Well, at least /someone's/ happy to see me.

Sep 03, 2008 15:02

*will be going looking for Mae. has not heard good things. :\*

*is hanging out in his room, we'll assume the bloody bedsheets have been replaced by now and he's sitting on his bed, reading and letting the various stiches heal*

*will go and knock on the door that Celebrimbor indicated, then, looking frowny.*

Come in. *half-absently; reading, and expecting it to be any number of the people who've been in and out recently*

*opens the door and closes it quietly behind him* Maitimo. /What/ have you been doing? *scowly, but still somewhat affectionately. he is a brotherthing.*

*makes a face like O___O* .../Tyelkormo?/ *stands -- not too quickly, we don't want Galadriel to frown at us again*

*oh no, not a Galadriel frown!* *goes over to him* Careful. I heard you got a little ripped up. *eyeing the stitches*

*dismissive* I'm fine. *lies, blatant lies* When did /you/ get here?

*oh, such lies.* Not long ago. Sit down. *firmly*

Stop that, stop fussing. *sits anyway, and puts his hands -- yeah, we said it -- on Tyelko's arms* Are you, how are you?

I'm fine. *lies, but slightly less blatant!*

Good. *tugs him down to sit, if he isn't allowed to stand* It's good to see you. *we'll worry about the fallout in a bit*

*sits* You too. *yes indeed. like how you're apparently dead. and so am I. um.*

*more like worrying about how none of the cousins like you and who knows what awful stunt you'll pull next. but that too* You found your way here quickly.

*ooh, yes, but we're pretending not to /notice/ that. for the moment. oh, and Maglor, that's a little concerning, too.* To you? I heard...news. *frown*

This? *little grimace, looking down* Unfortunate meeting the other day. It looks worse than it is.

I see. *skeptical* The wolves are here, is that correct?

*he probably said the lackofhand looked worse than it was, too. and meant it, both times* The Gorthaur, yes. Who told you?

*mouth tightens, just a touch* Finrod. *and that was...awkward doesn't quite cut it*

I see. *hanging out with the cousins is going to be so much fun than it already was* *and looks at him, seriously* You may have seen we're few here. We can't afford enmity among ourselves, remember that.

*a tense nod* You can tell him that as well. *a little resentfully* *not sulking about the welcome, what?*

*is a bit less worried about Finrod flipping out and getting people killed, to be totally honest* Just don't start anything. Or finish it. I'm saying this preemptively I hope.

*well, yes. but.* Fine. *he can deal with that* Do we have any allies?

Friends. There is a woman, Lydia, and Lucivar. He's recognizable. Has wings. I'm sure you'll meet them both. *leaving aside the headmates thing*

Ambarussa mentioned the latter, Celebrimbor the former. *who might be a bit ticked off at this one if she hears about Finrod*

*juuust a little. no one's ever going to let him live that one down, are they?* *nod* You've met most of us already, then.

*no, probably not* ...I have? *less than he thought. Frowning.*

As I said, we're few.

Indeed. *frowning more. this might mean he has to deal with cousins. uncomfortable cousins.*

*/happy/funtiems. pity it's entirely Arafinwëans and not, say, Aredhel* Who else have you seen?

*aw /man/* Galadriel. Angarato. Maglor...

*an Aredhel would be awesome, though* *if there's an unhappy look in his eyes at the mention of Maglor, you can ignore it, it passes quickly* Nearly all. Arakáno was here somewhere, but I've only actually seen him once.

Ah. *didn't someone here have an Aredhel once upon a time?* *well, Maglor kind of screwed with Tyelko's head, too*

*forever ago. we miss her* *Maglor is a) srsly messed up, and b) not talking to this brother, and he knows both are /all his fault/, whee* *let's change the subject* You are armed, though. That's good.

I heard about the wolves. I thought it might be wise.

I'm glad you have a weapon at all. They're scarce. *and fighting off wolves barehanded? not fun. just ask Finrod*

*ooh, yes. Not that he's going to ask. ever.* It came with me.

*well, you can at least see the effects here* *nods* Did you come from-- *pauses. is not a hesitant person usually* Doriath?

*just nods*

*squeezes his shoulder, because there isn't a lot you can say in this situation* Sorry.

*...kind of wants to give the brotherthing a hug* It's fine.

*would have just then, only it would've required leaning over, and, not so much* Is it?

*then is giving him a hug, dammit. carefully, though.* It is. *more or less. not really. so much.*

*doesn't belieeve hiim. no Fëanorian is /ever/ fine* *hugs back, then, as big brothers should* You were missed, Tyelko.

*almost a mouth twitch. orly?* *yay, hugs are comforting, a little bit. especially big brother hugs.* *and you shouldn't, either.* Hmm?

*and because typists fail, just blinks* Maitimo, your hand...

--What? *--oh. right.* Oh. Right.

*is so confused right now. what is /with/ all this?*

You'd better take care of yourself. *a tad muffledly. is still unhappy about that whole chasm thing*

*aaahaa, and someone here doesn't actually know he knows about that. stupid Maglor* I will. *snugs, rather*

*snugs back* Good. *XD yes, well.*

*sighs, and you know, brotherhugging helps here, too, a bit* It's been a while, Tyelko. By my count, at least.

So I've heard. *quietly* I'm glad to find you.

*we're glad he didn't have to look at the bottom of any chasms* I'll be staying right here. *in the invalid sense, yes, but also he's totally not going to kill himself again soon. go him*

*good boy.* I'm not far. Just across the hall, next to Celebrimbor.

*aww, if he and Cele are hanging out, something's going right* Good. *kind-of smile!* I'll visit when I'm allowed to travel again.
*Cele gave him a /hug!/ it was weird.* *kind-of-smile* I'll be visiting when you're not allowed, then.

celegorm, maedhros

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