Attack of the CUTE!

Jun 28, 2005 17:17

Right. So I'm supposed to be running errands but while I'm waiting for the car to be available I figured I'd give you CUTE. And yes. It does deserve all caps.

Famine: *nods to Crowley and heads into the kitchen for coffee*
Timothy: *runs in through the backdoor, into the kitchen, and hides under the table, giggling*
Famine: *turns around and blinks at the table, kneeling down next to it and quirking an eyebrow* Hello, Timothy.
Timothy: *giggles some more and waves a little* Hi.
Famine: *looks amused* You appear to be...under a table. *thank you, Horseman Obvious*
Timothy: Uh huh. *nods excitedly and looks back at the door with yet another giggle*
Famine: *glances at the door, then back at Timothy, eyebrow still up* Care to enlighten me? Or is confusing me part of the fun? *grins dryly*
Timothy: Umumum. Mr. Pollution and I were outside...
Famine: *looks amused and grins a bit more* Oh, really. What were you doing?
Pollution: *enter the first Horseman, smirking and rather drenched and covered in mud* Ambushing me during a failed game of Hide-and-Seek. That's what he was doing.
Timothy: *squeaks, giggles, and scrambles to hide behind Famine*
Famine: *looks up, rather amused again, hidden behind, fun stuff* *laughs* Looks as if he rather succeeded, too.
Pollution: *laughs* Rather. I believe the score is currently Timothy -3, Pollution - 1. *grins gives Famine a big, muddy hug just for the hell of it*
Timothy: *giggles* Famine - 0?
Famine: *wrinkles his nose in mock annoyance and hugs back, grinning at Timothy* I wouldn't say that. I have you two, after all.
Timothy: *giggles more and gets in on the hugging*
Pollution: *sets a muddy hand on Timothy's head and smirks at Famine* You've collected quite an odd little family, love.
Nemesis: *Blinks at muddy people, yo, because the typist is bored*
Famine: *laughs, hugging Timothy as well, and grinning at Nemesis* I have. I've no idea how I managed. *kisses Pollution's nose, disregarding the mud*
Pollution: *laughs and kisses with a grin* Apparently you're just lucky.
Famine: *kisses back* I am. Very lucky. *beams at all three of them*
Pollution: *laugh again* Now that that's settled... *pulls away with another kiss* I believe I'll make some tea.
Timothy: *is apparently a giggly happy child today, thank goodness* *hops up on a chair, swinging his legs*
Famine: *kisses back and grins* All right. *gets up to sit in a chair himself and leans back in it a bit, looking from Pollution to Timothy and generally looking pleased with life*
Pollution: *sets to making that tea, yo* *only no "yo" because that's a typistly thing to say* So, love. How are you, then?
Famine: At the moment? *grins faintly* Utterly perfect. I couldn't ask for more.
Timothy: *hums quietly, perched on the chair and still swinging his legs* *gives in to random, childish urge and pokes Famine's knee*
Pollution: *chuckles* Good.
Famine: *makes a sound that could only be described as a squeak and pulls back, giving Timothy a mock-stern look* Don't do that. *looks a little embarrassed*
Timothy: *giggles at Famine's squeak and covers his mouth to hide a grin* Sorry.
Pollution: *looks rather amused*
Famine: *mock-scowls at both Timothy and Pollution and experimentally pokes Timothy lightly in the side*
Timothy: *definitely squeaks, as he's known to do, and jumps a little, giggling*
Pollution: *grins and poors himself a cup of tea before heading over to claim a seat on the side of Famine opposite Timothy*
Famine: *grins, looking amused* Touche. *leans over to kiss Pollution*
Pollution: *kisses back, smirking slightly* Are you officially part of this little war of ours yet or are you going to play neutral party?
Famine: *grins* I'll play neutral party a while longer. Watching is far too amusing.
Pollution: *grins* You do realise what happens when neutral parties find themselves -between- those at war, don't you?
Famine: *quirks an eyebrow* Oh? Do tell.
Pollution: *looks over to Timothy, eyebrows raised*'s just too much trouble for the battle to continue -around- him, isn't it?
Timothy: *giggles* It is! *pokes Famine again, this time in the side*
Famine: *squeaks again and mock-glares before grinning dryly* I should be worried, shouldn't I?
Pollution: *grins and kisses his cheek* Most likely. *pokes as well*
Famine: *wrinkles his nose and pokes back*
Pollution: *grins a bit more broadly and pokes again* I rather enjoy not being terribly ticklish.
Timothy: *giggles and tickles because, wheeefun!*
Famine: *scowls at Pollution, then yelps at being tickled and moves to fend Timothy off*
Timothy: *giggles and keeps tickling, kneeling on his chair now*
Pollution: *laughs and tickles as well* Welcome to the war, love.
Nemesis: Get the lower sides. He squeals.
Famine: *yelps and shoots a mock-glare* Nem! *squeaks some more and flails a little, attempting to get away*
Nemesis: Yes. That's me.
Pollution: *chuckles* Care to join the fun, Nemesis? *continues with the tickling, if there was any doubt that he would*
Nemesis: *Innocent grin* Do you even have to ask?
Timothy: *giggles and keeps tickling, too*
Famine: *yelps again, attempting to glare but rather failing through his laughter* Nem, don't you dare...*hah, watch him think she might actually listen*
Nemesis: *Very, very innocent, for the record* You know, it is a good chance for revenge....
Famine: Revenge for -what-?! *flails a bit more*
Nemesis: Everything. And those three days I spent with you.
Pollution: *grins and pinches playfully at Famine's side, right above his hip*
Nemesis: *Laughs*
Famine: *squeaks loudly and glares* Stop that. *flails a bit more at Nemesis*
Pollution: *grins a bit more* Now why on earth would I stop? *pinches again*
Nemesis: *Laughs harder*
Timothy: *giggles and pretty much tackles Famine, wrapping his arms around his neck and standing on Famine's chair*
Famine: *squeaks again and smacks Pollution's hand lightly, then is totally tackled* Oof. *smirks faintly and pokes Timothy lightly* Hello, Timothy.
Timothy: *squeaks and giggle, trying to get out of reach without detaching himself, as if that'd work* Hi!
Famine: *looks amused* Any purpose in that? Or did you just feel like it? *pokes lightly again*
Timothy: *giggles* Just felt like it. *squeaks again and giggles some more*
Famine: *looks amused and a little relieved that Nemesis hasn't done anything yet*
Pollution: *kisses Famine's cheek with a grin* Love you, dear.
Famine: *wrinkles his nose and mock-scowls* Love you, too. *grabs Pollution's hand and pulls him forward for a proper kiss*
Pollution: *laughs quietly and kisses back, still grinning*
Famine: *sits up a bit and pokes Timothy lightly again* You'll have to get up. I need to go.
Timothy: *giggles again and moves*
Famine: *gets up and squeezes Pollution's hand, kissing him quickly* I'll be back soon. *ruffles Timothy's hair lightly and murmurs* 'Bye, son. *heads off, a little embarrassed*
Pollution: *kisses back and just smiles* Goodbye, love.
Timothy: *embarrassed? no way* Um. Bye. *totally flops into the now empty chair*

famine/pollution, good omens, children

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