
Aug 29, 2005 16:17

I forget the date for this. Sometime before Aug 8. Like, the 5th or something. Yeah.

Marlene> *looks over at M* Oh, Peril. I didn't see you there.
Mulciber> *smiles* Hallo, Marlene.
Marlene> *goes over to him* How are you?
Mulciber> Lovely! And you?
Marlene> Erm, I'm alright. Feeling a little under the weather, but not too bad. I'm glad to hear you're in a good mood. *smiles*
Mulciber> Why're you feelign under the weather?
Marlene> Oh, I don't know...just feeling a bit run down. A little ill. Nothing serious, I don't think. Probably just a bug or something I picked up at St. Mungo's. *sits next to him* Don't worry about me.
Mulciber> Don't get sick. Dunno what I'd do without you.
Marlene> *smiles* Aww. That's so nice. I hope I'm not getting sick. I'm not sure what it is, though.
Mulciber> ... *slightly worried expression* Maybe you should see a healer yourself?
Marlene> What's this? You're actually worrying about me now? *smiles at him* I'm sure it's nothing. But I think i may get myself checked out just in case.
Mulciber> Of course I am!
Mulciber> Good.
Marlene> *laughs a little, and then winces slightly* *acts like nothing happened* Well, thank you.
Mulciber> *looks hard at her*
Mulciber> ...
Marlene> Hmmm?
Mulciber> ...Are you all right?
Marlene> Yeah, I'm fine. *averts her eyes*
Mulciber> *leans forward and puts a hand under her chin, making her look at him* You're lying.
Marlene> *looks at M* I'm fine. Really.
Mulciber> ...Right.
Marlene> Alright, it's just a stomache. Must've picked up a flu of some sort. There're tons of things going around at the hospital right now.
Marlene> *stomach ache, rather
Mulciber> *nods* I see. Don't get sick.
Mulciber> Sick-er-
Marlene> I try not to...but sometimes it just comes along with the job. Surely you understand?
Mulciber> I see.
Marlene> I'll be fine, really. I promise you, I'll get myself checked out tomorrow. Okay?
Mulciber> *firmly* Good.
Mulciber> *laughs* I sound like my stupid headmate.
Marlene> *laughs and shakes her head* I can't believe you're worrying about me like this. I've got too many people who worry about me. Though, of course, I appreciate it.
Mulciber> *laughs*
Marlene> *smiles over at Armand and Suzie*
ArmandStJust> *waves at Marlene*
Marlene> *waves back*
Suzanne> *smiles back at Marlene*
Mulciber> *so very cheerful today* Go talk to your friends, if you want.
Marlene> I don't want to interrupt...
Mulciber> *grins* And of course, you're just looking for an excuse to stay and talk to me because I'm just so cool.
Marlene> *grins at him*
Mulciber> *teasing* Oh, come on! Just admit it!
Marlene> Alright then. I'm just looking for an excuse to talk to you because you are soooo cool!
Mulciber> *laughs* Ahah! You admit it!
Marlene> *giggles*
Mulciber> See? I -am- cool. *strikes a pose*
Marlene> *laughs even harder, trying to disguise a little wincing going on* You most definitely are!
Mulciber> *collapses laughing* God, I don't know what's -wrong- with me! I'm -teasing- you!
Marlene> *grins at him* What -is- wrong with you? No, I'm kidding! *laughs*
Mulciber> I never do this!
Marlene> It's good to see you like this. It really is! *laughs some and suddenly winces, but tries to cover it up with a smile*
Mulciber> *suddenly concerned* It hurts to laugh, doesn't it?
Marlene> Oh...erm...yeah, a bit. It's nothing. I'm not in serious pain or anything. Just laughing hard like that...it's a little uncomfortable. I'll get it checked out.
Mulciber> *thinks* ...That's awkward. ...It's fun to make you laugh.
Mulciber> [[Romy: Garbage dumps are fun! IMEANWHAT?]]
Marlene> *smiles* *giggles a little, cos that doesn't hurt really* Don't worry about it. just continue on. I don't want to spoil your good mood.
Mulciber> *amused* Not sure you can. Dunno what caused it... Is there something -in- that lavender stuff you gave me? Are you drugging me? *mocksternlook that ends up making him look like a dork*
Marlene> *cracks up* Yes! That's it!
Mulciber> AHAH! I KNEW IT!!!! *mock!GLAREOFDOOM*
Marlene> *nearly falls over on the couch laughing*
Mulciber> ARE YOU DRUGGING ME TO MAKE ME -CHEERFUL-?! *wails* OH THE HORROR! *hides his face in his hands and peeks at her through his fingers*
Marlene> *has now officially fallen over on the couch, and is proceeding to die of laughter*
Mulciber> *cracking up at her*
Mulciber> *chokes out* I blame this on you!
Marlene> *stomach is now bothering her a bit more b/c of all the laughter* *winces against the couch, but sits up and smiles at M* What is going on with us? There must be something in the water!
Mulciber> *grins* I guess! BECAUSE YOU PUT IT THERE. *GLAREGLAREGLARE* *ruins it by grinning*
Marlene> *giggles*
Mulciber> Maybe someone's trying to kill us... death by laughter?
Famine> *shifts human again and shakes his head, blinking a bit bemusedly* ...agreed, love.
Marlene> *giggles* Perhaps.
Mulciber> Not a bad way to die...
Mulciber> *chuckles again*
Mulciber> Though I'd rather not. I can't leave my Cissa.
Marlene> *smiles* Of course not.
Mulciber> I sent a message to her today, by way of my typist. *lights up* I hope she's well.
Marlene> I'm sure she is.
Mulciber> *sigh* I miss her.
Metatron> Ah. It's... nice to meet you? I'm the Metatron, the Voice of God. I -will- give you a cheeseburger if you learn some manners.
Marlene> [[XD only in DF will you see a statement like Meta's...]]
Marlene> I know you must. I'm sorry. But she'll be back soon, wont she?
Mulciber> Yes. She will.
Mulciber> She will. But never soon enough.
Marlene> *smiles sympathetically* I know.
Mulciber> How're you and Prewett doing?
Marlene> Good. Very good, thanks. *smiles*
Mulciber> *smiles back* Excellent.
Marlene> Yes, I think so.
Mulciber> I bet you do. Had any fun yet?
Marlene> *blushes* Peril!
Mulciber> *laughs* Well? Have you?
Marlene> *gapes at him, sorta mockingly* I'm not telling you that!
Mulciber> *laughs* I didn't think you would. I apologise- that's the way I am.
Mulciber> I ask things like that.
Marlene> *rolls her eyes* It's alright. I guess. *laughs a little*
Mulciber> *mockoffended* You roll your eyes at me! I am -hurt-!
Marlene> *mockindignant* -I- should feel hurt! You're the one who thought I was too much of a goody-good to answer your question! *grins*
Mulciber> Well you -didn't-, did you?! *chuckles*
Marlene> *grins and bites her lip* No...I didn't...
Mulciber> Don't bite. BAd habit. One of mine. And you don't have to answer me.
Marlene> *smiles* Alright then.
Mulciber> *raises an eyebrow* *teasing* Is that an 'all right' yes, or an 'all right' no?
Marlene> No! *laughs*
Mulciber> *shakes his head, grinning* More's the pity.
Marlene> What, because I won't tell you about my sex life? *freezes & can't believe she said that aloud* *flushes*
Mulciber> *cracks up* Precisely!
Mulciber> *reaches out and pats her shoulder, still chuckling*
Marlene> *laughs, but is still blushing* Gid would kick your arse if he knew you were asking me things like that!
Mulciber> Gid wants to kick my arse anyway, I'm sure! I might as well make you blush while I get maimed, no?
Marlene> *giggles and looks away*
Mulciber> *snickers* Besides, you enjoy being teased, don't you?
Marlene> I suppose I do...yes. *smiles*
Mulciber> See? *grins more* I keep you on your toes.
Marlene> That you do.
Mulciber> I'm good at that sort of thing. I do try.
Marlene> *starts to grin at him, but yawns*
Mulciber> Tired?
Marlene> *nods* Yeah.
Mulciber> *concern* Oh, dear. If you're not well, you need sleep.
Marlene> *smiles sleepily* You're sweet, you know that. But I'll be fine.
Marlene> But yes, I think I need some rest.
Mulciber> *laughs* Me? Sweet? If you say so, Miss McKinnon. *stands and offers her a hand*
Marlene> *takes his hand and stands* Thank you.
Mulciber> *kisses her hand* I'll see you around.
Marlene> *smiles* Yes. Take care.
Mulciber> Goodnight.
Marlene> Night.
Marlene> *Disapparates*
Mulciber> *disapparates also*

harry potter

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