You can throw quiche on me anytime...

Dec 10, 2006 03:48

At long last, the Marauders (the ones who didn't switch sides to help You-Know-Who) ride again!

Or at least, they are together and very amusing. :D Sirius' first real foray into activities other than cuddling Remus since his retypisting.

[Padfoot] *look, a big black doggie pads in*
[Susan] Oh, how lovely *takes the kitten*
* Prongs has joined #desperatefans
[Padfoot] *freezes. sniffs. smells kitty. restrains self.*
[Prongs] *watches the dog, grinning*
[Padfoot] *smells James and bounds over with a whuf!*
[Prongs] *laughs and pats him on the head* Hello there, long time no see
* Thom is now known as Moony
[Padfoot] *licks him happily. With the happy!dog butt/tail wagging*
[Moony] *and a Remus*
[Padfoot] *...oh, this is too good!* *barks happily at Remus*
[Prongs] *grins* Wotcha Moony
[Moony] Prongsie! And hello, Pads. *scritches the doggie*
[Prongs] Come on Pads, back to human for now
[Padfoot] *yey scritches, though* *whines*
[Prongs] [and ack, dinnertime, ProngsieandSusan on hold till I get back]
[Padfoot] *anyway, doesn't have his clothes with him. Wanker.*
[Moony] *scritching the Padfoot*
[Padfoot] *pants happily and rests his head in Rem's lap*
[Moony] Eeewww, Pads drool.
[Padfoot] *wufs at him* *basically meaning "deal with it or get me some clothes, you twat"*
[Moony] *grins and ruffles his ears* How about a sheet? You could wear a toga.
[Padfoot] *nips playfully at him. That would be a "no"*
[Moony] *shrugs and pats the couch* Hop up, then.
[Padfoot] *does so happily, and licks Rem's face in thanks*
[Moony] *wrinkles nose*
[Padfoot] *happy puppy look. AKA: "Don't you just adore me?"*
[Moony] *sitting onna couch with Padfoot*
[Padfoot] *so is on the couch next to Moony in a state of doggie bliss*
[Prongs] *plonks next to them both*
[Padfoot] *Wufs*
[Prongs] *to Pads* Why aren't you human yet? I'll transfigure a cushion into clothes if you'd like...
[Padfoot] *wuff!* *translation: "Obviously, that'd be nice, you prat! You think I want to lounge here naked?"*
[Prongs] *snerks* Well, get going then, go behind the couch and I'll throw the clothes over
[Padfoot] *low growl* *he's not going without the clothes, thanks. Just in case*
[Prongs] *transfigures the cushion into a pair of jeans and a shirt then*
[Moony] *isn't going to make any comments about Sirius and lackofclothes. Rly.*
[Prongs] *isn't going to mention that the clothes will turn into a tutu as soon as Pads puts them on*
[Padfoot] *heh, we know you like Sirius in as little clothing as possible, Moony* *grabs the jeans (who needs a shirt, really?) and goes behind the couch* *moments later...* James, I'm gonna bloody well KILL you!
[Moony] *pokes his head over the couch and snerks* Dashing, Pads. Very dashing.
[Prongs] *laughs* Moony likes it, don't you Moony?
[Padfoot] *deathglare* James, you fix this or so help me, you'll be burping up frogs for a /month/.
[Prongs] *laughs a bit more* Aw, come on, do a twirl!
[Padfoot] *raises an eyebrow in a very... well, Black-like expression* You want /me/ to do a /twirl/?
[Prongs] *nods, grinning* Yep!
[Padfoot] *ponders this for a moment, then grins* Alright, then! *has decided this is actually more fun than it is embarassing* *so gets up and does a dramatically BAD twirl*
[Moony] *applauds*
[Prongs] *cheers*
[Moony] *and magics him into the Shindig!Dress, smirking*
[Prongs] Look at him go!
[Padfoot] *curtseys* I didn't know you were into that, Moony, I would've tried it sooner. *wink*
[Prongs] *laughs*
[Moony] Prongs looks dashing in that dress, too.
[Padfoot] Does he now? *innocently*
[Moony] Yes.
[Moony] He wore it to our wedding.
[Prongs] *nods* It was lovely, you should've been there
[Padfoot] Oh, I'll bet it was lovely. *pouts* But you didn't invite me! And I was to be the maid of honor. Bastards.
[Prongs] You were off fixing that bike of yours or something
[Prongs] I swear you pay more attention to it than you do to us *sniffs melodramatically* Missing our wedding!
[Moony] Which you're still not getting me to ride.
[Padfoot] Oh, I'll get you yet, Mr. Lupin, you watch.
[Moony] Never.
[Prongs] Ooh! Can I help!
[Moony] *facepalms*
[Padfoot] Absolutely! :D
[Prongs] Brilliant *grins maliciously*
[Moony] I will attack you all. With.....books.
[Moony] Flying books,
[Moony] *nodnod*
[Prongs] Which we will then transfigure into motorcycle manuals
[Moony] They're still books.
[Prongs] Do you think you can do that to your Dickings and Poes?
[Moony] ...Dickens. -Dickens-, Prongs.
[Padfoot] And throw back at you.
[Padfoot] Dickons, Dickings, what's the bloody difference?
[Moony] There
[Prongs] How do you know I wasn't talking about Dickings anyway?
[Moony] *There's plenty of difference.
[Prongs] Charles Dickings, writer of the most boring books ever!
[Moony] I enjoyed Great Expectations, I'll have you know.
[Moony] And a Tale of Two Cities.
[Padfoot] That's right! Don't put poor old Dickings down just because he was a boring old chap!
[Padfoot] *muses* Of course, you're rather a boring old chap, too, come to think of it...
[Moony] --And there's no author called Dickings, you prats.
[Prongs] *grins* But can you be =sure-?
[Padfoot] *innocently* You know every author ever published?
[Moony] I'm sure if there were, you two would have been making endless jokes about him.
[Prongs] *grins*
[Moony] I still haven't forgiven you for ruining Hamlet, you know.
[Prongs] [... mistook PeterP for Pettigrew for a moment there]
[Prongs] You -have- to approve of that
[Prongs] he was putting it in it's modern context
[Moony] *facepalms* To pee or not to pee is hardly the question.
[Padfoot] *nods earnestly*
[Padfoot] Oh, but it /is/!
[Prongs] *nodding along*
[Prongs] Of course it is!
[Moony] Nor does it have anything at -all- to do with suicide.
[Prongs] .... I'm sure you could find a way
[Padfoot] If you don't pee, you'll eventually rather explode. It's a rather extreme form of suicide, but...
[Moony] That's -disgusting-, Sirius.
[Prongs] *laaaughs*
[Padfoot] *grins* Isn't it, though?
[Prongs] It's -brilliant- though
[Moony] *facepalm*
[Prongs] You should learn to appreciate our genius, Moony, the sooner you do, the sooner you'll stop having those headaches from hitting yourself all the time
[Padfoot] He's right you know. And you risk ruining your lovely face. *bats eyelashes dramatically - the dress just adds to the image*
[Moony] Hardly lovely.
[Prongs] So... you're not denying our genius? Just your mug? Brilliant *beams*
[Padfoot] Great. Not that shabby, though, considering. *grins and gives him a rather purposefully sloppy kiss*
[Moony] *kisses back, eyerolling*
[Prongs] Oy! Talk about an eyesore!
[Padfoot] *slugs James in the arm* You're the one who put me in a tutu! *not that he's in a tutu anymore.*
[Prongs] *dodges* Yeah, well, you didn't have to wear it *smirks*
[Padfoot] You'd rather see me naked? Oh, James, I didn't think you cared anymore, what with Evans' tongue down your throat for how many years now?
[Moony] Eeeewww, girltongue.
[Moony] *shouldn't be saying that, was dating Tonks for a while*
[Prongs] Oy, leave my gorgeous wife out of this
[Padfoot] Yeah, well, it's true. One of you /please/ change this thing back into normal trousers before I get desperate and go back to being canine?
[Prongs] Fine fine *sighs and turns them back into pants*
[Padfoot] *grins - still shirtless - and sprawls on the couch, half on-top of Remus* So, gents, how've we been?
[Moony] *sprawl'd on* Alright.
[Prongs] *not sprawl'd on, hurray!* Excellent. I think the lack of sleep is doing funny things to my brain
[Padfoot] Do you? What funny things? Is anyone taking notes? Have you danced naked in front of impressionable children yet?
[Prongs] No dancing yet
[Moony] ...I'm shocked, Prongsie.
[Padfoot] Damn. Be sure to call me when it happens, I'd like to get photographs.
[Prongs] *thoughtfully* I kissed a whole load of people the other day...
[Padfoot] Did you? Whyever'd you do that?
[Prongs] They were all standing under mistletoe, legitimate victims
[Padfoot] Muggle mistletoe, or the awful stuff we use?
[Prongs] muggle stuff
[Padfoot] *relief* Oh, that's good, then. *still hasn't quite recovered from "The Incident"*
[Moony] Thank God it wasn't Dumbledore's mistletoe.
[Padfoot] I'll bloody well second /that/.
[Prongs] ugh, that stuff was hideous
[Padfoot] It /really/ was. *looks vaguely nauseous at the thought*
[Prongs] *thought that part was hilarious, by the way*
[Prongs] *not so keen on the Lily/Remus action*
[Padfoot] *still haunted*
[Moony] *:D*
[Moony] *got to kiss Lily, but EW GIRLS*
[Prongs] *glares*
[Padfoot] *thought the Lily/Remus (when he heard about it) was brilliant, though. If only 'cause James got his panties in a knot over it.*
[Moony] What? Just because I didn't have to kiss Peter--
[Padfoot] Or Snivellus. *shudder*
[Prongs] For god-sakes
[Prongs] Peter was better than Snivellus, that's for sure
[Prongs] Poor Pads
[Padfoot] Rem's the only one who got a decent kiss out of it. *obviously not counting the numerous girls he trapped before "The Incident"*
[Prongs] Mm *looks glum*
[Padfoot] *rolls his eyes* Prongs, you're -married- to her. Stop looking like a kicked puppy. That's my job.
[Prongs] Yeah, but Moony kissed her before I did! I think I'm entitled to a little gloominess..
[Padfoot] *shakes his head* You're hopeless.
[Moony] It's not like I particularly -enjoyed- it.
[Prongs] You still kissed her first! That's unfair, what would you've said if I kissed Pads before you!
[Padfoot] I think you -did- kiss me before he did. *pointed out helpfully*
[Prongs] Did I? Oh! Well... that's alright then
[Prongs] How'dyou like it -now- Moony!
[Moony] ...Well, the first time he kissed -me- he made a complete botch of it.
[Prongs] Huh, well, that's Sirius for you
[Padfoot] *insulted* Oy! I did not!
[PeterP] Who cares? *grins*
[Prongs] *laughs* Sure you didn't, just keep telling yourself that
[Moony] You did -too-! Or did you think kissing me and then running off to stay with Prongs was a good idea?
[Padfoot] Well... well... *trying to scrounge up some dignity* I didn't botch the /kiss/, just... everything... after it. *sheepish*
[Prongs] *wrinkles his nose* You -did- botch it, didn't you hook up with that French bird after that?
[Padfoot] *muttermutterYes*
[Prongs] *laughs*
[Padfoot] *glower*
[Padfoot] Sod off, Potter.
[Prongs] *flutters lashes* You know you love me, Black
[Padfoot] Not since you left me for that hussy. *loves Lily. Really.*
[Moony] I've been thrown over for a Potter?
[Prongs] *pouts* I thought we were closer than that
[Moony] Alackaday!
[Padfoot] *kisses Rem's neck* Never, Moony. You're my Alpha Male. *grineyebrowwaggle*
[Prongs] *was going to make some comment but now just screws his face up*
[Prongs] Please! Don't!
[Moony] *bats at* That makes you a girl, you know.
[Moony] Girl, girl, you are a girl.
[Prongs] *snerks*
[Padfoot] *sticks his tongue out* You're the one who put me in a dress.
[Moony] It was -- dashing.
[Prongs] Oy, I'm the dashing one in this group
[Padfoot] *grins* You've been usurped.
[Prongs] *frowns* So what does that make me?
[Padfoot] *muses* Comic relief?
[Prongs] *scowls* I don't think I like this new order of things!
[Padfoot] *beams*
[Prongs] *=scowls=*
[Prongs] Fine, if I'm not the dashing one, then you're both out of the plot
[Moony] Which plot is this?
[Padfoot] Oh, don't be such a girl, Prongsie.
[Prongs] The plot that I told Sirius about earlier *huffs*
[Prongs] I'm not being a girl!
[Prongs] And you're -both- going to be affected, so take that!
[Padfoot] Oh, I think I can probably keep us safe, since I know what it's supposed to do. *grin*
[Prongs] *is a drama-queen, apparantly*
[Prongs] Ah, but you don't know -how- I'm doing it, I've been -researching- this time, I've done all the legwork by myself
[Moony] ...You -researched-?
[Moony] I'm -astounded-, Prongs.
[Prongs] *Nods, grinning smugly*
[Moony] I do believe you've given my the vapours.
[Moony] *me
[Prongs] Serve you right
[Prongs] *doesn't know -exactly- what that means*
[Moony] *fans self overdramatically*
[Prongs] Now, what was this about me being comic-relief?
[Padfoot] *shrugs* You've always rather been. Well, since... Fifth year or so. What with mooning over Evans and all - it was the funniest, if most annoying, thing around!
[Prongs] *narrows his eyes* Well, I see how this is going, you're all ganging up on the strongest, eh, well, I don't need you, I don't need any of you!
[Prongs] *is about to get manaical if someone doesn't hit him soon*
[Padfoot] *obliges* Shut up, Prongs, you know we're kidding.
[Prongs] ...ow. Oh, fine then, so was I
[Padfoot] *grins* I know.
[Prongs] I'm still going to include you in the spell, just so you know
[Moony] *flops on a Padfoot*
[Padfoot] Why's that? Do you just want revenge for something?
[Prongs] *shrugs* Nah, just be interesting to see what terrible stories are written about you
[Padfoot] *narrows his eyes* I won't come downstairs, then. Or I'll slip outside first, Padfoot can survive outside for a few days.
[Padfoot] But I refuse to be humiliated. I want to be able to laugh at people.
[Prongs] *grins* Oh alright then, I won't do it to you *and he's telling the truth, but truth is, if James has done all the research, it may not be as foolproof as he thinks*
[Padfoot] *Hee...*
[Padfoot] *only if it hits him too. ;)*
[Prongs] *it will be, have no fear*
[Padfoot] *grins* Good man. That's why you're my best mate.
[Prongs] Ah well, gotta stick with the Code
[Moony] ...Which is that? The Pirate Code?
[Moony] They're more like guidelines, anyway.
[Prongs] the Marauder code!
[Padfoot] Which is similar, but not entirely the same.
[Prongs] Not entirely
[Moony] Good. I don't think I'd like the bits about pillage and rape.
[Padfoot] Pillaging can be fun.
[Prongs] I prefer my victims a bit more willing, though
[Prongs] Raping is just so last century
[Moony] Of course, Prongsie.
[Prongs] *nods*
[Padfoot] *nuzzles Moony*
[Moony] *hairruffles Siri*
[Prongs] *gags*
[Padfoot] *^_^*
[Padfoot] Oh, come off it. At least we don't have our tongues down each other's throats.
[Moony] Nor are we going --'You know who else has hands? MY GIRLFRIEND!'
[Prongs] Well, she does!
[Prongs] And at least I refrain when I'm around you blokes!
[Moony] ...No, you don't.
[Padfoot] You bally well /don't/.
[Prongs] Er, sorry, then
[Prongs] *has the decency to look a little bashful*
[Moony] Need I remind you of the teddy bear?
[Padfoot] *snickers*
[Prongs] Gah, well, at least I didn't go off snogging Peter
* Padfoot is now known as Padfoot|kitchens
[Moony] Neither did I.
[Prongs] Yeah, well you're going off with another marauder, and that's just as bad *scowls*
[Prongs] *good naturedly, of course, he's happy for them*
[Padfoot|kitchens] *beams and nuzzles just behind Rem's ear*
[Prongs] *mimes throwing up* You two are terrible!
[Padfoot|kitchens] ...I'm hungry. You chaps want anything?
[Prongs] Yes!
[Padfoot|kitchens] Okay! Get it yourself. *:D off to the kitchen*
[Prongs] Oy! *grumbles* Selfish bint
[Moony] Prat.
[Moony] Bring me chocolate?
[Moony] *patented irresistable Moony eyes*
[Padfoot|kitchens] Of course!
[Prongs] I'd ask for something, but I know he'd refuse
[Padfoot|kitchens] *is gonna bring him a sandwich*
[Prongs] *can it be ham? with a pickle?*
* Padfoot|kitchens is now known as Padfoot
[Padfoot] *comes back with chocolate! And cake (for him) and a roast beef sandwich (but with pickles) for James* Here and here. You can thank me later, Moony. James can thank me now. *grin*
* Lestat has joined #desperatefans
[Prongs] *grins* Brill
[Lestat] *wanders in, filing his nails*
[Padfoot] *nuzzles Moony and eats his cake*
[Prongs] *scoffs the sandwich down, forgetting to say thankyou*
[Moony] Lifesaver. *waves at Lestat*
[Padfoot] You know it. *waves, too*
[Lestat] *waves back* Bonsoir, messieurs.
[Prongs] *waves at the person who I don't think he's met yet*
[Lestat] *he hasn't*
[Padfoot] Hey there, French person!
[Lestat] *laughs* Yes, I am French.
[Prongs] Ooh, French, are you related to Sirius' ex?
[Moony] *mild eyeroll*
[Padfoot] Sod off. *glower*
[Prongs] *grins* She was a right catch, but he ditched her for that weedy fellow over there *points at Moony*
[Moony] No chocolate for you, Prongsie.
[Lestat] *smirks* Somehow I doubt that.
[Padfoot] *mutters something only Moony'll be able to hear, about "but he's /my/ weedy fellow"*
[Prongs] I have a wife who makes the best chocolate cake ever, I don't think I'm missing out *beams*
[Moony] *ruffles Sirius' hair*
[Prongs] Aw, what a shame, I'd like the watch the fallout
[Moony] *and to Lestat* I'm Remus. The prat with the glasses is James, and this is Sirius.
[Padfoot] *waves*
[Lestat] *nods to them all* I am Lestat.
[Lestat] *grins*
[Prongs] Unfortunately, he's lying, I'm not a prat, you'll learn never to listen to anything he says
[Lestat] *laughs*
[Padfoot] You -are- a prat. And obssessed with a certain unnamed redhead. Who has hands. *smirk*
[Lestat] I take it you are all good friends?
[Prongs] Nope, never seen them before in my life
[Prongs] *grins happily*
[Moony] Certainly not. I was just forced to live with them for six years.
[Prongs] She's not a red-head, it's -auburn-, and she doesn't only have hands, there're fingers on the ends!
[Moony] ...James, must I threaten you with Hugo?
[Lestat] *watches them with amusement*
[Padfoot] Oh, well then. *mischievous* You know who else has fingers?
[Prongs] *screws up his face* Do I want to know?
[Moony] Lestat does.
[Moony] *nodnods*
[Padfoot] My boyfriend. *:P*
[Prongs] And no, no Hugo, please
[Prongs] Oh sod off
[Prongs] I don't need to know sordid details like that
[Moony] Because fingers are terribly frightening.
[Prongs] They're horrifying!
[Padfoot] It's hardly sordid. If I told you what he -does- with them, then it'd be sordid.
[Prongs] I can't believe you're talking about them in company!
[Prongs] Now -that- I do not need to hear
[Padfoot] *grins*
[Lestat] *snickers*
[Prongs] *to Lestat* They're quite mad, I hope you'll learn to ignore them, it's the only way they'll go away, they're like seagulls or something
[Padfoot] Or albatrosses, even. But you want those around. They're good luck. *grins*
[Padfoot] [*will not quote Serenity*]
[Lestat] Mad, perhaps, but quite entertaining!
[Prongs] Nah, seagulls fit
[Padfoot] How do you figure?
[Prongs] Annoying and noisy, and if you offer them food, you'll never get rid of them
[Padfoot] No, that's me and you. Remus is quiet. Especially if you give him chocolate.
[Moony] *eating said chocolate right now, incidentally*
[Prongs] Hm, I s'pose so, alright, two seagulls and a pigeon
[Padfoot] Right. *grins at Lestat* Did we drown out your name, by any chance, or did you not tell us?
[Lestat] You must have drowned it out.
[Lestat] I am Lestat de Lioncourt. *nods*
[Padfoot] A pleasure. My sincerest apologies for my ever-talking comrade over there. *jerks a thumb at James*
[Prongs] Whoo, nifty name. My last name's Potter, an ancient and noble line of people who created crockery
[Padfoot] Also sometimes known as Pooter, but that's beside the point. *grin*
[Moony] *amused blink* Seconded. --And since we're doing last names, mine's Lupin.
[Prongs] *glowers*
[Padfoot] Black. Grand pureblood heritage. They can all go to pure-bloody hell. *^_^*
[Lestat] *shakes his head, laughing*
[Moony] *silent on his last name -- but mmm, chocolate* ...Anyone want some?
[Prongs] Me!
[Padfoot] Me!
[Moony] *breaks them off pieces*
[Padfoot] *bounces happily - is still shirtless, btw*
[Lestat] I'm not a big fan of chocolate, thank you. *smiles*
[Lestat] *eyes Sirius discreetly, rather appreciating what he sees*
[Prongs] *takes the larger bit and scoffs it*
[Prongs] *with a mouth only slightly full* How can you not like chocolate?
[Padfoot] *is a lovely 21-year-old. And in good shape. And cuddling his werewolf. ^^*
[Moony] *-Mine-*
[Lestat] I have... an allergy to it, I suppose you could say. *shrugs*
[Prongs] Ack, that must be terrible
[Moony] Pity. It's amazing stuff.
[Prongs] *nods*
[Lestat] There are better things to enjoy in life, though. *winks*
[Padfoot] *muses* I dunno, chocolate is pretty much equivalent to sex, though not -quite- as nice, and it tastes extremely yummy. And can be used for interesting... games. *like lick-the-chocolate-off-the-Moony, I'm sure.*
[Prongs] But you can combine them with chocolate *grins, he only recently discovered this*
[Padfoot] *heh*
[Moony] ....*facepalms* Sordid minds, the lot of you.
[Prongs] Which is why you fit in so well *smirks*
[Padfoot] *nuzzle*
[Padfoot] *whispers something about various "creative" uses for chocolate in Rem's ear*
[Prongs] *licks his fingers where the chocolate melted off*
[Moony] *not blushing, really*
[Prongs] *happily ignoring*
[Padfoot] *grins*
[Prongs] *on purpose, need it be added*
[Padfoot] *heh*
[Moony] *mild eyeroll* I'm going to bed. Don't plot -too- much while I'm gone, hm?
[Padfoot] We won't. I'll come with! *bounce*
[Prongs] Well, I spose I'd better get back to 'Lotte
[Prongs] *sighs*
[Padfoot] *hugs him* I need to meet her, you know.
[Prongs] You do *grins and hugs back* I'll bring her down next time, alright?
[Padfoot] *grins* Alright. See you around, Prongs.
[Prongs] See you!
[Prongs] Bye Moony!

sirius black, remus lupin, james potter

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