Aftermath of Prince Paul's Attacks

Apr 10, 2007 09:08

Session Start: Thu Apr 05 17:38:17 2007

Moritz: Anyone -- please -- *clutching the bleeding Ilse in his arms*
Armand: *hears Moritz and rushes in, half-expecting a terrible scene*
Moritz: *well it rather is ;_;*
Armand: *worse than he expected, and he stares, though his attention goes to the messy blood-painted message on the wall* *covers his mouth* Mon dieu...
Armand: *finally back to Moritz and the bleeding girl* Where is she hurt?
Moritz: Her hand -- and her shoulder --
Armand: *runs a hand through his hair* *goes to the plothole* P-put pressure on the wounds. Is she still breathing?
dead!Sirius: *totally DEAD*
Armand: *hasn't even dared to look at Sirius yet*
Armand: *comes back with a few rolls of bandages and a modern, and hence perplexing to him, first aid kit* Monsieur?
Moritz: She's breathing -- *stares at the first aid kit in confusions, but grabs the bandages*
Armand: Pressure. *repeats himself* *looks for something to clean the wounds with* *finally notices Sirius* Oh. Is he-- were you here?
Moritz: I just got here.
dead!Sirius: *hi dead*
Armand: *hands Moritz some alcohol* clean them before you bandage them. I'll be right back. *goes to check Sirius for signs of life*
Moritz: *tries to clean the wounds*
dead!Sirius: *there's a huge hole in his chest. There are NO signs of life.*
Armand: *wibbles a bit* I'll find your friends, M. Corpse. *goes back to Moritz* She seems to be the lucky one. *eyes go back to the wall* and I know who did it.
Moritz: *trembling* Who did it?
Armand: Prince Paul. A Russian aristocrat. *says that last like it's a dirty word* He thought he had a score to settle with another man.
Moritz: *tries to patch Ilse up* Will you -- help me?
Armand: *starts to help more actively now* *unrolling some bandages* Of course, monsieur. I... was distracted.
Moritz: Thank you...
Armand: *cleans and starts to tightly wrap the hand* I think there are tendons and bones broken. She's going to need a real doctor.
Moritz: There was a man who helped her last time when she hurt her head...
Armand: Oui, who was that?
Moritz: I don't know, she didn't give me a name. An older man, she said. With a cane?
Armand: Do you know how to reach him?
Moritz: No -- no, I don't.
Armand: *tries to recall* There... oh, I think I know who you may mean. *stretching his memory here as it is vaguely Chris-related* He helped find doctors for my pregnant spouse. Dr. ... House, think.
Ilse: *starting to come to*
dead!Sirius: *starting to be deader. Oh wait...*
Armand: *just please don't start emitting nasty dead person gases yet*
Moritz: Ilse!
Armand: Keep her calm and still. *gets up and goes to the plothole again* *calls* Monsieur... Doctor House? Someone needs you.
Ilse: ...*immediately starts struggling and hitting and kicking*
* House has joined #desperatefans
dead!Sirius: *so dead. Pool of blood. Very sad*
Dr. House: *A VOICE FROM THE OTHER 'VERSE* ... why is my supply closet speaking to me?
Moritz: Ilse -- it's me, it's alright.
Armand: *startled* Oh, Dr. House, tis Armand St. Just. I think we met once. Someone has been terribly hurt. We need help.
Dr. House: *opens his supply closet* ... Narnia or bust, I guess. *wanders in*
Armand: *jumps back* Oh my... *blinks*
Ilse: M-Moritz?
Moritz: It's me, it's Moritz.
Dr. House: Hiya. Who's hurt?
dead!Sirius: *is dead! :D*
Armand: *starts babbling* There's a girl, she's been stabbed.
Armand: And that poor man is dead. *wibbling too*
Ilse: *kinda shaking and in shock*
Armand: *points at where Ilse and Moritz are huddled near the bloody wall*
Dr. House: *peers at Ilse* Oh man, I just fixed her. *wanders over* Dammit...
Armand: *takes a deep breath and goes to try to identify poor Sirius* *are his eyes open?*
dead!Sirius: *yep*
Armand: *swallows and closes those first* *doesn't want the dead stranger staring at him while he goes through his pockets* Who are you? *to self*
Dr. House: *carefully kneels next to Ilse and starts his doctory thing?*
Armand: *finds a few notes, one signed 'Remus'* *puzzles over that* *looks around and sees Sirius' wand* Ah, a wizard.
dead!Sirius: *yaaaaay*
Ilse: *softly, at House* I know you.
Dr. House: I fixed your head before.
Ilse: Oh. *yeah, in shock*
Armand: *goes to get wand and puts it in the corpse's pocket* *reads the note, embarrassed* Padfoot? That must be a nickname. I'll... put you somewhere quiet and post a notice. *why is he talking to the corpse?*
dead!Sirius: *because it's comforting?*
Dr. House: Sit still, I need to fix you again.
Armand: *yeah probably* *sniffs back a few tears*
dead!Sirius: *would be glad to know that he'd brought someone to tears. And that Ilse is still alive.*
Dr. House: This is going to hurt like a bitch.
Ilse: ... *blinks*
Dr. House: *mm, bone setting*
Armand: *half-lifts Sirius from the armpits and tries to drag him into an empty room* *slow going as Sirius out-masses him*
Ilse: *pained noises*
dead!Sirius: *yeah. he's a tall, muscular young man.*
Dr. House: Told ya. *bandages*
Armand: *drag drag* *sniffling all the way*
Ilse: *gasping*
Armand: *arranges Sirius as neatly as he can in the empty room, then goes to the plothole to get a sheet*
Armand: *arranges sheet* *then goes to wash hands*
Armand: *then fetches paper and starts writing a note or two*
Armand: *writing a note about a corpse* *covered in blood too*
Armand: *goes to post the note and home to clean up*

Session Close: Thu Apr 05 18:43:17 2007


In which Armand tries to clean up the gore and meets Felix again; Ilse & Moritz are cute (in Armand's journal)

Later still...

Session Start: Thu Apr 05 23:02:16 2007

Ilse: He pinned me to the /wall/, Wendla --
Remus: *wanders in, a little shakily -- hearing that your boyfriend is dead is not the Best News Ever to recieve just after the full moon*
* Surreal has joined #desperatefans
Armand: *probably nearly done cleaning up*
Wendla: *O___________________O*
Wendla: Like.... Jesus?
* Daemon has joined #desperatefans
James: *comes running in looking for Moony*
Ilse: *softly* Yes. Like Jesus.
Remus: *sitting on a couch looking fairly blank*
Armand: *goes to dump out last bucket of bloody water and vaguely wonders if he has the energy to go change clothes*
Daemon: *prowls his way in*
Surreal: *is loitering somewhere, being bored*
James: Rem! There you are *is next to him in two beats* What happened?
Surreal: What's up with you? *curious look at the glowerly Daemon*
Helen: *is probably standing somewhere* *just listening*
Remus: I know as much as you, mate.
Armand: *desides to rest a bit on the floor first* *half-listening to people*
Daemon: *not quite snarly* Idiotic murdering -landens-.
James: Damn it *runs a hand through his hair looking lost*
Surreal: *sits up properly* What happened?
Sirius: *is so totally still dead in the next room*
Wendla: ... It's Holy Thursday. *o_o*
Ilse: ... is it?
Daemon: *gets up and paces* There was a girl who was hurt -- I came in to help with her foot. The man who did it was still here, still armed. I took his weapon -- *pats his pocket* and wasn't about to give it back.
Wendla: *nods*
Armand: *knows, he dragged you there*
Wendla: [Well, it is now, but. XD]
Remus: *sad puppyface at Prongs* I -- I didn't think this would happen again.
Helen: *don't look at me* *I didn't give him a gun* *but feel free to think that she did*
Ilse: It hurt...
Surreal: *frowns* I don't blame you.
Ilse: *is the message still on the wall?*
Wendla: I would think it did...
Armand: *knees up, watching and listening as much as he can to Surreal and Daemon*
Daemon: He said he would kill people until I returned his weapon.
Wendla: *umm... looks at the wall* *O________________O*
James: *gives Rem a half-hug, not knowing what to say*
Remus: *hugs back, clinging a little*
Surreal: *frowns more* Dammit. We should be the ones threatening him, not the other way round.
Daemon: *growls* I'll do more than threaten if I see him.
Armand: *decides he really ought to change clothes and gets up* *will come back downstairs if he's not too tired*
Surreal: Need any help?
Ilse: *blinks at the wall* That's the man's blood -- the man that he killed.
Daemon: If you'd like to.
Ilse: The man who tried to help me.
Sirius: *yes! He saved her life! :D :D :D*
Armand: *goes upstairs*
Remus: ....*blinks at Ilse* -- What...what did he look like? *gestures* About this tall, black hair, grey eyes?
Surreal: *cold grin* Love to.
Wendla: Hekilledaman?
Ilse: *glances at Remus -- she looks rather like a frightened rabbit*
Remus: *patiently* The man who saved you.
Remus: What did he look like?
Ilse: He growled.
Armand: *comes back down in clean clothes* *catches what Remus is asking*
James: *looks a bit frustrated at her reply, but doesn't interrupt, she looks shellshocked*
Remus: *bites lip* Was he a man, or a dog?
Remus: Black, furry, rather large?
Armand: Excuse me... *trying to interrupt politely*
Daemon: *and here's a cold grin back at Surreal* Excellent.
Remus: *glances to Armand* Yes?
Armand: *softly* Are you looking for the man that died?
James: We are
Armand: He's in the other room *points* He... died in here, but I moved him. *a bit pale*
Wendla: *um, yes. just clinging to Ilse right now*
Ilse: *ducks her head*
Remus: ...Oh. Oh, er, -- thank you.
Surreal: *shakes her hair from her face* So who's the owner of the weapon?
Armand: I'm sorry. I didn't know his name.
Daemon: *not quite a purr* Prince Paul Maraloffski, or so I gather.
Remus: *softly* Sirius Black.
Helen: *I swear it wasn't my gin!*
Helen: *meant gun...yeah...*
Remus: He was my --*shrugs a little* --Mine.
Bee: [...........*wibble*]
Armand: *bows solemnly* I tried to treat him with respect.
Moritz: (..... *criez*)
Remus: Thank you.
Wendla: *really trying to be comforting*
James: *goes pale and looks at Remus* D'you want... I'll go, um. D'you want to come?
Remus: ...Alright.
Armand: *nods, frowning and goes to sit on the floor again, not really very far from where he was before changing clothes* *knees up and watching Daemon again*
Sirius: *totally dead. With a big hole in his chest*
Moritz: *totally off attempting to shoot Paul*
Armand: *totally moping after trying to clean up the mess for hours*
Surreal: *slight sneer* Right. *spares a nod to Armand, would smile, but isn't really relaxed enough to do so.*
James: *stands up and heads to the next room, then, giving Remus worried glances*
Armand: *looks at her briefly, curious but most of his attention is still on Daemon*
Daemon: *yeah, the room's probably going a little colder now*
Armand: *mostly wondering what Daemon is going to do about all this and watching to see if he does anything now*
Remus: *heads in, looking carefully blank*
Wendla: *O_Oing at the scary man*
Ilse: *cowering with Wendla*
Daemon: *can be very scary, yes*
Surreal: *looks rather bloodthirsty, herself* So what's the plan? Or is it just find him and then hurt him?
James: *pales when he sees Sirius*
Moritz: *stumbles in, white as a sheet*
Wendla: ..... Moritz!
Wendla: *is so very happy to see him alive*
Armand: *looks up at the noise*
Ilse: *looks up at that*
Moritz: I... I killed him.
Armand: *eyes wide* You did?
Daemon: *headtilts at Moritz* ..Who?
Wendla: *O_O*
Moritz: The one who attacked Ilse. I -- shot him.
Helen: *blink* *blink* *leaves*
Sirius: *yes, James, is very dead*
Ilse: ....
James: *wibbles*
Armand: *looks back to Daemon*
Surreal: *raises an eyebrow, well there goes that plan*
Daemon: ....Well, thank you for saving me the trouble.
Remus: *just kinda staring at Sirius*
James: Um... I guess we should... move him... *doesn't budge, though*
Moritz: *falls to his knees next to Ilse and Wendla, not even making it onto the couch*
Armand: *sighs* well, I'm not cleaning up after that bastard...
Wendla: *flails a little* ... Moritz? Moritz, are you-- *has no idea how to deal with any of this, and is thisclose to tears*
Remus: ..I -- yes.
Ilse: *stares dazedly at him*
Moritz: *rests his head on Ilse's lap*
Daemon: *sighs and flops on a couch*
Armand: *mostly trying to figure out Daemon*
Moritz: How are you feeling, Ilse?
Ilse: *tentatively places a shaking hand in his hair*
Ilse: I've been better.
Moritz: *shakey laugh* Me too.
James: *kneels carefully next to Siri* That bastard...
Remus: *softly* I'll kill him.
Ilse: Why -- ?
Moritz: I'd never -- even thought of killing someone before.
Ilse: But why...
Moritz: Because he hurt you. I couldn't let him just get away with it.
Wendla: ... I suppose it's a good thing you gave him back his gun, Ilse. *o_o*
Daemon: *to Surreal* Well. What do we do now?
Surreal: *delicate shrug* Well, we could wait for him to come back and then kill him again?
James: *growly* I'll help. *wants to cry, Siri's not meant to be dead* Siri, you idiot, what'd you do?
Daemon: I suppose so.
Armand: That's a pointless exercise...
Sirius: *I saved a girl's life, bludger-brain*
Remus: So. So we bury him, or wait for him to c-come back, or ...?
Ilse: *breathing a little shallowly* I -- suppose.
Moritz: I told you I'd protect you. *hugs her -- legs*
James: I... I guess we wait till he comes back, I mean, um, Harry did.
Ilse: *breathy laugh, but it's not mocking* You're so --
Remus: But what about the ...*gestures to his chest*

Moritz: So?
Wendla: *doesn't want to start crying because nothing even happened to her, but... sdujfhsuikjhd can't deal with things like this*
James: ... Could we... could we heal him? Even though he's not... *trails off*
Ilse: I don't know. I can't understand you.
Moritz: I couldn't let him hurt you again!
Remus: *lip bite* I dunno. We could try, I guess...
Surreal: *frowns* Rather defeats the purpose of killing people.. I know I wouldn't have gotten many jobs if the victim was going to revive a week later.
Daemon: *shrugs* It's the way of things here.
James: *pulls out his wand, then, although it's shaking rather badly*
Surreal: *leans back* Oh well, it's not like I do jobs anymore anyway
Ilse: *bends over and kisses his temple*
Daemon: Don't need to.
Moritz: *wipes his eyes hastily* I love you.
Remus: You go ahead, Prongs. I was never much good at this sort of thing.
James: *casts a few spells, then, attempting to transfigure the damaged tissue into healed tissue*
Ilse: Oh -- *face crumples*
Moritz: -- did I say something wrong?
Daemon: *pulls the gun out of his pocket and shows it to Surreal* What should I do with it?
Surreal: Not since I managed to collect a bunch of men who insisted on protecting me *wry grin*
Daemon: I don't need it, after all.
Surreal: *pauses* Destroy it
Daemon: *nods*
Armand: *watches* *nods too*
Surreal: *sighs* If only we could do the same to every other weapon in this place
Wendla: *hah. awkward.*
Ilse:*crying, nevertheless*
Daemon: *arches an eyebrow* Doubt Yasi would like that very much.
Moritz: Ilse -- *takes her uninjured hand*
Surreal: Well, not ours of course *smirks* Although I doubt anyone else would like that idea much, so I guess we drop the idea.
Ilse: *squeezes it and ducks her head, hair hanging in her face*
Daemon: *nods*
James: *and, we'll say it works, the wound disappears and James falls slightly forward, cos, Sirius is still dead, he just looks prettier*
Remus: ...Nicely done, James.
James: *mutters* thanks
Moritz: Are you upset with me?
Ilse: I could never be.
Wendla: *will... uncling from Ilse and go off to sit onna couch to give them A Moment*
Moritz: I only meant to -- help.
Ilse: I know -- but that you would do that -- risk your life --
Moritz: I lived.
Remus: *sighs and sits in a chair somewhere*
Ilse: But for me --
Moritz: Because I care about you.
Ilse: *tear-faced* I don't understand.
Moritz: What don't you understand? *confused*
Wendla: *yeah, with the crying*
James: *stays kneeling next to Siri*
Wendla: *but... quietly, so as not to draw lots of attention. because really... nothing happened to her. XD*
Wendla: *um, crying. :D*
Ilse: I don't -- *can't seem to articulate* Why.
Ilse: *has no sense of self-worth, yay*
Moritz: Because I love you and I care for you and I want to protect you.
Armand: *goes to bed*

Session Close: Fri Apr 06 00:27:25 2007

((Warnings: gore, previous violence, angst))

surreal sadiablo, sirius black, daemon sadi, remus lupin, armand, moritz, wendla, james potter, gregory house, ilse

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