(no subject)

Jun 26, 2005 11:35

* Hastur has joined #desperatefans
* X sets mode: +o Hastur
Nemesis: *Facepalm*
Metatron: ...............
Metatron: Not him...!
Hastur: Not who? *looks around* Did that roach show up again?
Nemesis: *Liek, ZOMG tries to...blend into the wallpaper*
Metatron: ...No. You. Go away, please.
Hastur: Oh, me? *glances over at Nemesis* Oh, hey there, my pretzel of perniciousness!
Metatron: Yes. You. Go away, now.
Nemesis: ....
Hastur: Cannoli of cantankerousness?
Nemesis: *Facepalm* Not this again.....
Metatron: Hastur. Leave her alone. *bursts into flame and such*
Hastur: But I'm being affectionate!
Metatron: As much as you were being affectionate the other night. *holds up a snickerdoodle* Remember?
Hastur: *bats his eyes* Awwww, you *kept* them? How sweeeet.
Metatron: ...No, I didn't. *blinks and eats it, I mean, as long as it's THERE, you know*
Hastur: *chuckles*
Nemesis: *Smiles at Meta*
Metatron: *blinks at Nemesis, too* *to Hastur* ...What's funny?
Hastur: *looks thoughtful and.. demonmods an indoor Rain O' Snickerdoodles*
Metatron: ...
Metatron: Hastur! *flails and quickly angelmods it to stop*
Nemesis: ....
Metatron: *picks up one of the already-fallen cookies* ... *bites into it*
Hastur: Never let it be said I never did anything for thee. *stops the rain*
Nemesis: *Attempts to get cinnimon out of hair*
Metatron: How is making it rain cookies doing something for me...?
Hastur: You like cookies!
Metatron: Yes, but...
Hastur: There we go then!
Metatron: *sigh*
Hastur: *picks up a cookie and eats it*
Metatron: ...Will you please leave now
Metatron: *?
Metatron: [I CAN TYPE. ;_;]
Nemesis: [I KNOEW YOU CAN]
Nemesis: [*...KNOE]
Nemesis: [...*KNOW!]
Hastur: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Errrrrrrrrrrrrr.. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Nope!
Metatron: ...
Metatron: Why not?
Hastur: I like it here! It rains cookies! And you and my little cottage cheese of charm are here!
Nemesis: YOUR WHAT?
Hastur: *smirks at Nem*
Metatron: *twitch* Shut up, demon.
Hastur: My Pop Rocks of passion?
Nemesis: ...disgusting
Metatron: *glare of Really Pissed Off!Emo!Meta* *and, uh, heavenly wrath and stuff*
Hastur: Tuna salad sandwich of terrificness?
Nemesis: You DO have a food fetish
Hastur: *laughs* I do if it bothers you.
Nemesis: Oh go die and leave me alone
Metatron: I second Nemesis.
Hastur: Remember the whole can't die thing?
Hastur: I know, kinda inconvenient.
Nemesis: Fine. Go....drink holy water and leave me alone
Hastur: Kinda burns on the way down.
Metatron: That's the idea.
Nemesis: Oh what a pity
Hastur: Talk about your acid reflux.
Nemesis: Oh well, it's an obstacle to overcome, I'm afraid
Hastur: Awww. How sad, my badass bean salad.
Nemesis: Sad? No, I don't think so *Starts looking for...something. Yes, let's go with that*
Metatron: What is it that compels you to torment Nemesis like this? Do you actually gain something from it?
Hastur: *arches an eyebrow* What are you doing, my goulash of greatness?
Nemesis: Wouldn't you like to know?
Hastur: Why, yes, my Fruit Roll-Up of Fun.
Nemesis: Oh well, I'm not going to tell you
Hastur: Pretty please, my Enormous Multi-Station Buffet of Secrecy?
Nemesis: Yeah...how about no?
Hastur: But, but.. My stuffed pepper of sexiness!
Metatron: ....................................................................
Metatron: *this glare could probably make small children faint*
Nemesis: You'll live if you're lucky sir donkey's ass of food endearments
Hastur: *smirks* I like that one, my clever cube steak.
Nemesis: What did I do with....OH SHUT UP WILL YOU?
Hastur: Make me, my mellifluous meatball.
Nemesis: I like that idea
Hastur: Oh, my poor pouty princess of pizza.
Nemesis: I don't even like pizza
Hastur: Huh. Would you prefer pumpernickel?
Metatron: *sigh*
Mulciber At least he wasn't out to -kill- her then!
Nemesis: *Blink* What?
Hastur: Pumpernickel. You know, the bread?
Nemesis: I know what pumpernickel is
Metatron: *is... watching Hastur poke Nemesis with food comparisons*
Hastur: Well then.
Nemesis: *is still behind the couch looking for... something*
Nemesis: Well yourself
Metatron: *...still with the milk-curdling glare, here, people*
Hastur My precious little ravioli of revenge..
Saint-Alona: *puts a pitcher of milk up to Meta's face*
Nemesis: PRECIOUS????
Saint-Alona: Thank you, dearie! *goes off to stick it in the fridge and wait for it to be, you know, cheese or whatever*
Metatron: ...you're welcome?
Hastur: Very. Only one of you in the world, isn't there, my delicious diva of doughnuts?
Nemesis: You don't even *like* me
Hastur: Now where would you get that idea, my pixy stix pixie? Revenge is a great thing!
Nemesis: Because you hate me
Hastur: I do not either, my lasagna of love.
Nemesis: Have you ever considered counseling?
Metatron: I don't know if counseling could possibly reconcile Hastur's countless personality problems.
Hastur: *laughs* Counseling?
Hastur: *grins* Oh, please! *flops down on a couch* Oh, Dr. Clancy, please help me resolve my psychological difficulties!
Nemesis: Like the angel said, I doubt it'll help, but it is a start. Maybe they can put you on ritalin or something
Metatron: ...Dr. Clancy. You're not referring to me, -are- you? *OMG GLARE! BE AFRAID, SMALL CHILDREN!*
Hastur: Who else, Dr. Clancy?!
Metatron: ...I don't know. Not me, seeing as how my name is not Clancy.
Hastur: Isn't it, Clancy?
Metatron: No, demon. It's not.
Hastur:Oh, fine then. *sighs* Dr. The Metatron, please! Counsel me!
Nemesis: *Blinks at Meta and gives him an "OMG I CAN SHOOT HIM I FOUND MY BOW" look*
Metatron: *sighs and returns said look with OMG YES. PLEASE DO.*
Hastur: *clasps his hands behind his back* It all started when I was a young angel...
Metatron: *flops down in a chair opposite Hastur and listens, looking slightly ill*
Hastur: Er.. Behind his head. Yeah.]
Hastur:All of the other angels were so... disgustingly nice!
Nemesis: Goddessmods and holy waters an arrow*
Hastur:*utterly not noticing*
Metatron:That's the point, you know.
Nemesis:*Good, because, you know, AIMING*
Hastur:It was boring! And they picked on me! Or, well, they didn't pick on me. But they *could* have..
Metatron:But they didn't, because angels are nice.
Hastur:Exactly! Oh, and my daddy beat me all the time!
Metatron:You don't -have- a father, demon.
Hastur:Well, if I did, he woulda beat me!
Metatron: How do you know? You don't have one.
Nemesis: *Shoots, because, woo, shooting, and you know, hits because....yeah. It's Nemesis. How can she NOT hit?*
Hastur: Well, don't all psychologically damaged folks come from child abu--AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH!
Metatron: ...*looks impressed* Nice shot, Nemesis.
Nemesis: I do try
Hastur: *flails and tries to pull the arrow out but his hand just gets all burninated too* *curses all KINDS of loudly, and creatively*
Hastur: *is having all kinds of nice sizzling noises coming from his wound*
Metatron: *blinks at Hastur* ...hmm. How much water did you use?
Nemesis: *Shrug* Half of the glass?
Metatron: Hand me the other half? *holds out a hand*
Hastur: *climbs up and runs out the door, still screaming*
* Hastur has left #desperatefans

good omens

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