Yup. Furry things galore !

Jul 12, 2008 09:25

Who: Anita Blake, Clayton Danvers, Angua von Uberwald

What: Werewolves meet wereleopard ; Americans meet Discan.  Where Clay is weirded out and Anita is thoroughly amused.

When: July 11th 2008

*look, it's a blonde wolf doing -- wolfy things*
Nita sets mode: +o ClaytonDanvers
Nita sets mode: +o wolfAngua
*look, another large blonde wolf doing wolfly -
*is walking around the forest, in human form, to pick snares, but her beast
 stirs at the presence of two predators. She freezes.*
*growls and lays her ears back*
*draws himself up to full height and makes intimidating*
*oh, can so do that too*
*feels uncomfortable in her human skin. Splotch. ooze and destroyed clothes
 once more. She's a white leopard. Meow.*
......*somewhere in Clay brain finds this funny.* *and - /wait a
 minute what?/*
*whoa, hey, something -else- that doesn't smell familiar -- growls
 again, louder*
*well, forgetting about the wolf. wolves are better than cats. rrrrrr.*
*hisses at Angua. Smells Clay.* Oh, for fuck's sake !
*sits down, stunned*
*makes an annoyed noise and heads over to a handy bush where
 she's hidden some clothes, and changes*  Agreed.
wolfAngua is now known as Angua
*does not morph. She can't be naked in front of SnarlyClay. He's not Henry or
What the hell was that *cat voice*
*trots off and vanishes for a long moment* *comes back
 buttoning a shirt and looking pissy* So that was /you/? *at Anita8
I did try to tell you.
Not in very clear terms, if I recall.
Angua von Uberwald. *settles down on the ground, fingercombing the
 leaves out some morE*
*lips peel back and snarls again* *really doesn't look that much
 less wolfish in human form*
Von something? Do you know a Sally von Hummedring? *purposeful error,
 ignores Clay for now*
*is okay with that! just watches the pair of them with narrowed
Von Humpeding?  *slight tense* Yes, I work with her.
*slight purr* Oh, you're from ..... *she can't remember* She did mention the
 furries were in the force.
*slight noise in the back of his throat, but not quite enough to be a
Yes, I'm from Ankh-Morpork.
Right. THat's it. It was a while back. Sorry.
It's a city.
I work there.
I see.
*listens, rolling on her back contentedly*
--Well, worked there.
*has one eye on Anita* Is /everyone/ stuck here or is there some
 sort of -- 'master plan?'
*laughs softly.* that's me a month ago. *at Clay*
Stuck here, pretty much.
*bites of a told you so* So how's Sally? She was darn cool.
*good. would get more pissy. because that means there's no one
 he can eviscerate for this.*
I don't talk to her much.
*again, that was precisely her feeling on the matter a month ago or so.* Oh.
 Sorry. Haven't seen her around after that one time. Guess she left.
She's probably around somewhere. I just -- don't get on with vampires.
 *see, even the word makes her twitch a bit*
Ah. *rolls in the grass with a blissful purr*
So. Er. Yeah.
Me too. *well, the one he's met*
You guys are cruel. Vamps can be awful, but some are really nice.
They make me twitchy.
They're damned obnoxious.
*they're great in bed!* bah. Marshall Blake only bothers with those who don't respect the law.
*amused. She's part vamp, after all.*
*even more amused*
*flops down on the ground* So where're you two from?
Upstate New York.
St-Louis, Missouri
...Never heard of either of 'em.
Yeah. It's not quite close to....*can't remember the name* your home
Didn't think so.
Where is Ankh - your home anyway?
*suppresses a chuckle.*
Middle of the Disc.
.....the /what?/
Oooooh yes. That's what she said. Sorry, as I said, t's been a while.
The Disc.  *flat look* Big, flat like a pizza, on the back of elephants?
*wide eyes* she left that part out.
It's unique.
*stares at her*
*eyebrow quirk* Yeah?
er. Where we *eyes Clay* come from, elephants are /on/ the Earth, our planet, which is /round/ like a baseball.
....flat. On elephants.
We've got elephants on the Disc too.
And -actually-, the elephants are under a giant turtle.
*elephants everywhere*  Laaaaaaaughs. *looks at Clay for reaction*
...........Please tell me I'm drunk. Or something.
*crawls by Clay, paws at his leg.* can you feel me?
*looks at her* ...yes?
Not dreaming. Sorry.
'Fraid she's right.
This makes no sense.
Lots of things don't.
Usually they make more sense than...whatever.
Yo. You're furry. I'm furry. She's furry. That's gotta count for something.
*eyebrow* More of us, too.
...technically speaking, currently, none of us are 'furry' except for you. *dryly*
*licks herself* jealous?
Not really/.
I can go back, but it's a pain to make human vocal chords work.
No, thanks.
*chuckles* you know, you should be nice. the wolf is my animal to call.
*tenses* Your what?
*oh god doesn't this guy know anything?* animal to call.
Meaning? *not from your verse, dear*
*thinks* back home I could make them come to me. *has not realized that he's a mutant and not a lyco.*
*well no, it is like a disease, close to what Anita has* ......strange.
that, I am. *ask Locke*
(Locke: I still /like/ you, okay?)
Not you, just the..idea.
*is surprised that he isn't taking the opportunity for a jab*
*is too busy thinking*
*not wanting to monopolize the conversation, in an uncharacteristic streak of courtesy, waits for Angua to say something*
Mmph.  Sorry. I don't -- meet other werewolves that much.  Besides my family.
Understandably. *purrs lightly* I almost married one, you know.
...*raises an eyebrow* I wouldn't recommend it.
All the males I know are pretty mad.
*eyes Clay.*  Present company excepted, aye? *chuckles* Rich wasn't crazy, but he was a bit of a sissy. Had me keep his pack clean, imagine.
*snorts* I know only one female werewolf at home. I have to say it's strange in the least to find two here.
I'm a wereleopard, in case you forgot.
Didn't know were/leopards/ even existed.
they're like the disc. *winks at Angua* the universe's best kept secret.
*amused snort* Right.
*chuckles again. She enjoys annoying Clay, apparently*  By the way, have either of you met Firekeeper?
No, but I probably will at some point.
Met who?
Firekeeper. She's lovely  - and sort of a wolf-person.
...sort of?
Either of you met Remus?

anita blake, angua, clayton danvers

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