See you boys, later...
Mulciber> *nods, and stands, too, offering D a hand*
Rodolphus> *leaves*
Dolohov> *takes M's hand* Shall we go?
Mulciber> Sure... *pulls him up*
Dolohov> *drags M off somewhere unspecific*
Mulciber> *not to be secksed, mind you!*
Mulciber> *follows*
· Rodolphus has quit IRC (Quit )

(1) I meant ‘Reducto’. . .

romy, evan rosier, rodolphus lestrange, bellatrix lestrange, antonin dolohov, snape, mulciber

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