(no subject)

Jun 28, 2005 22:36

NOTE: This log has been cut down to mainly just DE action...it was too long to include everything else!

Session Start: Tue Jun 28 19:17:03 2005

Session Ident: #desperatefans

* Now talking in #desperatefans

* Topic is 'This is the PG-13 chat for LJ community DesperateFans. Want more? --> #desperatefans-2'

* Set by X on Wed Jun 22 17:40:07

-X- (#desperatefans) A reminder: keep public chat comments PG-13 or below. Unsure what PG-13 means? PM a mod or take it to #desperatefans-2. Mods are: Courfeyrac, Grantaire, Hermione and Ron.

*is weeping bloodily on Dolohov's lap*


*stumbles in through the doorway and spots his comrades* Sly. Ev.

*looks up and tries to wipe the blood from his face* Roddy?

*freezes and sways on his feet slightly* What the hell happened?

Roddy, hide. *leans against D*

You missed our Lord.

*pales* Ohbloodyhell...

I can't hide from him. He'll find me. There's no use.

He's angry. *uses the sleeve of his robe to wipe away tears and... y'know*

Yeah, I figured that... *thinks for a moment before wandering over to the couch and hugging Rosier* I'm so sorry...

*winces but hugs back*

You okay, Sly?

He... left before he came to me.

* RabastanLestrange has joined #desperatefans



I think we're all farked in the arse.

*shakily straigthens up and slumps onto the couch* *looks up* Rab?

Yes, frere? *goes to sit on the couch*


*is fighting back tears because...he doesn't cry!* *quietly* He's going to kill me. I know it.

*clings to D*

If he does, he's madder then Barty. He needs you. We need you.

Rosier? Can it-- *puts arm around Rodolphus* He won't kill you.

*strokes Ev's hair*

*is feeling very sorry for himself*

*swallows hard and bites his lip* He will.

No. We were the greatest servants to the cause, and no matter what you did to Malfoy...

If not you, Roddy, Peril. *sobs*

*sighs* I know but... he believes Lucius.

*a single tear leaks out* *bites his lip harder, coz he REALLY doesn't want to cry right now* *looks away from his brother and mates*

I don't understand the attraction. Malfoy is not a likeable man in the best of times, and he denied... *tightens arm around his brother*

Lying, snivelling bastard...

*continues to comfort Rosier* He's always been good at talking his way out of things.

*really hurts liek whoa but is dealing with most of the blood yay!* Lucy has the gift of gab.

He's a bastard...but still....How could I do this? How could I displease our master like this? *takes a slow, deep, shuddery breath*

Roddy. It's not just you.

You and Evan didn't do anything wrong! You taunted him! So what? I broke his freaking arm! I petrified him! Peril Crucio'd him!

*quietly* With my wand.


I don't think he cares who did what at this point.

And I could have stopped you all. But I didn't.

*glances at Evan, then D* *nods and sighs* *chances a quick look at Rab*

*kisses his brother's cheek* ((.........))

[[........an expression of...physical affection?...]]

*feels like a baby but leans against D again for comfort*

((Yes. Did someone hit him over the head and not tellme?)


[*blinks at Rab*]

[[ha! there's our answer! he HAS kissed someone!]]

*holds Ev tightly*

* Voldemort has joined #desperatefans

((answer to what?))


*glances at his brother* Rab...

*whimpers and cringes against D*

Hello boys



*Goes to look for a large quality of holy water*

My lord. *sort of...slides off couch to drop to one knee*

*pales as well* *turns, shaking, but still turns to Voldemort*

*drops to his knees* M-my Lord... *bows his head*

*squeaks this time* My lord. *bows*

((was Bastan there at all?))

((Nope. He's been in hiding. Only just came out.))

Rabastan? Come here please

..... Yes, my lord. *rises and walks over*

*glances at his brother worriedly, about to cry*

You wish to join me again, so I wish you to prove your loyalty

.....Yes, my lord?

Crucio your brother

*goes O_O*

*shuts his eyes tightly*

*hides his face against D*

*bites his lip*


*Wanders off to hide in the kitchen*

*quakes* Y-yes, my lord. *breathes deep, reaching into wand pocket*

*swallows HARD and keeps his eyes shut*

*takes wand out*

Cr-c-- *stammers. Stops. Breathes again* Crucio.

*yells out at first* *falls over and seizes*

... he doesn't seem to be in apin enough.*sneers* Perhaps you should do it again so he screams?

*looks ill* My lord. *breathes again* Crucio!

Dolohov, here please

*cries out* *is rendered practically motionless* *starts screaming*

*clings to D*

*smiles weakly at Ev then goes over to kneel in front of Voldemort* My lord?

*with no D to cling to just prostrates himself*

*decides that perhaps a physical beating will be mmore satisfying, so starts to kick D about a bit*

(How nice!)

*continues to scream in pain* [[how friendly!]]

[[Cruciatus hasn't been lifted yet, has it?]]

[Aw come on! Make him bleed. I meanwhat?]

((No, unfortunately))

*submits to the beating*

[[*cries for the DEs she has come to love*]]

*drops to knees again and drops the curse*

((would, but is far too amused at them all deserving this))

((Not Rab *sniffles*))

((no, but never mind, eh?))

* Snape has joined #desperatefans

* X sets mode: +o Snape

[[If they recover, they can all have comfortsnogging ;) ]]

*twitches a few times, but mostly just lies there on the floor*

((again, excepting Rab ;))


*walks in and pauses... this looks.. comforting*

[[Well, yes. ;) ]

*peeks up to see what is happening to D and hides his face against the ground again*

*hurts like a hurting thing*

[Ev: *would snog Rab*]

* Lucius has joined #desperatefans

*cries feebly*

((Rab: *Would appreciate that not, thank you*))

*would comfort Rodolphus if he himself weren't rooted in place*

*peeks up again*

[Typist: *would snog Rab*]

*makes sure D is covered in blood before going up to Snape and kicking him in the omgunmentionables*

*cheerfully* Hello all.

((Rab: *It doesn't matter who, I will not snog people!*))

*crawls to D* Sly, love?

*grunts and bends over*

*lifts head to look at Lucius hauntedly*

*looks* Did I SAY you could talk to each other? Back to your positions!

((Do you realise how that sounds? ;))

*hears Lucius's voice and closes his eyes*

Ev... *chokes*

[[Ack! positions!]]

*whimpers and puts his forehead back on the floor*

*kicks SnapeyPoo again, and laughs childishly*

*shuts up*

*manages to grunt out* Forgive me, my lord, for whatever I've done to displease you.

If you dont know what it was Severus, then you are more stupid than I originally thought... *punches him in the nose, because that's amusing*

*is almost brought out of his stupor by this deserved beating. Almost*

Am I missing a party?

* Ron isn't here, for the record. Please refrain from hurting him. Thanks kindly!

Shut up Lucius

*punch'd!, lifts hand to his nose and winces* Of course, milord.

*watches fight*

((Don't worry, Ron, they're too busy beating their own))

*would be amused if he weren't, you know, being an Angst Princess*

*looks up long enough to glare at lucius*

Yes, Lord.

Of course, Lord.

... *kneels*

*kicks Lucius in the face*

Thank you, Lord.





*also watches with vague amusement*




[I mean what?]


[D: ... I wish I

['d thought of that. Damn you, Malfoy!]



*knocks Lucius out so he stops talking*


You see what you've done to him?

My lord...

*can't see a difference but that could be because of the pain*

Ack. *thud*

*is still laying on the floor* *would grin at knockedout!Lucius if he weren't in pain still*

*remains standing, if rather hunched over, and attempting to staunch the bleeding from his nose*

*smiles at the floor*

Right, all of you on your feet, now

((What a cheerful picture!))

*rises shakily* My lord.

*gets up slowly* My lord?

*climbs to his feet painfully* *Keeps his head bowed* Yes my lord?

*opens his eyes and swallows* *painfully moves his limbs*

*remains silentl*


[So.. Sientl. ;)]

If you act like degenerate muggles, you shall be treated in the same way - where is the pride?

You are grown men, not schoolboys - start acting like it.

*pulls himself up to stand finally, but is hunched over*

Yes, my lord. We would never dream of doing otherwise. *dreaming vs. doing in his friends' cases*

Yes, my lord. *quietly*

*nods* *hoarsely* My lord....yes.

*hurts for Rodolphus*


Yes, my lord. *is thinking but what aoubt lucy?*

I am highly diappointed in each and every one of you for giving everybody the impression you are nothing but a group of drunken immature fools who go around killing - we are more than that, and it reflects badly on me...I do NOT like that


No, indeed, master.

((or even disappointed, but if Tom wants to make up his own words, Im not stopping him...))

*croaks* I am sorry, my lord, for disappointing you.

[[I wouldn't either. ;)]]



[D: But we can still snog each other wildly?]

It won't happen again, my lord.

((Rab: No.))

[Ev: Please?]

((Rab: NO.))

[Snape: *eyeroll*]

*wants to one of those drunken immature fools who goes around killing*

**wants to be

[after what you've just seen? wow]

[D: I won't snog you, Rab. I'd much rather snog Ev.]

*wanted OG to join in today, but thought he may kill one and thats not good*

*malicious grin*

*loses interest in DEs and tacklesnogs Jareth instead*

[Ev: yay! snogging rab is like kissing a dead fish]


[[Roddy: how would you know, Ev?]]

((He knows.))

((Rab: *sputters*))

[[oh yeah..forgot...]]

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do - I left a very important visitor on their own to see to you fools ... but first?

Yes, master?

*slaps Lucius* Wake up


*sits up, smiling* Yes, Lord?

Stand up, now


*looks at the DEs* Apologise to Lucius

*blinks* My lord?

*takes a breath* Lucius, I apologize for my.. unfortunate inaction.

That's quite alright, Sevvie-darling.

Do it, Rosier

Desolee, Mr. Malfoy.

Forgive me, Lucius.

I'm sorry I loaned my wand to torture you, Lucius.

*looks at Lucius a bit reproachfully, but he knows better than to disobey orders*

Am I to forgive them, Lord?

'M sorry, Malfoy.

Well, yes Lucius - after all, you all have to work together very soon

*graciously* Then I forgive you! All of you!


Th-thank you, Lucius.

When you all see Mulciber? Send him to me.

And Snape?

*just glares, and drops down to his knees, as he's feeling a bit weak from the Crucio AND the alcohol he's been drinking all day*

Yes, milord?

Yes, my lord. *bows head* *is more than weak as he was also kicked and punched*

Please attempt to sort out Lucius - I cannot afford to have a blonde haired vegetable sitting on the School council at such a delicate time - he is one of my most important spies at present, and I cannot let his retardedness spoil my plans

*nods* Of course, milord.

[[retardedness? *dies*]]


Honestly, you'd think people who use the curse frequently would know how far to push their own in a friendly dispute... idiots, the lot of you.

[D: I still don't see the difference.]


[Ev: Way to go, Sly!]

[D: So we should have turned him into a pureed fruit?]


Roddy? Sly?


*glances at Evan*

You ok?

*walks slowly to Rodolphus*

*nods* I... think so.

*doesn't speak, just kinda stares into space and slumps into a sitting position*

*kneels beside him* Frere? I.... *chokes* Je suis desolee.

*grins manically and leaves*

* Voldemort has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

*goes slowly and painfully over to D to dab at his wounds with the sleeves of his robe*

*clings to Ev*

*vaguely* Retardedness..?


*walks over to Lucius* So, Lucius. Are you actually reasonably sane, or do I actually need to force-feed you all the positively distasteful mind-strengthening brews I know how to compose?

*holds him* I'm so sorry.

*leers* You can force-feed me anything you like.

*weakly* Je sais....frere....

* Claudia has joined #desperatefans

((Anything, Lucius? How about poison?))

Ah. So the potions it is.

It's alright, Ev.


*bounds in with a sack of Pixy Stix* Good eeeeevening, ladeez und gentulmans! Who wants candy?!

*awkward pause*

*glances over at Claudia and arches an eyebrow*

*jerks head up to look at the bouncy teenager*

*finally just lets go and cries*

*another awkward pause before he embraces his brother*

*frowns, waving the sack around* Come on, free-floating flavored sugar, who wants?

We desire neither your sugar nor your overly exuberant attitude, mademoiselle.

*clings to his brother and sobs*

*blinks at Claudia*


*blinks at Claudia* Let's kill her.

Are you alright, Ev?

*Hugs D but watches the lestranges* No... but I'll live.

...Lucius, you just had my brother punished for behaving as a mindless savage. Don't make me report the same of you. *quivering*

* Honor-NOTHERE is now known as Kristy

*rests a hand on Lucius's shoulder* Not the best idea under the circumstances.

It's just a Muggle girl, Lucy.

*leaps to her feet* KRISTYYYYYYYY! *tackle-hugs her and shoves a handful of Pixy Stix at her*

*winces* -Now- can we kill her?

* Stacey has joined #desperatefans

* X sets mode: +o Stacey

*doesn't have the energy or will to speak to Lucius* *just continues to cling to Rab and sob all over him*

Nous ne sommes pas des animaux.

CLAUD! And, hey, Stacey!

Snape, should we take him to a Healer? *is trembling against D*

Hey, Kristy! Hey, Claud!

...Frere? Do you wish to return to your room?

It may be prudent.

*squeezes Kristy, then spins around and does the same to Stacey*

*pulls himself together* *quietly* Yes.

McKinnon or Jones... they're Healers.

*embraces him* Yes. Let us get away from these... teenagers.

We'd have to imperio them first.

((Hes: *is busy, yo*))

They're good guys. They'd do it. Coz it's the right thing to do.

*glances at the bag of pixy stix and laughs* Came well-supplied, huh?

[[hmm...technically Marly is still in Diagon Alley...but I could cheat...]]

((totally. Doc sure isn't hanging solely around DA))

You know it! I swear I had some more... Stacey-friendly stuff around here somewhere, but I think I ran out of chocolate earlier and ate it myself.

[not for three days? gid'd be stuck there too]

*laughs* It's okay, really.

You ate stuff without sugar, Claudia? *dumbstruck*

((Officially, the visit was that one night after all. W e'll finsih when we can))

*glares at the teenagers*

[[hehe...someday we'll finish it...should I bring in Marlene?]]

I was OUT, Kristy. I didn't even have any PRINGLES left.

*helps his brother to his feet*

[up to you!}


*stands shakily with his brother's help*

[[wait til I get ROddy situated]]

*leads his brother out of the room, arm around his waist*

I'd almost say I have to eat something sugary to balance it out, but.. don't wanna go into diabetic shock.

* MaryAnne has joined #desperatefans


* RabastanLestrange has quit IRC (Quit: AbleNET IRC http://www.AbleNET.org/)

good omens, death eaters

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