Bad Prince Paul!

Apr 05, 2007 18:52

If anyone has the part where Vera got shot, please post? I only have from when Armand arrived.

Session Start: Thu Apr 05 13:57:24 2007

Vera: *clinging to Alexis, hi, because was -shot inna foot- and this standing thing isn't working so well on her own*
Alexis: *augh, will be -- well, if she'll let him, picking her up and carrying her over to a couch*
Armand: *wanders in with a sketchbook*
Prince Paul: *still quite red in the face, but smiling dangerously*
Helen: *is used to blood by now and just kind of stares*
Armand: *stops and stares*
Vera: *allows it because it's -Alexis,- and because getting off her feet right now is good*
Alexis: *oh, good -- so deposits her on a couch, carefully, and sits next to her* --Really, Prince Paul. The bloodshed that seems to happen when you are present is rather tiresome.
Prince Paul: And yet I still maintain that it's in self defense.
Prince Paul: Or in retaliation.
Prince Paul: Which is the same thing.
Armand: *glares at Paul* What is the meaning of this, monsieur?
Alexis: *dry* Forgive me, but shooting a person in the foot seems to be a trifle too much retaliation.
Vera: *inspecting her wounded foot* I think a doctor is in order.
Prince Paul: The lady thought me too forward.
Armand: And for this you shot her? *stalks up to the man, too angry to be worried*
Vera: Citizen, please -- calm yourself. *no getting in trouble over her, plz*
* Daemon has joined #desperatefans
Prince Paul: No, I shot her for attacking me.
Prince Paul: Self defense, you see.
Daemon *hey look, Paul, it's a -- ridiculously gorgeous mantype, prowling in*
Armand: Attacking you?
Prince Paul: *distracted by the pretty, sorry Armand*
Armand: *blinks at Daemon but nope, doesn't recognize him, yay!*
Daemon *is very distraction worthy*
Helen: *is still holding her gun and ready to use it if she needs to*
Vera: I think the attack is excusable in this case. No one ought to be subjected to your -attentions-, Prince.
Daemon *arches an eyebrow* Blood? Suppose I should be used to it by now.
Armand: Put the weapons away, please?
Prince Paul: I'm giving my apprentice shooting lessons.
Prince Paul: *smirk* And if the lessons happen to extend to how we deal with peasants, that's all well and good.
Daemon *gives Paul a Look -- and you'd do well to obey that look* Put the gun away.
Armand: *finally notices Helen* *facepalms* This is ridiculous. *impressed by Daemon's tone of authority*
Helen: *isn't putting her's away*
Daemon *the Look goes for Helen too*
Helen: *Look of princess not to be ordered aboutness back*
Daemon *raises an eyebrow, Warlord Prince here* *coolly* I said, put the gun away.
Prince Paul: *points it at him* Prince Paul Marloffski, of Russia. And you?
Armand: *thinks the 'apprentice' looks easier to pursuade* *turns to Helen* Please, monsieur? It is very hard to help anyone while there are weapons drawn.
Daemon *sighs and calls the guns over to him, should probably work -- and pockets them* *still unruffled* Prince Daemon Sadi, consort to Jaenelle Angelline, Queen of Ebon Askavi.
Prince Paul: ... I'm very fond of that gun.
Prince Paul: *keeps his hand outstretched, waiting for its return*
Daemon Then you should have put it away the first time I asked.
Helen: *default reaction to magic* *quick sign of the cross* *still scowling*
Armand: *glances at Daemon, puzzled, but now very relieved the guns are away from the people likely to use them*
Prince Paul: *fascinated by him, retaining his smirk* What /are/ you?
Armand: Now, can anyone help the lady? I don't know anything about medicine.
Daemon *pretty, cold smile* A Warlord Prince.
Armand: *snaps at Paul* Someone saner than you?
Daemon *and heads over to Vera*
Vera: *still armed, but not in any state to do anything with the weapons* *has, however, busied herself with getting the remains of her shoe off*
Prince Paul: And why do you object to my possession of my favorite weapon?
Armand: Because you shot someone with it? *holding his notebook to his chest, nervously*
Daemon *coolly* Because you're shooting people.
Daemon *kneels to inspect Vera's foot, quietly* I am no Healer, but I will do the best I can.
Helen: *is totally innocent*
Prince Paul: ... *sighs* Philanthropists.
Prince Paul: I hate philanthropists.
Alexis: *cuddling Vera and keeping an eye on Paul*
Daemon *arches an eyebrow* Perhaps I just prefer to have a lack of unneccessary bloodshed.
Vera: *looking rather pale, and keeping quiet now -- the pain is setting in*
Prince Paul: I'm sure you'd feel the same after that woman kneed you in the groin. *smirk* She hates nobility, by the way.
Daemon *dry smile* My father's mother was a prostitute in Hayll.
Vera: I hate those who give me reason. *voice is rather strained now*
Armand: *to Paul* Someone needs to teach you manners.
Prince Paul: *gives him an icy look* Would you like to see what I can do while unarmed?
Prince Paul: *him being Armand*
Daemon *inspects Vera's foot, we assume the bullet is still in there?*
Vera: *it is!*
Armand: Give everyone around you headache from being obnoxious? *isn't unarmed but keeping his only knife up his sleeve now, thank you*
Daemon This might hurt. *uses Craft to get the bullet out, since it's probably too small for fingers*
Prince Paul: Aside from that. *unamused smile*
Armand: Have I attacked you?
Vera: *bites down on her lip, but doesn't make a sound*
Prince Paul: Verbally. *waves a hand at him* Shoo.
Armand: Then your only fair weapons of retaliation is also verbal. And I take orders from aristocratics no better than the lady over there.
Prince Paul: ... Shoo.
Daemon *and puts a spell on the wound to stop any infection* --Someone please get me bandages?
Armand: No, I came here to look for people to sketch.
Armand: *goes to look in the plothole to help Daemon*
Armand: *finds a roll or two and holds them up* Will these do?
Daemon *nods* Thank you, Armand.
Armand: *takes them over but is now frowning because here is someone else who seems to know him* Here then.
Alexis: *holding Vera's hand, we assume*
Daemon *takes them and gives him a brief smile, then sets to bandaging Vera's foot*
Vera: *probably squeezing his rather tightly, so as to show as little other sign of pain as possible*
Helen: *is still in the background and watching and mad 'cause she was having fun with the gun*
Armand: *nods, a bit preoccupied with his thoughts and goes to sit down* *opens the sketchpad and starts trying to draw Daemon*
Daemon *finishes the bandaging and sits back* Crutches, until it heals.
Daemon Probably two or three weeks.
Prince Paul: Prince. *cooly* I'd appreciate my gun returned. I need to be leaving.
Daemon *arches an eyebrow at Paul* --Does someone give a misbehaving child his toy back? I think not. The gun stays with me.
Armand: *almost laughs but puts his attention back on his sketch*
Helen: *polite* May I have mine? I shot no one.
Armand: *sketch sketch, studying Daemon*
Daemon *cool look at Helen* Will you give it to him?
Vera: . . . three weeks? You're certain? *can't fathom not being able to get around properly for that long*
Helen: No. It is mine.
Daemon *and to Vera* More or less.
Prince Paul: *waits to respond, watching Daemon and Helen curiously*
Daemon Give me your word.
Prince Paul: You can have mine.
Prince Paul: The gun is hers.
Daemon And why should I trust -your- word?
Prince Paul: I have other weapons, I don't need hers.
Armand: *shakes his head at Paul* Arrogant...
Prince Paul: It was a gift to a loyal assistant.
Daemon *still looking at Helen* Your word.
Helen: I swear on the Holy Virgin.
Daemon *nods and walks over to hand her the gun*
Prince Paul: And mine? *cocks eyebrow*
Helen: Thank you.
Daemon I already told you no.
Daemon You wear my patience.
Armand: *head down and more sketching*
Prince Paul: You wear mine. *icy smirk*
Prince Paul: *smiles* Are you fond of these peasants? Her *points at Vera*, him *Armand*, and him *Alexis*, though he's not a peasant. I'll leave them headless on your doorstep by the end of the week, just for this.
Prince Paul: I won't ask again.
Armand: *head up and glares at Paul* You stay away from me!
Vera: *rolls her eyes* And how terribly effective that would be.
Daemon *aaaaand there's a very icy smile in return, the room's probably getting a bit colder* *softly, in a deep rumble* You try my patience.
Prince Paul: Expect corpses soon. *walks out*
Armand: *now staring at Daemon*
Daemon *sprawls lazily on a couch*
Armand: *kind of shakily resumes sketching*
Helen: *Follows Paul to slap him for the earlier touching incident*
Prince Paul: *XD We love you, Helen*
Alexis: *quietly, to Vera* Would you like me to find crutches?
Vera: If you would. *the foot, it hurts us ;_;*
Armand: *tentatively to Daemon* You know me, monsieur?
Daemon *quietly* I do.
Alexis: *kisses her cheek and heads over to the plothole*
Armand: *looks back at the sketch* I don't remember.
Daemon *briefly* We share some -- mutual friends.
Armand: Whom I probably don't remember either. *sighs* Thank you for your help. *still not looking up because he is /scared/ without quite knowing why though not panicked*
Alexis: *comes back with crutches yay*
Vera: Thank you.
Alexis: *shrugs* It was no trouble, they were in the closet.
Vera: Thank you all the same. *sighs* Three weeks. I think it's very likely I'll go mad.
Alexis: *kisses her cheek* I'll entertain you. *grins* Teach myself to juggle, or something.
Vera: *laughs* An interesting sight that would be, I'm sure.
Alexis: *typist'd, alas, will have to cheer Vera up later*
Daemon *typistfd*
Armand: *finishes his sketch and leaves*

Session Close: Thu Apr 05 15:04:52 2007

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

alexis ivanaceivitch, armand, helen kurtzevitch, prince paul, vera sarbouroff, daemon sadi

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