This Log Is Funny.

Jun 05, 2008 18:00

[15:37] *Parks himself upon one of the many couches. The most comfortable one, of course.*

[15:38] *sprawled on a couch, half asleep and frowning*

[15:38] *Observes Locke for a minute or two before moving to his couch.*

[15:41] *wakes up, hand going for his knife* Fuc - oh. Hello.

[15:41] *Smiles, tilting his head to the side.* Good evening. How might you be? *Is excessively friendly tonight.*

[15:42] *pulls the hand away from the knife with an effort and shifts his shoulders, wincing at a stiffness in his left arm* Not very interesting, I'm afraid.

[15:44] *walks out into the main room holding two rather similar shirts, one blue and one purple* Should I bother keeping any clothing? Or just stick with what I--*realizes that there is someone else in the room* Hello.

[15:45] *hand twitch - but waves* *is having bad dreams, sorry* Hey.

[15:46] Oh what a shame, you do -look- interesting. *Smiles up at Lestat.* You might keep them if you wish, though we have more than enough clothing. *Has a mind to order clothes for Lestat, because at least Lestat won't mind.*

[15:48] ...thank you, I guess. *amusion*

[15:49] *Reaches out to touch Locke's hair.*

[15:49] *looks a moment at the shirts then wanders back to his room to put them back in the drawer for someone else to find and deal with*

[15:50] *jerks back* What the - ! *goes for the knife again*

[15:51] *Still rather smiling* Do forgive. It is only an interesting shade you have that I should like to inspect. *Somewhat of a liar*

[15:52] *packs up the things on the bed in a bag which he slings over his shoulder, drags the trash bag out, returns the book to the library and makes his way out to the main room again headed for the door*

[15:55] *unclenches his hands* I'm - just a little twitchy today. Sorry. What, are you a hairstylist or something? *caustically*

[15:55] Lestat? I'll see you later? *Grins* Yes, at times...perhaps we might do something with yours.

[15:56] *waves to him as he heads out and nods*

[15:56] *Sends a little mental note that he adoooores him.*

[15:56] Thanks, I think mine's just fine.

[15:57] LestatdeLioncourt [] has quit IRC (Quit: Why exactly is Lucy in the sky? And what the hell do diamonds have to do with anything?!)

[15:59] Oh, nonsense. Everything might be improved. *Suggests highlights, running his fingers along bits and pieces of hair to illustrate*

[16:00] *tense* I'm not - interested, thanks.

[16:00] No, I think you are. *Eyes of doom*

[16:09] *Does happen to have scissors in his pocketses*

[16:10] *O.O* *gives him a flat-eyed look and starts to get up* No, I'm really not. Sorry.

[16:10] *-Encourages- him to stay.* There's no need, really.

[16:11] *sits down...?* For what?

[16:13] For you to leave. You don't find me bothersome, do you?

[16:14] ....not bothersome. Just very peculiar. And peculiar makes me nervous.

[16:14] Sammy [mbpquirk@] has joined #desperatefans

[16:16] *enter one perky gothboy :)*

[16:18] Oh, you needn't worry. I assure you, I have a goodly pedigree as far as trustworthiness is considered. *Glances up at Sammy with yet another smile* Good evening to you...might you join us?

[16:21] *throws Sammy a helpless look?* Yeah, so do I.

[16:22] What's up? *smiles pleasently -- and raises his eyebrows at Locke*

[16:22] *shifts nervously*

[16:24] You look like a man of good taste. Perhaps I might enlist you in persuading this of a change of hairstyle?

[16:24] What's wrong with his hair? *wanders over and starts fussing with Locke's hair, though, looking amused*

[16:25] Certainly, nothing. But what might be simple and fine could be glorious with al ittle work.

[16:26] *twitches* Don't /touch/ me. *annoyed*

[16:26] *DIsregards anything Locke seems to want, showing off what sections he thinks should be shorter, dyed, and discussing colors.*

[16:27] Sorry. *chews at his lip, eating off a little of his lipstick* Hmm... *listens to what Marius says, disregarding most of it and studying Locke quietly*

[16:28] *looks back at him, sullenly*

[16:29] *Takes out the scissors, studying it just a bit more.*

[16:29] Whoa whoa hey. let's not be hasty here.

[16:30] Oh, it isn't haste.

[16:31] Don't just start -- cutting, yeah?

[16:31] Please don't. I'm really just /fine/, thanks.

[16:31] Only a trim. The edges need it.

[16:31] Fucking - no they don't!

[16:32] No -- give me those. *takes the scissors and sticks them in his back pocket*

[16:34] *grateful look at Sammy*

[16:34] Okay. Do you mind if I touch you?

[16:34] Nothing dirty, just your face a little.

[16:35] *Reaches into Sammy's back pocket and takes the scissors back.*

[16:35] *swats at Marius's hands* No. *takes the scissors back*

[16:36] I do hair and makeup for my band for our shows. Trust me here?

[16:36] *wary suspicious* What are you going to do? *hand inching for a knife stored in his left sleeve - slings are good places to hide things!*

[16:36] *Rather forcefully takes the scissors back, sending a light little picture of crushed hands.*

[16:37] ... calm the fuck down, okay? *blinks at the random picture in his head*

[16:37] You needn't worry. At any rate, I should rather my possession not be in your pockets.

[16:38] Me? *laughs shortly* No /thank/ you. I think I should be going.

[16:38] Please? I haven't been able to do this in so long.

[16:39] I just want to play with you a little -- nothing bad, and you can wash it off right after.

[16:39] *eyes Marius* As long as you keep him /away/ from me with those scissors. *and he keeps free hands, just in case*

[16:40] In the name of good taste, I will not cut your hair if you will allow -something- to be done.

[16:41] *suspicious*

[16:41] *Is ever so friendly.*

[16:43] *cracks his knuckles and touches Locke's hair lightly* May I?

[16:44] *tense* Fine.

[16:45] *fingercombs Locke's hair, arranging it a little so it doesn't just... sit there* I think something not too drastic. Otherwise he might cry.

[16:46] Something more subtle, you think?

[16:46] I'm not going to /cry/.

[16:47] Definitely more subtle, yes.

[16:48] *Smiles* I should like to know what you have in mind.

[16:48] *acidly* Thank you for consulting me on all this.

[16:48] I would assume your current state of hair has been your choice, and so you shouldn't be consulted.

[16:49] It's not /bad/. My hair's not that different. Mine just has layers, so it looks a little fuller. But I'm assuming you don't want yours cut?

[16:49] My hair is fucking /fine/. Just cause I'm not a godsfucking - no, I /don't/.

[16:50] It truly is fine. Sych a shame to let it remain this way...

[16:50] *Such

[16:50] Then we won't cut it. However, we can play with it a little to make it look fuller.

[16:50] Full - why would I want my hair to look /fuller?/

[16:52] To make him leave you alone. *:)*

[16:53] *Laughs* Though I might have to check upon you at a later time, to ensure you are keeping things this way.

[16:53] Oh /shit/.

[16:57] If you use a little mousse, just comb it through your hair and let it dry, it looks bouncier.

[16:57] Bouncier?

[16:57] Like -- not so flat.

[16:57] Lustrous and full. *Has just such a head of hair!*

[16:57] Right, yes.

[16:57] And the right make up to highlight your features -- you'd be a knockout.

[16:58] I'd do you, if I didn't have my Gene.

[16:58] ..........I can't believe this. *wincing*

[16:58] *makes another try to get up* I'm /leaving/.

[16:59] I should happily keep a portrait of you. *-Gently- holds him down.*

[16:59] Aaw, you're no fun.

[17:00] *snarly noise but sits down* What do you care what I look like?

[17:01] Aesthetics are a matter everyone might well be concerned with.

[17:01] I'm not.

[17:01] You -ought- to be.

[17:02] Godsfuck - /why/?

[17:03] Beauty is the essence of the divine.

[17:03] That's cleanliness.

[17:03] Anyway, I gotta go. So you guys have fun. *waves and wanders off*

[17:05] *Now that he has him alooone again, he runs his fingers through Locke's hair.*

[17:06] *stiffens* Don't /do/ that. *reaches for the knife again*

[17:08] Your weapon is useless to you, and of course you will be thankful for this later, I assure you. *Takes out the scissors again.* And I must insist...

[17:10] *shrinks back, starting to look O.O panicky* No. *veryvery tense* *R-A-P-E....*

[17:10] *Calmly starts clipping, having a very practiced hand after 2,000 years of clipping his own hair off.*

[17:12] *jerks away, making a try at flipping over the side of the couch* What the /fuck/ do you think you're doing? *pulls out the knife, hoping that earlier comment was just bravado*

[17:14] *Grabs the knife via the sharp end and tosses it casually to the side. He gets hold of Locke again, arm round his neck and holding tight against his face, to make the hair cutting easier.*

[17:16] *tugs frantically at his arms* Let -go- of me - *is going to start flailing like a madman any minute here*

[17:18] *He Who Looks Like A Statue doesn't particularly care about the flailing, making last minute adjustments.* I'm afraid I can't do that just yet. We absolutely -must- do something with your face first...

[17:19] I'm going to /kill/ you. *snarls*

[17:22] You're a few millenia late, I'm afraid. *Scoops Locke up and carries him off to the bathroom he'd previously used, where lay certain useful supplies of the makeup variety.*

[17:24] *aslksdfy* *tries to escape again* Who the /hell/ are you?

[17:27] Marius de Romanus. *Gathers a few supplies, sets them near a little chair upon which Locke is placed, and sets to work powdeirng him up with foundation.*

[17:28] Why me? *plaintively*

[17:30] You were there, and rather resplendent looking. I couldn't leave you so unfinished.

[17:31] Unfinished? I was perfectly finished. Done. Set.

[17:32] Nonsense. *Carefully applies mascara.* You were hardly what you should be; you're a very handsome young man.

[17:33] What are you /doing/ to my face? *acidly* Thanks. Why am I not flattered?

[17:33] I am bringing out the fineness of your features. And you ought to be flattered; I have excellent taste in men. *Applies eyeliner*

[17:35] *dryly* Sorry, not interested. *tries to tug away* That's /enough/.

[17:36] *Sets a hand firmly down upon his shoulder* Do take care; if you make me miss my mark, we'll have to begin again.

[17:39] *twitches* Get your hand off me.

[17:40] You will have no such luck; you may resign yourself to let me finish what I intend and then be on your way, or you may prolong this. In either case, I am well satisfied.

[17:42] *bares his teeth* Fuck you.

[17:45] You very well could, only I believe my Daniel would insist otherwise. *Holds Locke's head straight by the chin, re-applying the eyeliner, adding a bit of shadow and the like.*

[17:47] *O.O alskdfslf* /No/.

[17:51] Yes, my dear young man. *Adds a final bit of powder. But of course Locke isn't done yet, as there are hair products to consider!*

[17:52] Are you /done/?

[17:52] No, not quite. *Attacks his hair with the finest products known to mankind, sprucing and floofing.*

[17:53] *just winces, keeping his eyes closed* /Bastard/.

[17:55] Yes, actually. *Gives one last look at him.* Now, this outfit of yours...

[17:55] Leave. The clothes. Alone.

[17:56] You might provide me with a better reason.

[17:56] Than /what/?

[17:57] Than /that/.

[17:59] Leave the clothes alone or I'll rip your liver out manually?

[18:00] *Laughs* I might cut it out and hand it to you. It's useless to me. *Fetches a silk shirt, slacks and a dress jacket.*

[18:01] ..../fuck/ you.

[18:03] Again, I've told you, my Daniel should take issue with such things. Though if you continue insisting, we just might work something out. *Works on the buttons of Locke's current shirt.*\

[18:05] *tenses* Get /away/ -

[18:06] You have little to fear. *Slips the soft silky red button up on him.*

[18:07] *shaking - either with rage or just shaking* Motherfucker.

[18:08] Not as such. I never knew her. *Works on the pants, a skill he's practiced a great deal.*

[18:10] *kicks out viciously* Don't you /dare/.

[18:10] It should be evident by now that I do. *Is hardly shy, very nonchalant as he slips these off and slips the new ones on.*

[18:38] *is really shaking now* *hisses* Gods-damn you.

[18:44] *Finishes off with a nice pair of dress shoes, and a dress jacket.*

[18:46] *twitches* Done /yet/?

[18:47] *Smiles* Do you wish to complain? I might insist upon a potrait for posterity...

[18:49] Don't even try. I'll put a foot through it. *glares*

[18:49] You will not.

[18:49] I /will/.

[18:50] *Grins* Very well. *Fetches canvas and paints, as well as locking the door.* We'll have to see.

[18:53] *gets up, fists clenching* Let me go.

[18:54] You might well keep begging. *Ties Locke to the chair, then sets up his workstation.*

[18:56] *...this is a literal panic, Marius* SHIT FUCK LET ME /GO/ YOU MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD - *does not react well to being tied up - at /all/*

[18:57] Perhaps if you calm down first; I wouldn't feel right about loosing you upon this place in such a state of agitation.


[19:00] *Finishes the painting and carefully tucks it and all supplies out of sight first, then returns to him.* You are in no position to make demands.

[19:01] *spits at him* Damn you. Damn you to the fucking /pits/ of hell.

[19:02] I've lived since before the inception of these pits, and therefore avoid them easily.

[19:09] Godsdammit - what do I have to /do/ to make you let me go?

[19:09] Calm down, as I've said.

[19:10] Calm /down/? You've /tied/ me to a fucking /chair/ and you're telling me to calm /down?/

[19:10] *Nonchalantly* Yes.

[19:11] ....and you don't realize what is /wrong/ with this?

[19:12] There is perhaps wrong-doing in it, but hardly what you make it out to be.

[19:12] Peter [] has joined #desperatefans

[19:12] You have /no idea/ - *thrashes again, trying like an eel to get free - and is pretty limber, too*

[19:14] I suppose I will let you leave. Though I will certainly concern myself with you later.

[19:14] !!!! You /will not/.

[19:15] You do not believe me? Or you imply that you will prevent me from doing so?

[19:16] This is /not/ happening again. *tries again to break free - or at least reach the knife in his other sleeve*

[19:16] *Shows off the shiny sharp teeth just a little.* I think you have little choice in the matter.

[19:17] *ALSDFYSDLA* GET AWAY FROM ME WHAT THE FUCKING HELL /ARE/ YOU *asldfyad* *thrashes more, is almost certain he's going to die now, so that's /PANICTIEMS/*

[19:23] *Slowly unties the velvet ropes.*

[19:23] *will jerk free as soon as he can and /run like hell/*

[19:25] *Follows after him! Yay preternatural speed*

[19:26] *runs /faster/ dammit, swearing - heads for the main room, hoping to /god/ someone's there*

*--can and will be there? :D*


[19:28] *OHSHIT*

[19:28] Daniel is now known as Jareth

[19:28] *jerks to a halt and pulls out a knife* What the /fuck/ do you /want/ with me? *shaking again*

[19:28] *wanders in*

[19:28] Nothing in particular.

....*blinks* --What's going on?

[19:29] *Walks non-chalantly over to the plothole.*

[19:29] *pauses just inside a doorway to watch the goings on*

[19:29] *very tense and staring at Marius wild-eyedly*

*was just looking over papers!*

[19:30] --- Making new friends, Marius? *vaguely amused*

I -- he -- they just got here.

[19:31] *Smirks* Yes, as a matter of fact. *Takes out a little velvet hat which happens to be Locke's size.*

[19:31] ----NO.

[19:31] *backs away, holding the knife /very dangerously/*

...*so confused*

[19:32] *Walks over to Locke and puts the hat on his head.* That is exactly what you're in need of.

[19:33] *takes it off* I don't. *tears off the jacket, stepping back and away* Need. Any of this. *scrubs at his face, trying to remove the makeup*

[19:34] ....Jareth, you are a man of good taste, are you not? Perhaps -you- might assist me with this young man?

[19:34] *looks wildly for an escape route - a window, anything!*

*will just -- sit here, being a confused king thing*

[19:35] *Takes Locke by the arm*

[19:35] *flashes around to dig his nails into Marius's eyes* Let me /go/ you bastard.

[19:35] Georgiana [] has joined #desperatefans

[19:36] You insist so heartily on this concept, and I've agreed with you. Now you might give me my point of agreement.


*....will just, ah -- make his way into the library to ignore the madness, since -- he doesn't have anything to help with*

[19:37] *thrashes again, trying to get away however necessary, even if it involves breaking bones at this point - his or other peoples?* I don't /care/ let me /go/ - Godsfuck -

[19:38] *wanders in, wringing her hands shyly* ......

[19:38] -- Marius, do you really think whatever you've intended is wise? The young fellow seems... disinclined to go along with it.

[19:39] Of course he does. But Jareth, you did not -see- what he was wearing before. It was a tragedy. *Wraps his arms around Locke, tucking his arms down his sides*

[19:39] *sdjkhfasklfascarymen*

[19:39] *Isn't scary, fyi. Is awesome*

[19:39] -- Says the man who's wardrobe consists mainly of one color. Really, Marius.

[19:39] *is - just shaking a /lot/ and tenser than tense*

*is in the library, Georgie!*

[19:40] Perhaps you could lend your skill, then, Jareth? I should like to see how you might dress anoteher. *Smirks* A fashionista's conference, if you will?

[19:40] *help! please?*

[19:40] LadyLurksalot [] has joined #desperatefans

[19:40] *No, you're a prawn of bored immortals*

*is, apparently, listening, so steps out of the library again* --I think you should let him go.

[19:40] *back thrash and twists around frantically - alsdf -* Let /go/ of me- motherfucking -

[19:41] ... Of course. *smirks back and snaps his fingers -- annnnd Marius is now wearing one of Jareth's favorite style outfits with heeled boots, ruffled shirt, grey breeches, and black vest*

[19:42] -- Peter!

[19:42] .....Jareth, I did not intend for you to do this to -me-. I am perfectly capable of dressing myself, and at any rate, Daniel adores what I wear. I'll ask you kindly to turn this back...*BREECHES OMFG BREECHES WHAT?!?!*

[19:42] *innocently* -- You did not specify.

[19:42] ......*oh /damn/ this is really really /FREAKING OUT/ Locke* *this time trying to get the knife so he can kill /himself/ before the Bondsmage gets around to him*

[19:42] Then I apologize for my lack of clarity. *Adjusts the writhing Locke for a titer hold*

Georgie! *grins*

[19:43] *tighter

[19:43] *simply* Let the young man go and I shall be more than happy to change you back.

[19:43] *is very good at writhing! like an eel, that way*

[19:43] *Happily lets him go, as he is far less entertaining than wearing breeches*

[19:44] *falls on the ground and skitters away, shaking like an earthquake and /very/ wild-eyed*

*come to the library, Locke! We've got nothing scary there*

[19:44] *runs to him because sjdhlajfa*


[19:44] *does - flees to the library because aaaaa*

[19:44] *OHSNAP*

[19:45] Now, if you please?

[19:45] *calls after Locke* --- Poor manners young fellow, not even so much as a 'thank you'?

*eeee Gerorgiehugs --and back into the library now?*

[19:45] *Walks up to Jareth.*

[19:45] *turns around and gives him a O.O look* Thank you? *because being polite to a Bondsmage can't hurt* *then flees*

[19:45] *smiles pleasantly at Marius*

[19:46] *Affects a most pleasant tone of voice* My dear Jareth, much as your clothing flatters you, I positively detest it upon myself.

[19:46] *grins* -- I did not say -when- I would change it for you, now did I?

[19:47] *Blinks* Truly? Well, then...*Wanders after Locke.*

[19:47] *calls after him* Oh my, I do think those breeches are a bit loose, we might have to remedy that.. *lifts a hand*

[19:48] *Stops.* Jareth, you are positively...entirely interesting. *Wanders back to him.*

[19:48] *takes a seat, quite comfortable in his own jeans and a tee-shirt*

[19:48] *is - in the library, collapsing somewhere /very far away/ and breathing hard*

[19:49] Are you well, sir?

[19:49] Well? *just starts /laughing hysterically/ and can't stop*

[19:50] *Seats himself next to Lestat.*

[19:50] *Jareth!

[19:50] [[I nearly typed Marius at first.]]

[19:50] [[that seems as though it would be difficult.]]

I'm -- sorry, I should have helped more.

[19:51] ..... How are you?

[19:51] *still laughing* Godsfucking - *buries his face in his hands*

[19:51] I am quite well. And yourself?

[19:53] *deep breath* Sorry.

It's alright. What was that all about?

[19:54] ..... *shrugs a little* My family keeps me busy.

[19:55] *shaking still, deep breath* I don't have a clue. *scrubs at makeup again*

[19:55] *o_o*

[19:55] *Nods* I can imagine. Daniel has recently been turned, and Lestat has moved in with us. The two can be a handful.

[19:56] *arches an eyebrow* .... I see.

...Well, I'll -- remember to stay away from them.

[19:56] *Smiles* Before you chastize me, I shall let you know that Daniel is more than alright with Lestat's remaining with us.

[19:57] It wasn't voluntary that I didn't. *laughs, shortly*

[19:59] [[YOU WANTED IT.]]

...I'm sorry.

[19:59] [[....I DID? XD]]

[19:59] Yeah, me too.


Anyway, ah, would you -- like something to drink?

[20:01] Jareth is now known as Jareth-bbl

[20:03] MariusDeRomanus is now known as MariusDeRomanus-DoinSomethin

[20:04] .../would/ I.

--Well. I think there's brandy or something in here, but I'll --check outside, if you'd like me to.

[20:06] *face still in hands* Would you? I don't dare go out there. Again. Ever.

What would you like?

[20:07] Anything strong and alcoholic?


*hurries out to the main room for ~alcohol~ and returns, handing the bottle to Locke*

[20:09] *takes it and slugs back quite a bit of it* Thanks.

Not a problem.

[20:11] Hilo [] has joined #desperatefans

[20:11] What -- happened?

[20:13] *mouthtighten* I don't usually wear these clothes. I am never going to sleep here again.

...Alright then.

[20:18] So you're Peter. The king. Who're you? *at Georgiana* *beginning to recover a bi of composure*

This is my fiancee. *^_____________^*

Georgiana Darcy.

[20:20] Oh - hey. Congratulations. I guess that makes you a queen then?

[20:22] *curtsies shyly* Almost, sir...

Georgie, this is --Tavrin Callas?

[20:23] ----*minute to remember that's the name he used* That's right.

[20:23] *bows extravagantly, getting to his feet* A pleasure, Georgiana.

[20:24] MariusDeRomanus-DoinSomethin is now known as MariusDeRomanus

[20:26] Likewise, Mr. Callas. *littlesmile*

[20:27] Just Tavrin, please.

[20:29] Jareth-bbl is now known as Jareth

[20:29] Is he now. What a fortunate turn of events this must be for you.

[20:30] Not as you might assume. Lestat is in despair of existence.

[20:31] *waves a hand somewhat dismissively* Who is not eventually.

[20:32] Perhaps no one.

*kisses Georgie's cheek* We should -- pick a wedding date.

[20:38] Jareth [] has left #desperatefans

[20:38] *blushes* H-have you anything in mind?

I don't know.

[20:43] Surely you must have /some/ preference.

Summer? *grins*

[20:45] Summer, then!

Well, when in summer?

[20:49] *is just sitting here nursing a bottle*

[21:04] June is always lovely...

..*grins* Alright.

[21:08] A-alright? Truly?

Of course!

[21:08] *After some time of relaxing on the couch, he heads off in the direction he saw Locke head in.*

[21:10] *is in the library, trying to drink peacefully*

[21:11] *Sits down next to Locke, rather used to those he has dealings with drink to sort out their problems. Or to wallow in them.*

[21:12] *looks up* /Shit/. What are /you/ doing here? *wearily*

[21:13] *eeeeee hugs him*

[21:13] Nothing too terrible in nature. *Leans his elbows on the table and looks over at Locke*

[21:14] *takes another swig of drink* Right. Like the last /not too terrible/ you mean?

*hugs back! And kisses her cheek*

[21:14] I would call it terrible in the way that a doctor must work to cure an ill man.

[21:14] Fuck you. Just cause I don't need to dress up doesn't mean I'm /sick/.

[21:15] Of course not.

[21:17] The ill have less of an excuse, however.

[21:17] *not ill

[21:19] Isn't a lack of /desire/ enough? *flatly*

[21:20] Not at all. A lack of taste is inexcuseable.

[21:20] Why do /you/ care?

[21:21] It is enough that I do care.

[21:21] Rather too much. *drinks more*

[21:24] Perhaps. You will one day learn the importance of it, perhaps.

[21:25] Without /your/ help, preferably.

[21:27] I think you rather need my help. *CAn say little about fashion at the moment, as he's currently wearing Jarethy!clothings*

[21:29] I'd rather you gave me the option. *panicky edge rather numbed at this point*

[21:29] I will not, so I'd suggest letting that hope subside.

[21:30] It wasn't a hope.

[21:31] A desire, then?

[21:31] No, it's what's going to happen. You're not doing that to me again.

[21:32] I wonder how you can say that, and yet I could very easily do so.

[21:33] *gives him a flat look* Only if you catch me.

[21:33] I move quickly.

[21:34] *takes a drink of wine* Can you at least leave me alone so I can get drunk in peace?

[21:35] Not at all. No man should drink alone.

[21:35] I'm perfectly all right with it.

[21:36] And I re-iterate that no man should drink alone. Your sense of what should be is poorly matched to your choices.

[21:39] *gulps more drink* I hate you. *flatly*

[21:42] I have heard this before. But it is only your initial belief.

[21:44] No, I'm pretty sure it's sticking around.

[21:44] We shall see. *Smiles*

[21:45] I certainly hope not.

[21:46] You truly do not see the luck you have in this case; a consultant such as I would be rather difficult to attain, and yet I am donating my time to you.

[21:49] I don't want a consultant.

[21:49] Those who truly need one never do.

[21:50] *siiiigh*

locke, peter pevensie, jareth

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