Log No. 1

Jul 20, 2005 19:20

Hello! The twentieth of June is DF's hundredth day corrupting the young minds of tomorrow! :D
So with so much inexpressible love for every single one of you and your puppets, here is Log No. 1 --

Fish: Greetings (if you haven't grown tired of waiting for me)
Mandy: hehe, hello!
Fish: Hey, I was just over at lunch.
Fish: That is one godlovely usericon.
Mandy: hahaha, i do love it

Yes, there was friendliness and sanity. And then --

Fish: Incidentally (overuse) there should be a community for sockpuppeting fictional characters
Mandy: I know!!! I've been wanting to make one!
Fish: Except that would be a somewhat sordid affair...
Mandy: but i'd be too lazy to mod it
Fish: Exactly.
Fish: Sigh.
Fish: But that community would probably end up a bigger fuckfest than deadmentalking...
Mandy: but it would be so fun. *imagines Grantaire annoying EVERYONE*
Fish: Oh Grantaire.
Fish: I wonder if I could talk like him. Probably not.
Mandy: I try my best in RPs.
Mandy: he's actually the only one I think I can do justice to.
Fish: I admire thee.
Mandy: :D
Fish: Speaking of which, how does one talk like Feuilly?
Mandy: mention Poland in every other sentence?
Fish: Haha, poor boy
Mandy: *snickers*
Mandy: I can't do Courfeyrac. I've tried.
Fish: I couldn't.
Fish: He's so very...
Fish: Very.
Mandy: himself.
Fish: Yes.
Fish: I couldn't spell the word I was about to type.
Fish: ...

See! Marvel at my ultimate future prediction powers. Bwahaha. >:D

Mandy: i'm glad i entertain people ^^
Fish: Immensely, but immensely.
Fish: Wonder if that fictional community should be made.
Mandy: I say go for it
Fish: Then if someone shows up that can mod it, i can hand it over...
Fish: Gack laziness.
Mandy: *snicker* I'd ask my friend who is also Les Mis obsessed..but she's not awake yet
Fish: When she wakes, ask her with all your might!
Fish: But everyone would end up playing like seven characters each...
Fish: Fictional world is love.
Mandy: yesss
Mandy: I can think of three offhand that i'd be.
Mandy: Grantaire, Sir Percy Blakeney, and Arthur
Fish: Oooh Sir Percy.
Fish: I'd have to be Hamlet just for the hell of being the prototype emo poster boy
Fish: Well then I'll just HAVE to play him, don't I ;)
Mandy: of course!

Mandy eventually reached her goal. Fish, on the other hand, THANKFULLY STAYED OFF THE HAMLET TURF. THANK YOU, Z, THANK YOU SO MUCH. (...And the number 'seven' that seemed so many then... ...IRONY...*stares off into the distance with a vacant smile*)

Fish: You know, don't time zones only allow both of us to be online on weekends?
Mandy: bah, i'm usually up til 3 AM my time anyways
Mandy: yay for college ^^
Fish: You are incredible.
Fish: I'd die like that.
Mandy: :D it pays to schedule classes in the afternoon

. . . 'Hardcore' has entirely new standards now. However, I'd still die like that. A forty-foot-high thumbs-up sign and lots of back-slapping to all of you crazytiming timezonedefiers out there. <33

Mandy: ...now I REALLY want to start up a fictional deadmentalking
Fish: hmmmm
Mandy: we could co-mod it until one of us gets lazy
Mandy: ^^
Fish: Yeh...
Fish: And when the other one gets lazy, it's inheritance time
Mandy: yes
Fish: Ah, for a catchy name...
Fish: (but I fear I'll abandon DMT altogether if that community is made)
Fish: we need a spiffy title.
Fish: like 'community name' title.
Mandy: spifftacular.
Fish: ...that doesn't begin to explain everything, does it?
Mandy: no
Mandy: hrm.
Fish: for your... something needs.
Mandy: for your...leftover deadmentalking needs?
Mandy: >.>
Mandy: I'll pimp it there too.
Fish: gasp it is a franchise!
Fish: for your desperate alter ego needs.
Mandy: YES.
Mandy: I like it.

*has been and is lazy... hides*

Mandy: .....
Mandy: maybe desperatefans?
Mandy: or desperatefictionfans?
Fish: how about desperatefictioncharacterroleplayingpeopleomgtoolong
Fish: ...
Fish: desperatefans.
Mandy: ok

GO MANDY! >:D And then there was a silly fiasco over neither of us being able to find the mod invites. XDD We lose at LJ. But eventually, the community was created.

Mandy: and R's account has been made.
Fish: Yay Grantaire!
Mandy: Courfeyrac then?
Fish: Haha, I was thinking of staying out of Mis, I think I'd like to watch (filthy voyeur)
Mandy: :P

Why oh why didn't I listen to my good advice.

Fish: I was going to make an account, but I remembered I had a bunch of typing to do, so yeah.
Fish: I'll probably make it while you are dreaming of beheadings and electrocutions.
Mandy: :D yes.
Mandy: and I commented on the questions thread in DMT to ask orangutan if we could pimp the comm
Fish: Ooh. Goody!
Mandy: :D
Mandy: ok, now I'm really going to bed. I promise.
Fish: Night!
Mandy: nightie!

And so ended the very first chat between Mandy and Fish, the 13th of March. A hundred days of insanity that seems like forever -- I love you, I love you all.

So much.

typist log

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