
Jun 30, 2005 23:55

In honor of today (and it's still today for five more minutes over here) being Famine and Pollution's 69th day together (and yes we all really are just that immature), I have decided to be a terrible terrible...sort-of-tease.

Here, for you viewing pleasure, is the first part of what we (or at least I) will forever lovingly refer to as The Almost!Sex.

Warning: This is totally going in under the NC-17 rating because I do not want to get yelled at for expecting people to understand that almost!sex means...well...sexy actions. I LOVE YOU ALL! :P

Pollution: *grins, nipping at Famine's neck playfully and dragging his nails around Famine's collar because...well...there's little more to do than tease and such when being carried, you see*
Famine: *shivers, barely able to hold out past entering the room before putting Pollution down and kissing him deeply, pulling him close*
Pollution: *kisses back with a quiet moan, pressing close, one hand tangling back into Famine's hair, the other brushing across the back of his neck now*
Famine: *shivers again and moves one hand to grip Pollution's hip and the other to trail up his spine, continuing to deepen the kiss*
Pollution: *whimpers and shivers as well, arching his back so that his hips move against Famine's, tongue sweeping over Famine's lower lip*
Famine: *moans quietly, shivering more, gripping Pollution's hip a bit tighter to hold him there, and moves his other hand to the back of Pollution's neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss*
Pollution: *moans in turn, rolling his hips slightly and making a loose fist in Famine's hair, other hand moving to press against his chest*
Famine: *makes a low noise in his throat and arches his own hips slightly against Pollution's, leaning into the touch and slipping his hand under Pollution's shirt*
Pollution: Nnn. *shudders slightly, the corner of his mouth quirking into a crooked grin, and pulls away just slightly, not even a full inch of space between them, backing towards the bed and tugging at Famine's shirt*
Famine: *grins dryly, and a bit breathlessly, pulling back long enough to take his shirt off before kissing Pollution again, steering them towards the bed*
Pollution: *kisses back with a moan, both hands pressed against Famine's chest for a moment before trailing his nails up down his ribcage to grip the waist band of Famine's pants*
Famine: *shivers, moaning softly into the kiss and arching his hips, moving both hands under Pollution's shirt to pull him closer, sliding it up as he moves his hands*
Pollution: *shivers and moans again, nipping at Famine's lip before moving back just enough to pull his t-shirt over his head, dropping it to the floor as he presses close again, trailing his nails up over Famine's ribs and chest*
Famine: *shivers more, moaning a bit louder, trailing his own nails over Pollution's back and pressing close right back, and bending to nip at Pollution's jaw, trailing kisses down his neck*
Pollution: *gasps sharply and whimpers, arching his back and rolling his shoulders, letting his head fall to the side and biting his lip*
Famine: *trails his fingertips lightly down to the waistband of Pollution's pants and hooks his fingers through the beltloops, pulling Pollution closer and tracing the line of his collarbone with his tongue*
Pollution: *shivers with a moaning whimper, palms pressed against Famine's chest, grinding their hips together*
Famine: *presses against Pollution's palms and arches his hips sharply, moving his mouth down to flick his tongue lightly over Pollution's nipple before moving back up to kiss him fiercely*
Pollution: *whimpers and gasps, curling his fingers so that his nails touch skin before dragging his hands down Famine's chest and ribs again, kissing back just as fiercely and somewhat desperately*
Famine: *shivers and moans quietly, arching his hips a bit more, his own kiss growing desperate, and slides his hips away just enough to undo Pollution's pants*
Pollution: *brushes his hands back up Famine's chest, nails leaving slightly reddish lines, and continues kissing, breathless whether he has to breathe or not*
Famine: *shivers more and is definitely on the breathless side as well, sliding his hands to Pollution's hips again, underneath the pants*
Pollution: *isn't wearing anything under said pants, just so you know* *arches his hips forward again, moaning into Famine's mouth, nails brushing over his collarbone*
Famine: *is breaking out in goosebumps, going rather weak in the knees, and slides Pollution's pants off his hips, breaking the kiss to cast an admiring, appreciative look up and down at Pollution before kissing him again*
Pollution: *whimpers quietly, shivering and biting his lip as Famine breaks away, then kissing back again, pressing close a moment before moving to undo Famine’s pants as well*
Famine: *also isn't wearing anything under his pants* *moans softly into the kiss, rocking his hips forward and trailing a hand to the small of Pollution's back*
Pollution: *pushes Famine's pants down over his hips, gasping lightly and arching his back at the touch, fingertips brushing lightly down the outside of Famine's thighs*
Famine: *moans a bit louder, nipping at the tip of Pollution's tongue and deepening the kiss, sliding his hands just below Pollution's hips*
Pollution: *moans and shivers, kissing back, pressing close again and dragging his nails lightly back up over Famine's hips and ribs and chest*
Famine: *moans and gasps sharply, breaking the kiss to look at Pollution again, trailing his hands up Pollution's back, then around to his chest and back down to his hips* *a bit hoarsely* Gorgeous. *kisses again, urgently*
Pollution: *whimpers, arching his back and shivering* *nips at Famine's lip before kissing back, wrapping his arms around Famine's neck and pulling him down towards the bed*
Famine: *doesn't resist, and is careful to catch his weight so that he doesn't fall on Pollution* *gasps, somewhat breathless, and continues kissing, trailing his hands down Pollution's sides*
Pollution: *shivers and arches with another whimper against Famine's lips, one hand tangling into Famine's hair and the other moving lightly down over his chest*
Famine: *gasps sharply, arching into Pollution's touch, deepening the kiss and moving his hands below Pollution's hips, pausing for a second before shakily and lightly skimming up the inside of Pollution's thighs*
Pollution: *whimpers and shivers again, arching with a gasp of his own, kissing back fully as his hand trails down over Famine's stomach and to his hip*
Famine: *shivers in turn, pressing against Pollution's hand with a slightly strangled, breathless noise, and slowly traces patterns along the inside of Pollution's thighs with his fingernails*
Pollution: *shudders with a whimpering moan, squirming under the touch and trailing his fingernails along the joint of Famine's hip*
Famine: *gasps sharply, leaning into Pollution's hand, and rests his hands on Pollution's thighs* *breaks the kiss but doesn't move very much, just far enough away to whisper breathlessly* Can I...? *gently pushes Pollution's thighs apart*
Pollution: Mm. *lets his legs move apart and leans up to capture Famine's lips again for a moment before lying back on the mattress, biting his lip* Anything.
Famine: *kisses back, then grins a bit dizzily before leaning down to kiss him once more, hands tightening just slightly on Pollution's thighs* *pulls back and murmurs* I love you. *slides his lips to Pollution's jaw, kissing slowly down to the hollow of his throat*
Pollution: *kisses back and moans softly* I love you, too. *lets his head roll back with another moan, the hand in Famine's hair moving down over his chest now*
Famine: *lets out a low hum of approval against Pollution's throat, pressing against his hand, and traces his tongue slowly across Pollution's collarbone and partway down his chest*
Pollution: *shivers, closing his eyes and rolling his shoulders back with a whimper, dragging his nails down over Famine's chest and stomach*
Famine: *shivers in turn, flicking his tongue lightly over Pollution's nipple before continuing to kiss further down over his stomach, trailing his hands back up Pollution's thighs to his hips and down again*
Pollution: *gasps sharply, arching his back slightly and biting his lip with a whimpering moan and a shiver, hands moving up over Famine's chest again*
Famine: *lightly trails his fingertips up Pollution's thighs again, murmuring as he kisses down his stomach* Love the sounds you make...love how you feel when I kiss you...love how gorgeous you are...*pauses and bends lower, pressing his lips gently to the head of Pollution’s cock before looking up into his eyes* *intensely* Love you. *slowly takes Pollution’s cock into his mouth*
Pollution: *whimpers, shivering and arching his back again* Nnn. *lets his fingertips trail down over Famine's shoulders and arms until his hands find the mattress, palms pressing into it a moment before curling into fists with a gasp and a slightly choked moan* Love you. Oh god, I love you.
Famine: *shivers slightly at Pollution's touch, hands trailing over his stomach before gripping his hips again* *closes his eyes and slides his tongue up and down the length of Pollution's cock*
Pollution: *lets out a whimpering moan, head rolling back with a shiver, back arching and fists clenched over the sheets* *quiet and shuddering* Nnn. Love you. Loveyouloveyouloveyou.
Famine: *lets out a low hum of acknowledgement, hands shaking slightly on Pollution's hips, and starts using his teeth in addition to his tongue, the movements of the latter growing quicker and more urgent*
Pollution: *any semblence of coherency disappears as he lets out a choked whine, mouth hanging open slightly and hips jerking, head and shoulders rolled back into the mattress*
Famine: *makes a low, slightly strangled noise in his throat, tightening his grip on Pollution's hips a bit, pulling back a little to trail his tongue down Pollution's cock a bit slower before going back to the quicker motions*
Pollution: *bites his lip and whines again, back arching and fists uncurling to press his palms into the mattress again* *choked and barely audible* Oh g-god...Famine...
Famine: *hums again, grip tightening a bit more, and opens his eyes to look up at Pollution with intensity and love before biting down lightly*
Pollution: *lets out that whimpering moan again, shuddering, clinging to the sheets and hips bucking slightly with another choked and incoherent noise, muscles slowly tensing throughout his body*
Famine: *hums a bit louder and lower-pitched, closing his eyes again and continuing his work, and would be incredibly breathless were he not otherwise occupied*
Pollution: *arches his back, entire body tensed now, and whines desperately, letting out something incoherent that likely should have been "I love you," shuddering violently and coming with whimpering cry*
Famine: *lets out a muffled moan, swallowing and sliding his mouth off, and slowly straightens, moving to straddle Pollution's hips and lifting a hand to brush his cheek gently, smiling a bit dizzily*
Pollution: *smiles back, looking rather dizzy himself, eyes half closed and face flushed, shivering slightly as his muscles relax enough to actually let him move* *quiet and voice barely working* I love you.
Famine: *laughs softly, brushing Pollution's hair back gently* *softly* I love you too. So much. *cups his cheek and leans down to kiss him gently*
Pollution: *kisses back with a soft sigh, reaching up to brush a hand back through Famine's hair, the other trailing lightly down his chest*
Famine: *shivers slightly, pressing gently against Pollution's hand, fingertips tracing down the line of Pollution's jaw and fingers of his other hand curling around Pollution's hip*

Bwahaha! I am evil! ...not that that's anything to be proud of, right? XD

famine/pollution, good omens

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