The Log No One Should Actually Want To Read.

Sep 03, 2005 22:35

Dealing with the death of Acheron Hades, Fëa executing some really, really nasty ideas, and Felix suffering.
Rated GO AWAY for blood and torture and squickiness. But Sam wanted to read it, so there. Although I assure you that you don't want to know.

[Acheron] *tied, somewhat dehydrated, emaciated, and not sleeping well*
[Feanaro] *well, enters then. Has, surprise, donned the blindfold again, just for the dramatic effect or something*
[Acheron] *ooh, yay*
[Acheron] *slight grin* Feeling any better?
[Feanaro] *smirks* I am feeling well. How are you?
[Acheron] I've been better.
[Acheron] *notices his arms* I wish I healed as fast as you do.
[Feanaro] *shrugs* Well, I'm afraid I shall not pity you for your weakness.
[Acheron] No, I suppose not.
[Feanaro] So, how long would it take for one of your sort to heal from that?
[Acheron] From what I did to you? Quite a long while.
[Feanaro] Really. And from your own wounds?
[Acheron] These? *slight laugh* I doubt they'd ever heal on their own.
[Feanaro] *raises eyebrows, though that's probably hidden by the blindfold* Indeed? How strange.
[Acheron] Why?
[Feanaro] Well, for me, this week would have been more than enough time for that to heal. The hands might have needed some mending, but the rest... *shrugs* You're weaker than I thought.
[Acheron] *glares* I am -not- weak.
[Feanaro] *smirks* Oh, but you are.
[Acheron] *snorts* Some wouldn't even be able to withstand -this- much pain.
[Feanaro] Well, possibly. But others would have been able to withstand this, and more, with less complaint.
[Acheron] Such as whom? *glare*
[Feanaro] *mock-sweet smile* Such as myself.
[Acheron] *sighs* Shall we try?
[Feanaro] Not again, thank you. I was disappointed sorely enough the last time we tried that.
[Acheron] Disappointed.
[Feanaro] Aye.
[Acheron] In my work, or what happened to you?
[Feanaro] Well, both are interlinked, are they not? By both then, I suppose.
[Acheron] *rolls his eyes* Next you'll be asking for an apology, won't you.
[Feanaro] *snorts* I would not accept one from you, I believe.
[Acheron] I wouldn't give one, so it's just as well.
[Feanaro] *shrugs* And we are as far as we were when we began. Well.
[Acheron] I don't think we're ever going to get any farther.
[Feanaro] Probably not. Still... at least we have found the answer to the superiority question now. Shall we go on, then?
[Acheron] *glares* If we MUST.
[Feanaro] What else is there to do? *walks over to him*
[Acheron] There's always plenty. *grits teeth*
[Feanaro] Is there? Like what? *bends down to feel for the ropes*
[Acheron] *scoffs* Be creative, if you're capable of that.
[Feanaro] I meant alternatives to this now. Of course I can simply... "be creative".
[Acheron] *bitterly* Your brand of creativity is surprisingly repetitive. You may, in fact, have to force me to come up with my own tortures.
[Feanaro] Oh, feel free to. And that, so far, was no creativity.
[Acheron] *actually gnashes his teeth* I'm not plotting my own downfall.
[Feanaro] You have already done so. *changes the ties so they more fit his purposes, whatever they may be*
[Acheron] What do you want from me?
[Feanaro] By now? Nothing more, I believe.
[Acheron] Then why not let me go?
[Feanaro] Oh, wouldn't you like that? No, I don't think you deserve that.
[Acheron] I -would- like it, and I'm not incredibly keen to find out what you think I -do- deserve. More monotonous torture, I'm sure.
[Feanaro] I'm afraid that's what it boils down to.
[Acheron] *sighs* There's no one more capable of it, then?
[Feanaro] Oh, some of my sons might be, I suppose. Nelyo has seen more of it than myself, so... but he would want to avenge his father, and you would not like that.
[Acheron] I wouldn't say no to a change of pace.
[Feanaro] *has, btw, totally remembered of bringing his stuff again. Although the typist didn't.*
[Acheron] *of course.*
[Feanaro] *has brought fresh coals, for example, which he spreads out now*
[Acheron] *hisses quietly*
[Feanaro] You liked the coals, didn't you? *grabs Hades' arms and makes to drag him onto them*
[Acheron] I didn't.
[Acheron] *dragged, regardless*
[Feanaro] *no struggling? Astonishing.*
[Acheron] *weak, now, but not too weak to struggle a little and scream*
[Feanaro] *bears Hades down, anyway*
[Acheron] *rears up closer to Feanor, trying to get away from the coals and the pain and the sizzling burning skin*
[Feanaro] *twists Hades' arms, then, so he has no choice but going either down or having his shoulders dislocated*
[Acheron] *actually goes for dislocation* For--!
[Feanaro] *curls lips* Meaning to say something?
[Acheron] *clenches his teeth and focuses very hard, trying to ignore the pain* Is there any reason you're still doing this?
[Feanaro] Well, did you not demand that I go on? That's just what I am doing.
[Acheron] If it didn't sound so damned petulant, I would say that this is just unfair. *glares*
[Feanaro] You are one to say that. *brings his knee down in Hades back, so he will go down*
[Acheron] *down, and burned* *turns his head away and shuts his eyes, trying to ignore his skin searing off and the smell of it burning*
[Feanaro] *right, enough for the moment* *drags Hades off and lets him drop somewhere coal-free*
[Acheron] *moans, providing he was dropped on his burnt side*
[Acheron] *does not even attempt to get up*
[Feanaro] *was dropped on back, actually*
[Acheron] *in that case, can talk* If we're continuing with this because I spurred you on...
[Acheron] *cannot, apparently, speak very WELL*
[Feanaro] *thin smile* What, then?
[Acheron] I don't suppose you'd stop if I asked.
[Feanaro] Depends on how you ask, actually. ...
[Acheron] I will not beg.
[Feanaro] Your funeral. *turns Hades around onto his burned frontside* *flogs the other side*
[Acheron] *winces, giving a small cry at the lashes*
[Feanaro] *can't see the wince, but might be somewhat satisfied by the cry*
[Acheron] And you condemn me for taking pleasure in others' pain?
[Feanaro] *doesn't usually do that, unless he really dislikes the others* At least I only take pleasure in punishing the guilty, not in random torment.
[Acheron] And all this because of a bitchy pregnant woman.
[Feanaro] *hits very much harder for that* No. All this because you deserve it.
[Acheron] *twists under the force and the pain, but is still, -still- a little smug* I don't deny that.
[Feanaro] There you go, then. *pauses to check whether it's bleeding already*
[Acheron] *believe me, it is*
[Feanaro] *good. switches to legs, then.*
[Acheron] I never would. *smiles* It almost makes it worth it.
[Feanaro] *curls lips* How so?
[Acheron] I've always been destructive. I've always garnered a lot of hate from the good people *sneers*, and I've always had people out for my blood.
[Acheron] This is still a ridiculous punishment for a kidnapping. But if I could go back, I would, and balance it so that what he got from me is equal to what I'm getting from you.
[Feanaro] *stops the flogging for a second* No, you won't.
[Acheron] I won't. *cruel smile* But if I -could-.
[Feanaro] You wouldn't even if you could.
[Acheron] *laughs* What makes you say that?
[Feanaro] *terribly coldly now* I shall put you under oath, never to harm mine. Even if you would return. The repercussion if you tried would be horrible. *raises chin*
[Acheron] Why would I take your oath?
[Feanaro] Because I shall otherwise ensure that your afterlife will be painful in a way that makes these last weeks look like a walk in the park, and tear up your mortal shell so that a return will be impossible.
[Acheron] I think you underestimate me. ...Very well...
[Acheron] What does this oath mean?
[Feanaro] Possibly. What do you mean, what does it mean? It means that you do not attempt to do anything that might harm mine in the least. Neither by what you do, or by what you have others do, or by what you help others with.
[Acheron] You do, but I don't want to underestimate you. That's all.
[Feanaro] *raises eyebrow, hidden by blindfold* Did I miss anything?
[Acheron] Who -are- yours?
[Feanaro] All that follow me, serve me or are my kin be it by birth, marriage or adoption.
[Acheron] ...Very well. And conversely, what power does this give you over me?
[Feanaro] Every power. I have powerful friends. Like our god of the dead. Or our God, actually. Who can claim your life anytime. ... probably.
[Acheron] *shudders*
[Acheron] So what would you do? Claim control over my actions?
[Feanaro] Only over those that would harm mine. Which, I should've said that, also includes friends.
[Acheron] Fine, then. I'll be careful not to harm -yours-.
[Feanaro] *narrows eyes, which, thanks to the blindfold, goes unnoticed*
[Feanaro] Your oath, then.
[Acheron] I give it.
[Feanaro] *curls lips* By what will you swear?
[Acheron] I have nothing to swear by.
[Feanaro] No higher Power, no loved ones?
[Acheron] No reason to follow any God.
[Acheron] And my loved ones are either dead or wouldn't appreciate being sworn by, or both.
[Acheron] *thinks of Belle briefly*
[Feanaro] *shrugs* By your soul, then.
[Acheron] By my soul. *grim*
[Acheron] Well, it's not as if it's worth anything.
[Feanaro] *brief thought* Your soul, spirit and self, shall we say? That covers all. *mock-sweet smile*
[Acheron] I swear by them.
[Feanaro] *nods* What do you swear?
[Acheron] Not to harm any of your people, if I return.
[Feanaro] In any way. Neither in deed, nor in deeds of others, nor in words, nor in any other way.
[Acheron] In any way.
[Feanaro] *narrows eyes invisibly again* Not even in lack of deed, when you know of others who mean to harm them.
[Acheron] Fine.
[Feanaro] SWEAR IT.
[Acheron] I swear it.
[Feanaro] And if thou shalt break this Oath, thy soul, spirit and self are worthless, and shall be torn and tormented until the world endeth.
[Acheron] *face dark*
[Acheron] I know.
[Feanaro] *racks brain whether he hasn't overlooked anything terribly important, which he probably has* And by 'my people', you mean...?
[Acheron] Those you count as yours.
[Feanaro] *curls lips* Very well. I hear you. Now be you bound by your oath.
[Acheron] *sighs*
[Acheron] Are we finished now?
[Feanaro] *nasty smile* You can have a break, if you need it.
[Acheron] Another day spent in agony.
[Feanaro] *shrugs* Interesting to be on the receiving end, isn't it?
[Acheron] You could say that.
[Acheron] I've been tortured before, but not this extensively.
[Feanaro] Oh really. And whom did you owe that pleasure?
[Feanaro] *drags him somewhere between two pillars*
[Acheron] *dragged, not protesting* Barty Crouch.
[Feanaro] Oh? What for? *ties Hades spread-eagled between the pillars; kneeling, though. Hades. Not Fea.*
[Acheron] He was a deranged, psychotic murderer. *small, fond smile*
[Feanaro] Yes. Which is why my boyfriend Námo claimed his life, and destroyed him.
[Acheron] Oh, so that's what happened.
[Feanaro] You did not know?
[Acheron] Not specifically. I knew he died, but that was all.
[Acheron] Good murderer. Fun to torture with. Miss him.
[Feanaro] Too bad. ... don't go anywhere. *leaves for a sec to get Felix, whee*
[Acheron] ...CAN I go anywhere?
[Felix] *in his cell, all tied up*
[Feanaro] *will undress Felix and search for weapons, I suppose. Blindly. Oh well.*
[Felix] *has no weapons, except the few knives he kept in his jacket/boots*
[Feanaro] *has taken the jacket and boots away, so hey*
[Felix] *well damn*
[Feanaro] *carries undressed!bound!Felix over to Acheron's cell, lalala*
[Felix] *dragged along, not knowing where he's going, clearly*
[Acheron] *apparently does not see them yet*
[Feanaro] *not dragged, carried. As final proof that his arms are just fine, or something.*
[Felix] *oh. well then, carried along*
[Feanaro] *enters, now, and lets Felix drop to the ground.*
[Felix] *THUD*
[Acheron] *recoils slightly* Felix?
[Felix] *looks up* Acher... *sees all the wounds* ...
[Felix] ...what did he do to you?
[Acheron] Never mind that.
[Feanaro] *curls lips* Nothing I won't do to you, too. Likely.
[Acheron] ...This doesn't go both ways, then.
[Felix] *attempts to get up* What doesn't? *angry glowers in Fea's general direction*
[Feanaro] *won't see the glowers anyway, as still blindfolded* *pushes Felix back down, though*
[Felix] *ug*
[Acheron] Just don't fight, Felix. I don't want you to get hurt.
[Felix] ...if you say so.
[Feanaro] *coldly* He will get hurt regardless. He tried to kill a friend of mine.
[Acheron] *slight, slight smile* Did you.
[Felix] I did kill her. The bitch who brought you here in the first place.
[Acheron] -Her.-
[Feanaro] *purses lips* No need to remind me.
[Felix] How she survived...I don't know.
[Feanaro] It's called divine intervention. Those who don't follow any god wouldn't understand that, of course.
[Felix] Ah.
[Felix] I did kill her, though. No god can erase that memory.
[Feanaro] Be grateful it did not do the job.
[Acheron] *still smiling a little grimly*
[Feanaro] *has a little snack while pondering what to do now*
[Acheron] [[...What is he EATING? O_o]]
[Feanaro] [[*shrugs* porridge, or something.]]
[Acheron] [[Okay. That is sort of freaky.]]
[[dead!rosier: lots of porridge in Mandos]]
[Feanaro] *is mainly eating because he's mean and because he knows Hades and Felix haven't eaten in a while*
[Acheron] *ignores this, then*
[Acheron] *to Felix* So you killed her.
[Felix] I shot her in the stomach.
[Feanaro] *quite calmly* No need to reiterate.
[Acheron] *smiles* I imagine that was very satisfying.
[Felix] Oh, it was. She had it coming.
[Acheron] At least you got the chance.
[Feanaro] *finishes porridge* ... Silence.
[Felix] *was going to respond, but decides not to* ...
[Acheron] *sighs*
[Feanaro] So. I am sure someone as intelligent as *sneers* you (to Acheron) won't assume I brought him here for you to exchange news.
[Acheron] Of course not.
[Feanaro] *nods, contendedly*
[Acheron] So, are you going to kill me or him?
[Feanaro] *evenly* Eventually, both of you will die.
[Acheron] Obviously.
[Felix] ...
[Feanaro] Pity about you, really, because you wouldn't have to.
[Acheron] What?
[Feanaro] Your crime is long since paid for. All this *vague gesture* is only for your... character.
[Acheron] *rolls eyes* I've never gotten time off for good behavior.
[Feanaro] I am not surprised. Well. Any good advice, or shall we have this all my boring way again?
[Acheron] If you're going to hurt him? The best advice I have for you is to turn around and leave, right now.
[Felix] *shifts uncomfortably*
[Feanaro] *smirks* Not an option, I am afraid.
[Acheron] As I said before, this oath doesn't go both ways?
[Feanaro] How so?
[Acheron] He's one of mine.
[Acheron] You have the right to harm mine?
[Feanaro] *deadpan* I cannot remember having sworn anything to you. Besides revenge and that sorta stuff.
[Acheron] So consideration was too much to hope for.
[Feanaro] What, are you asking for mercy?
[Acheron] *glances at Felix*
[Acheron] No, I was asking for-- *is about to say "respect" but closes his mouth*
[Felix] *gives him a Look, which is visible because of the whole no-mask thing* Don't hurt yourself further for my sake, Acheron.
[Feanaro] ... yes?
[Acheron] I'm not worried about being hurt, I'm worried about -you- being hurt.
[Acheron] ...Nothing.
[Feanaro] *shrugs* as you wish. *takes off robes and shirt, as has had too many robes ruined during the last weeks anyway*
[Feanaro] *undressing reveals some scars, btw, which maybe Hades might find interesting? Besides the wounds from Hades, which are almost to completely gone*
[Felix] Don't. I can handle whatever he can do to me.
[Acheron] I don't care whether you can -handle- it or not. I don't want him -doing- it.
[Feanaro] So you will scream less than dear Hades? This is going to be interesting.
[Felix] ....... *does not like being reminded of the whole Hades-screaming thing*
[Acheron] *glare of doom*
[Feanaro] *which was kind of the point of the reminder, although Fea doesn't know whether Felix actually heard*
[Acheron] *totally prods HARD into Feanor's mind, haphazardly* Do -NOT- hurt him.
[Feanaro] *is not impressed* Why should I not? As he so kindly reminded us, he killed a friend of mine.
[Felix] *mostly to himself, with a vague glare* Acheron...
[Acheron] Don't hurt him, because this one is -mine.-
[Feanaro] No reason to spare him. You are not my ally; you are most certainly not my friend. You have no right to call favours. Now hold your tongue.
[Acheron] *gives Feanor a look of pure hatred*
[Feanaro] *can't see that look, and wouldn't be impressed if he did*
[Acheron] *doesn't give looks of pure hatred much, but is pretty good at them*
[Feanaro] *still can't see it, got one earlier already, though*
[Felix] *attempts to slide away from Fea*
[Feanaro] *notices and grabs one wrist to stop him*
[Felix] *pulls away, hard, in an attempt to free himself*
[Feanaro] *twists wrist, then*
[Felix] *hisses and stops*
[Acheron] *glares, but keeps his mouth shut*
[Felix] *attempts to wrench his wrist free, if anything*
[Feanaro] *will break it before letting go, alas*
[Felix] *stops pulling, then, and lies where he is, glowering*
[Feanaro] *breaks it anyway*
[Felix] *gasp-coughs*
[Acheron] *flinches at the crack*
[Feanaro] *is tempted to repeat the little routine Hades had with him now, but that would be too fast, probably*
[Felix] *probably.*
[Feanaro] *although hey, we have coals for cauterizing.* *gets his dagger*
[Acheron] *watches*
[Feanaro] *although, wait, the thumb comes first* *breaks random thumb, then*
[Felix] *hisses louder now*
[Acheron] *watches, glowering*
[Feanaro] *right. time for the knife, now.*
[Felix] *eyes the knife warily*
[Feanaro] *evenly* If you were me, you had no reason to worry. *gestures at the almost-gone thin lines that are left on his arms from Hades' knifeplay last week*
[Acheron] *curses under his breath*
[Felix] *stays in place, with a bit of effort*
[Feanaro] *plunges knife in Felix upper arm*
[Feanaro] *with some care, so it doesn't get stuck in the bone*
[Acheron] *turns his head away*
[Felix] *snarls*
[Felix] Damn...
[Feanaro] *smirks, slightly* *draws knife down to the elbow*
[Acheron] *still looking away*
[Acheron] *forcing himself to*
[Felix] *can't hold back a quiet whimper at that*
[Feanaro] *can't see, alas. Would otherwise force Hades to watch.*
[Acheron] *considers what he can do in this situation*
[Acheron] *prods into Felix's mind* Just don't think about it.
[Felix] Hard...not to.
[Feanaro] *brings knife back to the point where he started in order to cut off a chunk of flesh. Yuck.*
[Acheron] *prods harder, mindtricking for Felix's sake* Just don't.
[Felix] *yelps when the knife goes back in, but at the mindtricking relaxes somewhat*
[Feanaro] *flicks the bloody piece of skin and muscle into Hades general direction and might actually hit him because he's just that good*
[Acheron] *hit... ew*
[Feanaro] *hey, you happily waddled in it last week. Don't be all wussy now.* *repeats*
[Felix] *doesn't react much to the repeat, as the mindtricking is drawing him away from the pain*
[Feanaro] *is disappointed!*
[Felix] *eyes look glazed, but not from pain!*
[Acheron] *mindtricks considerably harder, then*
[Felix] *completely not feeling any pain, almost* ...
[Feanaro] *frowns* *slaps Felix across the face, just as a test*
[Felix] *head snaps to the side, but stays there, and he doesn't really seem to notice it happened*
[Acheron] *slight smile*
[Feanaro] ... I see. *gets up and walks over to Acheron* That is your doing, is it not?
[Felix] *flops*
[Acheron] It is.
[Feanaro] Ah. *gives Acheron a good kick in the, um, most private parts*
[Acheron] *OW.*
[Felix] *I imagine this breaks the concentrationmindtricking*
[Feanaro] *that was kind of the point.*
[Feanaro] Well, stop it.
[Acheron] *yep, it does.*
[Acheron] *stops*
[Felix] *snaps back to attention and groans*
[Acheron] Why can't I?
[Feanaro] *satisfied smile* Because that spoils the whole point of this exercise.
[Acheron] *again, then, pushes for Feanor's mind instead*
[Acheron] *because he's just that desperate*
[Feanaro] *raises another invisible eyebrow, then* I'd advise you not to try that.
[Acheron] *glares, and tries harder*
[Feanaro] *slaps Hades, hard, left-right*
[Felix] *winces at that*
[Acheron] *you think you're wincing?*
[Acheron] *still, once it's finished, tries again* *just doesn't learn, apparently*
[Feanaro] *shakes head* And you thought I was boring you. *takes knife this time and slashes across Hades' face. Only a little, though.*
[Felix] *attempts to get up at that* Acheron...!
[Acheron] *oh, lovely. slashed.* *ignores the blood dripping from his face and continues glaring at Feanor* I'm not going to do something as righteous as offer myself in his place. But I am going to ask you -politely- not to hurt him. *tries, again, to mindtrick, as hard as he ever has*
[Feanaro] *laughs* Then I must admit that I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Politely, of course.
[Acheron] *grimly* Of course. *tries, briefly, to find something in Feanor's mind that he can use against him*
[Feanaro] *would roll eyes if he could* That's quite enough now.
[Acheron] Exactly as I thought.
[Feanaro] *returns to Felix and resumes cutting* What is exactly as you thought?
[Acheron] *grits teeth* Too much.
[Felix] *yelps at the first few cuts*
[Feanaro] *raises yet another invisible eyebrow but doesn't enquire further*
[Feanaro] Don't complain, murderer, 'tis no more than what I found I could bear.
[Felix]'m not...immortal...!!
[Acheron] He isn't -you-.
[Feanaro] Ah, but did you not tell me I would be broken sooner?
[Acheron] Sooner than I.
[Feanaro] *snorts*
[Feanaro] *leaves half the arm unscathed and goes over to the other side*
[Acheron] I still think it's fair to say that I've taken more than you could. *trying to distract him, yes*
[Felix] *keening whine*
[Feanaro] *is a bit more careful with this side, first skinning without touching the actual flesh* I daresay you're quite grievously wrong there.
[Acheron] How many times have -you- done this, then?
[Feanaro] Tortured or been tortured?
[Acheron] Been tortured.
[Feanaro] *has, as we said, some nice scars across his entire body that look as though he had been flailed with fire, which is, in fact, precisely what happened*
[Feanaro] [[Apparently, my Fea had his new body remade just as the old one he left and burned to ash in the leaving process, including the traces of fighting Balrogs]]
[Feanaro] *curls lip* Quite a bit, not that it is any of your business.
[Acheron] Oh?
[Feanaro] *the skin off, turns towards the muscles now*
[Felix] *eyes shut tight, gritting his teeth*
[Acheron] *gently* Relax, Felix.
[Feanaro] *thunderingly* Silence.
[Acheron] *glares*
[Felix] *pulls his knees in closer to his chest, if he can*
[Acheron] You can stand it. *still, gentle*
[Feanaro] Will you be silent! *flicks another bit of muscle at Acheron*
[Acheron] *through gritted teeth* No.
[Feanaro] *um, he'd have to pull his whole body back for that, I guess. But sure, if he wants to.*
[Feanaro] Well, then...
[Felix] *muscles tighten*
[Feanaro] *is being really disgusting sometimes* *leaves Felix' arm and turns towards his back instead*
[Felix] *lies, still and hissing*
[Acheron] *watches, livid and tense*
[Feanaro] *cuts a looong, hand-width strip of skin from Felix' back, the typist is truly sorry about that*
[Felix] Nnggh...
[Feanaro] *which he then uses to gag Acheron. I don't know where he gets his ideas.*
[Felix] *opens his eyes and sees that, and thinks: ...fuckingHELL.*
[Feanaro] *he can't, he's got Felix-skin in the way!*
[Acheron] *gagged, then, and trying to ignore the skin on his face*
[Felix] *curls his fingers into fists*
[Acheron] *so... trying to shake it from his face, then*
[Feanaro] *has probably tied it right through his mouth, so it should be somewhat secured*
[Acheron] [[EW.]]
[Feanaro] *returns to Felix and turns him over on his back. Um.*
[Feanaro] [[I KNOW *flails*]]
[Felix] *glares at Fea, chest heaving* ...
[Feanaro] *cuts across the collar-bone, but only a bit, as Hades only cut skin there with him, too*
[Acheron] *makes some sort of muffled noise under the skingag*
[Feanaro] ... well. I believe the final cut were the eyes. Was it not so? *takes the blindfold off, finally, and looks at Hades interestedly*
[Felix] *winces at the cuts, and stares at Fea's eyes* ...
[Acheron] *blinks a few times, then GLARES. GLARES like no one's business*
[Feanaro] *would glare back but can't, so looks back, well, stonily*
[Feanaro] *smirks at Hades* Or should I take yours?
[Acheron] *glares back, but still can't -say- anything*
[Feanaro] *expects only a nod or headshake, actually*
[Feanaro] ... I think I'll take his first, and then yours. *sweet smile*
[Acheron] *tilts head at him, haughtily*
[Felix] *tries to get up and get away*
[Acheron] *thinks that that is a good thing for Felix to try to do*
[Feanaro] *backhands Felix, calmly* It's really better if you stop doing that.
[Felix] *staggers and stays on the ground, but attempts to scoot back on the floor, away from Fea*
[Acheron] *sound of rage beneath that terrible gag*
[Feanaro] *sighs a disappointed sigh, kicks Felix' face and then ties him to a pillar, quite possibly at Hades' feet*
[Felix] *kicked and tied*
[Feanaro] *will hurry with Felix' eyes then*
[Feanaro] *sinks knife into Felix' right eye, then*
[Acheron] *winces*
[Felix] *screams. because he's not as pain tolerant as his cellmates.*
[Felix] *and flails. not like normal DF-flailage, either.*
[Feanaro] *isn't being as sloppy as Acheron, actually* *turns towards the second eye*
[Acheron] *closes his own eye*
[Feanaro] (to Hades) LOOK.
[Felix] *scrabbles to get away from the knife*
[Acheron] *so doesn't*
[Acheron] *look, that is*
[Feanaro] *holds Felix chin with one hand, quite firmly*
[Felix] *PANICK*
[Feanaro] *randomly slashes knife at Hades, who is, we assume, close enough* Look.
[Acheron] *yes, panic too*
[Acheron] *looks*
[Feanaro] *sinks knife in, then* Don't complain.
[Feanaro] Your master set the course, after all. *smirks at Hades*
[Felix] *screams again, more of a keening, panicked scream this time*
[Feanaro] *snorts*
[Acheron] *breathing HARD*
[Feanaro] *withdraws knife and turns towards Hades, then*
[Felix] *pain-filled moans now that the knife is gone*
[Acheron] *can't move away, but isn't looking forward to this*
[Feanaro] *tries to sink knife in eye*
[Acheron] *tilts head away as much as he can, not that the knife'll actually DO anything much*
[Feanaro] *grabs Hades' chin with one hand to keep his face where he needs it, and brings the knife into the eye, or as far as works, anyway, which isn't very, as it's not a silver knife*
[Feanaro] *is annoyed* *looks at knife, which is very sharp and very pointy*
[Acheron] *maybe isn't blinded yet, but definitely doesn't like this, and is trying to control the primal reaction to Having a Sharp Pointy Thing in your EYE*
[Feanaro] *tries again*
[Acheron] *can't help but be slightly amused at the failure of eye-rippage*
[Feanaro] *is really frustrated* *takes the knife a few levels deeper, then, but only cutting skin there*
[Acheron] *the knife wouldn't cut the skin, but*
[Feanaro] *MORE annoyed*
[Feanaro] All right. So, what is wrong with my knife? It worked fine enough seconds ago.
[Acheron] *getting VERY amused now*
[Feanaro] *does testing cut on Felix' shoulder*
[Acheron] *glares more at that*
[Felix] *is cut, and bleeds* Ngh..
[Feanaro] *smirks at the glare* Well. Why does it not work on you? *cuts Felix again*
[Acheron] *attempts to say something through the gag*
[Felix] *bleeds! it works just fine on ol' Felix*
[Feanaro] *ungags* *cuts Felix a third time*
[Felix] *half-hearted noise of pain through the various moans of anguish over his eyes*
[Acheron] *spits, because that is quite DISGUSTING having minionskin in your mouth* If simple metals were all it took to kill me I would have been dead two decades ago.
[Feanaro] *waits* So?
[Feanaro] *carves up Felix a little more in the waiting*
[Acheron] It doesn't -work- on me. You've already proved it works on him.
[Feanaro] Aye. And the work on him apparently does work on you. *smirks*
[Felix] *tied and bleeding and well, his shoulders look bad now*
[Acheron] If you're planning to kill him, I'll find him again.
[Feanaro] Oh, not yet, not yet.
[Acheron] Of course not, of course not. What's a murder unless it's drawn out. *weary*
[Feanaro] *curls lips* In this case, we call it an execution.
[Acheron] An execution? *smiles* Why do you have the right to say he deserves to die? He's not under your jurisdiction. This is a crime.
[Feanaro] *curls lips more* He tried to kill one of mine.
[Acheron] Whenever I've killed anyone who killed one of mine, that's just been filed as another of my crimes. *smirks*
[Feanaro] Well, that is because you never got to make the law.
[Acheron] Breaking it would have been less fun, then.
[Feanaro] *shrugs* I do not strive to break the law although I did, once or twice or maybe thrice.
[Acheron] You -are-, though. Which doesn't make you much better than me, does it?
[Acheron] *except that it so does, and all that*
[Feanaro] *lazy smile* We are not going to discuss that further, Hades. *knife rises to Felix' ear, slowly*
[Felix] *can't see what's happening, and just kind of groans in pain*
[Acheron] Fine, fine. *manages to look and sound aloof*
[Feanaro] *leans the blade against Felix' cheek just below the earlobe, so he can imagine just enough*
[Acheron] *raises an eyebrow and considers making some comment about the style of knife vs. the cleanliness of the wound inflicted, or something, but doesn't*
[Feanaro] *prods finger at Hades' eyes*
[Acheron] *recoils*
[Feanaro] *frowns, thinking* Hm.
[Feanaro] I wonder... *goes after the porridge bowl, takes the spoon and licks it clean, which, under different circumstances, might be a rather pretty sight*
[Acheron] *doesn't appreciate the sight, at any rate*
[Felix] *doesn't have sight,*
[Feanaro] *doesn't care much, either way* *probingly, tries to poke the silver spoon in Hades' eyes*
[Acheron] *okay, so THAT works* *hisses and draws back as much as he can*
[Feanaro] *triumphant smile* *uses other hand to keep Hades' head in place and works the eyeball lose with the spoon*
[Felix] [[ow. OW. ow ow ow.]]
[Feanaro] [[yes indeed! *flails*]]
[Acheron] *ow is RIGHT.* *groans, but manages not to scream, and closes the other eye*
[Feanaro] *plops the eyeball free, finally* Tsk. I at least kept my eyes open.
[Acheron] *turns his face away as far as he can*
[Feanaro] *slaps him a few times, hard, before grabbing the chin again to turn the head where he needs it*
[Acheron] *still tries to draw away regardless* I thought I had paid for my crime.
[Feanaro] Ah, yes. But not for your attitude.
[Acheron] You're killing my friend. What would -your- attitude be?
[Feanaro] *curls lips* Your attitude was unchanging before you knew I had your friend, and never improved while I but held him.
[Acheron] You -were- also torturing me.
[Feanaro] Indeed. But I can assure you that I would have been easier on you, had your bearing be different.
[Acheron] *still trying to pull his face away from Feanor*
[Feanaro] *still holding very tightly, and is bringing the spoon into the second eye now*
[Acheron] *hisses and stiffens*
[Feanaro] *pokes around*
[Acheron] *jerks away, violently*
[Feanaro] *which will only do more damage, won't it?*
[Acheron] *oh, yes, but... instinct!*
[Feanaro] *oh,my.*
[Felix] *can only hear the*
[Feanaro] *has probably cut more than just the eye, even though the spoon is fairly dull*
[Acheron] *probably has!*
[Acheron] *is bleeding profusely from that socket, then*
[Feanaro] *is working the eye out there, too*
[Acheron] *so is being actively blinded* *trying to edge away*
[Feanaro] *looks at the empty sockets with a certain dark satisfaction*
[Acheron] *can't SEE that, but if he could... would probably be glaring*
[Feanaro] *smirks* Ah, but as I have found replacement for my eyes... 'tis only just that you have some, too, is it not?
[Acheron] ...What are you thinking? *voice shaky*
[Felix] *frightened by the shaky voice*
[Feanaro] Ah. As you are so good with people's minds, why don't you find out?
[Feanaro] *picks up two embers that are about the right size*
[Acheron] *hesitates, then... tries to concentrate enough to feel around for the thought* *can't, has never been in this much pain before and can't work through it*
[Acheron] ...
[Feanaro] *shoves the embers into Acheron's sockets, or at least one as I imagine the second is going to be rather difficult*
[Acheron] *screams* *and would be TEARING at his own face to get them out, but is chained, so is just thrashing, trying to get free*
[Feanaro] Not too boring, yes?
[Acheron] *whimpers*
[Felix] *STARTS at the scream*
[Felix] Acheron...?
[Acheron] *is a little beyond answering, right now*
[Acheron] *breathes in gasps*
[Feanaro] *watches, calmly*
[Acheron] *gulps and hangs his head* ...hhh...
[Feanaro] *is only waiting for the death now, actually*
[Acheron] *is slowly dying, no worries*
[Felix] Ach...eron? *can hear the breathing, but it's fading*
[Acheron] *small whimper* *still breathing...*
[Acheron] ...*slumps forward, limp*
[Felix] ...
[Felix] *doesn't hear breathing anymore*
[Felix] Acheron...?
[Felix] Acheron?!
[Felix] *starts pulling at the ropes binding him to the pillar* Acheron!!...
[Felix] *crumpled against the pillar, still flailing occasionally, with bleeding eyes*
[Feanaro] *hits him, hard, but only with the hands, this time*
[Felix] *cries out*
[Feanaro] So, not as bored as your master was, I assume?
[Felix] *oh, and stops flailing*
[Felix] How...h-how could I be bored...?!
[Feanaro] Well, Hades claimed to be bored most of the time. *shrugs, which is kind of pointless, but oh well*
[Felix] like that.
[Feanaro] Was.
[Felix] ......
[Felix] ...what did he /do/ get in here?...
[Feanaro] He abducted my son and delivered him to one who abused him most foully.
[Felix] ...and he died...*chokes for a minute*...for it...?!
[Feanaro] He died because he did not rue his crime, or feel pity for his victim, or showed even the slightest sign of repentance.
[Felix] ...ah...
[Felix] *still in terrible pain*
[Feanaro] *planning the next steps already*
[Felix] *breathing hard there*
[Feanaro] *gets flail and begins flogging*
[Felix] *tries to not cry out at the hits, but eventually does so for each hit*
[Feanaro] *is not touched much really, considering that he almost killed Hermione*
[Felix] *pain, pain, pain. ouch.*
[Feanaro] *flogs until his arm gets a wee bit tired, then pauses*
[Felix] *coughs and chokes about, with blood coming off him in...a lot*
[Feanaro] *loses the ropes that hold Felix to the pillar*
[Felix] *flops, but doesn't fall*
[Feanaro] *drags Felix over to the heap of coals, because he's just that mean*
[Felix] *can't see where he's going, and so is dragged*
[Felix] *but feels heat...*
[Feanaro] *lets Felix drop onto the coals, on the beaten side*
[Felix] *screams in a very torn, battered way, and struggles to get off the coals*
[Feanaro] *won't leave him on there for long, anyway*
[Feanaro] *shoves him into the next wall, carelessly*
[Felix] Ugh...*slides down the wall*
[Feanaro] Well. Shall we call it a day, then?
[Felix] *bleeding* Ngh...
[Feanaro] Was that a yes or a no?
[Felix] y-yes...
[Feanaro] Ah. *smirks*
[Felix] *has sunk down the wall and is half-leaning against it*
[Feanaro] *pulls Felix away from wall and ties him up against a pillar again, standing this time*
[Felix] *slumps, even though he's being held up*
[Feanaro] *throws bucketful of water in Felix' face to wake him up a bit* *also, he might manage to swallow a mouthful or two, which, you know, healthy.*
[Felix] *gets wet, and wakes up more, but is still in pain. oh, and doesn't manage to swallow any water* Ngh...
[Feanaro] *too bad.* Well. I daresay you won't have a good night, so I won't wish you one.
[Felix] fucking hell.
[Feanaro] Ah, no. That's where you will end up.
[Felix] ...when? *coughs violently*
[Feanaro] Eventually.
[Felix] *bleeds. and is in pain. and shoots some curses in Fea's general direction, but is essentially too hurt to do much else*
[Feanaro] *is leaving him alone for a night's rest, or what Felix can get of it, anyway*
Session Close: Fri Sep 02 04:27:07 2005

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acheron, felix, feanor

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