Darcy's Adventures in Narnia!

Jul 04, 2006 18:34

Darcy: Where were we?
Darcy: *turns to Georgiana* Whose child are you godmothering?
Georgiana: Cosette's.
Bingley: *is just ...bouncing. Yes. XD*
Cosette: Yes, mine.
Darcy: Ah. *disapproving frown*
Georgiana: *frowns a little, herself* Brother, Cosette i-is one of my dearest friends here.
Darcy: And I am glad for you having dear friends. *presses a kiss into her palm, smiling at her*
Georgiana: *smiles* AndohbythewayIhaveaboyfriend.
Cosette: --Dear friends who are married to barons. *apparently thinks this will make Darcy like her better*
Darcy: Comeagain?
Georgiana: Ohnothing.
Darcy: ...
Georgiana: I suppose th-there /is/ something else I sh-should...tell you.
Cosette: *sits primly and properly and not all all amusedly, though she's so amused inside*
Darcy: *cocks eyebrow* Oh?
Georgiana: *lifts her chin* I am being courted.
Darcy: *tenses* By whom?
Cosette: *observes!*
*** Bingley is now known as PeterP
PeterP: *speaking of being courted*
Georgiana: *fidgets a little* A young gentleman.
Cosette: Ah, M. Peter! Bonsoir!
Georgiana: *stiffens*
Darcy: *SCOWL*
PeterP: ...*blinks a bit* Hallo, Cosette. *grin* Georgie.
Darcy: *rises to his feet* *coldly* Sir.
Georgiana: *flinches and curtsies* Mr. Pevensie.
PeterP: *can, at least, be courtly -- and so, does his best kingly bow* Mr. Darcy.
Cosette: *curtsies, then sits back down to watch the Drama unfold in Laguna*
Darcy: *coldly to Georgie* This is the boy in question?
Georgiana: *very softly* Yes.
Darcy: *this is the WRATH OF DARCY at Peter, then* And you didn't see fit to ask her guardian for permission to court her?
PeterP: *isn't going to be nervous* --You weren't present, sir. *and he's drawing himself up -- actually, apparently, he's wearing his pretty Narnia king clothes!*
Georgiana: *puts her hands over her face*
Cosette: *feels bad for poor Peter*
Darcy: *mouth twitches with a hint of a smile beore it disappears--he's impressed by that kingly demeanor* I'm present now.
PeterP: *grins a bit* So you are. *with another bow* Well then, sir, might I have your permission to court Miss Georgiana?
Darcy: Georgiana. *turns to her, patting her hand* Please excuse us a few minutes. *shoots a glance at Cosette to let her know she's included in the dismissal*
Cosette: *rises and curtsies and goes off with Georgie*
Darcy: *sits back down* Have a seat. *watches him, calculating* You're quite young.
PeterP: *sits down, then* I'm nearly eighteen. *with a rather wry grin* Old enough to fight in the army, anyway.
Georgiana: *off somewhere else with Cosette* Oh dear. Oh, /dear/.
Cosette: --These things are always awkward, dear.
Cosette: I certainly hope he doesn't say no...
Darcy: I'm not interested in marrying my sister to a soldier. *not amused* You're far too young, in my opinion. How will you be able to support her?
PeterP: I'm not a soldier, sir. I'm an ex-king. I'm going to school in the fall -- *awkwardly, blushing a bit* I'm not sure what I shall become, though. Maybe a lawyer.
Georgiana: Th-that was -- that was /not/ how I planned it.
Darcy: I don't approve of lawyers. *frowns* They're dishonest. And I'm not impressed. Where will you live if you marry my sister? How will you support her?
Cosette: Things...well, they rarely go as planned.
PeterP: They are not, sir. --Not the ones I know, anyway. *pauses* I'd look for a job during school. We'd make it work.
Georgiana: *makes a Darcy Face (TM)* And if he murders Peter, I sh-shall /never/ forgive him.
Darcy: ... *rises* The answer is no.
Cosette: *pats her* He isn't going to murder him. Hopefully.
PeterP: ...*also rises* Sir, that's hardly fair. I love her.
Darcy: *isn't going to murder him, unless he finds Georgie's preggers or sommmat. will, however, be throwing him out on his fancy kingly bum*
Darcy: You cannot support a family off of love.
Darcy: As much as I wish my sister to make a marraige of love, I also wish her to be happy, not destitute, and I won't have her marrying a husband who must leech off of ME to support her.
PeterP: *raises an eyebrow* I'd forgotten to mention something, I think. I'm a king.
Darcy: ... *eyebrowz* excuse me?
PeterP: *grins* I'm a king. In Narnia, anyway.
Darcy: (Oh, yes, this is going to go over well. "I'M THE KING OF A MYTHICAL LAND. IT'S IN MY GRANDFATHER'S CLOSET.")
Darcy: Narnia. *btchplz*
Cosette: [Darcy: 8768576465465476547 Peter: 0]
PeterP: Yes. You can get there from here. *smiles* I go quite often.
Georgiana: Wh-what if he forbids it?
Cosette: I...he wouldn't! Would he?
Darcy: I'm free now. *expectantly*
PeterP: *headtilts* I'm not sure if adults can go there.
Darcy: ...
Georgiana: He very well could.
PeterP: 'S just, I've never seen any there. Well, I mean, I was one there -- but... *frankly, looking vaguely amused* I doubt you'd believe in it if I told you about it.
Darcy: ... *pulls a pocketwatch out of his pocket* I'm giving you two minutes before I take you under my arm and throw you out the door.
Cosette: Then, I think you ought to speak to him yourself. And perhaps tell him how you feel. That's a mistake I made.
Cosette: --I didn't do that, and I almost left France.
PeterP: *shrugs* We can always try. Come on. *leads the way to a closet*
Georgiana: I do not know i-if he would listen.
Darcy: ... *follows. is willing to give him a chance, because he instinctively likes the boy, which is rare enough.*
Cosette: I suppose you shall have to make him listen?
PeterP: *alright, then, opens the door and makes his way in, checking that Darcy's following*
Georgiana: Make the Master of Pemberley listen? *amusion*
Cosette: --No. Make your /brother/ listen.
Darcy: *follows him in*
Georgiana: *sighs*
Cosette: I know how awfully frightening it is, believe me.
PeterP: *alright, then -- POOFBANGNARNIA*
Darcy: *stumbles slightly as they arrive, startled* What... *looks around and behind himself in bafflement*
PeterP: *beams -- yay, it's Narnia*
Darcy: ... This is a very strange place.
PeterP: *and isn't looking smug. Really.* Come on, Cair Paravel's not too far.
Darcy: Cair Paravel?
PeterP: *laughs* S'pose you could call it my castle. Though it's really my siblings, too. *anyway, leads the way*
Darcy: I see. Narnia.
PeterP: Nice, isn't it?
Darcy: *almost smiles* Pleasant.

PeterP: *alright, then -- let's say they've arrived, and Peter stops and grins* Well, this is it.
Darcy: Impressive. *fights a grin*
PeterP: *amusion* Well, would you like to go in?
Darcy: Yes. I would.
Darcy: So your intentions with my sister do, of course, lead to marraige, correct?
PeterP: *leads him on in, then, smiling -- because -eeee-, it's Cair Paravel and it makes us happy* Eventually, yes. *blushes a bit*
Darcy: And would you live here?
PeterP: I s'pose so. My brother and sisters would be here too, of course.
Darcy: *nods* I see.
PeterP: *and so they're going to the throne room, I guess -- probably along the walls there are paintings of Peter and his family. XD*
Darcy: ... *amused by this* On the condition that you will have a proper chaperone at all times.
PeterP: *raises an eyebrow* And what would you consider proper?
Darcy: *slight smile* Mrs. Pontmercy will do.
PeterP: *grins* Alright, then.

cosette, georgiana darcy, darcy, peter pevensie, bingley

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