Germans Make the Blood Asplode.

Jun 05, 2008 17:41

[20:04] Why does it matter to you who I think is prettiest?
[20:04] *lol boys are dumb*

[20:05] lurking is now known as Francine

[20:07] That isn't what I said! /Lord/...

[20:09] That's just what you said! You see-- this is just why girls shouldn't ever speak.

[20:09] *wanders in, handsome if puppyish naval officer :)*

[20:09] --Hey now, what's this about girls not speaking?

[20:11] *jawdrop* It's /boys/ who shouldn't ever speak!

[20:19] *which is, really, the right way to do it*  Pityo:  *flatly* Memories.

[20:20] *it's really kind of hard to talk when your teeth are grinding together* /Damn/ this place. /Damn/- *looks for something to smash*

[20:21] Well, why not? And she would wear pink.

[20:22] *wanders - well, comes in looking like he's expecting something to hop out of a corner any minute now*

[20:23] A girl could never run the country.

[20:23] *just going to peoplewatch, it's fun*

[20:23] And wearing /pink/ on top of that? No one would respect a Kaiser in pink!

[20:24] *headwhiparound* ----*oh damn, just kids can't even get /angry/ at them dammit*

[20:25] *wouldn't mind getting in on the smashing*  Pityo: Same happened to you?

[20:26] *lip curl snarl* Yes.

[20:26] *...stops* Holy /shit/. *staring at Lucivar*

[20:28] Pityo: Do you know who?

[20:28] *teeth grind audibly* No. But when I do. They. Are going. To be. All over. The walls.

[20:28] They would if it complimented her dark eyes!

[20:31] Pityo: Save some for us.

[20:31] Germany would fall to pieces in the hands of a Kaiser in pink. Being the Kaiser is work for a man. We've studied these things. You haven't. *:|*

[20:33] Happy to do that. *snarls and paces a few tense steps*

[20:33] You're a dolt.

[20:35] You are now known as Jaenelle

[20:35] *comes in from Karla's room frowning very thoroughly*

[20:36] Pityo:  Thank you. *would be pacing as well, but is not letting go of his brother for anything >:|*

[20:37] *looks at Lucivar, and the twins* *chilly voice* Something going on?

[20:37] You're a silly little girl.

[20:37] Telvo: *bone dry*  No, not at all.

[20:38] *goes over to them and looks at Telvo, maybe* *foottaps* *more softly* I'm sorry.

[20:38] Someone needs to /stop/ playing games. *goes to hover over her shoulder, isn't sure still that Greer isn't here anyway*

[20:39] *:| :| :| :| -- oh look, other people*

[20:39] Telvo: *probably looks a mess*  For what?

[20:40] That someone would be so thoughtless and heedlessly cruel.

[20:40] Telvo: It doesn't have anything to do with you, Jaenelle.  There's nothing for /you/ to be sorry for.

[20:41] .../Thank/ you. *testily, to Telvo*

[20:41] --Perhaps I'd come around to a girl Kaiser if /Wendla Bergmann/ became Kaiser. *take THAT*

[20:42] Nonetheless...*sighs* *looks at Lucivar* I just got back from taking care of Karla. She's - not doing very well.

[20:42] Wendla doesn't look good in pink. *HMPH*

[20:43] I think she'd look just fine in pink.

[20:44] Blue is more her color.

[20:45] Blue, pink, it doesn't matter. They just /colors/.

[20:45] [they're*]

[20:46] I like to know what color suits me best, so I don't buy an unflattering ribbon for my nightdress.

[20:46] *has priorities*

[20:47] *find a seat on a couch, still stuck close together*

[20:48] ... Who's even going to see it?

[20:49] Me.

[20:50] Moritz [mbpquirk@] has joined #desperatefans

[20:50] *enter one distinctly undead German boy, reading -- Dante again, the morbid thing*

[20:51] ...*ducks behind Otto*

[20:51] *finds a chair and sprawls in it* Hello, Moritz. *watching Jaenelle*

[20:51] ... *idufhduikfhd*

[20:52] *runs a hand through her hair* Hello, Moritz. I'm going to go...somewhere - oh, do you know where Ilse is?

[20:52] *glances up at his name* Oh -- Lucivar, hello. *polite nod* No -- I haven't seen her today, I'm sorry. Maybe she's out playing in the snow? *and smirks a little at Thea and Otto*

[20:52] [ she needed?]

[20:53] [no, Jaenelle's just looking for friends of Karla's]

[20:53] I'll look for her. *blinks at Otto and Thea* What's the matter?

[20:53] *stares*

[20:53] Boo.]

[20:53] *watches the twins, carefully* *softly, at Pityo* Is he going to be all right?

[20:53] *:|*

[20:53] (Minus the ])

[20:54] *:| indeed*

[20:55] Oh really. I feel like I should -- walk through a wall or something. Or be dragging chains.

[20:55] Oh, why aren't you?

[20:56] That would be /appropriate/.

[20:56] ...*bliiiink* *confused* Is something wrong?

[20:57] I'm dead. Ah -- Otto, I have something for you. *starts patting his pockets*

[20:57] I don't want your /demon's/ marks.

[20:58] Oh really, you're ridiculous. *holds the money out to him* Take the damned money.

[20:58] What are you giving him money for?

[20:58] Well, now you've got it right. Damned indeed.

[20:59] *frowns* No you're not.

[20:59] I'm true to my word, take the money. You're being stupid.

[21:00] Being influenced by my company, obviously.

[21:00] *aaaugh, missed it XD*  Telvo: *flatly, looking at Lucivar out of the corner of his eye*  I'll be fine.  *can't talk soft enough at that range for an Elf not to hear*

[21:01] What is the money for?

[21:01] *looks at him* I've seen that look before. Not everyone with it has been okay. *coolly*

[21:02] He bet me that I wouldn't pass. I didn't. *rolls his eyes* For heaven's /sake/. *takes Otto's hand and presses the money into it* I don't like owing people things. It makes me uncomfortable.

[21:02] *shakes his hand off and lets the money fall* Don't /touch/ me--

[21:02] Telvo: *straightens a bit and snaps*  /You/ relive burning alive and see how you look after.

[21:03] *eyes snap* Ex/cuse/ me.

[21:03] Fine, but don't say I didn't at least try to keep my word. How are you, Thea?

[21:03] *small smile* I may not have done that, but I've been close enough.

[21:03] Wellthankyou.

[21:04] Good. What do you think of this place?

[21:04] *at Otto* He /gave/ you that. What do you think you're doing just - acting like /that/ to him?

[21:04] I don't like it.

[21:06] It's not /so/ bad.

[21:07] *sits up because Jaenelle is - aaagh and starts to look snarly again*

[21:08] I'm not going to take money from the dead.

[21:09] I'm not /dead/.

[21:09] He's not /dead/ and there's nothing /wrong/ with the dead either.

[21:10] *in unison*  Damn right.

[21:10] You are so dead, and for all I know, you could be one of the devil's minions now.

[21:10] You had a gravestone!

[21:11] Oh, yes. Do I /look/ like a devil's minion?

[21:11] Honestly -- do I?

[21:12] How should I know? I've never seen one.

[21:12] *getting a little pissed* /He's not dead!/ He might have /been/ dead but he's not any/more/.

[21:13] Jaenelle -- please don't be upset. I don't care.

[21:13] People don't come back from the dead. He's a haunt.

[21:14] Why should I listen to you? I don't even /know/ you.

[21:14] If I was a haunt could I touch you? No, I'd just pass right through you.

[21:14] *has family members who are dead* I don't lie. *coldly*

[21:15] *gets up and glides over to her shoulder, looming rather impressively*

[21:15] *shrinks back a little*

[21:15] *lifts up a hand* Lucivar...

[21:16] You're all /mad/ is what you are.

[21:16] *rumbles* I wouldn't. Listen to -

[21:16] *both glowering darkly at Thea and Otto, and annoyed or angry Feanorians tend towards the really scary*

[21:17] ..../Mad?/ *bad word choice, perhaps*

[21:17] ...*sharp look at Otto* Shut up.

[21:17] *this is an angry face* Don't speak to him that way!

[21:18] Everyone, /please/. I'm sorry to have caused trouble! Just -- stop.

[21:18] I'll speak to him any way I want unless you want him dead. *looks back at Otto*

[21:18] *softly* It's not you anymore, Moritz...not just you, anyway.

[21:18] From the looks of it, being dead doesn't mean a thing.

[21:19] Trust me. It will when I say dead.

[21:19] *is starting at them with rather - midnighty - eyes*

[21:20] You're a very rude man.

[21:20] Thea, don't.

[21:20] Yeah, well. It's not my job to be nice. *coldly* *takes a step close to Jaenelle*

[21:20] *short, harsh laugh*

[21:21] *midnight voice* You're one to speak of rude...

[21:22] B-beg pardon?

[21:22] Leave Thea alone. She hasn't done a thing to any of you.

[21:26] Everyone just -- *sighs* Damn. I need -- coffee. Very badly.

[21:27] -Please.- Shut up. *at Otto* *sets hand on Jaenelle's shoulder* Come back, Lady. They're not the ones you want. I know they're stupid, but they're young, too.

[21:27] -- I am NOT stupid!

[21:27] Thea just /stop/, he's not one you want to fight with.

[21:28] He started it. *:|*

[21:28] Listen to the boy, Thea.

[21:28] Thea!

[21:29] I will /not/ shut up. And Thea and I happen to be quite smart. I'm not sure just who you think you are, sir, but you're certainly in no position to jude /us/.

[21:30] What happened to -- respecting  your elders? Would you talk to Rektor Sonnenstitch like that?

[21:31] *that is a little - tugging at their feet there* /Lucivar./

[21:31] ---oh /shit/. /Shitshitshit/.

[21:32] *puts her hands over her ears*

[21:32] Rektor Sonnenstitch is a great man, and very smart. He /commands/ respect by being great and smart.

[21:32] *have decided to just sit back and's rather like poking an already angry bear with a pointy stick...*

[21:32] *too quietly* Lucivar. Shield Moritz and the twins.

[21:34] *is /not/ in a place to deal with this dammit* /Jaenelle-/ - *at Otto* You have no idea what you are doing. Apologize. Apologize and then /go/.

[21:35] *glance at each other, and retreat to the opposite side of the room, leaning against the wall*

[21:36] Otto [] has left #desperatefans

[21:36] ... -- *FOLLOWS HIM*

[21:36] Thea is now known as Ilse

[21:37] *return to their couch, then, if no explosions are imminent*

[21:37] *short, sharp breaths and has almost lost the human mask*

[21:38] *enters, why not, since she's being looked for*

[21:38] *goes over and - just - carefully puts his hands on her shoulders* Breathe, Jaenelle. They're gone, all right? Just - breathe.

[21:38] *curls up on the couch and watches Jaenelle warily*

[21:39] ... Jaenelle?

[21:39] *a moment where it looks like there is a horn in the middle of her forehead, but then it vanishes and she takes a deep, heavy breath and lets it out slowwwwly* Ilse.

[21:39] *blinks* What's happened?

[21:40] *goes limp and wobbles slightly* ...Mother /Night/.

[21:40] Moritz?

[21:40] *a deep breath again, trying to focus on real word things*

[21:41] Thea and Otto were being -- dreadful about my death. Jaenelle got upset.

[21:41] *finds a seat on the couch and sort of collapses*

[21:42] *little laugh* I would expect nothing but dreadful.

[21:43] How can you let them talk to you that way? *in a more normal voice*

[21:43] I don't care. *sigh*

[21:44] Otto's never been that nice to me anyway. And Thea -- she said worse things at my funeral.

[21:44] What a /bitch./ *firmly*

[21:45] More like a schoolgirl.

[21:46] ...*well, Jaenelle was never really that age, so she can't really relate*

[21:47] Thank the /Darkness/ they left, at least. *wearily*

[21:48] *sits next to Moritz, concerned* God -- was it so terrible?

[21:48] *nods slowly, still trying to even out* It's not just them.

[21:49] It wasn't that bad. *shrug*

[21:49] ---*looks at Moritz* You're damn lucky you don't wear Jewels. For /you/ it didn't get bad.

[21:50] Next I see Otto, I'll give him a good pinch. From Thea I'll steal a ribbon.

[21:50] You're amazing, Ilse.

[21:51] Come on, Jaenelle, we're going upstairs. *goes and just - picks her up, what the hell* *smiles at them, dryly* Thanks.

[21:52] A strong word! -- Jaenelle, I hope you'll be well...

[21:53] Eek! - *a tired smile at Ilse* Thank you...

[21:53] Feel better...

moritz, jaenelle

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