Dark Court Late Night Antics

Apr 18, 2006 20:13

Session Start (AbleNet:#desperatefans): Mon Apr 17 22:17:56 2006

Daemon: *look, it's a Warlord Prince thing*

Saetan: *walks in, looking around carefully*

Daemon: *stretches out on a couch and nods at Daddything*

Saetan: *nods, with a wry grin and heads that way to sit very gracefully in a nearby armchair* Do you insist on looking like a cat?

Daemon: *browarches, looking vaguely amused* I've been called feline before. I don't know if it's a compliment or an insult.

Saetan: It makes you seem.... insolent.
Saetan: *amused really*

Karla: *aaaaand the scratchcat*
Karla: Kiss kiss.

Daemon: *laughs* Insolent, -me-? Never.

Saetan: *looks up* Oh, it's you. *nods to her*

Daemon: 'Lo, Karla.

Saetan: Always.

Karla: *looks at Saetan oddly* Uncle Saetan, Daemon -is- insolent *grins*

Saetan: It doesn't mean he has to look it.

Karla: Why not? Jaenelle says...*shuts up*

Daemon: *smirks* Must be inherited.

Saetan: What does she say? *mildly*

Karla: ...That at least he knows how to slouch *grins sweetly, and it was totally not what she was about to say*

Daemon: *eyerolls*

Saetan: Sometimes I think you're all laughing at me.

Daemon: Maybe we are.

Karla: *all innocence (Ha!)* Now, why would I laugh at my favourite corpse? *puts an arm around his waist to hug him* Kiss kiss.

Saetan: *hugs her gently* So what have you all been up to these last few months? I a

Daemon: *awkward little half-shrug* I was away for a while, myself. When I got back, Jaenelle -- wasn't twelve anymore.

Karla: And they've only just gotten together *rolls eyes*

Saetan: No, she's not twelve. And lucky for you. Are you getting along well?

Karla: *stifles a comment about how well they're getting along*

Daemon: Yes. *smiles slightly*

Saetan: *intense look* Good. Did she consult with anyone about forming her Court?

Daemon: Lorn, I assume.

Karla: *nods*

Saetan: That would explain the Jewels.

Karla: Actually, not even Jaenelle knew those were coming.

Saetan: Lorn surprised her? She meant to have landens in the Court? *eyebrows up*

Karla: *shrugs* There aren't even Blood in this place. A Blood court needs a Queen and 12 males at the least. She's holding places for some she's certain will come, but she had to fill First Circle.

Daemon: *nods*

Saetan: Well, it looks like Lorn had his own ideas about Blood then.

Karla: *grins* From her comments - and the language used - it sounds as though Lorn decided that Witch would have a Blood court whether she liked it or not.

*** Lucivar has joined #desperatefans.

Daemon: *amusion* --The landens she picked, though -- they're strong enough to be Blood.
Daemon: ...*and thank the Darkness, it's a Prick*

Karla: Like calls to like, I suppose.

Lucivar: *enters*

Saetan: *nods to his -other- son*
Saetan: It seems to have worked out for the best, then.

Karla: *grins* Kiss kiss.

Daemon: 'Lo, Prick.

Lucivar: Well, this looks like a nice gathering.

Daemon: *drily* Oh, yes. Family bonding.

Lucivar: I can see. *looks from Daemon to Saetan*

Saetan: *shakes his head* We're just having a nice talk.

Karla: *grins* So, Uncle Saetan, how does it feel to be keeping this lot in line?

Saetan: Oh, I haven't had to do much of anything yet.

Daemon: I'm perfectly well-behaved.
Daemon: --Most of the time.

Lucivar: Like we believe that, Bastard.

Daemon: I'm as well behaved as you, Prick.
Daemon: --Probably more. I don't go around throwing people in ponds.

Lucivar: Well, it works, doesn't it?

Karla: *mutters something about men who wear tight pants*

Lucivar: *eyes Karla* You know, I have found a couple of good deep lakes here.

Saetan: *closes his eyes because covering his ears would be too obvious*

Karla: That's nice.
Karla: But that'd upset Uncle Saetan, wouldn't it? *grins at Saetan*

Daemon: Mother Night forbid we do -that-.

Saetan: Since when has that ever bothered any of you?

Daemon: Did I say it bothered me?

Lucivar: *to Saetan* *My sincerest sympathies, Father. If there's anyone I can dump in a lake for you, you need only ask*

Karla: *laughs*

Saetan: I know it doesn't bother Karla.

Karla: Where on earth would you get that impression?

Saetan: *to Lucivar* *I'm not bothered. It's like coming home*
Saetan: I remember your first letter to me. You revel in bother -me-.

Lucivar: *Welcome home, then* *steps behind him to clap him on the shoulder*

Karla: *mutters* I was being polite.

Saetan: *smiles over his shoulder at Lucivar*
Saetan: I recall... well, no use to use such a vulgar phrase in company.

Daemon: *stretches out on a couch and listens*

Karla: *cackles* That was one of my more inspired moments.
Karla: Don't you think?

Saetan: *drily* It got my attention.

Lucivar: *to Daemon* *Want to come for a walk?*

Karla: Well, that was the point.
Karla: Imagine what would have happened if I'd never written that letter!

Daemon: *Please. I need to get out of here.*

Lucivar: Excuse us. *pulls Daemon to his feet* Come on, Bastard.

Saetan: We were all doing our best.

Saetan: *frowns slightly at his sons* Goodnight, then.

Lucivar: *arrogant smile* We'll be back.

Daemon: *to ..the gardens? Somewhere private?*

Lucivar: *gives Daemon a piercing look* *If you like*

Karla: *wicked grin at Saetan* You have me all to yourself, then.

Saetan: I hope you don't die of excitement.

*** Lucivar has left #desperatefans.

Karla: Well, I don't know. I just might.

Saetan: So do you know many of the new court, Karla?

Karla: *grins* I've met a few of them. Some of the landens are pricklier than the Blood.

*** Alistair has joined #desperatefans.

Alistair: *quietly enters, with a book*

Saetan: They can be.
Saetan: *nods to Alistair*

Karla: *grins when sees Alistair* Not this one, though.

Alistair: *smiles slightly* Were you talking about me?

Saetan: I just am trying to play catch up. I don't really know any of the landens except one, in a vague sense.

Karla: *grins* Just telling the Steward here what he's gotten himself into.
Karla: Have I introduced myself yet? I'm Karla. *offers her hand with a grin*

Alistair: *takes her hand, and shakes* No, you haven't. I assume you already /know/ who I am!

Saetan: *stands and offers his hand* I'm Saetan.

Karla: Jaenelle's mentioned you.

Alistair: *takes Saetan's hand* I'm Alistair, if you didn't already know.
Alistair: She has? I hope not in a horrible way?

Saetan: I missed most of the names. *small smile*

Karla: *wicked grin* Well, you know how Jaenelle is.

Alistair: Enthusiastic?

Karla: *laughs*

Saetan: *tries not to laugh*

Alistair: Well, she is!
Alistair: And other things, as well, but she's so very...perky. Frequently.

Saetan: That's good to hear.

Karla: Has she tried to give you one of her tonics yet?

Alistair: Yes, last night. Mike was sneezing all over, so she made us all drink it--me, and Mike, and Beth--and it was, um, interesting.

Saetan: *smiles* They are.

Alistair: It worked, though.
Alistair: I haven't sneezed all day!

Saetan: You probably won't for at least a week.

Alistair: They're that effective?

Karla: Only a week? She's slipping then.

Saetan: I doubt she would have made it as strong.

Karla: *raises an eyebrow* I don't think she knows the word 'dilute'

Saetan: You may be right.

Daemon: *look, it's a re-entering Daemon*

Alistair: No, she doesn't, judging from the taste of that--*realizes he may have said the wrong thing*

*** Lucivar has joined #desperatefans.

Lucivar: *and a re-entering Prick*
Lucivar: I told you we'd be back.

Saetan: Welcome back.
Saetan: She has a reputation for -strong- potions, Alistair.

Daemon: *reflops on a couch*

Karla: *grins* So the solution to that? Never look peaky around Jaenelle.

Alistair: In that case, I know exactly who to point her to.

Karla: *pokes tongue out*

Lucivar: *nods to Alistair*

Daemon: *glances at Allie* Warlord.

Saetan: *watches Alistair for his reaction*

Alistair: *belatedly realizes Daemon means him* Yes?

Daemon: *vague amusion* --It was a greeting, Warlord.

Lucivar: *to Alistair, with amused sympathy* Wine or whiskey?

Alistair: Whatever you're having. I'm not going to be picky.

Lucivar: *calls in whiskey and a glass for Alistair*

Alistair: I still am amazed when you do that.
Alistair: And thank you...

Karla: You should be able to do it, too.
Karla: Want me to teach you? *innocent, helpful smile*

Saetan: *smiles at that but keeps quiet*

Daemon: .....*to Allie, on a male to male thread* *Say no, if you value your sanity.*

Lucivar: That's okay, Karla. One of us would be happy to teach him.

Alistair: *If you say so.* I'm more used to Lucivar here, honestly.

Karla: *raises an eyebrow and looks from one to the other* Oh, reeeeeeeeally? Does Marian know?

Lucivar: *facepalm*

Saetan: We are talking about Craft lessons aren't we?

Daemon: If Marian knew, he wouldn't be here, dear.

Karla: I must have a chat with her, then....*grins*

Lucivar: *to Saetan* *She's being obscene. As usual*

Alistair: *sighs* Yes, we were speaking of Craft lessons.

Saetan: *to Lucivar* *I gathered that.*
Saetan: Wouldn't it be more practical to see if... *chooses his words carefully* any of the new court wanted lessons at the same time?

Daemon: It would be, I suppose.

Karla: *cackles* Great, so

Saetan: Better that than random, don't you think?

Lucivar: Well, I'll have to get everyone together for weapons training, so we can do it all at once.

Alistair: Did I just hear you say what I thought you did?

Daemon: . . . .Prick. Weapons and Craft at the same time? Are you insane?

Saetan: *amused*

Karla: *cheerily* Well, of course he is.

Alistair: I need weapons training?

Lucivar: ...Actually, Bastard, you're right.
Lucivar: *to Alistair* I'm getting the First Circle together to see where everyone's at. I'm Master of the Guard and will not have everyone fall in a heap when push comes to shove.

Alistair: *smiles, sheepishly* Rather out of practice, in my case. And I assume you aren't talking about phasers.

Daemon: --Right about the insanity bit? I thought so.

Lucivar: *gives Daemon a Look*

Alistair: Oh, and watch out for Hermione. *laughs*

Daemon: *smirks*

Lucivar: I'll be seeing what's right for each person. For example, Marian's first weapon was the skillet.

Karla: Why're we watching out for Hermione?

Saetan: *listening as he did want to learn about the new people*

Alistair: She has a bad temper and she likes weapons. She reminds me of my former CO in that way, except much shorter.

Lucivar: *drily* She should be a pleasure to teach, then. Can't be any worse than Surreal.

Alistair: I didn't say she didn't take instruction well. *grins*

Daemon: *snerks*

Karla: Well, none of the rest of the coven does *grins*

Alistair: *sternly* Well, I /do/.

Saetan: Lucivar, when do you propose to have your 'practice'?

Karla: *amused* And darling, that's why you're not coven. Besides, you've got balls. That makes you one of the boyos.

Daemon: Undoubtedly at an ungodly hour in the morning.

Lucivar: *rolls eyes* Bastard, it's sunrise. It's perfectly reasonable.

Saetan: Tomorrow?

Daemon: Only for you and Jaenelle, Prick.

Lucivar: Tomorrow, yes.
Lucivar: Well, I won't hesitate to wake you up if you need the assistance.

Daemon: I'm sure you won't.

Saetan: Do try to let people know early enough that they can get to bed at a decent time. I understand there is a ball tonight.

Alistair: Karla, sometimes I wonder about that. *grins*

Karla: Well, I can always check for you.

Alistair: Good luck.

Saetan: [*dies*]

Karla: Kiss kiss

Daemon: *drily* At least you haven't tried to dance with me yet, Warlord.

Alistair: *shakes head* No, my fiance would probably be jealous of that!

Lucivar: Well, I'll allow half an hour for the new Blood. But the rest of you I'll expect to see at dawn.

Karla: Ooohhhh, a fiance?

Alistair: Yes, although I think I've irritated him to the point of no return.
Alistair: I can wake up early too, you know. The Navy rather trains us to do that.

Lucivar: *arrogant smile* Well, then. You'll have no excuse either, Warlord.

Alistair: I'll be there dim and early, sir.

Karla: *laughs* I like him. He has sass.

Daemon: You would, Karla.

Alistair: *to Daemon* *I hope that doesn't mean anything bad about me!*

Daemon: *amusion* *No. Coming from her it's a compliment.*

Karla: Cat got your tongue, Uncle Saetan?

Saetan: I just like listening...

Alistair: A wise man!

Lucivar: *mutters* Especially in this company.

Saetan: Have you any warnings to give about the others?

Karla: Has anyone else met this gryphon I've heard about?

Alistair: Gryphon? No, I don't think so.

Saetan: A gryphon?

Alistair: Warnings...well, Armand needs a bit of work on his fighting technique, and I'm wondering how Elizabeth will handle this...

Lucivar: She's your Queen, isn't she?

Karla: I think it's like a type of kindred. Jaenelle mentioned him. Says he's a Warlord Prince.

Alistair: Yes

Daemon: *stands, sighing* As fun as this reunion's been, I've got to go.

Saetan: *smiles* It was good to see you again.

Alistair: Good night, Daemon. Tell Jaenelle hello, and I'll be delighted to see you both tomorrow.

Lucivar: I'll walk you home, Bastard.
Lucivar: See you all in the morning. *nods to them*

Karla: *to Saetan* You can tell he's never been through one of Lucivar's practice sessions, can't you?

Saetan: Goodnight, Lucivar...
Saetan: There's a first time for everyone.

Karla: And it's got to be their first time if they're delighted at the thought *grins at Alistair*

Alistair: *laughs* I'm no stranger to hard work.
Alistair: *waves happily* Good night, Lucivar!

Daemon: Goodnight, you all.

Lucivar: *exits with Daemon*

Karla: *gets up with a grin* Anyway, it's been fun, but I have places to go, people to do. Kiss kiss.

*** Lucivar has left #desperatefans.

Saetan: Goodnight...

*** Daemon has signed off IRC (Quit: AbleNET IRC (Link: http://www.AbleNET.org/)http://www.AbleNET.org/).

Saetan: I should go too.

Karla: *waves to them both and out*

*** Karla has signed off IRC (Quit).

Saetan: *stands and nods to Alistair* Goodnight, Warlord.

Alistair: Good night.

Saetan: I recommend a good night's sleep.
Saetan: *goes*

Session Close (#desperatefans): Tue Apr 18 00:21:16 2006

saetan, karla, lucivar, alistair, daemon sadi

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