Chat log: So much for peace

Aug 21, 2008 09:50

Who: Merlin, Kvothe, Jaenelle, Maitimo, Morgoth, Bast, Lucivar and Galadriel

When: After the private implosion in Jaenelle's study

What: Merlin and Jaenelle try to fix the Gate that seals Morgoth in. Much pain ensues.

*So, Merlin is at the Mansion, it's zeee day, and he's looking for Kvothe.*
*is easy to find, probably in one of the library window seats as usual*
*will be leaning against a shelve, smiling calmly.* Kvothe.
*looks up from his book and smiles*  Merlin.
How are you?
Well enough.  *not entirely comfortable with the idea of working with Jaenelle, mostly over her reactions*  And you?
Fine. No sneezing. *a chuckle.* Are you ready to do this?
*chuckles as well*  I hope so.  *sets the book down and stands*
*small sigh* so do I. Let us get Jaenelle, then?
*nods and gestures forward*  Then lead the way.
*so he'll lead him to Jaenelle's study* It's been a while, but you look in good shape.
*is - in her study, again, locked in. and staring at the mess of a spell morosely*
*blinks, makes a quick effort to clean herself up, waves away the smoke and then opens the door* Who - oh. Merlin.
*gives Jaenelle a small, polite smile, still isn't sure how she'll react to him*
Jaenelle. *warmly* Are you well?
*oh. oh dear. hunches her shoulders and looks almost terrified at Kvothe. what if someone else is mad at her? O.o* I'm- I'm all right.
*doesn't believe that, but won't push* Hmm mmm. You remember Kvothe?
*knew that name before from a while ago* Yes.
*internal sigh at the terror*  Hello again, Jaenelle.
H'lo. *watching him nervously*
*well then. Hello awkward.* Is this a bad time?
No, not at all. I presume you've come about the seal?
*not really awkward, we passed awkward months ago when she first started confronting him about his name :D*
*yeaaaaah. mostly just awkward now because Jaenelle isn't helping make it less awkward.*
*oh dear oh dear* *nods* It's time.
*tense nod. ignore the fact that her shoulders are up by her ears* Very well.
*about to say something to Jaenelle, then decides against it and just nods, turning to follow Merlin out*
*will follow both of them. rather like a lost duckling. Though she's going to try to regain herself while no one's looking at her.*
*will lead them out, then, and try to keep a reasonable amount of focus despite the blakc cloud over Jaenelle's head.*
*is not looking anywhere near Jaenelle, keeps /his/ focus*
*is trying to get some! honestly.*
*walking in silence it is. We suppose Mae might break it?*
*if they're getting to the cliff, yes, because we all know cliffs are the favourite hangout of Maes everywhere, but have it that he's poking around, only to be interrupted by this new party*
*Well then. look at that, another redhead*
*watches Mae curiously as they approach, can tell he's not human, but he's not quite Fae either*
*is focused on trying to center herself, dammit*
*yes! a redheaded elf bearing some resemblance to that one you took through the rift to meet Morgoth /wtf/* *regards them with curiosity and caution* Good evening. Do I interrupt some business
Good Evening *bows slightly* I am Merlin. *as though it were introduction and explanation enough. He's an ass, we know.*
*eyes him. recognizes that psychic scent. her gaze sharpens, slightly*
*good for you? says his expression, but we're polite, and he nods* My name is Maitimo. *sees Jaenelle's gaze, looks mildly inquisitive*
I think I know some relatives of yours.
*everyone does, apparently* Do you?
*is not going to confirm that*
*shrugs* Just a hunch. *retreats again*
Everyone around here seems to. *headtilt at her apparent shyness* Which ones?
*still not talking*
Mostly the Ambarussa. *more quietly*
*is as well, no need to put Jaenelle more on edge*
*nods, confirms* My brothers. *surveys them all, because wow, what a reticent, awkward-looking bunch* What brings you to this place, if I may ask?
*oh, this is great* I am the Key, come to seal the Gate. *yes, he talks with capitals*
The Gate? *does this explain the evil aura thing, then?*
*nods, to both questions*
*is just going to be quiet now, withdrawing again*
*wow, you're vague* The source of the Darkness here. I assume.
*does not explain himself, except when tutoring youg!Kvothe* That is correct, Maitimo of the Eldar.  The Dark Lord resides here.
*may be the only person to ever get anything like a straight answer from the wizard, then?  wow*
*that's about right - with Lot, but that was for the fun of beffuddling him*
*um. that's not comforting. so have a paling, a harshening of the features* He was banished. *it may be a bit of an assumption, but he only actually knows of one Dark Lord*
*tenses and starts to say something, but stops.*
So he was, and here is the Gate, and as nothing is stable in this world, there is no harm in verifying that this place is safe. *that's a bit of wind in his robes, because he doesn't feel like explaining
*just standing back a bit and watching everything*
*what, actual wind?* *and thanks to up-close and personal experience with Morgoth, we are really extra-special unhappy with this development* Is there any reason to believe it would not be?
*a little impatientnervously* Can we just do this?
*yes, actual wind* Well spoke, Faerie Queen. *but there's that Elf, in the way,*
*looks her over and asks quietly*  You're wound tighter than a lute string, are you sure you want to go through with this now?
*tenses when he talks to her* Yes. I need to.
*takes a breath* *to Maitimo* By your leave.....
*still quiet*  Don't push yourself just because you think you need to.
*hunches her shoulders* I do have to. I have to do /something/.
*let him pass, watching intent, because, well. Morgoth. Too much opportunity for Bad Stuff* I hope you know what you are dealing with.
(poor Mai. XD)
[[Mae: *not terribly impressed by this (literal!) windbag, sry*]]
*have a look that says enough, yes, he does* *once he faces the open expense, he conjures the vortex, not an opening, but rather a visibility spell, that the vortex appears in swirls of colors. and yes. it's
 not peractly smooth. it has /cracks/.  Not large by any means, but enough to be concerning.*
*almost stricken look* Oh.
*eyes it*  I can't say I've ever seen one of those before, but I don't think that looks good.
*he frowns at this as well*
*well, the obvious question /that/ raises is: how?* *stares at it, jaw set, foreboding that Bad Stuff* No, not good. *especially since the arrogant one is frowning, gah*
*softly* What now?
*is arrogant, is true!* *takes a step back.* No, not good.
*looks at the vortex, again.* We can try, or we can pray what ever gods we should. It is not open, but only showing.  Prepare. A dark time is coming. *and not tonight, evidently.*
I've never put much faith in the power of gods.  *frowns at the damaged vortex*
*knows that, Kvothe, and is getting to be the same. it's more a matter of reassurance, really*  Jaenelle? How do you feel?
We need to do something. *translate: I need to do something /good/ already*
What were you planning on doing?
Little can be done, but a binding spell, perhaps, to repair the field.... to weave it....
Can it be managed?  *doesn't have this sort of magic*
Can you repair the fabric of the Void?
*--hi, Kvothe*
I can weave things if I have the shape of the magic used to make it in the first place...
*nods* and thus if you have the Key.... you might succeed....
...You are the key, you said. How is that?
*is trying not to let that thrum of wrongness make her feel sick*
*just gives Maitimo a look. does it look like he's giving interviews?* Come to the Hut in the wood, and I will tell you all there is to know.  Now is not the time.
After you work your power on his prison is a better one, when it /might/ succeed?
*flinch! not helpful, Mae*
*pessimist, okay!*
*really, agrees with Mae*
*would agree with Mae if she were making marginally more sense*
*--we'd say hooray, someone sane! but agreeing with Mae is not always the best indicator of that*
*and - Kvothe, sane?*
*perish the thought*
*is getting distracted by the pesky elf*
*if Morgoth gets out, it's /his/ fault, ah! for distracting the Merlin*
*oh, sure, guilt trip him /more/. Who messed with it the first time, again?*
*will probably blame himself anyway.  as Kvothe will for his presence throwing Jaenelle off. once he stops going 'omgmyhaaand;__;'*
*...that is not familiar at all*
*will definitely blame herself! because - it's Jaenelle!*
*has decided that he had been blamed enough and will not feel guilty. not at all*
*so he's going to ignore the pesky elf and start waving his mumbo jumbo, to try to bring forth the stuff of the vortex. he is however not opening, ETA members.*
Are we going to do something or just /stand/ here? *gets tenser with every passing moment and that arrrgh sensation makes her feel like throwing up*
*hello, is doing something!*
*watches, trying to sense it, almost desperately*
*has no idea what's /supposed/ to happen, only figures that what does will probably be bad, so watches the mumbo-jumboing, tense and apprehensive*
::Jaenelle, it is there for you to weave:: *Because talking isn't working so well, he's focused and well, he is a hand wizard.*
*just standing back, watching, and vaugely hopelessly hoping that it doesn't explode*
*reaches out and touches it, and starts weaving threads back together, trying to match her magic to it - but it's not easy, because she pushing herself and almost trying too hard where she should be
*with Kvothe, here. Hail the league of pessimistic redheads*
*like extraordinary gentlemen, but angstier*
(redder, too)
(and less of an awful movie)
*is just lending Jaenelle strengthaplenty and hoping this isn't going to be yet another catastrophe*
*is /trying/ to do this right! has to make /something/ better!*
*still with the staying back and watching*
*yeah, that*
*there's something - off. goes in that direction, trying to figure out what's wrong*
*will assist Jaenelle, eyes straining to identify the cause*
*watches her move forward and follows, in case she needs more physical aid*
*tilts her head, frowning, trying to focus and not get fuzzy again*
*pretty useless here, yay for being an innocent bystander*
*frowns at the oddness more and tries sending out a tendril of Craft to touch it, gently*
*on the other side, a very dark mind is feeling the shift in the fabric of the vortex*
Jaenelle.... *he feels the mind through the vortex, that can't be good*
*jerks back, looking sick* Mother /Night/-
*can feel the growing presence of the Dark Lord and his @, at least* No--.
*takes a step back* Merlin?
*moves in front of Jaenelle, then, because it is too late*
*can't feel the same things they do, but knows that whatever it is isn't good*  *quietly, more to Mae than the two working*  What's happening?
*is going to push him out of the way, or try*
*it's like pushing a rock wall, Jaenelle, good luck*
It's-- opening. *tense, poised to move, forward or back*
*keeps - trying* Shield - dammit, dammit, dammit - *throws a shield over Merlin first*
Get out of the /way!/
*And everyone, have a very sinister serving of the most eerie and scary laughter you will ever hear, as Grond itself is throw in the general direction of redhaired pessimists*
*just jerks Jaenelle to the side, no time, now*
*struggles, though* Kvothe!
*was admittedly aiming at the Elf. Because he hates Mae. But.*
*he took that to the Void with him?* *hit in the side, but hey, a weapon* The Enemy. He's come.
*instinctivley dodged to the side away from Grond*  *just a short nod in response*
*beginnings of a spiral, trying to gather power* /No./ *reaches out to the vortex, trying to push it back, hold back what's on the other side with all her might*
*with Craft, that is.*
*scrambles to his feet, clucting the mace, because yeah. Weapon, we're taking what we can get*
*drops into a loose half crouch, eyes so dark they're nearly black, but unarmed he knows that there's little he can do*
*wind catches in his robes, and there is a swarm of air around him* Return to the void, Morgoth. The Gate is sealed, and you will not come forth. *He makes a powerful effort to push back what is there*
*except for the part where it's kind of not sealed, or we wouldn't be having this problem*
*on the other side, Morgoth resists, his hand pushing into the cracks of the vortex to force the cracks wider, but there is little he can do as they close, save attempt an escape.*
Stay /back/ Merlin- *desperately*
*is very busy being focused and trying to keep the damn thing locked up as it should be, thank you very much*
*carefully backing away, cause whatever happens won't be good...*
*but Morgoth's will is so great, that hello, here is a very large Dark Lord weilding a very very big sword. He steps out of the vortex, flexes, and looks down at the small people with a very evil grin.*
*well, fuck*
*tosses some Ebony power at him, savagely enough to flatten a small city*
*and here's some wind for you, Morgoth, enough to wash awy the ruins of the small city Jaenelle squashed*
*that makes him take a step back, he's just on the edge of the cliff*
*just standing, maybe angled in front of the unarmed redhead, and you can't do a lot with an oversized evil mace, but it's there, defiant*
*that makes him take a step back, he's just on the edge of the cliff*
*just standing, maybe angled in front of the unarmed redhead, and you can't do a lot with an oversized evil mace, but it's there, defiant*
*again, savagely, gaaaaah, this is exhausting but DAMMIT*
*is going to conjure a shield then, and arm Maitimo with it as he did his younger brother.  In the process, a weapon finds itself at Kvothe's feet, because you don't leave
 your friends unarmed in front of the Dark Lord*
*is not close enough to attack, and the Ebony power is making it hard, but he is advancing at a sluggish pace towards the quatuor*
*--oh, cool, an unexpected shield \o/*
*keeps pushing back, though draining her Jewels fast*
*is rather surprised by the existance of the sword, but isn't going to look a gift wizard on the mouth, he picks it up and holds it with the easy confidence that comes from
 much practice*
*will keep conjuring many things, trying to push back the Dark Lord and to have a shield around the folk who are here. He conjures some more, to try to protect those
 who are here.*
*is getting frustrated because ghaaaaa people are there and he wants to hurt that damn Elf and why can't he just go and get his Mace? So he lifts a heavy fist and
 bangs it to the ground, making it shake*
*barely keeps her feet, but there's a definitely lessening of the power*
*people attacking you and /he's/ your priority?* *stumbles a bit, though*
*Morgoth is stupid, it's canon*
*stumbles a bit as well, moving away from Mae, circling*
*still conjuring, because Magical attacks are going to be more and more difficult to sustain. Have a shield, Kvothe*
*grins because people stumble and that woman isn't invincible. /Good/. If she were dark haired, he'd be more tempted, but she's no Luthien, so Maedhros it is.*
*tries to regain her energy, sucking power out of her Jewels and hurling it raw at him*
*jumps forward and strikes with the sword while the Dark Lord is distracted and staggering*
*are we attacking him?* *whirls the mace at his knees -- oh hey, staggering -- not that he's likely to have much more luck than Fingolfin ever did*
*would facepalm if he wasn't busy mumbo-jumboing*
*isn't a fancy-schmancy magic-user, okay?*
*is starting to waver as well, but keeps pushing herself*
*might rather get the hit of the mace on his big toe. Ouch.* He looks down at Mae with a grin and swings his sword. Yes. he is not the brightest pickle in the pot*
*and yes, Kvothe, that was his chin you hit, and he is not pleased. Have a kick.*
(shins, even)
*gets kicked and flys back, losing his grip on his sword and lies on his back stunned for a few moments*
*well, that's -- /almost/ as much luck as Fingolfin had. How is that foot, by the way?* *ducks away from the sword as best he can*
*torn moment, wavers between going to Kvothe and continuing offensiveely.
*pushes himself up, breathless and gasping from having the air knocked out of him*
*is still conjuring, and as there is very little he can do to push Morgoth back, his efforts lie on the edge of the cliff, to hopefully make him fall*
*still hesitates, flickering indecisively*
*we're just going to play whack-a-mole with his legs some more*
*that foot is /fine/. Just /fine/.  The sword might cut at the side of his shoulder, perhaps?*
*tries to get to his sword again, though might be staggering a little from the force of the blow*
*okay, sure. then after the staggering that entails, will in that case be having some more difficulty with the freaking giant mace*
*the ground uner Morgoth is shaking some, eased by the Dark Lord's own attack on it earlier.*
*with the last shreds of strength, calls in an Eyrien stick and coats the blade with Ebony power before going to attack him herself*
*damnit! Morgoth lands flat on his face. He extends a hand to grab Grond* *stupid things. He does them too.*
*takes his sword, and without thinking what a stupid idea it is, charges for the fallen Morgoth's head*
*stabbity! we has it*
*--tries to smash at Morgoth's head, but the weapon is apparently being grabbed instead, and so is shaken off and thrown back*
*Excellent. Just excellent. He tries to place a displacement spell, then.*
*Yay! we has a mace! And so he scrambles to his feet, and in the process, sort of whacks at whoever is attacking him with it.*
*is whacked and knocked to the ground again and /ow/ we'll be feeling that later*
*is knocked over by the scrambling, and on her way to get up gets whacked and goes flying a few feet*
*you wouldn't have lost it in the first place if you didn't go around throwing it at people* *whacked, anyway, thrown some feet, and lands hard on the cut shoulder, winded*
*shoves herself up, that's going to hurt, scrambles to find her weapon, head ringing*
*has no more weapon, but is rising to his knees, that's a start*
*displacement worked. Morgoth is back about 20 feet.*
*FTW?* You. *moves to swing his mace (yay, he has a mace!) at Merlin.*
Yes. Me. I stand as the Key to the Gate. The Old Ways and the Powers that Be will not let you stain this place. *aims some of that ice wind at his face*
*damn wizard. It hurts but he whacks it at Merlin anyway*
*takes the hit and actually starts nosebleeding again, damnit*
*ow those are probably broken ribs*  *pushes himself up slowly and grabs for his sword, then starts to push himself to his feet*
*catches sight of other redhead and lifts his foot to stomp him.*
*finds it and makes an incoherent animal noise, going to attack him rather wildly*
*starts to move, but his reflexes aren't as fast as usual...*
Kvothe-! *warningly*
*throws a displacement spell on Kvothe, moving him as far as he can*
*but the spell isnt' strong because it's thrown on instinct and so the big fat Morgoth foot lands heavily on Kvothe's hand. Ouch.*
*noise of fury and pain at just /seeing/ that and that powers her throwing herself at him, drawing the last power from her Birthright Black to throw at him*
*Kvothe's clenched hand is crushed around the sword in his grip and then there's nothing but pain and he /screams/*
*lifts his foot, then, intent on disabling the other threat. /that/ woman.*
*does Morgoth have a /fixation/ with screwing up peoples' hands, or what?* *lacking the ability to attack, scrambles Kvothe-wards*
*is trying to do as much damage as she can, spinning furiously, eyes wild midnight*
*reflexively curls onto his side, tries to pull his hand toward his chest but it's still around the sword, not really aware of anything but the pain at the moment, because most
 of the bones in his hand are shattered*
*ouch, Kvothe, that's bad.* *still focusing on getting rid of that plaguetyplague Morgoth, though.*
*ouch, bitch, that hurt!* *He lets out a roar of pain for the large cut on his side, and suddenly, in a flash of darkness.... he's gone.*
*left snarling at nothing for a moment, then drops the stick and stumbles over to Kvothe* Kvothe?
*is just gonna be on the ground, gasping for air to smother the scream that wants to escape again and not quite thinking past the pain and the hand yet*
*takes one look at the hand and turns and vomits because /owwww/*
*is just walking. that is, until he hears that first scream. and it's not going to take him long to get there.*
*going to ease the sword out of Kvothe's hand, as gently as possible*
*heard the scream too, and runs towards the cliff with alacrity*
*grits his teeth and grunts in pain, will /not/ scream again if he can help it*
*here, have intensely blue eyes and a barely holding glamour* Reshi! *drops to his knees next to him, and then sees the hand and there's a hissss of breath*
*takes a moment to shake out of his trance, then goes to Kvothe, and looks miserable a moment.*  *then, he turns his mind, to at least heal the suffering, typist willing*
Kvothe sets mode: +o Galadriel
TheDarkLord sets mode: +o Bast
*tries to pull more power out of her Jewels and push it at Kvothe, but is too exhausted to even try weaving, and the effort to pull what she doesn't have out is the last
 straw for an already rather battered witch. She faints.*
*looks up at the approaching figures, and hey, a cousin. joy*
*arrives on the scene* Elbereth! *she will come closer, then, and pick up Jaenelle.* What happened here?
*is crouching over Kvothe, turns and snarls at Merlin, protectively*
*has had his eyes squeezed up and is trying to /not/ think about that he thinks he just heard Bast call his name, doesn't want Bast there right now*  *and how about, half
 and half, Galie?  Still hurts but not so mind-numbingly bad*
Kvothe, Kvothe, Reshi- *almost desperately.* Look at me.
*will be on her way as soon as she makes sure Jaenelle's head didn't hurt anything.*
I turned him, boy, to let the pain be numbed, a moment. *sad but reassuring, if he can*
*well, in fact, Jaenelle's body seems rather more dead than alive.*
*we're unclear on what exactly happened ourselves* *harshly, to Galadriel* The Enemy.
*forces a deep breath past the still aching ribs and opens his eyes for a moment to look up at Bast, though they're unfocused and a little hazy from the pain though it's numbed some now*  Calm down,
 Bast.  *closes them again a few moments later*
*she will just nod once, then, and as the man with the red hair seems to be the one in the worst condition, she will turn her attention to him* *while working* Can you see to the woman, cousin?
Calm /down/- *incredulous*
*oh, damn, Jaenelle* Goes to her, then, and tries to reanimate her some*
*nope, not doing - sorry Merlin, this particular condition is voluntary.*
*curses under his breath, something he never does*
*nods, and moves away from Kvothe, as he's getting plenty of attention anyway -- and if she isn't waking up, will lay her flat and look for wounds*
*and juuuust to make this party more fun. The cold announces him before he arrives, and he crosses the grass in a blaze of /fury/* /JAENELLE!/
*just bruised, mostly, dirty, a little scratched*
*small nod*  Stop snarling.
Reshi- *slightly choked* I will stop snarling when you stop getting /into/ things like this.
*looks up, sighs, and continues to try to reduce the damage for Kvothe as she can.*  *To Bast* We need to take him to a place where I can heal him
*looks up at the screaming winged guy, because, distracting*
*curt nod* Very well.
*oh, damn, Lucivar.* Lucivar.
It wasn't intentional.
Can you walk, lord?
*is stalking in that direction, yes, looking rather nightmarish today*
He's not going to walk. *firmly*
WHAT IN HELL'S NAME HAS- *oh. the blood very nearly drains out of his face and he runs over to Maitimo and Jaenelle, looking panicked* Is she-?
*takes a moment for him to respond, but that's because he didn't expect to be referred to as 'lord'*  *nods slightly, ignoring Bast*  I can.  You'll have to help me up.
She is unconcious. Uninjured.
*face tightens, but doesn't object* Fine.
*breathes out a long sigh of relief* Thank the Darkness. What /happened?/ *assessing the damage with a warrior's eyes*
........ the seal, Lucivar. It broke. *is feeling like shit already.*
I'm not sure what they were /trying/ to do, exactly, but it did not work. *unhappy, yes* They have called the Enemy from the Void.
*headsnap around* /What?/
*nods, giving Bast a little smile. Dignity is important too.* Of course.
*hopes he does!*
*facepalms* no, Maitimo, we did not call Morgoth. We tried to seal him in. *damn elf*
*sets his teeth* You were just here with Pityo. Didn't you /learn/ anything? *drops to his knees next to Jaenelle and gives her a gentle little shake* Jaenelle.
*sighs. hit him Lucivar, he really deserves it.*
With Pityo?
Yes. *snarls* And he nearly got /him/ killed, too.
*oh, yay, angry Fëanorians* What, precisely, did he do with my brother?
*actually, he saved his life* No, Lucivar. I saved his life. And if you insist onn the contrary, things are not going to go well. *is tired of people yelling at him*
*oh face it Merlin, you deserve it.*
In case you hadn't /noticed/, things were already /not going well./ *shakes Jaenelle again* Jaenelle!
*is busy helping Kvothe to his feet. :|*
She would not have not done it, you know that as well as I do. *flatly*
*Merlin's first impressions certainly aren't*
Not have done /what?/
*trying to take as little help as possible which is difficult with only one good arm and broken ribs, ends up having to lean heavily on Bast to get to his feet, crushed hand hanging at his side*
*sighs* Kvothe. *heavily, and will bend and just pick him up over objections. silly Reshi.*
*will look back, then, and see the angry Lucivar, and shake her head. To Bast* A moment, pray.
*a slight pained sound through his teeth*  Put me /down/ Bast.
*cradles him carefully* No. You can hardly stand. You're not going to walk.
*is going to let them argue about that a moment, and will go to Jaenelle's side*
Lucivar, what did he do to my brother? *would really like an answer here*
*gritted teeth*  Bast, my ribs are broken, put me down.  *cause that /hurts/*
All I know is that Merlin took Pityo to fight - the Enemy. It didn't go well. *is distracted*
.............. *whirls to Merlin* You /what/?
Your brother ordered me to take him here. I humored him against my better judgement. The Dark Lord did not kill him - in fact, he threatened my life after I pulled him from the fight. So if you are going to
 get pissy, go ahead. I don't well care at this point. It changes nothing anyway.
*looks up at Galadriel* What are you doing? *snaps*
I only wish to help you, if you will let me. *gently.*
*more gently* No. *but does shift to put less weight on said ribs*
What are you going to do? *harshly, but is scared and it shows*
I can only tell what ails her, perhaps, as of now. Without herbs and the waters of healing, there is little I can do here, but I would see that she lives, at least.
*tense nod* Very well.
*so Galadriel is going to use her telepathy to seek out Jaenelle's mind, and find her, whereever she may be*
*is very far away, in a place that really only she can reach, though there's a faint link to her body spun out fine still*
Opening the Void to endanger the world and my brother's life, against your /better judgement/.  It might have changed things to have heeded it.
*so Galadriel will attempt to find her, and seek to go up that faint thread with all that she can&
*say down, rather. and it's a long way.*
*short pained hiss at the shifting*  You /will/ pay for this later.  *empty threats, it shows*
I hope so. *because that would be /good/*
A lot of things would be different, if better judgement let the way of the universe. It was a terrible mistake. Now, are you going to waste your breath on me, or will you help those who need it? *yes, he can
 be practical, at times*
*down or up is of no object to the mind of a 14000 years old or so Eldar, and less to Galadriel. Down she goes*
*is there, eventually, but in a slightly different way than Galadriel would recognize. and surrounded by a mist, sparking with dangerous lightning*
*silly Bast*  *lets himself fall half concious, against Bast, because we're just not acknowledging the pile of broken bones at the end of his right arm*
::Is this the place you wanted to go to, Jaenelle?:: *so, so softly*
*times he's trying to avoid being yelled at?* It would /help/ if you would part with some answers.
*and she will be with Kvothe and Bast in a moment - dying people get priority, sorry*
*is not ansssswering!*
*yes, those in particular, coincidentally* Then ask. *flatly*
What exactly did you do, and what can be done about it?
What exactly I did, is to open the gate - the opening is not an issue, if you are to enter his prison.  There are times where it is needed, and so it is done. Pytio was valiant, and I aided him, but he
 would have died in the void, and so when times were desperate, I withdrew he and I both.  Likely, the speedy exit hurt the threshold. You saw the cracks.
As for what can be done... you saw the effects of the mending. Perhaps we can make another attempt, later.
*pacing* What about Jaenelle?
*look, Do Not Take Crazy Elves Into the Void To Meet Morgoth should really be such an obvious rule of thumb that we aren't even touching on that anymore for the moment* I did see them. Who are
 you, what are you, that you have such a connection with the Enemy's prison? *because Merlin? not one he remembers from his book*
I am the Merlin, as old as you are perhaps, but from another world *or maybe even an Istari, who knows?* and entrusted with the Key by the Valar themselves *who apparently have very little
 judgement* I am the Key. Myrrdyn Wyllt.  Merlinus Ambrosius.
*looks at Merlin* Merlin. What about Jaenelle? What happened?
*more gently, because Lucivar is his friend* Jaenelle healed me, after the attack. I told her everything. She would not rest in peace until we made sure the Gate was sealed *sorry, his typist can only
 type so fast*
*we understand, Lucivar is just frenetic* So she came here. That doesn't explain - this. *gestures at her motionless body*
*still gentle* The Enemy was powerful, we all fought him, though the hit she took... I don't know. I couldn't reanimate her, when it should have been possible. Something more happened, over this.
*is /scared/* Something more? What do you mean?
You have certainly repaid that trust. *rebelled against the Valar, is pretty onboard with the idea that they have no judgement, and this is /not helping their case/* If this Gate remains unsealed, can he
 return again?
::Lady Jaenelle? Your brother is here, and fearing for you. I must tell him that you are there::
*well yes, the Valar were morons. But.* Lucivar, you need to talk to Cyrano. *extraordinary feat of crossover divination, ahoy* as for this seal, I doubt the Dark Lord will be able to come forth, and remain.
*midnight voice* ::I'm here.::
*twitch* What does /he/ have to do with this?
*that's an audible sigh of relief, Lucivar* ::And so you are.  You are needed, here. Your kin calls you forth.::
::No.:: *more softly*
*headsnap* Where is she?
*shakes it off* I don't know, Lucivar. But he'll have some answers.
What about crossing over and /not/ remaining? *can be practical too! restricting self to questions that aren't 'do you understand that if you try to get my brothers killed ever again I /won't even guilt/ about
 throwing you to Morgoth yourself?'*
*don't be an idiot, Lucivar, you're distracting the telepath*  ::Yes, yes, he needs you. He will be lost, without you, and destroy innocents, perhaps. Come forth.:: *so, so gentle*
Maitimo sets mode: +o Kvothe
::No.:: *even more softly, shutting Galadriel out*
*isn't thinking straight, yes*
That's the plan. I will not rest until he is sealed off again. *flatly. What? He's not an idiot.*
*one last desperate attempt* ::Yes. You are a Queen and a Ruler. You must not abandon your world. The Eldar will need the Blood in the coming travails, and you alone can lead them.:: *yes, she
 has crossover divination, and it works better than Merlin's*
...You plan to try this /again/? *if this is Merlin /not/ being an idiot, he's not sure he wants to know what happens when he is*
Do you have any great ideas, oh, mighty Maitimo? *not a planned alliteration, there*
::And I have done a good job of both, have I not?:: *almost mockingly* ::No. Farewell.::
*mocking gets you nowhere* I have not the power to seal it off. But neither, from what I have seen, do you. I will stick to things that have not been tried and failed already.
::Better than others I know. You inspire them.:: *is stubborn, she' s a Wil-puppet*
::Do I?:: *is gone again, like a ripple in dark water*
I have sealed it before. I will seal it again. *flaaaatly*
::You do. They need you, and so does the friend you thought you lost. Have faith.::
Galadriel? *desperately*
*is evidently really focused, Lucivar.*
Then what went wrong here?*is-- kind of feeling he doesn't trust Merlin*
*silence, though, other than distant midnight whispers*
That, I cannot tell, as of now, but I will find out. *fiercely, and earnstly, because dying Jaenelle is /not/ cool*
::Lady Jaenelle...... What would you have me tell your brother?::  *yes, she's stubborn*
::Anything. Everything.:: *and then resolutely pushes Galadriel out and away, because she wants to be ~alone~ dammit*
*is pushed out, then, with a bit of a stagger, and might steady herself against whoever is closest* Elbereth.....
...I sincerely hope you do. If you are from a different world, as you say, perhaps you do not know what you may have unleashed. *nods, curt* I take my leave. Please do not try to kill any more of my
 brothers in the meantime.
Galadriel? *catches her*
*did not kill any of your brothers, damnit!* Until then, son of Faenor.
*no, that was Henry! :D*
*shall go off in the direction of Bast and Kvothe, because Doing Things other than fuming is good for you, and, to Bast:* --Do you need any help here?
*...... I hate vampires*
Yes. *is just trying to support Kvothe without being painful* Is there any way we could make a - stretcher of some kind? His ribs are broken.
*leans against the supporting hand a moment, then, and tries to regain her wits a bit.* She is alive.
*that doesn't sound good. thrumming with anxiety* And?
She.... told me to tell you anything and everything. *in case that means something to him*
*looks around -- there are trees in the vicinity, we assume?* Branches, lashed together, if we have ties of any kind. *clothes will do, at a stretch!*
*shakes head* What does that mean? What does she think she's doing?
*listens in too, he wants to know*
*nods* Stay by him, then. *mostly because it doesn't look like Bast would do anything else. and goes a short distance, Kvothe's magic sword in hand, to find some wood*
she believes to have failed as a ruler. *so, so gently, with kind regret*
*nope, isn't going anywhere.* *starts ripping up his shirt, though*
She /what?/ *explosive breath*
I told her that her folk needed her, that you needed her. She would not heed my words, and claimed failure, rather.
I told her that her folk needed her, that you needed her. She would not heed my words, and claimed
failure, rather.
That's - what gave her /that/ idea?
The tale, I do not know in full. But as I saw her, she had made, perhaps, an error. She blamed herself for it.
*gaah* That's not unusual. What /kind/ of error?
*and returns not too long afterwards with an armful of branches, two long and the others shorter, and sets them near Kvothe and Bast* Here, it will be rudimentary but should do.
She hurt a man, is what she said.
It's enough. *starts lashing them together*
On accident?
I suppose it could be called such, yes.  She used magic to save one - but Craft was not the best tool for this.
the man lives, but she was told the magic might drive him mad.
....oh, great. Anything else?
*helps, supplementing the ties with his own clothes at need, concentration not really making him look any less pissed off, but oh well* *and look, a stretcher, they have total skills*
she thought she had lost a friend, in this.
mayhap this, coupled with today's events......
*yay skills, and doesn't mind, is not happy at /all/*
*yay skills, and doesn't mind, is not happy at /all/*
What did she do, though? It's like she's not there...
*sits back when it's done* --All right. *looks at unconcious!Kvothe* Where do you want to take him?
To his rooms, I think. They're not far.
She was deep, deep in the recesses of her own mind. She is there, but buried far beneath the surface.  Perhaps another will make her come forth. Love, perhaps. *because Galie is that good with
 foresight, yes she is*
*a twitch* I'll find Daemon.
*nods* Let's get him on, then. *whee, lifting broken ribs. Always fun*
*trying not to look at the hand. trying not to look at it. aaaah.* Thank you.
*she nods.* If there is anything.... I will be in my chambers.
*inclines his head, a little less stiffly* Thank you.
*inclines her head as well, respectfully so.* May Elbereth Gilthoniel light your way, Warlord Prince.
*does look at the hand, and feels sick for both the obvious and some personal reasons* *nods you're-welcome*
*inclines her head as well, respectfully so.* May Elbereth Gilthoniel light your way, Warlord Prince.
*nods* Darkness embrace you. *turns to go*
*that's an odd thing to say to an elf. but. She watches him go then, and turns to Merlin with a
 quizzical eyebrow.* And who are you?
*and he doesn't feel like explaining himself again, so he says* Do ask your relative, when the fancy
 strikes you. *and he goes.*
*oh sure, leave your reputation to the one who doesn't like you. Good plan*
(well, he did say the truth. so.)
*great. now she has to talk to Mae. Just lovely*
[[Yes, but the truth didn't make him look very good.]]
* :( *
(on the up side, Mae and Galie can bond over hating Merlin)
[[ \o/ ]]
(so can Galie catch up with Bast and Mae?)
(sure? they're not going very fast.)
*so she catches up to them, then, frowning a little. She still doesn't know what happened, even if she has a fairly good guess*
*just staring at Kvothe like he's going to burn a hole with those eyes of his.*
*looks around* Cousin.
Cousin. *not cold, neutral*
*neutral himself, just by way of trying not to freak out* How is the lady?
She lives. *somberly*
*nods, shortly* Good.
*so as they walk...* Maitimo, did what I think happened just happen? *somber because she knows*
*grim, tightly controlled* The Enemy came through from the Void. Yes.
*a shudder* then the foreboding was precise. We must prepare.
We may have some borrowed time; he seemed to be pulled back. But for how long, especially if he means to meddle with it again--.
The wizard.
If that is what he is. He -- opened the way to the Void, *angry, angry* the first time, apparently, weakened it.
Silly. *flat* and now the dark Lord may yet be free to roam again.
That sounds a bit more than 'silly.' *darkly*
*yes, but in her perspective....* There are no deaths. *factually*
I -- do not know that I trust him. We would do well to be wary.
*nods, tersely* I did not have time to look in his heart.
Whatever his motives, he at least cannot be trusted to be able to repair his own damage. He claimed to have been trying to seal the gateway.
can this be confirmed?
(Jaenelle: That was my fault! I wasn't focusing well enough. ;____;)
I do not know. *nods towards unconcious!Kvothe* He might, and the woman, they at least know more about this than I.
*she nods* then perhaps we can find out more, though Lady Jaenelle will perhaps not be able to help for a while.
*nods* We need to. *and he needs to go and demand of Lucivar just what has been going on with his brothers*
Yes. I will interrogate the waters once more.  *looks at him, keen and kind.*  You need healing too. *eyes his shoulder.*
Later. *carrying Kvothe on a stretcher right now, not the best time*
*evidently, duh.* Of course.
It will be seen to. *nods to her, somber, a bit quiet* Go in safety.
*Goes, to prepare the waters and the herbs, to wait for Maitimo and the wounded.*
T: Yes, we owe the com and intro post. It is forthcoming shortly.

galadriel, lucivar, merlin, morgoth, maedhros, bast, kvothe, jaenelle

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