Log: Huan is smarter than his onceperson, again.

Sep 03, 2008 15:18

*whee, have a giant puppy coming from the elements -- he can open doors or something shh -- with intent of flopping down for the night*

*will still be in the main room, sitting, though, feet on the table, and thinking frownily about Celenephew*

*oh, awesome* *observing him, whuffles quietly to himself*

*is all bandaged up, fortunately, and it takes him a moment to notice Huan and then he almost self-consciously takes his feet off the table* Huan.

*headtilt -- distant, in body language, but we've apparently reservedly decided to let him take advantage of that second chance thing, so not actively hostile*

*well, not actively hostile is good! um. somewhat at a loss.* ---I think you should know that the wolves are here.

*grooowlllomg* *that's actively hostile, but, wolves. may have scented them in the woods, who knows, but still. growl.*

*just nods.*

Sorry. *vaguely.* They attacked Maitimo. *for lack of other things to say*

*pwnt them all already, is in no way averse to doing it again* *whiiine. attacking Maitimos is bad, we agree. and a fairly questioning look -- does this explain the bandages?*

*a little defensively* Yes, I /did/ go hunting them. *very very bad.*

*whuffle. no, you /can't/ leave these people alone for a minute, what is /wrong/ with them*

*you really can't.* What? *:| do we really have to say it again?*

*flops, looking up reproachfully* Not your best idea. *---yeah, you heard him. Apparently.*


--/Huan?/ *that's...a first*

*stares right back* *maybe you're hallucinting! maybe it runs in the family!*

---------------*isn't sure, right now. because. um. knew he could talk, but.* ---*decides to just respond to it anyway. and does say it again.* I had to do /something/, didn't I?

*apparently has decided that, awkward break-ups or no awkward break-ups, Finwëans as a whole are just too ridiculously in need of babysitters, who knows what will happen if he doesn't ride herd on any of them* *rather steady look of oh did you?*

*who /does/ know?* *slight twitch. Huan makes him feel like a little kid, a little.*

*there /were/ rationalizations!* I killed two of them. *:|*

*that's because Huan is ineffably wise in comparison to him, probably* *whuffles his sound of 'someone somewhere is being silly'* Did that help?

--------*okay, is just going to try not to spaz too much and answer the question* Help with what? *well, yes. But then again, sometimes we think a clod of dirt is, too.*

*sorry >.>* Figuring out what to do now.

*no worries!* *not really. therefore, silence and not quite looking at bigbrotherHuan right now.*

*so, to reiterate: not your best idea* *pads over and nudges his ankle, curling up near his feet*

*blink. surprised doesn't quite cover it. carefully doesn't move in case he goes away* ....no, not really. *admitting that much!*

*it's not cuddles, exactly, but someone obviously needs a good influence in their life, and that necessitates less distance than has hitherto been shown* *noses his ankle again--  talk to him, he's all ears*

*good influences needed? Here?* I still don't know what to do. But I couldn't just do nothing. *and there's the whole 'feeling bad about that stuff' issue, but 'pretending I don't feel bad, because that's Stupid'...we don't get it either*

*he's had enough bad ones, it could use some balancing-out* *sure, but this is his 'but did you think this one through at /all/?' face*

It worked, didn't it? *defensively*

Did it? *between not finding a purpose and nearly getting eaten, his goals seem a bit far off still*

----well- *short term goals, though! dead wolves? Um.* *sigh* I guess not.

*not getting eaten isn't a short-term goal?* What /do/ you want, Tyelkormo?

*but that means honest answer, and honest answers are embarrassing!* ....I don't know. *hesitantly.*

*honest answers are good for you!* Think about it. You can't find your way blind. There will be some thing.

Something like /what?/

*look of /I'm/ not here to do your work for you*

*likes people to make decisions for him! it's so helpful!*

*it also /never works out/. besides, is not here to make things easy for him, either*


*....this is true. XD Just hasn't...quite figured that out yet.*

huan, celegorm

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