Just in time for Easter-

Apr 16, 2006 10:47

Oh, the chaos. Zaknafein is turned into a bunny, and nearly given away to squeeing women folk, but is saved by the puppy, and then is, of course, obscenely cute with Jarlaxle.

* Zaknafein has joined #desperatefans
[Zaknafein] *strides in, but keeps along the wall, because wow, there's a lot of people here*
[Enyo] *waves at the only person she really knows here, namely Zak* Hi!
[Zaknafein] ... *very cautiously* ...hello.
[Enyo] *grins* How're you?
[Zaknafein] ...well enough.
[Enyo] You don't look happy to see me, sugar.
[Zaknafein] ...last time I saw you I spent a good week much younger than my wont.
[Enyo] ... and?
[Enyo] Did you not like returning to second childhood?
[Zaknafein] It was not particularly pleasant.
[Enyo] Poor kid.
[Enyo] Want something else?
[Zaknafein] ...something else?
[Enyo] You don't like childhood. Feel like being female for a week?
[Zaknafein] ...already was.
[Enyo] ... Damn.
[Enyo] Hmm. How about something entirely new? And in keeping with the season? *POOF!--*
[Zaknafein] *OMFS*
* Zaknafein is now known as BunnyZak
* Maitimo has joined #desperatefans
[Enyo] *and there should be a little black bunny with a pink-and-white polka-dotted ribbon around its neck where Zak used to be, yes. XD*
[Enyo] Awwwww, fluffy. *picks the bunny up*
[BunnyZak] *-- if bunnies can growl, he will be doing it*
[Enyo] *set phasers to BunnyCuddling*
[LilyCraven] [Lucivar: I'll still be expecting you to turn up to training, Zak]
[BunnyZak] *AUGH* *attempts to claw/squirm his way out*
[Enyo] Awwww, cuddly widdle fluffball. *^_^*
[Enyo] *stands on the table and holds the bunny up to the room at large* EXCUSE ME. EVERYONE?
[BunnyZak] [[Zak: ...will do. And I'll gnaw through all the straps in your armor.]]
[Dinin] *going to wander in RIGHT NOW*
[LilyCraven] *blinks at the rude woman on the table*
[LilyCraven] ...A rabbit?
[Dinin] *blinks* ...What is it?
[Enyo] Why not?
[LilyCraven] How sweet!
[Enyo] It's a rabbit. *^_^*
[Dinin] .. *looks at it* It looks.. vicious. Sort of. *likes that*
[LilyCraven] Does she have a name?
[Cosette] *eeee bunny!*
[Cosette] Oh, it's /darling/!
[BunnyZak] ... *glares at the womenfolk*
[Enyo] Yes, yes, he does. *grins* This is Zaknafein.
[BunnyZak] *haaaaaaaaaaaaaate*
[Dinin] ..........................................
[LilyCraven] *smiles at Cosette* Absolutely precious!
[Cosette] --That's a rather odd name for a bunny. Might you rename it?
[LilyCraven] How about Cuddles?
[Cosette] Fluffy!
[Enyo] I suppose I could, if I wanted. How about -- Yes, Cuddles is a good name. *grins* So is Fluffy.
[Cosette] Cuddly Fluff!
[Dinin] *ew, women*
[Enyo] Cuddly Fluff!
[LilyCraven] *laughs* I like that.
[BunnyZak] *lays his ears back and bares his teeth*
[LilyCraven] Awww, he's smiling! How sweet.
[TeenageMoony] That doesn't look like a very happy bunny.
[Enyo] *taps at his teeth with her finger, then pets him behind the ears* Cute little thing.
[Dinin] *to the womenfolk* He's clearly evil. You won't like him.
[LilyCraven] Evil? Of course not. He's darling.
[TeenageMoony] ...In fact, he could be a killer rabbit.
[Cosette] Oh, I wouldn't call him evil! Look how sweet he is!
[BunnyZak] *will go ninja rabbit on your arses, dammit*
[Enyo] A killer rabbit? There's no such thing.
[LilyCraven] A killer rabbit? Now, don't speak such rubbish.
[Enyo] It's not a bad idea, though...
[Dinin] Evil. *looks at Enyo* Can I-- hold him?
[TeenageMoony] It's not rubbish!
[TeenageMoony] It could bite your head off.
[Dinin] *look, Zak, is coming to your rescue!*
[Enyo] Sure. Why not? *holds BunnyZak out*
[LilyCraven] How could such a darling little thing ever hurt anyone?
[TeenageMoony] Because it's eeeeevil.
[Enyo] -- Wait. *stops and tosses him to Dinin*
[Cosette] Oh, it isn't /evil/.
[BunnyZak] *never been more thankful to see Dini-AUGHNOFLYING*
[Dinin] ...*catches?*
[TeenageMoony] It looks evil to me.
[LilyCraven] A sweet little bunny rabbit could never be evil.
[Enyo] See? It's not a killer bunny, or it would have bit him.
[Dinin] ...Hi, Zaknafein.
[Cosette] No. It most certainly could not!
[BunnyZak] *look of 'keep me from the women or I'm eating your brains'*
[Dinin] Only I am safe from his evil ninja powers. Therefore, he must stay with me.
[LilyCraven] ...Ninja?
[Haynes] . . . Bunnies can be evil. *Monty Python, what?*
[TeenageMoony] See? It's an evil ninja rabbit.
[TeenageMoony] *grins at Haynes*
[Enyo] ... If it's an evil ninja rabbit I want it back.
[Enyo] I can train it for my evil rabbit army.
[Haynes] *grins weakly*
[LilyCraven] I think the poor darling's just misunderstood. May I hold him, please?
[Dinin] He'll be mutinous.
[Enyo] All the better!
[Dinin] *to Lily, in all seriousness* I'm afraid not. He'll eat you.
[TeenageMoony] I wonder if he'd beat an evil pirate rabbit?
[BunnyZak] ... *hunkers down in Dinin's arms and looks /menacing, damn it./ ...ignore that he's adorable*
[Dinin] *...protects Zak. Which is odd*
[Cosette] Bunnies don't eat people.
[LilyCraven] Oh, he wouldn't do that. Look at him.
[TeenageMoony] They do!
[TeenageMoony] I've seen it.
[Haynes] It's happened before. *nodnod*
[LilyCraven] *thinks Moony is a very strange boy*
[Cosette] He would have to be exceptionally large, then.
[TeenageMoony] *is a very strange boy*
[LilyCraven] Or the person would have to be exceptionally small.
[Enyo] *saunters over to Moony* I like the way you think, kid.
[TeenageMoony] No.
[Dinin] No. He'll chop you into very tiny pieces first, and eat you bit by bit.
[LilyCraven] Like...a fairy!
[Cosette] Oh, yes. That too!
[TeenageMoony] He can leap and bite your head off.
[Enyo] *grins*
[LilyCraven] Oh dear. I hope bunnies don't eat fairies.
[Dinin] He can take your throat out without even looking. *this is true!*
[Cosette] Really, you all must take us for terribly silly to believe such things.
[BunnyZak] *glowers over Dinin's arm*
[TeenageMoony] No. They're true! Really.
[Haynes] There's film footage to prove it. *totally serious*
[TeenageMoony] Exactly!
[TeenageMoony] Killer rabbits can defeat knights. King Arthur's knights.
[Cosette] There is one of those film things of /bunnies/ eating /people/?
[LilyCraven] Certainly. Evil ninja rabbits indeed! But what of those poor fairies? Do you suppose they need protecting?
[Cosette] If they are magic, I suppose they can protect themselves.
[Dinin] Yes! That's why I'll keep him safely away from all the fairies. Never fear.
[TeenageMoony] *to Cosette* Of course.
[LilyCraven] But they are very small.
[Dinin] *going to slink away to a couch, as Zak needs to be kept away from the evil womenfolk*
[TeenageMoony] *to Lily* As for fairies, miss, they're annoying little buggers.
[LilyCraven] No, they're beautiful! Why, I had fairies in my garden.
[TeenageMoony] They may be pretty, it doesn't make them not annoying.
[LilyCraven] *furrows brow* But I've never thought them at all annoying.
[BunnyZak] ... *hiding. against. Dinin.* *...this is very odd. but.*
[TeenageMoony] Nggh. When you have a class with them and they won't stop biting you, you'll figure it out.
[LilyCraven] *blinks* ..... *strange child* What's your name?
[TeenageMoony] Remus Lupin.
[LilyCraven] *curtsies a little, because is polite, even if he's odd* I'm Lily Craven.
[Dinin] *absently scratches Zak's ears* Should I even ask?
[BunnyZak] *...is...going to look a lot more pitiful and unhappy than he would like. because /dammit/, this day is just /not good/*
[LilyCraven] *to Dinin* Would he like a carrot? I've just been picking vegetables.
[Dinin] *resists. urge. to snuggle. the bunny. dammit*
[Dinin] I don't know. --Would you?
[BunnyZak] *'...it'll make me turn blue or something.'* *shakes head vigorously*
[Dinin] *orange, more likely* No, I don't think he's hungry.
[LilyCraven] Oh. Well, I suppose I should leave you be, then... May I pat him first?
[Dinin] He might kill you. He doesn't like pats.
[LilyCraven] Oh.
[LilyCraven] Well, goodbye.
[BunnyZak] *...thank you, Dinin*
* Jarlaxle has joined #desperatefans
[Jarlaxle] *shines brighter then the brighest star in the 'verse*
[Dinin] *exists onna couch* *with Cuddly Fluff Zak*
[BunnyZak] *... *makes list of people who need to die** *...sees Jarl and starts to squirm*
[Jarlaxle] *beams at Dinin* Found a new friend have you?
[Dinin] *notices the shiny, and notices the squirming* ...Not exactly.
[Dinin] *lets go of Zak, before he goes all evil ninja on his arse*
[BunnyZak] *is going to hop off the couch and scurry over to Jarl, because if he's going to be cuddled and humiliated any more, it's going to be by Jarl, damn it*
[Dinin] *wasn't cuddling. Really. ]_]*
[Jarlaxle] *raises an eyebrow* Not exactly? *is somehow compelled to pick up the cuddly bunny*
[BunnyZak] *going to hide his face in the crook of Jarl's elbow, because life sucks, currently*
[Dinin] No. *feels compelled to explain* ...That's Zaknafein.
[Jarlaxle] ... That's /Zak/!?!
[Dinin] ...Yeah.
[Jarlaxle] *very calmly* 'Who am I going to have to cut?'
[BunnyZak] *head butts him a bit, as doesn't want Jarl to go be stupid at a goddess*
[Dinin] 'It was a goddess, I think.'
[Jarlaxle] *well, damn* 'Wonderful.' *flops on the couch next to Dinin and gives Bunny!Zak scritchings*
[BunnyZak] *not sure whether to enjoy the skritches or just feel more humiliated*
[Jarlaxle] 'Any ideas on how to get him back?'
[Dinin] 'These things seem to wear off soon... but some deity /might/ be willing.'
[Dinin] *if one can convey doubt with one's fingers, is doing it*
[BunnyZak] *bares teeth at the mention of dieties*
[Jarlaxle] *pets Zak soothingly*
[BunnyZak] *doesn't really relax, but burrows back against Jarl's stomach - which might tickle, if he's still wearing that cut-off shirt of his*
[Jarlaxle] *and has to giggle for lo, apparently he is ticklish*
[BunnyZak] *peers up at him, and look! A spark of amusion*
[Jarlaxle] 'Now, what are you grinning about?'
[BunnyZak] ... *nuzzles his head against Jarl's stomach again*
[Jarlaxle] *and giggles again*
[BunnyZak] *^__^*
[Jarlaxle] *is sekritly slain by bunny cuteness*
[BunnyZak] *is not cute, dammit. is vicious*
[Maitimo] *with evil ninja powers!!*
[BunnyZak] *apparently going to settle on Jarlaxle's hip and curl up there*
[Jarlaxle] *pats Zak fondly*
[Jarlaxle] 'We shall have to do some rearranging tonight.'
[BunnyZak] *opens an eye to look up at him questioningly*
[Maitimo] [[Dinin: *'s mind went Bad Places, just then*]]
[Jarlaxle] [[Jarl: *will cut Dinin*]]
[Maitimo] [[Dinin: *said nothing!*]]
[Maitimo] [[Dinin: *didn't even squee!*]]
[BunnyZak] [[Jarl can smell your thoughts! ]:\]]
[Jarlaxle] 'The puppy and I will need to trade watches.'
[BunnyZak] *...blinks, and then shakes his head*
[Jarlaxle] 'Yes, Zak. He has to grow up sometime.'
[Maitimo] [[Dinin: *will be a real boy!! ^____^*]]
[BunnyZak] *scowls, as much as he can get the bunny visage to, and rather puffs up*
[Andy] ...No, I haven't run into any magicians that I know of. And what does pulling a rabbit out of a hat have to do with anything?
[BunnyZak] *...will kill anyone who tries to pull him out of a hat, for the record. Or even put him in one*
[Maitimo] [[Even Jarl's hat?]]
[Jarlaxle] *fails at hiding his amusion* 'Think of it as a well-deserved rest, my friend.'
[BunnyZak] *bunny!glare, and shakes his head again*
[Jarlaxle] *scritches Bunny!Zak*
[BunnyZak] ... *bares teeth at*
[Jarlaxle] 'Don't be cranky or no treats for you.'
[BunnyZak] *nips at Jarl's belt, as its the nearest thing*
[Jarlaxle] 'Don't force me to take drastic measures.'
[BunnyZak] *gives him a, 'just what do you think you're going to do, punk?' look*
[Jarlaxle] *picks Zak up and blows raspberries in his cute little bunny tummy*
[BunnyZak] *makes a suprised squealing sound*
[BunnyZak] *which apparently is accompanied by trying to curl up on himself, even while in the air*
[Jarlaxle] *grins and sets Zak down on his chest* 'You were warned.'
[BunnyZak] *glares. and nearly pouts, but he has too much dignity*
[Jarlaxle] *sekritly nuzzles Zak's nose*
[BunnyZak] *pretends to be offended. ...but sekkritly nuzzles back when no one's looking*
[Jarlaxle] *is going to be cute at Bunny!Zak despite what he says*
[BunnyZak] *is reacting reasonably. not cutely. honest.*

lily craven, zaknafein, crack log, dinin, cosette, remus lupin, enyo, jarlaxle

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