(no subject)

Aug 29, 2005 17:27

Hastur> *walks in, whistling, still in Big Feathery Pimp Coat that he PROBABLY delusionally thinks is stylin'*
Nemesis> *Sees Hastur* ...Hastur.
Hastur> *nods* Nemesis.
Nemesis> *Walks over to him and kisses*
Hastur> *....soooooomewhat surprised at this.. but manages somehow not to flail*
Nemesis> *Yep. Mass snoggage here*
Hastur> *er...snogs...back?*
Nemesis> *Is he freaking out yet?*
Hastur> *juuuuuuust a bit*
Nemesis> *Excellent. She's lusting, if you couldn't tell*
Hastur> *typist can tell, but Hastur's somewhat clueless* *manages to pull back* What the...
Nemesis> ...Hastur, you...er...damn.
Hastur> .....I what?
Nemesis> You're hot.
Hastur> *blinks and smiles a little* Well, yes, but... you never seemed to notice *before*.
Nemesis> There was something wrong with me. I'm sorry.
Hastur> Er... You're a bit late with the sudden realization, though.
Nemesis> Do you really care?
Hastur> I made a deal, babe.
Nemesis> But you know, you're not bothering me. And you never said the deal mentioned anything about reacting to me.
Hastur> It was to leave you alone.
Nemesis> I don't care, really. And there has to be a way around that. Think, you're good with loopholes.
Hastur> *looks thoughtful* I'm sure the angel doesn't want me to cause you any distress....
Nemesis> Exactly.
Hastur> And would you say not... responding to your advances... would cause you distress?
Nemesis> Yes. *Pleading look* Stop with all the questions.
Hastur> *grins* Good enough for me. *snogs Nem*
Nemesis> *Snogs back with more effort and such than before*
Hastur> *smiles a bit around the snogging*
Nemesis> *Tangles fingers in Hastur's hair and keeps with the snogging*
Hastur> *wraps his arms around her waist and snogs enthusiastically*
Nemesis> *Oh, wow. Not breathing is a good thing*
Hastur> *backs Nem up against a nearby wall and continues snugging*
Gabrielle> [[Snugging?]]
Nemesis> [...typo?]
Nemesis> *Continues all passionate and such*
Gabrielle> [[SNUGGING! ^_^]]
Hastur> [I CAN'T SPELL YAY!]
Gabrielle> [[*happy dying*]]
Nemesis> [XD YAY ERIN]
Hastur> [*facepalm*]
Nemesis> [I'm proud.]
Hastur> *liek totally passionate back woo*
Nemesis> *Oh, he's so going to use this as blackmail later, isn't he?*
Hastur> *won't be able to, has to leave her alone*
Nemesis> *Ahaha, excellent*
Hastur> *so, what happens in DF..er... stays in DF?*
Nemesis> *Sure, let's go with that*
Hastur> *yay yay snog snog*
Nemesis> *Runs hands halfway down Hastur's back and woo, snogging*
Hastur> *snogging like whoa, thinks this is fun!*
Nemesis> *Is just lusting like crazy over here, if Hastur hasn't noticed*
Hastur> *pulls back a bit* Enjoying yourself?
Nemesis> Yes. *Deep breath*
Hastur> *laughs a bit and nibbles on the side of her neck*
Nemesis> Mmmmmm.
Hastur> *laughs quietly*
Nemesis> I'm sorry for everything, you know.
Hastur> Are you?
Nemesis> Mhmmmm.
Hastur> Why be sorry?
Nemesis> Because I'm a horrid person.
Hastur> *laughs a bit* _You_?
Nemesis> Yes, me.
Hastur> You are not.
Nemesis> You're such a liar. I told you I was going to kill you earlier. In the most painful way possible.
Hastur> I'm used to it.
Nemesis> I don't really care. It was a horrible thing of me to do.
Hastur> You're forgiven.
Nemesis> Thank you. *Smile*
Hastur> *laughs and snogs*
Nemesis> *Snogs back like crazy*
Hastur> *snogs frenetically*
Cosette> ...
Nemesis> *Snogs passionately*
Hastur> *snogs and maybe kinda gropes a bit, but no more than PG-13 groping, because*
Nemesis> *Doesn't care because of the whole lusting bit, you know, and keeps snogging*
* Disconnected

Nemesis> *Oh, look, lust object, hello there little lust object*
Hastur> *totally everyone's favorite lust object, if he's their lust object*
Nemesis> *Actually, War's at the top of the list. But....oh, right, see, you're the OMGtakemenow lust object*
Hastur> *see, there we go, and probably not FAVORITE, because no love involved, but hey, nothing wrong with wanton lust, at least in Hastur's POV*
Nemesis> *Woo, lust* *Grins* Hi, Hastur.
Hastur> *smirky-grin* Hello there, buttercup.
Nemesis> *Raises an eyebrow* Buttercup?
Hastur> *shrugs* Okay, maybe not.
Nemesis> Whatever.
Hastur> *grins* Miss me?
Nemesis> Of course.
Hastur> *grins* I like that. C'mere.
Nemesis> *Does so* Yes?
Hastur> *grins and totally snogs*
Nemesis> *Snogs back, duh. It's her LUST OBJECT*
Hastur> *holds Nem all tightly and snogs. Lustily.*
Nemesis> *Woohoo, lust object snogging*
Hastur> *much of the snoggly*
Nemesis> *Ha, I like that word*
Hastur> *would hope so*
Nemesis> *Aww, really?*
Hastur> *yeah!*
Nerdanel> [[*relearns to READ*]]
Nemesis> *Neat!*
Hastur> *snogsnogrevolution!*
Nemesis> *Lustily, of course*
Hastur> *very lustily*
Nemesis> *How very exciting*
* Metatron has joined #desperatefans
Hastur> *continues snogging Nem. Lustily.*
Hastur> *in his angel feather pimp coat*
Nemesis> *And continutes with the snogging back and hates the coat, for the record, but whatever*
Metatron> *sort of slinks in depressedly and... holy crap Nem/Hastur* ..............................................
Nemesis> *Totally doesn't notice the angel*
Metatron> ............-Nemesis-?
Hastur> *actually doesn't either, which is surprising, as.. usually... Angelsens-- Oh, he's speaking.... breaks the snog briefly and looks up* Oh, hello, angel!
Nemesis> ......Hi. *Goes back to snogging her LUST OBJECT*
Metatron> *stares at Hastur. stares at Nem. stares at Hastur. stares at Nem* ... *looks extremely beyond broken and confused*
Hastur> *shrugs* I don't know any more than you do, angel. But I thought, in light of our deal, best not to annoy her.
Hastur> *snogs more!*
Nemesis> *Er...yes. This is the typist feeling guilty OMG*
Metatron> What -- what... -Nemesis-? W-what are you -- what... *doesn't even flail at this point. is just... yeah. er.*
Nemesis> *Stops snogging* Because he's a seriously hot demon?
Hastur> *smirks a bit* That's me.
Metatron> He -- but... -Hastur-... he -- *stares at Nem, wide-eyed*
Nemesis> Well, yes. He's Hastur. That is why I'm snogging him.
Metatron> I don't... I don't understand -- *steps forward, wincing, 'cause... yeah, it still hurts to move*
Hastur> For the record, angel, I had absolutely nothing to do with this.
Hastur> ...Oh, like my coat, by the way?
Nemesis> *Totally speechless* Ummm...
Metatron> ...I... *staaaaaares at Hastur* ...my -wings-. My -- my... th-that's -revolting-.
Hastur> Isn't it just?
Nemesis> *Blink* Those are you're wings? ...Sick. *Looks at Meta and then looks back and Hastur and sits on the ground*
Metatron> *swallows hard* Yes, they... my -feathers-.
Hastur> *frowns a little, wondering what happened to the lustiful snogging*
Hastur> *speaks up, though* Technically, angel, they're not yours anymore.
Nemesis> *Looks thoughtful and bites lip* ....Still, that's gross. Even if you are hot.
Hastur> Well, I mean, at least I cleaned them off..
Metatron> *just... stares at Hastur's coat, shaking slightly*
Hastur> *smiles sweetly at Meta*
Nemesis> *Walks over to Meta* I think I've already told you this, but....you're stupid. And do me a favor and check to see if everything's right in my head.
Metatron> *absently* Yes, I know I am. *pauses, then nods* *angelic powers whee* ...-oh-. *quickly reverses the whole... lusting after Hastur thing*
Nemesis> Where wha- ...Oh, I'm dizzy.
Hastur> *blinks at Nem*
Metatron> *glares at Hastur*
Hastur> ...What?
Metatron> You're wearing a coat. Made of my -wings-. *glares so insaaanely much*
Hastur> Tsk. *Not* your wings. If they were *yours*, I wouldn't be *wearing* them, would I?
Nemesis> Ummm...when the ground stops moving I'll shoot him for you. Or something. Right. *Sits down again*
Metatron> ...
Hastur> They'd still be.. rather attached to you. *smiles*
Metatron> ... *really not up for a witty comeback, so... will just stare*
Hastur> *rubs a sleeve absently* They're really soft. You must have taken good care of them. Did Beelzebub have a thing for 'em?
Nemesis> *Has a totally shocked look, yep*
Metatron> *...breaks* *sits down on... a random armchair heavily and... okay, bursts into tears*
Hastur> *bursts into giggles*
Nemesis> *Bites lip* Ummm, Meta?
Metatron> *rubs his eyes furiously with his fists* Yes, Nemesis?
Nemesis> Would you hate me if I injured a certain demon?
Metatron> *shakes his head*
Hastur> *arches an eyebrow* Such a woeful change of heart.
Nemesis> *Goddessmods up an bow and a holy water arrow* Hastur, shut up. *Shoots him*
Hastur> *shot!* *OW* *pained hiss*
Nemesis> *Sarcastically* Oh, see, I didn't think it would hurt.
Hastur> *GLARES at Nem* You...
Nemesis> I...?
Hastur> *slowly pulls the arrow out of his shoulder with a wince, pressing his hand into the wound*
Metatron> *so... I think Meta will sit here and cry now. that sounds like a plan*
Nemesis> *Would totally hug Meta if it wouldn't hurt and SO isn't going to cry around Hastur*
Hastur> *glowery flame out to get the booboo treated SOMEHOW*
* Hastur has left #desperatefans

good omens, hastur/nemesis

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