Chat Log : Visiting the Doctor

Aug 04, 2008 15:56

*simple enough, finds Joe's door and knocks on the door*
*opens it, a cup of coffee in hand* Well hey there.
*grins, happy to see him* Hey! Is this a good time?
Anytime's a good time these days. *wry smile* I seem to have misplaced my girlfriend.
*eyebrow* that's not cool. I'll help you find her, if you like.
I think she left. For good, I mean. *sips at his coffee, seemingly unphased by this* So what can I help you with?
*more eyebrows* I'd rather not talk about it in the corridor, if it's all the same to you. *crooked grin*
*moves aside to let her in* Right. Come in.
*more eyebrows* I'd rather not talk about it in the corridor, if it's all the same to you. *crooked grin*
*moves aside to let her in* Right. Come in.
*she does, closes the door* Sorry, I kinda hate to bother you with this, but it is about needing a doctor.
No bother at all. What's up?
Several things - list here, because i don't wanna forget. Sleeping pills, Cal's weird fever, Pregnancy test. In that order. (ish)
Ookay. Sleeping pills are easy, I've got some in a drawer somewhere. I'll need to know more about the other two.
Sorry. I just didn't wanna forget.
*amused* Not a problem. If you'll just wait a sec -- *heads over to his nightstand (as this is really just his bedroom -- he mostly treats people wherever they need him) and digs in the drawer until he comes up with a bottle of sleeping pills* These should do all right.
Thanks, you're a peach.  Kid could use a good night of sleep.  Now... I should tell you the story, I suppose.
That would be helpful, yeah.
*plops on the couch or wherever because this is going to be long.*  Alright. Kid's not human, for starters. Half demon is what it's called.
Okay. *grabs a notepad and a pen from his drawer, figuring he may need to take some information down* What are the differences between that and your basic human?
*double takes* Well it's not like I dissected him.... *frowns, thinking...* You know, I dunno.  Save for the evil alter ego part. Or some'n. I hope it's some'n. 
Guess you'd have to meet him - can't really think of anyother way. *thinks* library books, maybe?
*nods* We've got an excellent library here. I can do some research, but depending on how urgent his problem is, it may be better to just have a look at him and hope I get it right.
*nods* I'll speak to him. He's... flaily.  Nothing about you or anyone, you know, just.... he's skittish.
*shrugs* Plenty of people are when they find themselves in trouble. Especially around here. So what happened to him?
Remember that possesion ad? *meaningful, wan smile*
. . . right. That. You think maybe we should be looking for a priest, too?
I got one on the case.  But he's got... anyway.  He had bullet wounds - a Healer took care of most of it, but he's.... weirdly hot everywhere, save her. *taps her heart* And the nightmares......
*jotting this down* Sleeping pills should knock out the dreams. I'll have to see him to figure out anything about the rest.
Alright.  I hope so. They're bad.  *she shudders.  and if Joe asks just a little, she might tell him the part that troubles /her/*  
*headtilt* How bad is bad?
He.... remembers. That's what beffuddles me. Can't make sense of it.  Darkling, the being that takes him over, it had Cal's memories.  And Cal remembers the things that Darkling did....
*arches an eyebrow* Do I want to know what he did?
You probably don't.  In the end it was mostly psychological, but he.... Darkling destroys what Cal loves the most. 
*frowns* Like what?
like he tried to kill me. *is not going to talk about Molly*
That's . . . wow. I'm sorry to hear that. *frowns more* We'd better get on this, then.
'sokay. I'm used to people wanting my hide. worst part is I was the one 'shot'm down.  *frowns, sighs* Thanks.  *puts her hand on his arm gratefully.*
It's my job, sweetie. Took an oath and everything. *but smiles, a little, trying to be reassuring, glad to be able to help* So what about the other thing?
Can you tell me how long?
*thinking aloud....*  About two months ago - before Lucivar was sick... *blanches*
*writes that down* Any other symptoms?
Err.... Well what with having been sick, and the shift, and all that happened.... didn't really pay attention.....  *so, so embarassed*
*nods* That can happen. Had you had unprotected sex recently? -- Sorry for the personal questions. If they weren't necessary, I wouldn't ask.
I know. Well. Yes. Once. *focuses* can't remember but with the ardeur, and... no, I'm pretty sure we didn't.  *that one time she and Spade fed the ardeur in her room and it was out of control....*
*browarch* Ardeur?
*wicked grin* didn't you notice my eyes? *they're black eyelash to eyelash*
Sure, but lots of people here have something a little weird about them. That mean something, then?
*chuckles.* Most of my friends found it weird when it happened. It's just a symptom of the vamp powers. The ardeur is one of them.
What's it do?
Put simply, it's like... viagra on a stick. *amused smile*
Like what now? *knows nothing of these futuristic sex drugs*
*facepalms* Damn, and here I thought I had the easy way of explaining it. *sighs* Basically, it feeds on lust.  I can control it, but if it doesn't get its quota, eventually, it explodes.
*nods* Okay. So there would have been plenty of opportunity for you to get pregnant. *says this simply, factually -- no judgment here*
Only one. *factually as well.*
What kind of birth control do you normally use?
depends on the partner. My human s'got condoms. The vamp is a non issue. *as though it were totally normal.  typist notest that Anita has remarkable restraint - she has about 6 or 8 lovers in the books*
Okay. *glances back at his notes, making sure he's got everything* And have you taken any kind of home pregnancy test?
*shrugs* don't have any. I just sort of.... forgot about all this, honestly, joe - until I saw that girl with the kid...
*nods* Without other symptoms it's hard to say -- missed periods can be related to a number of other things, like stress. But I can do a blood test easily enough.
*really hoping it's stress. she's had plenty of that* I'd like that, please. *might look a little bit miserable*
I can take the sample now, if you'd like.
*nods, pondering* Alright.

joe abernathy, anita blake

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