(no subject)

Jan 11, 2006 12:17

This is two logs composited as the action was forced to move to a private room. Bertie was dead. Armand asked DEATH bring him back. So Bertie came back. We have no idea why his corpse was at the mansion. Perhaps we should write a letter to Dr. Jekyll explaining.

Sorry, MS Word says it was 18 pages edited.

Session Start (AbleNet:#desperatefans): Tue Jan 10 20:34:24 2006

Armand: *poor corpse of Bertie*

CorpseofBertie: *can’t explain its presence*

Armand: *has been outside looking for DEATH?* *and now back?*

CorpseofBertie: *goes from being a stiff as a board, lifeless lump of death, to a wide awake living breathing person again in a shockingly short time*

*** CorpseofBertie is now known as Bertie.

Armand: *stares* oh dear, that was quick

Armand: *creeps closer* Bertie?

Bertie: *blinks*
Bertie: *looks up at Armand, not quite registering just yet* *blinks again*

Armand: *kneels*

Bertie: *dim light bulb turns on* ...Justy, old chap... what ho, there *small smile, too much energy to make a larger one*

Armand: Do you need something? Anything? *bites lip*
Armand: I wrote you a letter.

Bertie: *sort of listless, as he tries to stand up, leaning against Armand for support* I could do with some breakfast, I suppose...

Armand: *helps Bertie up* I can cook you something... breakfast you want?

Bertie: *nods* I’m sorry, chap, I haven’t gotten your letter. Ill certainly read it when I do *rubs his chest with the arm that isn’t wrapped around Armand's shoulders* *puzzled look* I say, how long have I been sleeping?

Armand: A few days. Do you remember what happened?

Bertie: I was trying dreadfully hard not to let that happen. Gave it the old college what ho... Failed miserably, I’m afraid.
Armand: Yes. Look, let's go to the kitchen. I can cook you something, and we can talk. It's not your fault, Bertie.

Bertie: *rubs the side of his head and hopes Armand is helping him to the kitchen*

Armand: *oh yes* *though stops in surprise at seeing Lily and Lupin* Pardon me...

Moony: *waves at Armand*
Moony: You're not intruding on anything.

Armand: Is there room to make some eggs and toast? *looks anxiously at Bertie* And tea?

Moony: Of course. *moves his bowl over*

Armand: *helps Bertie to the table to sit?*

LilyPotter: *smiles at Armand* Hello. Would you like some tea?

Bertie: *collapses into the chair, thank you very much Armand for the help. Wouldn’t have gotten quite this far without it*
Bertie: *shivers and sinks down as low as he can get* My limbs feel all stiff. What on earth have I been doing?

Armand: *goes to get things ready* Tea would wonderful. Bertie, do you want tea?

Bertie: *nods* Tea, yes please

Armand: *stops and just looks sadly at Bertie* You've been dead. *goes back to looking for eggs*

LilyPotter: *makes tea, then* *magically, as is tired from her trip*

Armand: *yay tea!*

Bertie: I eh, uh wah? WHA? *classic Bertie "WTH?" look*

Armand: *which is why Armand is looking for eggs* *finds them though* *sighs* Yes.

LilyPotter: *and look, tea's ready, so pours, bringing the milk and sugar over for anyone who wants*

Armand: *scrambles eggs because it's the only way he knows how to cook them* *bites lip*

Bertie: *reaches for the sugar and accidentally knocks the sugar bowl over* *embarrassed look* Numb fingers

Armand: *flinches*

Armand: *puts some bread into the toasterthingie* *puts the eggs into a buttered pan*
Armand: *looks back at Bertie*

Bertie: *wiggles his fingers a bit, then shakes his hand out* *tries to clean up the mess*

Armand: *pours himself a cup of tea but goes back to the stove to watch the eggs*

LilyPotter: *smiles at Bertie apologetically* Sorry, I'm tired. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lily Potter.

Armand: I'm sorry. Mme. Potter, M. Lupin, this is Bertram Wooster. *really wishes he could hide IN the stove*

Moony: *smiles at Bertie* Pleased to meet you!

LilyPotter: Lovely to meet you!

Bertie: Pleased, certainly both of you. Now, chap... care to repeat that? I've been dead? Deceased? Dearly departed and under the sod DEAD? I didn’t think that was at all possible

Armand: *finally eggs are done* *puts them on a plate* *butters and adds the toast* *puts plate in front of Bertie* *with a fork!* Yes, dead. Cold as the grave. Bloodily so. I killed you.

LilyPotter: Oh, don't worry. I'm dead, too.
LilyPotter: *blinks at Armand* Why on earth did you do that?

Armand: *sighs* It's along story.

Moony: I'm not. Not yet, at least.

LilyPotter: Don't go changing that for our sake, Remus.

Armand: *face in hands* Bertie?

Bertie: *looks like he’s been slapped*
Bertie: *face down, pokes at the eggs with the fork*
Bertie: *makes circles around his plate*

Armand: *sits next to Bertie* Bertie, talk to me, please?

Bertie: *still picking at the eggs, but not eating* About what?

Armand: Whatever you're thinking...

Bertie: I’m not thinking anything *pushes a bit of egg across his plate again* *puts down the fork and picks up a piece of toast, starting to shred the bread slightly*

Armand: I'm sorry, Bertie. It wasn't you I wanted to kill.

Bertie: *sets the bread down and looks pale and green around the gills simultaneously* Sorry chap, I think I've lost my appetite

*** Chris has joined #desperatefans.

Chris: *to the kitchen, for cocoa!*
Chris: *-- eep, it's a personwholookslikeDarcy!*

Bertie: *looks up*

Chris: *bites his lip nervously*

Armand: *stands up* Chris, it's Bertie. Not Darcy.
Armand: *to Bertie* Please, eat.

Bertie: *deep breath, let it go...*
Bertie: *back to pushing eggs around his plate*

Chris: *deep breath here as well* Oh... forgive me, Bertie.

Armand: *utterly miserable* *would run hide but is NOT leaving Chris alone with Bertie*

Bertie: *mutters, hangdog expression* Quite alright, chap. Nothing to forgive

Chris: *hugs Armand tightly* And hello to you, love.

Armand: *hugs Chris* I want to be anywhere but here right now.

Chris: I... I'm sorry.

Armand: *kisses Chris's cheek*
Armand: *sits back down by Bertie* Please eat? Eggs are nasty cold.

Chris: Would anyone else want cocoa?

Armand: I have some tea already, thank you, love.

Chris: And you, Bertie?

LilyPotter: *drinks tea* *with honey*

Bertie: *isn’t particularly interested in anything right now*

Chris: *will just make cocoa for himself then*

Armand: *kneels again by Bertie's chair* Bertie...

Bertie: *sighs* What? What do you want? *puts the fork down*

Chris: *awkwardcocoasip*

Armand: I want you to eat. I want you to be alright. I want you to get home safely and take a bath and put on clean clothes and sleep in your own bed. I want you either to forgive me or tell me to go to hell.

Chris: *winces a bit*

Armand: I want you to talk to Dr. Jekyll.

Bertie: *scoffs* You want me to get control of Darcy. You want me to try harder, is that it? I have been. I've been trying damned hard to keep him quiet, why the bloody hell do you think I left so suddenly and for so long? Or did anyone care to notice?

Chris: *quietly* Helena did. She was worried about you, Bertie.

Armand: I cared. I just had problems of my own. *sits completely on the floor then with his head bowed*

Bertie: Was that before or after I got my neck filleted open like a kipper?

Chris: *winces*

Armand: I couldn't stop that!

Bertie: Perhaps you couldn’t, perhaps it doesn’t matter

Armand: It does matter. I'm sorry, Bertie.

Bertie: However. If Bertram is not welcome, than Bertram shall not stay, far be it from a Wooster to be an inconvenience, let alone a danger. Exile does not bother me *stands to make a grand exit, but legs can’t quite support him yet*

Armand: *scrambles up* Bertie... I didn't say that...

Chris: Bertie don't go!

Bertie: *stumbles back onto the chair, clutching at the back for balance*

Chris: *puts an arm around Bertie's waist to help steady him*

Armand: If you want to go home, we'll take you.

Bertie: No, no, no. I’m quite alright, just leave me alone and... and pretend I’m not here. I’m sure that will suit all of us QUITE nicely

Armand: *flinches*

Bertie: Until I can get around to actually not BEING here, that is
Bertie: I’m afraid it might take me some time

Chris: I'm sorry, Bertie...

Armand: Bertie... please... if I didn't want you around, I wouldn't have asked DEATH to bring you back.

Armand: Bertie, can you tell me what's wrong?

Bertie: Well, obviously not. I've been dead, remember? Cold as the grave, bloodily so. And further more, I’m a bit too stupid to remember much before that so I’m sure you remember why you killed me more than I do
Bertie: I didn’t even know you HAD killed me
Bertie: Oh no! Wait. Let me guess
Bertie: I screwed up again
Bertie: That must be it
Bertie: When is that not it?

Armand: Not you, Bertie.

Bertie: Never a day goes by when Jeeves doesn’t shake his head at me, marveled by the complexities of a lackwit's brain. So why not me
Bertie: Ill tell you what I did, old chap, I know right well what I did
Bertie: I lost control of him again

Armand: *looks desperately at Chris* I suppose you could say that, Bertie, but it's not your fault.

Chris: Bertie, even Dr. Jekyll can't control Hyde.

Armand: You're not a lackwit. You're an amazingly sweet and kind person.
Armand: I've missed you.

Bertie: Well I thought you missed me too, until today

Armand: *stricken* What did I do?

Bertie: Maybe you could tell me what I did to deserve being treated so coldly

Armand: Coldly? *winces*

Bertie: Oh, right, that was Darcy that did the thing, not me. What did he do by the way? I can’t remember anything he does

Chris: *pales*

Armand: *looks up at Chris* *bites lip*

Chris: He... *bites his lip*
Chris: *shakes his head and can't say it*

Armand: He raped Christopher. And then cut him up badly.

Chris: *clutches his mug of cocoa tighter*

Armand: *gets up to hug Chris*

Chris: *accepts the hug, but otherwise doesn't move*

Bertie: *looks a little paler himself* Oh, God...

Chris: *quietly* I'm fine.

Bertie: *covers his mouth with his hand, looking horrified*

Armand: It's not YOUR fault, Bertie.
Armand: Bertie, please eat. I'm sorry I seemed cold. I'm upset with myself.
Armand: *as gentle a voice as he can manage* Do you need help?

Bertie: No, it’s not... He’s... he’s very pleased with himself... and he wants me to know it *looks almost traumatized*

Chris: *shudders*

Armand: *very torn*

Bertie: *screams and doubles up on himself, clutching his head* MAKE IT STOP! MAKE HIM GO AWAY!

Armand: Chris, this isn't good...

Chris: *moves to Bertie and hugs him tightly* It's ok, it's ok.

Chris: You'll be alright.

Armand: *goes to tug Chris away*

Bertie: AAAAGGGHHHHehehehehe! *toolate*

*** Bertie is now known as DarcyJones.

DarcyJones: *grabs Chris by the throat*

Chris: *-- flailchoke*

Moony: *is in the kitchen, so -- -blinks- at Darcy and Chris*

Armand: *freezes a second*

DarcyJones: *pulls him around to look at him face to face* *whispers* Miss me, pretty boy?

LilyPotter: *and grins at Remus* James and I decided the other week -- *stares at Darcy and gets her wand out*

Moony: *and pulls out his wand and stalks up to Darcy* Let him go.

Armand: Let him go! *grabs the frying pan*

LilyPotter: *stupefies Darcy*

Armand: *yay wizards?*

Snape: *walks into the kitchen and... stops at the doorway*

Armand: Chris!

Chris: *rubs at his neck* He promised...

Armand: *hugs Chris* Promised what?

DarcyJones: *eyes roll up into his head and he collapses like a sack of potatoes*

*** DarcyJones is now known as Bertie.

Bertie: *falls to the floor, crying and shaking*

Chris: He promised if I did what he asked he wouldn't hurt me or the ones I love. *shudders as Darcy -- or Bertie, rather -- falls*

LilyPotter: *blinks at the change, wand still out*

Bertie: *hyperventilating, shaking and basically a nervous wreck*

Armand: I probably cancelled that agreement, love. What are we going to do? Bertie will never get better if this keeps happening.

Armand: *looks down at him guiltily*

Moony: *Oh look, a Snape at the door*
Moony: 'Lo, Severus.

Chris: *kneels beside Bertie* The poor man...

LilyPotter: *a what? looks around* Hello, Severus.

Snape: *nods* Lupin. Lily.

Bertie: *FLINCHES at closeness* DONT TOUCH ME! Stay away please, stay away from me

Armand: *still standing but right behind Chris* How can we help you then?

Chris: *bites his lip and doesn't touch him, but doesn't move away*

Bertie: *crawls backwards into the corner* Don’t let him hurt you again, for Godsake, don’t get near me

Armand: What about me, Bertie? May I touch you?
Armand: *kneels closer to Bertie* You need help. And we're it.

Bertie: *quiet* Nobody can help me *shudders*

Armand: *takes Bertie's hand, forcibly if necessary* Let's get you somewhere you can rest.

Bertie: *forcibly then* NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!
Bertie: *tries to back away from him*

Chris: Bertie, we just want to help you

Moony: *blinks at drama and leans against a counter*

Armand: *pleadingly* Calm down, Bertie.
Armand: Bertie, you need to rest, and I don't know if you can walk on your own. *tries to help him up*

Bertie: *cries, terribly frightened* Don’t let him hurt you... please don’t let me hurt you

Chris: We won't, we won't.

Armand: I'll do everything I can. We both will. Just lean on me, and we'll find you a bed.

Bertie: *leans on Armand*

Armand: *leads or whatever Bertie through the main room to the hallway to find an empty room* Chris, could you get any doors?

Chris: Yes, of course

Session Close (#desperatefans): Tue Jan 10 23:16:45 2006

Session Start (AbleNet:#df-emptyroom): Tue Jan 10 23:11:05 2006

Armand: *finds an empty room with a bed, la! ?*

Chris: *is helpful by opening doors*

Bertie: *pale, sweating and shivery by the time they get there*

Armand: *helps Bertie to the bed*

Bertie: *stumbles half way*
Bertie: *is picked up and carried to the bed and tucked in* *catches Chris' sleeve* Wh-wh-when y-y-you leave... l-l-lock the d-d-door...

Chris: *helps tuck him in ^_^*

Armand: *bites lip* Lock you in?

Chris: I don't think that's safe.

Armand: *sits on the edge of the bed* We're not your jailers.
Armand: *worried* *goes to get water for Bertie from the adjoining bathroom then*

Chris: *sits on the bed and gently strokes Bertie's hair*

Bertie: *too sick to argue much* *weak and quiet* please?

Chris: We're not going to lock you in.

Armand: *comes back with water* If you're this weak, surely he can't get up and about either. I brought you some water. I wish you'd been able to eat.

Bertie: AAGH! *thrashes, hides under the covers*

Chris: Bertie!

Armand: *drops the glass*

Bertie: *trembling like a leaf and crying out in pain*
Bertie: *under the covers*

Chris: It's ok, it's ok...

Armand: Bertie... *worried* *tugs at the covers*

Bertie: *eyes turning terribly bloodshot, grayish green colored* cant..... losing.... please...

Armand: *steps back* Chris... move. Now.

Chris: *pales and moves away from the bed, hesitantly* But...

*** Bertie is now known as DarcyJones.

DarcyJones: *rolls his eyes* God, he’s a stubborn ass, ain’t he?

Chris: *moving away /further/ now*

Armand: *reaches for Chris's hand* Let's get out of here.

DarcyJones: *grins* Why don’t you stay? Its nice and cozy in here *snarly grin*

Armand: We'd rather not. M. Wooster needs his rest.

Chris: You /promised/ me. *trembling, speaking quietly*

DarcyJones: Mr. Wooster and I have been resting quite well the last couple of days, monsieur, thanks to you
DarcyJones: *fond look* My lovely little slut, I did. You’re right. But then HE *casual wave at Armand* went and killed me
DarcyJones: Now that’s not entirely fair, is it?

Chris: Don't call me that. *closes his eyes*

Armand: Don't call him that!
Armand: *tries to pull Chris toward the door*

DarcyJones: Slut, whore, man of loose virtue... That last doesn’t work too well... usually its the women that put out like candy

Armand: Shut up!

Chris: I only did what you said to protect my loved ones. Nothing more. I hated every moment of it.

DarcyJones: *bunches up and springs off the bed like a panther, body slamming one of the two into said door*
[23:40] DarcyJones: *hits Chris like a ton of bricks, slamming him first into the wall, then onto the floor*

Chris: *cries out in pain as he hits the floor*

Armand: *springs at Darcy, trying to pull him away from Chris*

DarcyJones: *grabs Armand and swings him around as he stands, hurling him at a side table*

Chris: *just sort of crumpled on the floor*

Armand: *curls into a ball and hits table* *cries out a bit as it DOES hurt* *oh look table pieces to use as weapons*

DarcyJones: *goes to pull out his wicked long knife but cant find it* Damn it... *looks up at Armand with a feral gleam in his eyes*
DarcyJones: *grabs Chris by the hair and bodily lifts him half way off the floor* I wouldn’t, sir. I might slip in the excitement and break his neck. You wouldn’t want that

Chris: *struggles to get away from him* Letmego -- !

Armand: *gets to knees, brandishing a bit of table leg* *pales* Just let him go. We just want out of the room.
Armand: *thank Eru Armand isn't in elven robes today*

DarcyJones: Well, that’s where we have issues. I don’t particularly want you to leave
DarcyJones: *pouts* Id be so lonely

Armand: I doubt that. *gets very cautiously to this feet*

Chris: *tries to pull away* Please just let us go.

DarcyJones: What will you give me in return?

Armand: I just gave you back your life, isn't that enough?

DarcyJones: You also took it, fair bargain

Armand: Let Chris go.
Armand: *quietly* I'll stay. Just let him go.

DarcyJones: Really?

Chris: Armand, no! Don't do that. Please.

DarcyJones: *looks Armand up and down, considering*

Chris: Armand, don't you dare.

Armand: Chris, I can't let him hurt you again.
Armand: Darcy, do you know who my father is?

DarcyJones: *tries to remember*

Armand: Feanaro. Anyone who hurts his family answers to him. Do you really want that?

Chris: Besides, you promised me, Darcy.

DarcyJones: *is about to say something, when is smacked in the back with the door and goes sprawling*

*** SweeneyTodd has joined #df-emptyroom.

SweeneyTodd: *pokes his head in*

Chris: *goes with him, since is being held by the hair*

SweeneyTodd: I’m so.... *freezes*

Armand: *jumps forward to try to pull Chris out of the mess*

SweeneyTodd: -YOU-! *GLARE OF DEATH*

Chris: *scrambles out of the way*

DarcyJones: *struggles to his feet, shaking his head*

SweeneyTodd: *across the room in half a second, grabbing Darcy and hurling him against a wall hard enough to make the plaster shake off the ceiling*

Armand: *reaches for Chris's hand to keep them both out of the way*

DarcyJones: *gasps in pain, snarls and shoves a switchblade into Sweeney's hand*

Chris: *moves close to Armand, out of the way* Sweeney!

SweeneyTodd: Agh! *drops him and backs away*

DarcyJones: *brushes his clothes off and pulls another knife out* Lets try that again, shall we?

Armand: Dammit, he's armed.
Armand: *looks for the table leg again*

SweeneyTodd: *pulls the knife out of his hand, grimacing, then drops it and pulls his razor blade out of his pocket and flicks it open*

DarcyJones: *leaps at Sweeney, slashing down with the knife*

SweeneyTodd: *grabs his arm, mid-downswing, and pulls him off balance slashing him down the back as he falls*

DarcyJones: *falls to his knees, face twisted with pain and complete rage*

SweeneyTodd: *grabs Darcy by the collar and flings him at the wall again*
SweeneyTodd: *drops his razor and grabs the mans neck, choking him*

DarcyJones: *gasps for breath, flailing*
DarcyJones: *reaches a hand into his coat*

Chris: Sweeney! Stop! Bertie -- ! *can't speak in coherent sentences apparently*

Armand: *can't look at that*

SweeneyTodd: *looks over at Chris*

DarcyJones: *fires the gun he has pressed point blank to Sweeney's chest*
DarcyJones: *BANG*

Chris: NO!

Armand: *looks up at the gunshot* Oh no!

SweeneyTodd: *looks frankly startled, but hasn’t loosened his grip at all*

DarcyJones: *eyes roll up into his head and he passes out*

*** DarcyJones is now known as Bertie.

Bertie: *falls to the floor when Sweeney lets go*

SweeneyTodd: *steps backwards until he hits the bed and sits down*

Chris: *rushes forward towards Sweeney*
Chris: OhGodohGodohGod...

SweeneyTodd: *looks up at him* Cant... remember why I was looking for you

Armand: *frozen I'm afraid*
Armand: *goes over to Sweeney* Ben, you saved us.

Chris: He shot you...

Armand: *anxious glance down at Bertie*

SweeneyTodd: What? Oh... right... *looks down at his formerly white shirt* I wasn’t expecting that

Bertie: *moans quietly and starts moving*

Armand: We need a doctor. *faintly*

SweeneyTodd: *leans sideways until he can lay down*
SweeneyTodd: Or a towel... making a mess

Chris: Quickly, too. Armand will you run to get a doctor for them? I'll watch them.

Armand: I'll try...

Chris: Please, go fast.

Armand: *leaves*

SweeneyTodd: Hard to clean blood out of the floor.

Chris: *grabs a towel and presses it to Sweeney's chest* Well we won't worry about that now, will we?*

Chris: *keeps an eye on Bertie as well*

SweeneyTodd: *half smile* Love you dad... don’t know... the first thing about cleaning, though...

Chris: I'm a good little housewife, I cook and clean. *tries to smile back*

SweeneyTodd: *eyes close*

*** Bast has joined #df-emptyroom.

Chris: Nonono, stay with me. Sweeney, open your eyes and look at me.

Armand: *runs back in, breathless* I found Lady Bast...

SweeneyTodd: *bleeding out from a gunshot wound to the chest*

Chris: Please, please open your eyes Sweeney.

Bast: *enters, not at all breathless, and kneels over Sweeney, starting the healing* What happened?

Bertie: *laying unconscious in a bloody mess on the ground*
Bertie: *but not nearly quite as critical*

Armand: *kneels by Bertie* Darcy shot him. With a gun.

Bast: *frowns and works on removing the bullet from the wound so it can heal properly*

Armand: *looks down at Bertie* Bertie, old fellow, are you in there? *touches his forehead gingerly*

Bertie: *moans, moves his head*

Armand: *strokes his hair* Bertie! Come back to us.

Bast: *heals the wound, giving him energy and strength as she does*

Bertie: *opens his eyes* Armand? *starts trembling* tried... tried to stop him... *hands up in a pleading gesture, until it pulls at the razor slash on his back* oohhhwww..

Armand: Don't move. I know you tried.

Bast: *head whips over to Bertie as she finishes Sweeney's wound* What happened to you?

Armand: His back is slashed. Razor blade. *strokes Bertie's hair*

Bertie: *shaking* I don’t know... *leans against Armand* I don’t remember... I just... lost him. I tried

Armand: And he was dead until a few hours ago.
Armand: Bertie... Shhh... we'll take care of you. Just hang onto yourself, okay?

Chris: We know you tried. It's sometimes impossible to fight.

Armand: *leans down and kisses Bertie's forehead*

Bertie: *nods and leans even harder against Armand* *sets his jaw and puts the Wooster foot forward, getting a grip on himself despite the continued trembles*

Bast: *moves to Bertie and starts healing him*

SweeneyTodd: *opens his eyes* Chris?

Armand: *holds Bertie, trying not to cry*

SweeneyTodd: *sits up and looks around*

Chris: I'm here, it's alright.

Bast: *subtly reassures Armand as she does*

Chris: *watching Bertie nervously*

Bast: *manages to get all healed and healthy again*

Bertie: *healed and healthy yay!*

Armand: Bertie, you'll be alright. We're here for you. You're stronger than he is.

Bast: He?

Chris: *shakes his head at Bast* Nevermind...

Armand: I don't know how to explain.

Bast: Is it anything I might be able to help with?

Chris: No, only Dr. Jekyll can help.

Bertie: His name is Darcy

Chris: Bertie, it's alright, you don't have to...

Armand: Bertie, relax... *looks up at Sweeney*

Bast: *puts a hand to Bertie's forehead*

Bertie: *looks up at her with a lost puppy dog expression

Bast: *takes her hand away* I've given you more strength. Whatever your demon is, you'll be more equipped to face him. If there's anything else I can do... *shrugs*

Bertie: *happy tears* Thank you

Armand: Thank you, Lady Bast...

Chris: Thank you so much, for helping both our friends.

Bertie: *not much more he can say to that, its such a wonderful thing. Words fail*

Bast: *gives him a hug and gets to her feet, brushing herself off* Anything else I can do for you, boys?

Armand: Will Bertie be able to sleep now?

Bast: I don't see any reason why not.

Bertie: *gets to his feet* Sleep sounds wonderful

Armand: *gets up too, to steady him* Clean sheets... maybe I should just go to the plothole... *wearily*

Chris: I could go, if you wanted me to.

Armand: We need sheets, a shirt for Ben... *looks at the mess on the floor* a mop and bucket... and do you need anything Bertie?

Bast: If that's all, then... *blows a kiss to each of them and disappears*

*** Bast has left #df-emptyroom.

SweeneyTodd: *shakes his head and hops off the bed* I need to get a new shirt. Ill be back with the rest *leaves, before arguing*

Armand: She's really amazing.

Chris: She is, yes.

Bertie: *presses his palms to his forehead* Good Lord, she is! The pressures gone! My head doesn’t hurt anymore
Bertie: *has been MONTHS since he’s been without Darcy pressing in on him*

Armand: That's something then. Maybe you can rest properly for a bit.

Chris: *kisses Bertie's cheek* Good.

Armand: *wearily starts stripping the sheets etc. from the bed* *mops up some of the water with the sheets*

Bertie: *face falls as he realizes why Sweeney looked familiar*

Chris: *starts carefully cleaning up the glass*

Bertie: Umm... That... man that was just here. I don’t... know him, do I?

Armand: *bites lip when he gets back from dumping the wad of soaked linen into a laundry basket* Well... he's a barber.

Bertie: He’s not the one that tried to kill me, is he?

Armand: *nods sadly*

Chris: *bites his lip* He's reformed?

Bertie: Reformed? I see

Armand: He's trying.

Chris: Much better now, really.

Bertie: Was he just trying to kill me again?

Armand: He was defending us against Darcy.

Bertie: Alright... I guess

Bertie: *doesn’t have much time to think about this as... *

SweeneyTodd: *returns with linens and things*

Armand: Let me have the sheets, please... *smiles at Sweeney*

SweeneyTodd: Ta da! Fresh and clean *smiles and hands Armand the sheets*

Armand: *makes up the bed*
Armand: Bertie, you should rest while you can.

Chris: Do you want one of us to stay with you?

Bertie: Yes, I think I will *oddlooks Sweeney* *takes off his coat and tie and waistcoat and shoes and crawls onto the bed* Only if you want to

Armand: *looks worriedly at Chris* I could stay.

Bertie: *crawls under the sheets and is asleep*

SweeneyTodd: *sighs and rubs the back of his neck* I think I’m going to go lay down too

Armand: *nods to Sweeney* Goodnight, Ben. Thank you.

Chris: *takes a deep breath* Alright. I think we should all sleep.

SweeneyTodd: Goodnight Armand, Goodnight Chris *hugs them both*

Chris: *kisses Sweeney's cheek* Sleep well.

SweeneyTodd: *somber look as he heads out the door* I hadn’t realised how much Id changed

Armand: *curious* Changed?

SweeneyTodd: A few months ago, being shot wouldn’t have mattered much... It scared me today

SweeneyTodd: I don’t have nothing to lose any more

Armand: We don't want to lose you.

Chris: I'm just glad you're still alive.

SweeneyTodd: Me too *means that shockingly enough* I am too
SweeneyTodd: *smiles* Its a bit of a change

SweeneyTodd: Goodnight

*** SweeneyTodd has left #df-emptyroom.

Chris: We should sleep too, love.

Armand: *looks sadly at Bertie* You're right. *takes Chris's hand* I was so scared of losing you.

Chris: I'm fine now.

Armand: *kisses Chris's cheek* *but then lets go to tuck blankets around Bertie and kisses his cheek* You fought well, Bertie.

Armand: *goes back to Chris* Let's go to bed, dear.

Chris: Mm, yes.

Armand: *leaves and shuts the door behind them?*
Armand: *coz though I have no time to write it, Armand intends to make love to Chris again, coz he's been scared*

Session Close (#df-emptyroom): Wed Jan 11 01:12:02 2006

lily potter, bast, bertie wooster, remus lupin, armand, chris wren, sweeney todd

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