After Aragorn and the DEs

Jun 14, 2005 08:08

Aragorn: *lowers his sword*
Aragorn: Elrohir... tell me one thing...
Dolohov: *disapparates as well*
Elrohir: *lifts an eyebrow*
Eomer: *sheathes his sword regretfully*
Aragorn: *cleans off his sword before sheathing it*
Aragorn: Is that what your friend is up against?
Elrohir: *sighs* yes
ArmandStJust: *wanders in trying to read and write in a notebook at the same time*
Aragorn: They always behave like this?
Aragorn: Like orc rabble?
ArmandStJust: *stops and looks around* Oh. =
Elrohir: The only other time I've experienced them...yes
Eomer: *winces* I've seen them worse, Aragorn.
Aragorn: Worse, Eomer?
Aragorn: How is that even possible?
Aragorn: Never mind that... they are truly orcs.
ArmandStJust: *timidly* Elrohir? What happened?
Eomer: I've seen them kill two Men after first... torturing them.
Maitimo: *wanders in*
Elrohir: I really do not know, Armand. I walked in on Eomer and Aragorn in a fight with Death Eaters
Aragorn: *surprised look*
ArmandStJust: *pales and looks around* Oh. You stopped them?
Aragorn: I am still having difficulty believing that a slip of a girl like your friend would be up against... that.
Aragorn: *turns around*
Aragorn: ... Have we met?
ArmandStJust: Me sir?
Aragorn: Yes, you. *smiles slightly*
ArmandStJust: Sort of. *has ink on his nose* I'm Armand St. Just.
Aragorn: Well, I am Aragorn Telcontar... and you have a bit of ink on your nose.
*** Elladan has joined #desperatefans.
ArmandStJust: *bows* I'm glad to know you're here. I think we need more people of your stature here. *smiles nervously over at Elrohir*
Aragorn: ELLADAN!
Aragorn: Well met, brother!
Elrohir: *hugs Elladan*
Elladan: *smiles* Suliad
Eomer: *bows nervously*
Maitimo: *waves to Elladan* Hullo
ArmandStJust: *smiles to see the brothers happy and tries to scratch the ink from his nose*
Elladan: *smiles at Eomer and shoves a plate with tarts under his nose*
Elrohir: *shakes head* my brother the cook
Aragorn: *chuckles* You think we could feed those orcs to death, Elrohir?
ArmandStJust: *would bounce if he wasn't afraid of getting teased for it*
Elladan: At least some people do have something to work on
Elladan: Are you a writers, Sir, or why do you have ink all over you?
Eomer: *blinks and takes a tart*
Eomer: This is good, Elladan.
Aragorn: I still don't like the idea of what I saw here, Elrohir. It is most troubling.
Eomer: Yeah, everyone loves the tarts, but as soon as I bring out the orc, they run
Elrohir: they have already killed at least one I know of...
Eomer: ... An orc?
ArmandStJust: *would like to hide behind Elrohir*
Aragorn: *grins at Elrohir* How about that friendly wager, brother?
Elladan: Yeah, an orc, roasted over a nice fire for a few hours
Eomer: ... Actually, that sounds better then what Eowyn's cooked.
Elrohir: *to Aragorn* least one broken bone...
Eomer: There seems to be no stopping them.
Aragorn: Only one, brother?
Elladan: *beams and runs off to get Eomer a plate of orc*
Aragorn: This IS Arwen...
ArmandStJust: *finds a chair and watches the tall people with big eyes* *big but admiring*
Maitimo: *is tall liek whoa!*
BastanMun: ((*giggle* Are you a hobbit, Armand?))
Elrohir: true, but I have a feeling she would break one big bone rather than a bunch of little ones
ArmandStJust: [he feels like one around you guys... 5'6"]
Aragorn: An excellent point.
ArmandStJust: *writes a little in the notebook but mostly just can't keep from admiring them all*
Aragorn: Agreed, Elrohir.
Aragorn: At least one broken bone.
Elrohir: [who us *looks innocent*]
Maitimo: [[Awww. He's still taller than Jeanne, though. ]]
ArmandStJust: [yeah!]
Elladan: [[so he's about as tall as my other muse, Lord John]]
Eomer: *smiles at Armand*
ArmandStJust: *smiles back* Elrohir?
Elrohir: Hm?
Eomer: *sits down and pretends he is not anxious and overwhelmed*
Elladan: *hands plate with orc to Eomer* Here, have a try! Roasted orc and filled tomatoes! *to StJust* would you care for some to, sir?
Aragorn: You know... I saw the reaction that got from that girl, Hermyohknee...
Eomer: *tries hesitantly and finds that he likes it*
Aragorn: You should be glad she is not here, Elladan.
Elladan: who?
Elrohir: Hermione, Estel
ArmandStJust: *accepts the plate without knowing what it is* Merci, monsieur.
Aragorn: That's what I said, is it not?
Elrohir: our sister, Elladan
ArmandStJust: *to Elrohir* I'm not sure I know all of these men. *bites lip*
Elladan: why? Would she like some orc too?
ArmandStJust: *sniffs plate*
Elladan: *beams as he sees Eomer like it*
Aragorn: No, Elrohir, I meant your friend.
Elrohir: huh? I'm all confused
Aragorn: I saw the reaction she had to Elladan's recipe
Aragorn: it would be interesting, were she here.
Elrohir: ah! now I remember
Eomer: Finally, someone's found a useful application for orc. *grins at Elladan*
Elrohir: I thought we were still talking about Arwen and what she will do to Elladan once she finds out about the orc cooking
Elladan: *mumbles* if they would only try it, they would all see that it is the best thing in the world
Aragorn: *laughs*
ArmandStJust: *tries a nibble and likes so long as know one explains to him what orcs are*
Aragorn: I still say the damage will be more extensive than some broken bones, Elrohir.
Elrohir: how many days at the healers?
Eomer: Yeah, what a big waste to just kill them, and let them lie around to rot
Aragorn: At least a week.
Elrohir: I'm going to say 10 days
Elladan: *still ignores his brothers*
Eomer: I don't think my lady wife would like it though.
ArmandStJust: *swallows* What is this Elladan?
Aragorn: Orc, Armand.
Aragorn: Black, swarty, stinking things.
Elladan: Perhaps you should just ban every other food from your hall after a battle *gets dreamy eyes as an elf with a vision*
Aragorn: Poisonous, too.
ArmandStJust: *eyes wide* Poisonous?
Maitimo: *snerks a little* Not that bit.
Elladan: *kicks Aragorn in the leg*
Aragorn: OW! *grabs shin* What was THAT for?
Elrohir: *laughs*
Elladan: No sir, only certain parts are not fit to eat .. I tried it on myself, so you see, what you are eating is safe
Eomer: I think Lothoriel would injure me. Severely.
Eomer: Maybe I could establish a holiday...
ArmandStJust: Are you sure?
Elrohir: it is perfectly safe Armand, trust me
Elladan: I had the idea about the holiday too.. a day in respect for cooked orc
*** Maglor has joined #desperatefans.
Elladan: I would never hand out something that would hurt people, so yeah, no poisen in this food
ArmandStJust: *relieved* Merci, Elrohir. Are all your family fighters?
Eomer: *grins at Elladan*
Maglor: *waves to all* Good day.
Elrohir: Cano, can you smack my brother over the head please
Maglor: Why would I do that?
Elrohir: he's feeding orc to everyone again
Elladan: They LIKE it
Maglor: *snorts* Do they know what it is?
Elrohir: unfortunately
Aragorn: No, Maglor, they don't.
Eomer: *likes it muchly*
Aragorn: At least, Armand doesn't. Not really.
ArmandStJust: *is very glad he doesn't know & please don't make him throw up*
Elladan: *thinks Eomer is his new best friend*
Elrohir: *feels like chopped liver now*
Maglor: *oddlooks Eomer slightly* They're free to like it. Although here I thought *we* were the crazy ones.
Elrohir: I'm beginning to think my brother is taking after your side
Maglor: Careful. Some of my side might take offense at that.
Eomer: If I establish a holiday, will you be the guest of honor, Elladan?
Elladan: But of course I would come... I could train your chefs in orc cooking... so they don't poison someone ... it's quite difficult in the beginning to get it right
Eomer: Excellent!
Maglor: Mmm. Kind of like those odd Japanese fish?
Elladan: Odd Japanese fish? *gleaming eyes* is that something dangerous to cook? Where can i learn to do it?
*** Hermione has joined #desperatefans.
Hermione: *looks around cautiously before walking in*
ArmandStJust: *smiles and waves at Hermione*
Maglor: *grins* Very dangerous. They're deadly poison in most places, but the non-lethal bits are highly sought-after.
Elrohir: no death eaters in here any more
Hermione: Hello Armand! Hello Elrohir!
Elladan: *wants to go to Japan*
Eomer: *nods at Hermione*
Hermione: I'll be sure to... be careful.
Hermione: *wide eyed look* My lord Eomer!
Elladan: *hides the orc from Hermione and gets her some tarts*
Maglor: Elladan, you needn't go all the way to Japan for it. There's always the plothole.
Maglor: *waves to Hermione*
Eomer: How are you feeling?
Hermione: Go to Japan for what? Blowfish?
Elrohir: *nods*
Maglor: The poisonous fish, yes.
Hermione: Ah...
Hermione: dangerous to cook, but not bad to eat.
Elladan: *gets a Japan cook, and some of these fish out of the plothole*
Aragorn: *looks at Hermione*
Hermione: I am... as well as I can be.
Hermione: I'm not supposed to be in here... Ron would be so worried.
Aragorn: Hermione?
Elrohir: you have a lot of people that will protect you here
ArmandStJust: Really, Hermione, Aragorn made them go away. So I heard. *grins*
Hermione: But what can you really do against that sort of reckless hate?
Jareth: *rises to his feet slowly with a wince*
Hermione: He will, Armand? How?
Aragorn: *clears throat* Hermione?
ArmandStJust: He did. Ask Elrohir.
Hermione: Yes?
Hermione: *raises eyebrow at Elrohir*
Eomer: He took on four of them, Hermione.
Elrohir: *looks confused himself* Don't look at me, I walked into the middle of it
Hermione: Four of what?
Eomer: Death Eaters.
Hermione: *looks at Aragorn shocked* You did?
Maglor: What's... happening to him?
Eomer: Including Dolohov.
ArmandStJust: *jumps up and bounces* He did!
Aragorn: I told you Eomer, they were ambushing that poor man.
Hermione: My goodness!
Elladan: *brings his feet in safe distance from the bouncing guy*
Hermione: Who else was here?
ArmandStJust: *bounces in place thank you*
Aragorn: All I did was even the odds a bit.
Eomer: It was Rosier and Dolohov at first. Then Rodolphus and Rabastan showed up.
Elladan: That's good to hear... I once new a guy that bounced all over the place, and on my feet, that is why I am carefull around bouncing people
Aragorn: *to Hermione* I do believe I understand your... situation, a bit better, Lady Hermione.
ArmandStJust: You did? *stops bouncing but is still smiling in adoration*
Eomer: They were ambushing... Lockhart, was it?
Hermione: *pales considerably*
*** Cosette has joined #desperatefans.
Eomer: Hello, madam.
Aragorn: I believe so, yes. I did not get the man's name, but I'm assuming that's who it was.
Hermione: *folds her hands over her face and slumps*
Hermione: Hello Cosette.
Cosette: Hello, Mlle. Granger. How are you?
ArmandStJust: Hermione! *covers mouth in surprise* I mean Mlle. Granger.
Hermione: What is it, Armand?
Hermione: I... I don't know, Cosette. It's all getting to be a bit much.
Cosette: Has something happened?
ArmandStJust: You're safe with them here. Don't be scared.
Hermione: Armand... people want me dead.
Hermione: How can I not be scared?
Eomer: Aragorn is here. And Elladan and Elrohir. And I.
ArmandStJust: *frowns* I know. I'm sorry. But please don't be sick.
Cosette: Oh! Why do they wish you..?!
Hermione: Apparently, simply because I am alive, Cosette.
Cosette: That is terrible! Who wishes this? They... they should be...
Hermione: Please... for my sake... do try to keep yourself safe?
Aragorn: Lady Hermione... is this true? Is your death wanted by these... orcs?
Elrohir: Hermione, my offer still stands about coming to my home for a while
Hermione: Elrohir... I think I might take you up on that.
Hermione: I can't sit around here and wait.
ArmandStJust: *wishes he could help here too, but is more than scared of dark wizards*
Cosette: Who wishes you harmed, Mlle. Granger..?
Hermione: And yes, Lord Aragorn, my death is wanted by those... wizards... you saw.
Cosette: Them! Such as those three that came just today?
Hermione: Voldemort and his Death Eaters, Cosette. I suppose they would settle for letting me live as a vegetable.
Cosette: Oh! They... they are horrid!
Hermione: But certainly my children would have to die.
Aragorn: Your... children?
Cosette: Oh, don't say that!
Hermione: It's the truth, though.
Cosette: We sha'n't let it happen.
Elrohir: Aragorn, Hermione is pregnant with twins
ArmandStJust: *goes to tug Elrohir's sleeve* Are you still going to show Hermione self-defense skills?
Aragorn: ... Pregnant?
Aragorn: They would harm a pregnant woman?!?
Cosette: They're horrid, wicked men!
Elrohir: Yes Armand, I have been teaching her too
Elladan: she could learn how to use a sword... or some knives
Hermione: *looks up at Elladan* Lady War taught me knives.
Hermione: *mutters to herself* Gryffindor bravery, Hermione. You can do it.
Eomer: It seems that they don't care who they harm, Aragorn.
ArmandStJust: Good. M. Tel-- *stumbles* Aragorn, these wizards are fanatics about the purity of their blood. That's almost all they talk about. *looks pale*
Elladan: oh, that is great... you can chop and take out some guts with them *demonstrates on a japanese fish*
Cosette: And we shall help you if we can...
Hermione: Do you have a knife, Elladan?
Hermione: I can show you what she taught me...
Aragorn: This is madness!
Elladan: several.... and a sword too if I leave the kitchen
Cosette: It certainly is!
Hermione: One knife will do. If I might borrow it?
Cosette: I shudder to think the sort of man that would wish harm upon a girl, and an expecting mother, no less!
Elrohir: they have no morals...
Aragorn: You are but a child! Not even Lady Eowyn's age!
Cosette: They're hardly men! The next time I see one of them, I shall..
Hermione: Cosette... don't. You'll only get killed.
Eomer: Or worse.
Cosette: Worse?
Hermione: yes... or worse.
Elladan: *cleans his big sharp knife of any remaining fish and hands it over to Hermione: This is best elf work, and it will glow when orcs are around .. to bad it does not work with wizards
Cosette: What is worse?
Elrohir: Tortured.. comes to mind
Hermione: If you could all... stand back? *weighs the knife in her hand*
Eomer: *moves out of her way*
ArmandStJust: *sits on the floor abruptly*
Elrohir: *moves back too*
Cosette: *backs away*
Aragorn: *eyes Lady Hermione's knife but backs away*
Hermione: *takes the knife by the blade point*
Maitimo: *watches Hermione approvingly*
Hermione: See that wooden post on the far wall there?
Cosette: Yes?
Hermione: *points to the far wall*
Hermione: *whirls around and throws the knife so forcefully it continues humming for a while after embedding itself in the post*
Eomer: ... *claps in awe*
Cosette: *meeps and claps a hand over her mouth* Oh!
ArmandStJust: *applauds*
Hermione: *coughs* I'm sorry if I damaged your knife, Elladan.
Elladan: That was great, My lady
Aragorn: Some skill with a blade! Most impressive.
Hermione: *holds out hand toward knife* ACCIO KNIFE!
ArmandStJust: I wish I could do that.
Hermione: *watches the knife sail into her hand*
Cosette: Oh!
Hermione: *returns it to Elladan*
Elladan: It's just a knife, no harm done if it really should be damaged
Hermione: Thank you, Elladan.
Elladan: Would you like to keep it?
Aragorn: ... What was that?
Hermione: I actually have a pair... but... *pales a little* Voldemort and his followers have threatened to use my own knives against me.
Elrohir: you can never have too many knives.
Hermione: It is not safe for me to have any.
Cosette: Then... then what shall you do?
ArmandStJust: *frowns* But by that standard, mademoiselle, you should not have your wand either.
Hermione: *smiles slightly* A wand only really works for the witch or wizard it belongs to.
Eomer: Can you not use their own tactics against them, Hermione?
Hermione: Another witch or wizard may use it, but it will never be as effective.
Hermione: How so, Lord Eomer?
Elrohir: *looks confused* how can they use your own knives against you?
Hermione: I... *points to Elladan and his fish* See what Elladan is doing to that fish?
Cosette: They are sorcerers. It seems, at times, they can do anything they please.
Elladan: *looks at his fish with suspicion*
Aragorn: Lady Hermione... you cannot just sit here and wait for them!
Hermione: You were gutting the fish, were you not, Elladan?
Eomer: Ambush them before they have a chance to retaliate. Or take them out one by one.
Eomer: Don't give them a choice of how to react. Limit their choices by acting first.
Hermione: I have more than just my own life to consider here...
Elladan: *throws fish away* Well, they would first have to get on your knives to use them against you
ArmandStJust: Please, monsieurs, Mlle. Granger is very clever, but she's still a student and...
Eomer: This is a war, isn't it?
Hermione: When there are four of them... that may not be so difficult.
Maitimo: There's no sense waiting for them to attack, though. Then the battle is on their terms.
Cosette: A strange sort of war, with women and children..
Elrohir: *places a hand on Armand's shoulder* She is under my protection
Maglor: *nods* Russa's right. Better by far, if it has to happen, to ensure it happens your way.
ArmandStJust: *looks up at Elrohir* Then please don't encourage her to put herself in danger. Defense, yes. Attack no. I know what it's like when someone wants your blood for no good reason.
Hermione: *quietly* they tortured my Ron.
Cosette: What!
Elrohir: *looks shocked*
ArmandStJust: And his mother. *sighs*
Eomer: *tightly* Then you must act. Now. While they are gloating and careless.
Cosette: Oh... *hugs Hermione timidly*
Aragorn: ... Is Ron the young man I saw earlier? Your age? Shock of red hair?
Maglor: *sighs* I'm no stranger to it, either Armand, though I've given them some very good reasons. And they are going to attack her, so she will be in mortal danger no matter what.
Elrohir: I do not think she should go into battle herself
* Ron sidles in
Elrohir: there is too much at stake
Elrohir: uhoh...
Hermione: MEEP!
ArmandStJust: At least I have only one enemy...
Hermione: *disapparates*
ArmandStJust: *smiles weakly at Ron*
Eomer: But this is war! The Death Eaters have shown they will give no quarter to any.
*** Hermione has left #desperatefans.
Cosette: *blinkblink* My!
ArmandStJust: *stands up as he feels like he's gonna get stepped on* But you must leave the children out of it.
* Ron follows
Cosette: Mlle. Granger isn't a child..
*** Hermione has joined #desperatefans.
ArmandStJust: *to Cosette* She may be very mature, but she's a schoolgirl!
Maglor: I agree with Elrohir: she oughtn't put herself in danger, not with so much at stake. But on the other hand, I don't think we can stop her, if she wants to.
Cosette: She is old enough to be soon a mother and wife!
Hermione: Sorry about that...
* Ron comes back
ArmandStJust: Her elders can forbid it. *bites lip*
Hermione: I thought Ron would get angry I left the tower...
Eomer: *shakes his head*
Hermione: No, Lord Eomer... it was for my own protection.
Aragorn: I'm trying to understand it all...
Elrohir: there is no real way of understanding it
Eomer: No, I understand.
Aragorn: those four... orcs we stopped earlier. They want you dead? And they have threatened to... *eyes Elladan's fish*
Aragorn: Armand... Does not skill with a blade count as self-defense, too?
ArmandStJust: It is self-defense. Why?
Ron: I'm not angry. I left, didn't I?
Elladan: only if one does use them
Hermione: If I set foot near them, I'm dead, Eomer.

Briefly disconnected here.

Hermione: Some of the simpler spells did not work on Feanor.
Elrohir: what about some stronger spells?
Hermione: Well, there are a few I cannot use. My best guess is that the disarming spells would work.
Aragorn: Elrohir, we should increase upon those moves you've taught.
Eomer: What of battle tactics? We could share what we've learned on the field.
Elrohir: *nods in agreement*
Hermione: This is not like the Pelennor, Eomer.
Eomer: That does not mean there are no valuable lessons to be gained from it.
Hermione: A good point.
Maglor: *still on the same train of thought* If Elves have any strong resistance to your magic, that gives us a great advantage already. However, there's still the stronger spells, and the question of the Peredhil.
Aragorn: *looks at Elrohir sharply* You were not kidding, were you?
Elrohir: I cannot be harmed by their magics, but I do not know about my brother
Elrohir: No Aragorn, I was not kidding
Hermione: I could attempt a simple disarming spell, Maglor.
Maglor: *nods* That would be wise. We should know.
Hermione: Does anyone care to volunteer?
Cosette: For what?
ArmandStJust: Peredhil?
Maglor: I brought it up, I'll go.
Hermione: Half-Elven, Armand. *points to Elladan and Elrohir*
Elrohir: my brother and I are not full elven
ArmandStJust: Merci. *sigh* Now I have to learn -another- language
Hermione: *frowns in thought*
ArmandStJust: *smiles at them* You could have fooled me.
Elladan: But then, Elrohir has some powers of his own.. so I am the weakest here
Hermione: You know, I never did get the percentages right for you two. You're a little bit of everything, aren't you? Elf, Man, Maia.
Maglor: *nods* Even Maiar.
Elrohir: *nods*
Aragorn: *gapes*
Hermione: Very well... Maglor?
Eomer: *feels very common*
ArmandStJust: *smiles at Eomer*
Maglor: Right *stands up* Russa? Have you a weapon on you?
Hermione: Oh you don't need a weapon. Aything will do, really.
Hermione: The spell I am thinking of would make you drop what you are holding.
ArmandStJust: *holds up his pen*
Maitimo: Here's a dagger anyway. *hads a nice long sharp one to Mag*
Elladan: well, we should do this right
Maglor: *takes it* Indeed.
Hermione: Right then...
ArmandStJust: *goes to stand -behind- Hermione*
Hermione: *takes out her wand and points it at Maglor*
Maglor: *holds up the dagger*
Maglor: *dagger twitches, like it's trying to jump out of his hand*
Maglor: *holds onto it more tightly* It's... trying to work.
ArmandStJust: Are you trying to prove that the magic doesn't work very well on elves?
Hermione: We're trying to figure out if it does.
Hermione: Hmm...
Hermione: it looks as if a simple disarming spell doesn't really work either.
Maglor: No, but it feels like it *might* work. I had to hold onto it pretty tightly for a minute.
Maglor: *sighs*
Aragorn: *just observes*
Elrohir: that could be that Elves are stronger than humans, which that spell is designed for
Maglor: That would be my guess. So how does it work for you?
Hermione: *laughs* Oh no! I did that once before, and greatly upset Ron!
Ron: Huh what?
Hermione: Ron, they're asking how spells work. On those they are designed to work on.
Ron: Oh. Damned if I know.
Hermione: RONALD! Language!
Elrohir: can you explain it in less than a few minutes?
Hermione: I... could show you.
Hermione: Ron, if I asked, would you let me disarm you?
Hermione: The way I tried to disarm Maglor?
ArmandStJust: *looks back to Hermione* You could demonstrate...
Maglor: Er. What I meant, was how does it work for the Peredhil. So you don't have to do anything to Ron.
Hermione: One of them would have to volunteer, wouldn't they?
Elrohir: It wouldn't work on least I don't think it would
Elrohir: that whole shaman thing kinda complicates testing anything on me
Hermione: We could still try.
ArmandStJust: *blinks* Shaman?
Elrohir: uhoh...don't worry about that Armand. Very long story
Elrohir: *to Hermione* you can try it on me. *takes out his sword*
ArmandStJust: *sigh* Alright.
Hermione: All right. *points wand at Elrohir* Ready?
Elrohir: whenever you are
Elrohir: *the sword twitches a bit, but stays firmly in his hand* I can feel the spell trying to work, but I can counteract it with a thought
Maglor: *nods* That's pretty much what I felt, although I had to use physical force as well.
Hermione: So it would be safe to assume that it would work on your brother.
Elrohir: it would probably work in a similar way it worked with Maglor. I do not know how their strength compares
Maglor: My brother, or Elrohir's?
Hermione: Elladan.
Hermione: *sags* All this trying has worn me out.
Maglor: I'm sorry, Hermione. We've strained you.
Hermione: It's all right... Perhaps I will sleep through the night now.
Hermione: Good night to you all.
Elrohir: sleep well Hermione
Eomer: Get some rest.
ArmandStJust: Goodnight, Mlle. Granger.
Hermione: Give my regards to your wife, Lord Eomer.
Maglor: Good night, Hermione.
Hermione: *yawns once and walks out*
*** Hermione has left #desperatefans.

harry potter, tolkien, death eaters

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