Saetan pwns Felix

Jan 09, 2007 12:42

Notes: It takes place sometime after this, Saetan finds Felix. Much gore and violence. So don't click if you don't want to

Session Start (AbleNet:#dfporch): Mon Jan 08 18:57:52 2007
Felix: *sprawled on one of the benches, mostly lying down, and scowling out across the yard*
Saetan: *somewhat on the lookout for Felix or Acheron* *doesn't look all that dangerous, as he seems middle-aged and keeps a cane with him* There you are.
Felix: *looks over and sees him, scowling - he doesn't recognize Saetan at all* Do I know you?
Saetan: Oh probably not, but I know you. Tabularasa is it not? I am Saetan SaDiablo.
Felix: *eyes narrow* Never heard of you.
Saetan: It doesn't matter. I'm the Steward of the Court at Ebon Askavi.
Felix: I've never heard of that, either. *slowly rising up*
Saetan: You should. It's where young Armand got his magic.
Felix: *sits up straight at that, ignoring the pain for the moment to glare and tighten his grip on the bench* I. See.
Saetan: Oh stay reclined. It won't matter. *steps a bit closer*
Felix: *still wearing his mask at the moment, grips tighter to avoid his grip slipping - his right arm isn't as strong as his left, and that's the only arm he's supporting himself on* Won't it. *tries to get his hand into his coat*
Saetan: *notices the movement and puts up his Black shield* I doubt you can hurt me, Tabularasa. I thought you might benefit from a warning.
Felix: *doesn't see anything, I'm assuming* Only doubt? If it's not certain, it's possible.
Saetan: *nothing to see, they're invisible usually* Then I will change that to, you won't be able to hurt me. And perhaps you should consider your position with the Court. At least two Warlord Princes have you on their hit list now.
Felix: Warlord Princes? I'm flattered. Because I threatened their dear, pathetic friend? *pulls out a handgun, loosely*
Saetan: *snorts* Among other reasons. You threatened to kill our Queen I believe. Or so Armand said.
Felix: I take it that she's the one that gave him his damn magic. *sneers, almost invisibly behind the mask* If I kill her, his shield will fall - and I assume yours will, too. All the better, then. I could get rid of you all.
Saetan: No, my shield is my own. *wearing his Black Jeweled ring and pendant both* You don't want to mess with us.
Felix: I think that's too late. *points his gun at Saetan's head and fires*
Saetan: *hardly blinks* *but the bullet bounces off* Do you feel better now?
Felix: ... not particularly.
Felix: *fires again, a little more quickly this time*
Saetan: *frowns and advances on Felix* Stop that.
Felix: *fires twice more in quick succession before running out of bullets - he hadn't fully reloaded*
Saetan: Stop it, I said. *gets close enough to grab him and reaches for the gun arm*
Felix: *tries to jerk his arm out of the way, his right arm coming up to grab Saetan - and as such, his body falls*
Saetan: *catches him and holds him up* Are you ready to listen yet?
Felix: *winces, glaring at Saetan from behind his mask - Saetan has his shredded and bandaged arm* Listen to what? You tell me that I'm part of your unlimited number of enemies?
Saetan: I tell you to leave the Court alone.
Felix: My argument's with St. Just. Keep out of it, and I won't bother with your Court.
Saetan: He is was a part of our Court.
Felix: Then your Court is involved. *tries to grab Saetan's arm with his right hand and jerk it away* Besides, I don't care.
Saetan: *is stronger than he looks because of Craft and because Hayllians are cool that way* Do you want to remain maimed indefinitely?
Felix: *eyes narrow* I'm sure I will find someone to put me out of my misery.
Saetan: You're vile enough.
Felix: Thanks.
Saetan: *squeezes his hand tighter* Proud of that?
Felix: *strangled noise of pain* Always have been.
Saetan: Do you know what happens to people who anger Warlord Princes?
Felix: Something hideously painful, I imagine.
Saetan: They have to mop up the pieces.
Felix: *smirks warily behind his mask* Oh, how exciting.
Saetan: Daemon and Jaenelle favor painting the walls with blood. I just get the job over with.
Felix: So you'll cut my throat and be done with it. Dull.
Saetan: No, if I killed you, I'd leave the pieces all over the place, but I would try to keep the walls clean. But today, I think I'll settle for less.
Felix: Less than death? There's /so/ much in that. *his mask is hiding the traces of nervousness*
Saetan: Too bad you're not Blood.
Felix: Why?
Saetan: The things you can do to Blood are more subtle. Brute torture is... not as satisfying.
Felix: Really? I've found it is. *tries to jerk his hand away again*
Saetan: *lets him go because really isn't all that threatened by him*
Felix: *collapses back down onto the bench and makes an angry noise in Saetan's direction*
Saetan: You're a fool.
Felix: I /know/ that. I aim to change it.
Saetan: oh?
Felix: I won't make the same mistakes I have.
Saetan: I doubt that.
Felix: I'll cheat before anyone else does next time.
Saetan: Cheat? Is it cheating to use the full extent of our abilities?
Felix: Depends on the situation. *tries to climb up again, and tries to find another weapon in his coat*
Saetan: *thwacks him hard with his cane*
Felix: *yelps and slams back into the bench, on his back*
Saetan: *cool appraising look* I wonder what would have the most lasting effect.
Felix: Not /that/, you crippled bastard.
Felix: *searches for a weapon, again*
Saetan: *the air is getting very cold* I would stop that if I were you.
Felix: *continues* And why should I?
Saetan: Do you want to live?
Felix: ... I wouldn't mind. *hand stills regardless*
Felix: But death wouldn't be quite as bad, in this situation.
Saetan: I wonder what you would dislike more...
Felix: *slowly pulls his hand out, gripping a blade*
Saetan: *shakes his head almost pityingly*
Felix: *flips the blade out, but doesn't move, eyeing Saetan carefully*
Saetan: *the blade would be getting very cold by now though*
Felix: *clenches his teeth and tries to fling himself up off the bench, then at Saetan, blade out*
Saetan: *just steps back more quickly than it seems he should be able to*
Felix: *pitches forward, unable to stop himself due to his injuries*
Saetan: You're very frightening.
Felix: *hits the porch floor, his knife scattering and a faint cry escaping from his lips* *glares up at Saetan, his mask slightly askew* Fuck you.
Saetan: That's been threatened by better men than you.
Felix: *growls*
Felix: *and attempts to get up, although he's weaponless now*
Saetan: *steps back again*
Felix: *stands up, pulls his mask off and throws it off to the side, and growls at Saetan* Is this it? You're going to sidestep me until I can't walk any more?
Saetan: You'd rather I knocked you flat?
Felix: It would be more efficient. *lunges again, right arm aiming to claw at Saetan's face*
Saetan: *and uses Craft to shove Felix back, intending to push hard enough to knock him down*
Felix: *pushed, slams backwards and hits the porch on his back with a cry*
Saetan: He was worth ten of you.
Felix: Was? Did he die without me knowing?
Saetan: Worse. But you wouldn't understand. I'm trying to figure out how to demonstrate it to you.
Felix: *tries to raise himself up* Worse than death. Again, you're not being very particular. *slowly starts to edge backwards*
Saetan: *puts up a shield behind Felix* Oh no, you're not getting away this time.
Felix: *hits it and hisses* I didn't get away /last/ time.
Saetan: *soflty* Oh but you did... *the air is getting colder*
Felix: Lucky intervention. *tries not to shiver, and attempts to pull himself at least into a sitting position, but is having some difficulty with that*
Saetan: *looks around for the knife Felix dropped*
Felix: *it's more of a switchblade, but it's sitting somewhere on the porch, abandoned*
Saetan: *that's all good* *finds it* Oh here we go. *tests the edge* Quite a nasty little thing. LIke you.
Felix: Not a coincidence. *getting nervous*
Saetan: *kneels and reaches out to grip Felix's chin* Do you know what it's like to lose something?
Felix: *grips Saetan's wrist with one hand* Lose /something/? I've lost /everything/, you miserable fuck. More than once.
Saetan: *brings the blade closer* Really? *coldly*
Felix: *tries to pull his head back* Yes. If you're aiming to take out my eyes, you wouldn't be the first.
Saetan: That's just the beginning. *keeps a firm grip on the chin*
Felix: *keeps trying to jerk his head away, something like panic rising in his eyes* I didn't even /hurt/ him! Why the hell are you coming for more retribution?!
Saetan: You'll find out soon enough. *and without much ado, pierces the blade into the left eye and twists* *careful not to push too deep*
Felix: *jerks and then screams, both hands now desperately ripping at Saetan's arm*
Saetan: Armand didn't have the stomach for this. It's my goodbye present to him. *pulls the blade free and goes for the other eye*
Felix: *lets out another strangled scream, trying to stop the bleeding and get the knife out and ow, his face hurts*
Saetan: *pulls the knife free and uses a touch or two of witchflame to stop the bleeding*
Felix: *continues to claw at Saetan, unleashing with strangled noises and also trying to kick at Saetan*
Saetan: *doesn't move out the way but doesn't seem very fazed by the kicks* Not nearly enough though.
Felix: Fucker -- you /miserable fucker/ -- *aims his fingers for Saetan's face*
Saetan: *grabs at Felix's fingers*
Felix: *is likely grabbed, as he's blind*
Saetan: *trails the blade edge up Felix's arm to just under his elbow*
Felix: *keeps struggling* The fuck are you doing --
Saetan: Breaking you. At least in limb. *stabs the blade into the flesh there and pushes more strongly than humanly possible*
Felix: *unleashes with a hideously painful cry at that, his arm jerking wildly away from Saetan*
Saetan: *pulls the blade out and kinda just breaks the rest of the lower arm away with enhanced strength* *cauterizes this wound too*
Felix: *screams terrifyingly at that, because OW, and unleashes curses in a variety of languages at Saetan*
Saetan: *very cold* What did you expect little worm?
Felix: *keeps spitting curses - but no apologies*
Saetan: *calmly moves his attention to the other arm*
Felix: *tries to keep that arm out of reach*
Saetan: *backhands him* Sit still.
Felix: *head snaps to the side, but he doesn't stop fighting*
Saetan: *grabs the other arm then and breaks it, not nearly as cleanly as the first one*
Felix: *screams again, his voice going hoarse already*
Saetan: *cauterizes that one too and steps back*
Felix: *keeps spitting out curses in between general noises of pain, still trying to attack Saetan, although now only with his legs*
Saetan: Do you want to lose those too?
Felix: *comes to a halt, but it's a very twitchy and spasmodic halt, because he's hurting a whole lot right now*
Saetan: I know you won't learn. Some are tainted down to their souls. But Armand had a good and pure heart and he risked his life to try to save your soul. Now he's lost something that can't ever be replaced. All because he didn't think it was /fair/ to fight you when you couldn't hit him back. I hope you rot here before someone finds you.
Felix: *in an incredibly broken voice, he manages a few more curses, namely in English* /DAMN ... YOU ... / ... !!
Saetan: It's been done by better men than you. *steps back now and drops the knife*
Felix: K-Kill ... YOU ... !!
Saetan: *snorts* No.
Felix: *keeps cursing him out, flailing quite a bit again - even with his arms cut off and his eyes gouged out, he's rather determined to take Saetan down*
Saetan: *spits on him and walks away*
Felix: *suddenly, with a rather more strained but clear voice* I'LL BE BACK!! I'll FIND YOU, and when I do I'LL KILL YOU!!
Saetan: *doesn't reply before he's completely*

*** Acheron has joined #dfporch.
Acheron: *a nice evening stroll while armed does not usually bring up discoveries of mangled minions, but there's something familiar about this scene* ... Felix?
Felix: *so, it will likely be some time later. Felix is lying on a section of the porch, his arms from the elbow down disconnected from his body and his eyes incredibly mangled; he's still spewing curses at the air between moans of pain and doesn't seem to hear Acheron*
Acheron: *sighs, kneels beside him, and slaps his face, not too hard but more than hard enough to be felt* Coherency, Felix. Now.
Felix: *clenches his jaw and tries to find where Acheron is* F-fuck ...
Acheron: Who did this? I assume it wasn't the cat.
Felix: The C-court ... Saetan. *breathing is rather labored* K-kill me.
Acheron: *sighs in irritation* Let's discuss this further when you're alive again, then. *takes out his gun, cocks it, and holds it to Felix's temple* Anything I need to know before I do this?
Felix: Wh-when I ... come back ... *jaw clenches again* ... they'll ... all die.
Acheron: Sounds excellent. See you then. *pulls the trigger*
Felix: *killed pretty much instantly*
Session Close (#dfporch): Mon Jan 08 23:55:41 2007

acheron, saetan, felix

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