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Jun 23, 2005 10:30

A couple of logs from.. uh.. day before yesterday. That Maja begged me to post. Yes.

[19:39] Famine> *looks up and narrows his eyes*
[19:40] Hastur> Famine! I'm in the mood for oyster crackers. Have you seen any lately:?
[19:41] Famine> *glares* My -utmost- apologies, but no.
[19:43] Hastur> Oh. How sad. How about kumquats? Cheese?
[19:44] Famine> ...*twitches a bit* No.
[19:44] Hastur> Hmm... Leafy green salads?
[19:44] Hastur> With croutons and bacon bits?
[19:45] Nemesis> I like Salad.
[19:47] Hastur> And maybe a little drizzle of olive oil and vinegar?
[19:49] Famine> ..............
[19:49] Famine> *gives Nem a not-helping look*
[19:49] Nemesis> *Gives Famine an Oh. Can I throw my knife at him? Look*
[19:49] Hastur> Or how about one of those big submarine sandwiches with meat and veggies....
[19:50] Famine> *gives Nem a you-can-if-you-want,-but-I-don't-know-how-much-good-it'll-do look*
[19:50] Famine> ............*twitches a bit*
[19:50] Nemesis> *Gives Famine a YAY! look* *Throws knife at Hastur, because you know, goddess of vengence. Has knives. Woot*
[19:52] Hastur> *catches the knife with his chest* That's nice.
[19:53] Nemesis> *Plays with arrows happily*
[19:58] Nemesis> *Shoots Hastur in attempt to revive chat*
[19:58] Famine> *plays with his wineglass*
[20:02] Nemesis> *Gives up being bored and walks over to Famine and pokes*
[20:03] Famine> *poked!* *taken by surprise, so squeaks quietly before glaring and poking back*
[20:03] Hastur> *pulls various projectiles out of his person*
[20:05] Hastur> Oh! I saw the most *wonderful* health food buffet the other day...
[20:06] Famine> Hi, Nemesis. *GLARES at Hastur*
[20:07] Hastur> There was this entire station devoted to just *bean sprouts and tofu*.
[20:07] Hastur> Chock full of nutrition!
[20:07] Nemesis> ...I have the urge to slap him...
[20:08] Famine> *GLARES* ...I can't say I blame you. Probably not the best idea, though.
[20:08] Hastur> Oh, and the salad bar! It was all organically grown!
[20:08] Famine> *twitches and GLARES* ...he's a demon, though. You could get hurt.
[20:09] Nemesis> I'm a goddess. I can heal myself. Toacertainpointbutthat'snotwhatwe'retalkingabout
[20:10] Famine> *frowns* Well, yes, but I still don't want you to get hurt at all.
[20:11] Hastur> And free-range chicken..
[20:11] Nemesis> And besides, what makes you think I'll get hurt. I do that kind of thing for a living.
[20:11] Famine> *...twiiiitch*
[20:11] Nemesis> *?
[20:12] Famine> *shrugs* Well, I'd prefer for you not to take any chances.
[20:12] Nemesis> *Sits down on the floor* Oh, fine. Butifanyoneelsehadtriedtogetmetostopitwouldn'vehaveworked
[20:14] Hastur> Oh, and they have vitamin supplement fruit smoothies!
[20:14] Famine> *TWITCHLIEKWHOA* ...thank you, Nem. *determinedly does NOT look at Hastur*
[20:15] Hastur> Yep. You can get one complete meal with your complete recommended daily allowance of *every kind of vitamin and mineral there is*.
[20:15] Nemesis> Oh, Hell. *Shoots again because, yeah. Angry revenge goddess=ARROWAGE*
[20:15] Hastur> *catches the arrow* Nice shot.
[20:15] Famine> ...*TWITCHESSOMUCH*
[20:16] Hastur> *uses the arrow to pick at his teeth*
[20:16] Nemesis> *Facepalm*
[20:17] Hastur> Think I still have a little spinach in there..
[20:19] Nemesis> Well, that says a lot about your hygeine and eating habits
[20:19] Famine> *just ignooooores Hastur, whee*
[20:22] Nemesis> So. Famine. How's life?
[20:23] Hastur> *demonmods a bag of... roast soybeans, which... he starts to flick one by one at Famine*
[20:23] Famine> Good, so far. Aside from...-minor annoyances.- *ignores the soybeans, hoping no sound effects follow this time* How about you?
[20:24] Nemesis> That's up for discussion, but....canIpleaseslaphim?
[20:24] Hastur> *as if knowing Famine's hopes and dreams.. starts with the sound effects* Poing! Bing! Tong!
[20:28] Famine> ...*twitches a little more* *because, oh yes, his every hope and dream centers on Hastur making more of those sound effects* ...I'd rather you didn't let him provoke you...not that I'm one to talk, but...
[20:28] Hastur> *continues flicking soybeans at Famine* Fwing! Zip-dang!
[20:29] Nemesis> Does that mean I can?
[20:29] Famine> ...*eyetwitch growing prominent now* ...well...I can't really stop you, I suppose...
[20:29] Gavroche> *glances at Hastur*
[20:30] Nemesis> YES. *Cheerish*
[20:30] Nemesis> *Walks over and slaps Hastur. HARD. Like, with insane goddess of Revenge fury and whatnot*
[20:30] Hastur> Ow! *soybeans scatter all over the place as Hastur glares at Nemesis* What the blessed Heaven was *that* about?
[20:31] Nemesis> Because you are an ass.
[20:31] Nemesis> *Walks away*
[20:31] Hastur> Well.. yeah..?
[20:31] Helena> ... so!
[20:31] Nemesis> *Turns around* That's all the reason I need
[20:32] Hastur> Oh. Okay. *picks up the arrow which he set aside and heaves it quite accurately at Famine*
[20:32] Famine> *has been watching Nem and Hastur, a bit tensely, so eyes widen at the arrow and manages to duck so that it hits him in the shoulder* *lets out a hiss of pain and grabs it, tearing it loose with a wince*
[20:33] Nemesis> Umm, Famine?
[20:33] Hastur> *grins* Not bad, Hastur. Might have to work on your aim a little, but hey.
[20:33] Famine> *growls* Quit talking to yourself, demon, it isn't becoming in the least. *holds a hand to the wound, which is bleeding, and drops the arrow, cursing under his breath*
[20:35] Hastur> Oh, you want me to be becoming?
[20:35] Nemesis> Famine? Do you want me to heal you?
[20:35] Famine> *hisses* It would likely -help- a great deal, demon. *to Nemesis with a grimace* ...yes, if you could.
[20:36] Hastur> Pfft.
[20:36] Nemesis> *Goddessmods and heals Famine, woot* Of course I can. Arrow wounds are easy
[20:37] Hastur> *fills his mouth with soybeans*
[20:37] Nemesis> I find it amusing how mature the demon is
[20:37] Hastur> *starts.. spitting them one-by-one at Famine.. he's so couth, ain't 'e?*
[20:38] Nemesis> ...Oh, well....I think I gave him too much credit
[20:39] Famine> *healed, yey!* *except he'd never say yey, just like he'd never say whee*...*TWITCHESLIEKWHOA*...I think so, too. *slightly wry grin*
[20:39] Hastur> *starts.. uh.. setting the soybeans on fire as he spits them.. so there are now FLAMING soybeans flying at Famine*
[20:41] Famine> ..... *right, so, his clothing is probably catching on fire a little bit now too* *is getting REALLY tired of this, so continues with the twitching and pointed ignoring*
[20:42] Hastur> *smirks and chews a little... and totally demonmods the soybeans into ethanol which he sets on fire and totally flamethrower-spits at Famine*
[20:42] Nemesis> *Goddessmods and puts clothing fires out*
[20:44] Famine> *...SET ON FIRE* *FOR THE TEN BILLIONTH FREAKIN' TIME* *and then it's put out, so it's all good* *just sort of glances, half in resignation and half in frustration, at the somewhat charred suit* ...right. Thank you, Nemesis. *GLARES AT HASTUR(
[20:44] Famine> **
[20:45] Nemesis> You're welcome
[20:45] Hastur> *smiles at Famine*
[20:46] Nemesis> *Goes and slaps Hastur again with super goddess of revenge fury action (like an action figure!), all super hard and whatnot*
[20:48] Hastur> Hey!
[20:48] Famine> *rather proud of Nem, but still on edge*
[20:50] Nemesis> Yes?
[20:50] Hastur> *slaps Nemesis back*
[20:50] Famine> *eyes narrow with UTTER fury* *strides forward and punches Hastur, HARD* You do not TOUCH my sister, demon.
[20:51] Nemesis> *Blinks* FAMINE
[20:52] Hastur> *goes EN FUEGO and totally tackles Famine*
[20:52] Nemesis> *Facepalm* Oh dear God no....
[20:52] Gavroche> *sits up and watches intently*
[20:53] Timothy> *squeaks very loudly from the doorway and watching in something like wide-eyed terror*
[20:53] Gavroche> *looks at Timothy and grins* I say the guy in the charred suit wins.
[20:54] Timothy> *blinks*
[20:55] Famine> *TACKLED* *AND LIKELY ON FIRE AGAIN, WTF* *lands on the ground, absorbing the impact of the fall with a wince and glares at Hastur challengingly* What now, demon?
[20:55] Nemesis> *Turns around* Timothy...oh dear. *Goes over to him* *Gets down on knees* You probably shouldn't be watching this. *Guiltlikewhoa*
[20:55] Hastur> *smirks and liek totally snogs Famine, still utterly on fire*
[20:56] Gavroche> ...
[20:56] Timothy> ...
[20:56] Nemesis> ...
[20:56] Famine> ..................................................................................................................................
[20:57] Hastur> *continues snogging*
[20:57] Gavroche> Hey. Demon-type-thing.
[20:57] Nemesis> *World Trade Federation* *Looks at Timothy* Er. Hi. Yeah.
[20:58] Timothy> *this is what we call a child in shock*
[20:58] Hastur> *holds on even tighter and.. continues snogging woohoo*
[20:59] Gavroche> *picks up a vase and chucks it at Hastur*
[20:59] Nemesis> *Grabs Timothy's hand and totally drags him into the kitchen* Look, cookies.
[20:59] Hastur> *ignores vase!*
[20:59] Gavroche> *omgoffended!*
[20:59] Timothy> *not fighting but...totally not responding, either* *yes...shock*
[21:00] Gavroche> Hey, you flaming ponce of a demon!
[21:00] Nemesis> *Sits on kitchen floor and beats head against cupboard* *Shock, yo*
[21:00] Hastur> *rolls his eyes, continues snogging Famine, and sets Gavvy on fire*
[21:00] Gavroche> ....
[21:00] Gavroche> *CITY ON FIRE!!!*
[21:01] Hastur> *lets Famine go and smirks*
[21:01] Gavroche> *sobs as he tries to put out himself*
[21:02] Famine> *...hah, you think the OTHERS are in shock?* *THIS is what we call shock, yo* ...what the...what're you...how...what...*splutters incoherently and attempts to get up*
[21:02] Timothy> *slowly curls up into a little ball under the counter and starts to cry*
[21:02] Hastur> *grins and demonmod's Gavvy's fire away just cuz he's satisfied enough*
[21:02] Gavroche> *flops over*
[21:02] Nemesis> *Looks at Timothy and snaps out of shock* *Gives him a large hug* What's wrong?
[21:03] Gavroche> *weakly* I'm still a saucy little tart, you know..
[21:04] Timothy> *just keeps hugging his knees close to his chest, tears running down his face*
[21:05] Famine> *totally flailing and still WTFing* ...what the -fuck-, demon?!
[21:05] Nemesis> Oh, dear, are you alright? *Is seriously concerned now* *and hugs*
[21:07] Hastur> Oh, as if that skinny pale thing can really be all that satisfying.
[21:08] Timothy> *not...responding...at all* *just curled up and crying*
[21:08] Nemesis> *Just tightly hugs then*
[21:10] Famine> *eyes narrow liek whoa* *remember last time he got pissed off beyond pissed off-ness at Hastur? yeah, this is kinda like that* *slams his fist into Hastur's nose, hard, while kneeing him in the kidney*
[21:11] Hastur> *hisses and grabs onto Famine's arm, flipping him over his shoulder*
[21:14] Famine> *flipped* *ow...* *lands on his back and winces, snapping his neck up to hiss at Hastur and kicks up sharply at his kneecap*
[21:15] Hastur> *turns off the flames and simply maggotifies, speaking in a really disgusting and oozy voice that Pesti would probably even envy* Want to try this again, Horseman?
[21:18] * Hastur is now known as GrossMaggotHastur
[21:18] Famine> *gets to his feet with an obvious effort, glaring fiercely* *manages to project the proper apocalyptic doomful aura despite his pain* ...not particularly, demon. You're out of line and you know it.
[21:18] GrossMaggotHastur> Of course I am. Haven't we been over this?
[21:20] Famine> *clenching his fists with the effort of staying standing* Hell...-owes- us, demon. You have no right...to meddle in our affairs. The business of the Horsemen does NOT concern you.
[21:21] GrossMaggotHastur> *Owes* you?
[21:23] Famine> -Yes-. Many of your souls come from our work. We make a great deal of your business possible
[21:23] Famine> .
[21:23] GrossMaggotHastur> Hell owes *no one*.
[21:25] Famine> *takes a slightly shaky step forward, expression intense* Hell owes -us-. We exist to help you achieve your ends. Where would you -be- without us?
[21:25] Helena> No, it isn't Henry's fault. It's most like Hyde's. Which means he probably IS having an affair, but that's neither here nor there
[21:26] GrossMaggotHastur> And where would *you* be, without us? Had we not caused Man to fall, releasing suffering into the world?
[21:26] Famine> *shrugs* Wouldn't exist, would we? It'd make it easier not to deal with -you-.
[21:26] GrossMaggotHastur> *chuckles*
[21:28] Famine> *quirks an eyebrow* Are we finished here, demon?
[21:29] GrossMaggotHastur> For now. *flames away*

And... later that day... As in.. Later by about... three minutes..

[21:32] Pestilence> *walks in, sneezing, and so not covering his nose and mouth while doing so*
[21:33] Famine> *would totally wave to Pesti, but is kind of collapsed on the couch, bruised and burned and wearing rather charred clothing*
[21:33] Pestilence> *blinks* Famine?
[21:33] Rosa> ...ew. *edges away from Pesti*
[21:34] Famine> *looks up at Pesti and makes a tired noise of greeting* Hello, Pestilence.
[21:34] Pestilence> Do I even *want* to know what happened?
[21:35] Famine> *tired gesture* Hastur happened. And he happened very violently, with a great deal of flame. And soybeans. *shudder*
[21:35] Pestilence> Oh, amoxicillin, *him* again?
[21:36] Famine> *frustrated noise as he shifts position, wincing* Yes. Bloody...bastard. *mutters under his breath* We -need- to do something about him soon. I just got this body a few days ago, I don't want to damage it, too.
[21:37] Pestilence> Somewhat.. late for that...
[21:38] Famine> *shrugs* I've had worse. But...*shakes his head* Something -must- be done.
[21:38] Pestilence> Yes.
[21:41] Famine> *sighs and leans back, taking a deep breath while looking up at the ceiling, then looking at Pesti again* *dryly* So...how are -you- doing?
[21:42] Pestilence> As miserably as can be expected.
[21:42] Famine> *grins faintly* Delighted to hear it.
[21:44] Pestilence> Now... what was he doing with *soybeans*?
[21:45] Famine> *makes a face* Throwing them at me, then spitting them at me, then setting them on fire -before- throwing them at me.
[21:46] Pestilence> .. Nice.
[21:46] Famine> Very. *takes his glasses off and rubs the bridge of his nose tiredly*
[21:47] Pestilence> He can't honestly think he'll keep getting away with this.
[21:49] Famine> *shakes his head firmly, making something in his neck pop, and winces* ...he won't. We'll make sure of it. As soon as possible.
[21:53] Pestilence> *nods* Yes...
[21:54] Famine> *sighs, leaning back again* We'll...tell DEATH if you see him, all right? Whenever you can spare any breath. *slight grin, then goes serious again* That we need to do this -quickly-. The sooner the better.
[21:56] Pestilence> *nods* I will.
[21:57] Famine> Thank you. *leans against the couch with a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose again*
[22:01] Pestilence> *sits down thoughtfully*
[22:04] Famine> *glances at Pesti after a few minutes* How've you been doing otherwise? We haven't talked in some time.
[22:04] Pestilence> *smiles a little* No complaints..
[22:06] Famine> *nods, wincing as something else pops at the back of his neck* ...That's good.
[22:08] Pestilence> Are you going to be all right?
[22:09] Oliver> (tenses slightly)
[22:09] Mulciber> *feels this* ...Sorry. *embarrassed*
[22:09] Famine> *puts a hand to the back of his neck and turns it slowly, wincing as things slip into place* ...I'll find someone to heal me as quickly as I can. And...the sooner we deal with Hastur, the better.
[22:10] Pestilence> *nods* That goes without saying.
[22:16] Famine> Right. *pauses, then grins faintly at Pestilence* It's good to have you back.
[22:16] Pestilence> *smiles a little* Well. I never really *left*.. I just..
[22:23] Famine> True. But...it's good to be working with you again. Even if it's towards something like...well, whatever this situation is. *slight grin*
[22:24] Pestilence> *laughs a little until he breaks out into racking coughs* Yes. I agree.
[22:26] Famine> That doesn't sound healthy in the least. *grins a bit more* Good for you.
[22:26] Pestilence> *smiles* I try. Oh. I stopped by a Chinese place earlier today. The health department'll probably be shutting them down for a while once all the customers come down with E. coli.
[22:30] Famine> *grins slowly, looking considerably more cheerful* Just like old times.
[22:30] Pestilence> *laughs a little* Really old times.
[22:32] Famine> Good times, though. *grins a bit nostalgically* When we still had horses.
[22:33] Pestilence> Something about the horses. A little more trustable. *pauses* Even if mine kept coming down with hoof-and-mouth..
[22:35] Famine> *nods* A bit more personal than machines. Not that I have any complaints about my bike, but... *grins faintly* I remember that.
[22:43] Pestilence> *laughs a little* Yours was a bit thin, thinking about it...
[22:45] Famine> *grins, running a hand through his hair* Bloody mortal horses...you'd think a little less oats wouldn't kill them, but I had to keep getting new ones...
[22:47] Pestilence> *laughs* You think _you_ had problems.. Poor DEATH...
[22:51] Famine> *laughs as well* Oh, God, yes...none of us were too lucky with the horses, were we? Except War...no -wonder- we made the switch to motorbikes. *grins*
[22:53] Pestilence> A bit less maintenance involved.
[22:55] Famine> Quite. And one less mouth to not feed. *wry grin*
[22:57] Pestilence> *laughs* Always a bonus.
[23:04] Famine> Indeed. *puts his glasses back on and leans back again, glancing at Pesti with a faint smile* It really -has- been too long.
[23:05] Pestilence> *nods* It has. I suppose it's mostly my fault. I became a recluse for a while, there..
[23:12] Famine> *shrugs* Well, I feel guilty for not keeping in contact. Still, that's the past...and we're all here now, and...things will hopefully work out. So...that's what's important. *grins suddenly* It -is- good to talk to you again, though.
[23:12] Pestilence> *nods* It's good to talk to you again, too. Does feel a bit like old times.
[23:19] Famine> *nods, then grins, flushing lightly* I prefer five to four, of course, but it's good to be able to have both of you here.
[23:19] Pestilence> *smiles* He's good for you.
[23:21] Timothy> *uncurls and drags himself out from under the counter, tears still streaming down his face, and just sort of...stands there for a moment, trying to gain balance and make the world stop spinning*
[23:23] Famine> *flushes a bit more* He...he is. *faint smile* And as for you...well, it's about bloody time. *laughs*
[23:24] Pestilence> *blushes a little.. it could almost be considered feverishly* Well.
[23:24] Timothy> *manages a totally unconvincing little smile at Nem and heads for the kitchen door*
[23:25] Nemesis> Oh, dear.
[23:27] Famine> *laughs again* You're certainly making up for lost time. *faint grin* Congratulations. I mean it.
[23:27] Pestilence> Well. There's a lot of lost time to make up for. But thank you.
[23:31] Timothy> *stands in the doorway for a moment, chewing at his lip, and wipes his eyes again before heading towards the front door*
[23:32] Famine> *grins at Pesti again before turning and seeing Timothy, eyes going huge* *shoots to his feet, which is number 384439485 on his list of stupid things he's done tonight* *winces and grips the arm of the couch for support* ..Timothy?
[23:34] Pestilence> *blinks and looks over at Timothy*
[23:35] Timothy> *squeaks and freezes partway across the room, something like a mouse that's been seen by the cat but isn't sure whether or not it should run*
[23:35] Famine> *frowns, expression deeply concerned* Timothy...are...are you all right? What happened?
[23:39] Timothy> *isn't sure how to answer honestly but doesn't want to lie, so just stands there, rubbing at his arm nervously and chewing on his lip*
[23:41] Famine> *gathers his remaining strength to walk over to Timothy and shakily kneel next to him, looking anxious* I...if you need to talk, or want to, or...*breaks off, biting his lip* ...I'm here for you, all right?
[23:45] Timothy> *nods a little, still chewing at his lip and tears still running down his face*
[23:51] Famine> *frowns, looking at Timothy in concern a bit longer, then suddenly hugs him tightly and kisses his forehead* *whispers* I...I'm not sure how to be a good father. But...I'll do whatever I can.
[23:55] Timothy> *is shaking a bit and stiffens, eyes going wide for a moment, then...completely breaks down into tears again and hugs back tightly*
[23:58] Famine> *hugs Timothy tightly, biting his lip against his own tears of worry* *softly* Are you...will you be all right?

And that's the point at which I left chat, so. :b

good omens, children

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